Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts

Fall Back into Your Space

Misplacing keys in your home is arguably one of the most frustrating things to experience.  What would make it worst is losing your keys…on a Monday.  This was my reality about two weeks ago when I could not find my keys in my bedroom.  After about 5 minutes of spinning in circles and checking underneath the same pile of work documents, the rage set in.  I went into a violent fit of cleaning and cleansing my room.  The funny thing is, I found my keys within 15 minutes of shuffling things around and clearing space.  However, I knew from the moment I decided to grab a trash bag, this wasn’t about the keys. 

I felt betrayed and I wanted revenge.  Since working from home, I allowed my work-life and traumas of society spill over into my sacred space.  I needed my space and peace back.  By the end of the cleaning storm, I ended up removing an entire wardrobe and its contents from the room.  There were clothes I hadn’t seen or worn for almost a year.  I even realized that the position of the furniture contributed to my discomfort.  

While being limited in space for the foreseeable future, it is important that we nurture our personal spaces to evolve with us.  After that moment where I broke, I realized how cleaning becomes a spiritual process in adulthood.  I now understand the necessity of waking early on a Saturday blasting Anita Baker to get the house in order. This month, I wanted to provide you with some tips to help you do the same in your own space.


Organization can be the one thing that makes or breaks a space.  As we welcome the Fall season, now is a perfect time to reorganize your space to be comforting for you during the coming winter months. 

- As you’re buying new clothes, donate the old ones to a local consignment retailer or charity  

- Check all your jackets, coats, boats, and accessories to see what needs to be cleaned or adjusted

- Organize up, not out.  The goal is to increase your space, not box you in more 

- Dust/Clean out ventilation

- Buy new pillows

- Clean out the kitchen drawers

- Clean your oven. It’s not clean unless half your body is hanging out the door, and your left should reaches the back right burner. Don’t debate it. It’s science.


How many times have you changed light bulbs since being home? I can honestly say that before I used this time to reorganize, I had not. Fall means shorter days and less natural lighting, so this season, the lights in your home will be seeing significantly more use than they have in the past.  To begin this project, start with high traffic areas in your home. Communal areas, bathrooms, and bedroom lighting should all be exchanged for more efficient bulbs. As we transition into the holiday season, your kitchen is going to be getting a lot more use.  Switch out the bulbs and don’t forget about the refrigerator, freezer, and overhead lights about the stove. 

While you’re choosing your lights, keep in mind that the lighting indoors is artificial. There’s evidence that this change in natural light exposure can affect your mood. A way to combat this is to vary the type of lighting in your home spaces to mimic natural light.  Use this time to experiment with different light temperatures, dimmers, lamps, string lights, and lanterns.

Image by Jason Leung

Image by Jason Leung


My favorite part about fall cleaning and organizing is finally being able to enjoy the best scents of the year.  No, I am not referring to pumpkin spice, but rather some amazing scents that will make you never allow that outside your kitchen again.  Here is a brief list of some of my favorite Fall scents you can enjoy in your home too this season.


  • Oak Moss

  • Lavender

  • Honey

  • Geranium


  • Orange

  • Fig

  • Plum


  • Ylang Ylang

  • Golden Frankincense

  • Tobacco

  • Fir

  • Leather

As time goes on and the seasons change, occasionally examining your space can help reduce your stress and anxiety.  If you find yourself becoming frustrated with your space, don’t be afraid to get angry.  Use the energy to reorganize and fall back into your space this month.

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Always Fresh. Never Frozen

Always Fresh. Never Frozen

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It’s a hot summer afternoon. You go into your pantry looking for food. You can’t find a snack no problem! Looking for something sweet. With this new snack I am willing to share it will savor your taste buds for the time being. In 1964, 100,000 French ranchers blended their territorial dairy cooperatives to sell broadly. In 1965, two co-agents, "Yola" and “ Coplait” , combined , turning out to be “Yoplait” They decided to branch out from Yoplait into Oui is roused by our customary French formula, which is as yet sold in France today. General Mills collaborated with Yoplait in 1977, and bought a dominant part stake of Yoplait in 2011. Right up 'til the present time, Yoplait keeps on having tasks in France just as numerous different nations all around. This new treat from Oui By Yoplait is a Dairy Free Yogurt is contains a smooth white cream with the hit of flavor of coconut. It comes in there signature glass jar with 4 new delicious choices which are mango, raspberry, strawberry and vanilla. This new food is great if you are lactose intolerant and will make a great summer snack or quick breakfast meal. You can find this new treat online or at your local grocery store.

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Photo Credits: Oui By Yoplait

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Let's Talk Trends: Health Trends

Social media can be a great place to gather information, and learn tips and tricks. Making sure that information is accurate and safe is a different task.

As quarantine shuttered everything throughout the country, people were left with only themselves to rely on for their health needs. No gyms, no restaurants, and grocery store wipeouts, caused people to turn to social media for different, innovative ways to meet their fitness and health needs.

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One of the most popular apps used to get this information? TikTok. In short videos of 60 seconds or less users could find fun new workouts, easy recipes, and tips and tricks to staying healthy while in your house. But an excess of information does not mean correct information! TikTok users are not required to have any sort of credentials for the type of content they will be informing users on – so many of the health information is coming from someone unqualified in any form of health education.

TikTok’s platform has a unique set of viewers, as many are in a much younger demographic than other social media. Typical viewers on TikTok can range from 8 years old to 25 years old, making a large portion of their users extremely susceptible to misleading information. “Diet Hacks”, “How to Lose Weight Fast”, and other seemingly easy ways to “promote” a healthy lifestyle, are actually promoting eating disorders to many of our youth. Many of us are already aware of the body image issues that social media can cause. Constantly having a feed of seemingly “perfect” people can make one extremely insecure about themselves. But giving others ideas on unrealistic and impractical ways to “achieve” these goals, are leading many down an unhealthy path.

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One of the many promoted is intermittent fasting. The idea of intermittent fasting is to restrict your daily eating to a certain time frame, so you are typically not eating late at night or early in the morning. Many have taken this idea to the extreme and promote only eating once a day. Everyone needs energy and the idea of eating one meal a day or less is unsustainable and irrational. For a developing child especially, nutrient intake and a sustainable diet are so important. However, many on social media platforms idealize this type of fast, encouraging many to use it as the secret to fast weight loss.

Along with eating restrictions, “miracle” foods are a hot topic on social media. Low calorie, tasty snacks and supplements are the top hack for many influencers. When looking at the ingredient breakdown on many of these “miracle” foods however, it seems you are typically trading off calories for chemicals.

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Jackie Aina Announces New Candle Brand, Forvr Mood

Jackie is known for stunning make and fashion choices, as well as being the queen of meme. For years now she has been making sure out makeup bags are in check and now Jackie is coming for our homes!

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After sharing a very vague post on her Twitter captioned “something is coming” it’s fair for all of us to assume that our fave Jackie Aina was coming out with something popping. Of course, our minds would go straight to the beauty industry considering her collabs with Too Faced, Artist Couture, Elf, and Anastasia Beverly Hills. But no! She switched the game up on all of us!

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Jackie Aina is dropping a candle collection! After years of getting our makeup bags in check, she is checking for our homes. Jackie is known for her “black women in luxury” aesthetic. Never shying away from being “extra” or dramatic when it comes to her outfit, hair, or makeup choices. She has been one of my favorite YouTube makeup artists and influencers because she is not afraid of expressing her opinions on problems in the beauty industry. She advocates for the visibility of people of color in the beauty industry, specifically dark skin people. In her past collaborations with beauty companies, her objective was to make certain her products work with a large range of skin complexions.

Report: Lauren Tucker

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MelatoninPower. BeautySleep. SleepMatters.

At this time, neurochemical cleansing of the brain occurs, the transfer of memories to long-term memory, detoxification of the body, and activation of immunity.

Why sleep is universal medicine Can you remember the last time you woke up without an alarm - refreshed and energized? If you happened to get enough sleep only on vacation, you are not alone. According to neurobiologist Matthew Walker, two-thirds of the adult population of all developed countries of the world live in conditions of sleep deficit. Modern scientists warn: the lack of obvious negative consequences of lack of sleep does not mean that it is safe for our health. Sleep is not time spent aimlessly, but a vital respite for the whole organism. At this time, neurochemical cleansing of the brain occurs, the transfer of memories to long-term memory, detoxification of the body, and activation of immunity.

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Even our cognitive abilities are in direct proportion to the amount of sleep: after a sleepless night, the ability to memorize information drops by 40%. Researchers have also found that women who regularly sleep less than seven hours have an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.

The hormone melatonin is responsible for the regulation of daily biorhythms in our bodies. The amount of light affects the production of the hormone. This is why in summer when daylight hours are longer, we get enough sleep faster than in winter. The maximum concentration of melatonin occurs between midnight and 5 am. In addition to regulating sleep, melatonin has a wide range of physiological functions. This hormone is primarily known as a powerful antioxidant. By binding the most toxic free radicals, it protects DNA, proteins, and lipids from damage and prevents early cell aging. So a healthy 8-hour sleep is no less effective anti-aging procedure than visiting a beautician. And most importantly - completely free!

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Poetry in a Time of Isolation and Panic

In difficult times, art and poetry have been a tether that keeps us bound together. It helps us remember our humanity and our connections.

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Right now, we are stuck at home trying to find ways to fill the ever passing hours. The outside world feels as though it is changing at an alarming pace into some kind of untouchable realm beyond anything we could have ever predicted. In times like this, it is too easy to feel isolated and lost within your head– it can be an incredibly lonely feeling.

In difficult times, art and poetry have been a tether that keeps us bound together. It helps us remember our humanity and our connections. Wartime poets recorded the horrors they lived through. Harlem Renaissance poets immortalized the suffering of black bodies through the written word. Female poets have pressed their assaults and wounds into the inked pages of journals. Poetry serves to tell the truth for those alive now and for those who live in the future.

Catharsis can be found in words. The links below are sites with extensive poetic resources; listening to live readings, learning about the lives of past poets, and potentially finding inspiration to write your poems can help pass the time spent in lockdown. Through art, we can find other voices out there that echo our own.

Where to read and listen to poetry online:









Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Modelo Crab Beignets

Add this to your summer menu!

Crab Beignets

Filling Ingredients

8oz Lump Crab Meat

4oz Jumbo Crab Meat

4oz Special Crab Meat

5 oz Mascarpone cheese

3 Garlic cloves

2 Tbsp Chives

1 tsp Sea salt

1 tsp Freshly ground Black Pepper

1 tsp Dry Yellow Mustard


Filling Instructions

Pick crab meat for any shell.  Place all ingredients into a bowl and gently fold until well incorporated. Cover and chill for at least 3-4 hours.


Batter Ingredients

1 ½ C All Purpose Flour

1 ½ tsp Sea Salt

1 12oz Modelo Negra lager 

1 ½ Tbsp Baking powder

¼ C Cornstarch

Mix all ingredients together and set aside.  Roll filling into golf ball sized rounds and drop into batter.  Gently spoon batter over crab ball to make sure it is evenly coated. Gently spoon beignets into 3 inches of  375°F oil in a cast iron skillet. Fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes, occasionally turning so that they are fried evenly. Serve hot with fresh squeezed lemon and sweet chili sauce.

Recipes: Senior Editor, David Robert

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Wine & Grill?

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun?


The summer and all of its splendor is well underway, despite the CoVid-19 pandemic. As cases surge again, people are finding creative ways to entertain themselves. However, in the midst of tik toks, zoom happy hours and roomba races (seriously, what the heck is even that?) there’s one pastime that has remained a constant for generations….grilling. 

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun? Alas, if breathing in the fresh corona air really isn’t your thing, don’t fret. Target and other super stores make it easy to enjoy this activity from inside of your home with their stove top grill products.  

So, what’s another word synonymous with grilling? Beer. The beverage king for grilling has always been beer. With its varying styles & crispness it is no wonder that beer would help set the mood for the perfect summer cookout. But, what if I could guarantee a beverage that was equally--if not more--enjoyable? 


Wines fare greatly with common foods found on the grill. Whether you are grilling some chicken, barbequing ribs or skewering shrimp, there is a wine for every option. The same way you are allowed to eat chicken and head back for skewers is the same way you are not confined to drink one type of wine. Now, before you recoil at the thought of switching from a white wine to a red or vice versa, let me make something very clear. The act of switching between wines will not cause you to get drunk. You being too zesty will cause you to get drunk. Take it slow and keep the zest low. 

With that being said, take a look at the below pairings between commonly grilled foods and types of wines. When your dad can’t stop raving about how enjoyable his turkey burger was paired with that glass of pinot noir, remember, you read it here first. 

Report: Senior Lifestyle Editor, Damali Richie

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Lifestyle David Roberts Lifestyle David Roberts

Spicy Blackberry and Plum Sauce

This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.


One of the benefits of the summer is that a lot of sweet fruit is in season.  I often run into the problem of figuring out what to do with delicate produce like berries and plums before they can go bad.  This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.  Its simple to make but the combination of flavors and spices took smoked chicken wings to an entirely different level.


 6 Ripe Cherry Plums or Any plum of your choice

5 Blackberries 

5 sprigs of fresh thyme 

5 cloves garlic

5 pimento seeds (allspice berries)

2 bay leaves

1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 

1c dark brown sugar 

1 cinnamon stick 

1 anise seed

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 tsp red pepper flakes  

1 tsp of Texas Pete Original Dust dry seasoning

Just a teeny bit more than a cup of water 

2/3 c Apple cider vinegar 

3 dashes of soy sauce 



For this recipe, I used cherry plums and it yields a about a cup of and a half of sauce.  I found the plums on sale at a local grocery store and have never tried them.  Outside of this recipe, I like them because the sweetness of the flesh was the same as very ripe, regular-sized plum, however it was firm as if it had just ripened.  After cleaning your produce, cut around the core; you do not want the firm bitter flesh that surrounds the pit in your sauce. 

Place all the ingredients into a medium-sized saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Be sure to stir occasionally so that the sugar fully dissolves and doesn’t burn at the bottom. Reduce to medium-low and cover.  Let the sauce simmer for about 1 hour.  Cool and place into a mason jar or an airtight container to use as a condiment.


Use this sauce on your favorite style of wings.  I used it on smoked chicken wings and it has now become one of my favorite wing flavors.  I would highly recommend trying it on wings fresh out of the air fryer or on grilled wings. Please let us know how this recipe comes out for you and feel free to put your own spin on it! Try different berry and spice combinations to create your own plum sauce flavors.

Report: Senior Editor, David Roberts

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How To Dramatically Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life?

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How much better would the world be if everyone focused on reducing their carbon footprint? Don’t worry about other people, what if we all focused on ourselves and our habits and lowered our carbon footprints? You don’t have to be an environmental expert to realize the world would be in a much better place. 

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life? It’s easy to believe that this is an outrageously difficult thing to do and you have to live off the grid on your own self sustaining farm. Realistically, it’s very simple, and you only need to follow a few steps:

Try to recycle as much as possible

Reusing things and recycling packaging is the easiest way to drastically lower your carbon footprint. When you buy something, check to see if the packaging can be recycled once you’ve used the product. You’ll be amazed at how many things can actually be recycled these days. Not only that, but there’s almost always a recyclable alternative to something that can’t be recycled. Even drums of fuel have an alternative in fuel in a box that has recyclable packaging. Minimize the amount of waste you produce, and you will minimize your negative impact on the environment. 

Use your car less

Stop using your car for every single journey you take. Walk places, get a bike and cycle, then keep your car for essential journeys. We’re talking long-distance journeys or instances where walking or cycling aren’t possible. Even if you don’t drive for one day a week, that adds up! Gradually decrease your driving time, and you lower the carbon emissions put into the atmosphere. It’s really not that hard - or you could trade in our current car for an electric one. Granted, this is a more dramatic change, but it will 100% be worth it in the long run.

Be more energy-conscious

Be honest, do you think about your energy usage? Do you ever look at your house and consider whether or not you’re wasting energy? Most of you probably don’t think about it, but you should. That’s not a criticism, it’s just a fact. We always leave appliances on or do little things that mean we use more energy than required. During the winter, if you close your windows and put on some thick clothing, you can afford to keep your heating off for longer or put it at a lower temperature. In the summer, you can open your windows wide to let fresh air in, negating the need for your air-con to be on. Make subtle changes to your energy habits - like turning lights off - and you will see an instant change. Start today, then check your energy bill next month. The difference between it and your previous bills will be staggering. 

In conclusion, reducing your carbon footprint is hardly a challenge. All you have to do is reduce waste and recycle more, cut down on your driving time, and be more energy-efficient. Three very simple changes that make you a greener person. 

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The Sweet and Salty Salad That Should Be At Every BBQ!

In need of a refreshing summer salad? I’ve got just the thing. This easy and delicious watermelon prosciutto salad is exactly what you need to take that summer barbecue to the next level.

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In need of a refreshing summer salad? I’ve got just the thing. This easy and delicious watermelon prosciutto salad is exactly what you need to take that summer barbecue to the next level. With watermelon being in its prime season, it’s only right to use it as much as possible.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 Package of Baby Arugula

Fresh Watermelon

1/2lb Prosciutto di Parma Thinly Sliced (You’ll definitely have leftovers!)

Shredded Parmigiano Reggiano

Balsamic Glaze


1 Lemon


Side Note:

This salad can be paired with any melon, but the refreshing appeal from the watermelon is my favorite part about this recipe!

How to Make it:

Take the full package of baby arugula, and throw it in a bowl. Squeeze half a lemon, throw a pinch of salt, and a teaspoon of EVOO to gently coat the arugula. Now, toss it!

Take the watermelon and cut it into bit size cubes/chunks. In your favorite bowl lay the arugula down, and as much as prosciutto as wanted! Once the watermelon and prosciutto are added, add a quick layer of balsamic glaze and garnish with parmigiano reggiano. That’s it!

It seriously can’t get much easier than this, and trust me it’ll be a crowd favorite. The sweet taste from the watermelon being paired with the saltiness from the prosciutto is too good to be true. Just take my word for it!

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Photo Credits: Kaitlin Gallagher

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

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How To Take the Next Steps In Your Career

Everyone reaches a stage in their career where they feel its time to do more. As easy or as enjoyable as your current role is, motivated and ambitious people aren’t satisfied merely with staying in the same place for the rest of their professional life.


Everyone reaches a stage in their career where they feel its time to do more. As easy or as enjoyable as your current role is, motivated and ambitious people aren’t satisfied merely with staying in the same place for the rest of their professional life. They want more. But it’s tricky to work out what that next step could be, and it’s even more challenging to figure out how to take it. 

Ask For More Responsibility

If you know you want to stay in your industry, then asking to take on more responsibility will start you on your path towards a more satisfying career. This will allow you to demonstrate you are management material, and you can get the chance to lead a team, carry out interviews, or head projects. You can also take this opportunity to learn more about the company, so you have a better overall understanding of how things work, which is something managers require. You cannot wait to be asked, though. Instead, be the one to initiate a conversation with your managers. 

Gain the Skills You Need

Gaining the skills you need to take the next step in your career will allow you to work on your confidence and competence in specific roles before making the step itself. You could undergo additional training at work, or you can look into further education. Obtaining a Master in Integrated Design Management is a popular way to become more qualified in your current role. Still, there is also a range of other possibilities available for you to enhance your education and obtain the tools to succeed in more significant roles. 

Embrace Networking

The idea of it’s not what you know but who you know is a cliche, but it’s a cliche for a reason. Your network can open up a wide range of opportunities for you, so don’t be afraid to meet people at business events or conventions to find out what possibilities await you. There may be senior staff from other firms in attendance looking for someone with your talents, and if you feel your chances of promotion at your current job are slim, then it’s worth entertaining their offer. 

Consider Different Options 

Sometimes a career just isn’t for you, and that’s okay. It’s best to find that out as soon as possible, though, so you can consider alternative career options. While this can be intimidating and even terrifying in some ways, it can also be liberating. Whether you elect to follow a creative dream or enter an industry you’ve always wanted to be a part of, you will find out that you’re happier, more engaged, and more excited about your future than ever. 

One Step at a Time 

You can’t expect to be promoted to your dream role overnight. Like anything in life that’s worth having, it takes determination, grit, and even a little risk taking in some cases. If you’re serious about taking on more responsibility and boosting your career, these tips will help you take it one step until you are finally satisfied.

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Escapism or Hope?

Musicians, actors, and performers across all industries have taken to social media to put on shows for mass audiences.

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With the world engulfed in more turmoil with each passing day, people naturally turn to online entertainment for a reprieve from the chaos surrounding them. Musicians, actors, and performers across all industries have taken to social media to put on shows for mass audiences. These efforts were met with mixed receptions from the public, with many finding genuine comfort in the videos and others dismissing them as vanity projects in which wealthy celebrities condescend their significantly poorer viewers. Counteracting the skepticism, however, is the growing popularity of once-hidden talent.

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A prime example of a lesser-known entertainer bringing joy with her online videos is roller skater Oumi Janta, whose skating lessons have gained traction on Instagram. Reminiscent of the roller disco scene of the 1970s, Janta performs various skating feats to upbeat music, interspersing impressive dance moves throughout the spectacle. After years of uploading these instructional videos, she has garnered adoring fans who are awed by her skills and enticed to begin skating themselves. Janta’s relationship with her audience truly feels reciprocal, as she engages viewers in a manner that uplifts them rather than attempt to placate them with hollow platitudes. Now that online content creators have more eyes on them than ever before, each of them has the opportunity to cultivate even larger followings.

Report: Nia Hunt

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Stay at Home, Even In The Summer.

While the EU is expected to reanalyze the list of banned countries every two weeks, that doesn't mean European vacations are back on.

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On July 1, the European Union officially re-opened their external borders to nonessential, non-EU passport holders. The borders have been closed since mid-March, when lockdown procedures were officially being enacted. Europe was not the only country to do so. 27 other countries have announced that they will be opening up their borders as well. However, not everyone will be allowed in. Only residents from 15 countries, all of which have the coronavirus under control, will be allowed entry. This means that residents from the US, which currently has the highest amount of cases, Russia, and Brazil, will have to continue staying at home. While the EU is expected to reanalyze the list of banned countries every two weeks, that doesn't mean European vacations are back on.

According to a CNN report, two EU ambassadors said that the US would need to have "a dramatic turnaround" in cases before their residents would be allowed entry. All the current countries who's residents are allowed into Europe have the same, or fewer, average new cases as the EU has had in the past 14 days. The EU has reported 16 per 100,000 cases in mid-June. In the US, the average in mid-June was 107 new cases per 100,000 people, so it's safe to say we might not be going to Europe this summer. While tourism is likely to suffer, as the US brings in a lot of vacationers annually, this is a serious matter, and the benefits are not worth the risk on both ends.

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Mac And Cheese, But With A Twist

Mac and Cheese, But With A Twist: College Edition

To all my college students out there, do you ever feel like you have exhausted all new food ideas within the first 2 weeks of the semester? One of those foods most likely includes the easy mac that you microwave and eat within 3 minutes. Mac and Cheese can become such a staple when you are in a hurry to get to class or you are too lazy to walk to the dining hall. In order to maintain your love of Mac and Cheese without getting sick of it, this recipe will allow you to brainstorm different items that you never would have thought would make a perfect combination. I know some of these items would never cross your mind to put with pasta, but don't hate it before you taste it! For this simple college recipe, all you need is ketchup, shredded cheese, some milk, salt and pepper, and some garlic powder. There is not a set amount to follow, it is simply however much you think you need of each item. I switch it up every time to give me more of a variety. This recipe can also allow you to experiment with other staple foods that every college student has in their dorm room. There is no such thing as trying all possible ways to eat Mac and Cheese. The world is your oyster, so go and explore variations of your favorite foods before school starts this year!

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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TJX Plans to Stay True to Hands-On Shopping Post COVID-19

E-Commerce is growing at an astounding rate and making brick-and-mortar retailers seem more and more like a thing of the past. What does TJX brand's decision to stay true to hands-on shopping mean for their future?

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TJX, the parent company of TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Home Goods, claims it doesn’t need to rely on e-commerce. In regard to the company’s plans post-coronavirus, CEO Ernie Herrman was quoted in Forbes magazine, saying, “Strategically, nothing will change. We will not look to e-commerce as our major leverage point to get us through Covid and out the other side.”

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Both before the COVID-19 pandemic and now, it is clear that TJX does not see e-commerce as a worthwhile path to pursue. Before the pandemic, TJX’s online revenue accounted for just 2% of their total sales. Compared to other retail stores whose online sales averaged closer to 15%, it’s clear that TJX stores present considerable strength in their brick and mortar settings. In fact, TJX’s websites were actually shut down for two weeks at the end of March, while it seemed every other retailer was scrambling to get their online sales up amid physical store closures. Even now, TJ Maxx’s website limits the number of orders placed per day in order to “get back up and running.”

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TJX prides itself on being a bargain-hunting style of retail, where loyal customers explain the experience of excitedly searching through items and finding the best deal as central to the TJX brand. When stores reopened earlier this month, TJ Maxx and Marshall’s had lines out of their doors of eager shoppers looking to feel that sweet high of a major discount after months spent in quarantine. This “treasure-hunt experience” is why TJX executives are leaning away from rather than into the growing land of e-commerce.

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While some experts say TJX’s decision to mostly steer clear of online sales will come back around to hurt them later, some say the opposite. The company’s sales are skyrocketing after their grand re-opening. It seems there is a built-up demand for lower priced items as many people try for financial caution during a time of economic crisis.

Photo Credits:

Report: Grace Carlos

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Food for Your DNA

"Everyone is different." We've all heard this saying at least once in our lives, and it's true we are all different all the way down to our taste buds. Have you ever wondered why you think something tastes amazing while your friend absolutely hates the exact same thing? That's because depending on our DNA, things can taste differently. How does your genetic make-up influence your taste buds?

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"Everyone is different." We've all heard this saying at least once in our lives, and it's true we are all different all the way down to our taste buds. Have you ever wondered why you think something tastes amazing while your friend absolutely hates the exact same thing? That's because depending on our DNA, things can taste differently. How does your genetic make-up influence your taste buds?

1. Bitter blindness: Some people have what's called Bitter Blindness which basically means their taste buds are immune to things that are more bitter. These people usually have a better time eating vegetables, because most vegetables are loaded in PTC (phenylthiocarbamide), which is what makes vegetables bitter. Those who can't taste it have bitter blindness.

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2. Hypersensitive, sensitive, and tolerant: Not only are our taste buds different, but depending on your DNA, some people have more or less taste buds than someone else. You can have anywhere from 500-11,000 taste buds. Those who have more taste buds are considered hypersensitive tasters. Anything too bitter or too overpowering will be too much for a hypersensitive taster. People who have less taste buds are tolerant tasters, as there aren't many things that a tolerant taster can't eat.

3. Anxiety & depression: There are some physical side effects to anxiety and depression that can affect your taste buds. Someone dealing with anxiety or depression can eat the most flavorful food on the planet, but it could taste like cardboard to them. Essentially, the brain's chemicals are in control of what you taste so when their levels are a bit abnormal, your ability to enjoy a food's distinctive flavor suffers.

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4. Carrier of the OR6A2 Gene: Have you ever heard someone say they think Cilantro tastes like soap? That's because they have the OR6A2 gene. Approximately 14 percent of the population carries this gene, which actually makes cilantro taste like soap, while others are just tasting cilantro.

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5. The Womb Experience: Depending on what your mother ate while you were in her womb can determine what you have a taste for once you're born. Once a baby is born, the baby will already know what the people in his or her culture eat and have a preference for these foods. That doesn't mean you can't acquire your own love for different kinds of food later on, though.

Report: Alycia Williams

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Charcuterie-July 4th Edition

July 4th is Around the Corner, and Your Board is Here to Please

Hello, hello! I’m baaack, but this time I have a special edition Charcuterie Board. Drumroll please…it’s time for the 4th of July Dessert Board! Um, YES it’s dessert time! Almost every dessert you can imagine has made its way on this board, and trust me, it is definitely a crowd pleaser.

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Look how pretty she is! I had so much fun with this board, but if I’m being honest, dessert boards may be a tad more stressful then your typical charcuterie. The careful placement of each dessert may get your heart to race, but it’s definitely worth it in the end. I mean, just look at her!

The Breakdown!

Let’s start from the top left and work our way down to the bottom right.

First Up: Smores Dip

What’s 4th of July without smores? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know! This classic had to be a part of our “America Board”. With just two ingredients, Hershey’s chocolate and mini marshmallows, you can make any party guest smile. I threw it in the oven at 350 F and let it turn golden brown. That’s it!

Next In Line: Chocolate Pretzels, Brownies, Oreos, & Rice Krispies

Four easy desserts that turn your board into the beautiful masterpiece that it has the potential to be. You can buy them or make them yourself, whatever works for you! Remember what I said, charcuteries are all about being creative, and you can’t go wrong!

Moving Our Way to: Mini Cupcakes

When dealing with delicate food, such as a delicious vanilla cupcake, you have to know where you want to place them. The icing can easily be destroyed, and we want our boards looking their best! Splitting my board in half with the cupcakes was definitely planned out, but the rest was purely a game-time decision.

Following After: Chocolate Pretzels, Brownies, Oreos, & Rice Krispies (Again)

Symmetry can be your BEST friend while making a detailed board. Don’t know where to place something? Try mirroring the same food on the opposite side and see where it takes you. Again, you can’t do a board wrong!

Finally: Chocolate Fondue With Strawberries

Like I previously said, mirroring your foods can be super beneficial while making a board, especially a large board. I knew having two dips would make it more pleasing to the eye, so I went for it. Plus, having some sort of fruit with your dessert automatically makes it healthy, right?

An Important Tip: Fillers

There will ALWAYS be gaps while making any type of board, and to make it as full as possible, always have your fillers prepared. The fillers I used to take this board from a B to an A are: Twizzlers, Sour Belts, Dove Chocolate, Raspberries, Flag Cookies, and Miniature Flags. Being over prepared with fillers is never a bad idea, and the key is to throw them around and see what makes you happy!

And that’s it ladies and gentleman. No matter who is coming over to celebrate America’s day, there will definitely be something everyone will love to eat while serving this.

Photo Credits: Kaitlin Gallagher

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Struggling To Create An Instagram Feed? Start Here.

While it may seem difficult and time consuming to create a feed that works for your company – many apps on the market are making it exorbitantly easy.

The most important element in creating traffic and engagement towards your Instagram is having a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing feed. To do so, many of the colors and aspects of your images need to align to create a flow and design that shows who you are as a company. While it may seem difficult and time consuming to create a feed that works for your company – many apps on the market are making it exorbitantly easy.

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1) Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Lightroom may be the most popular app to create filters and designs. Lightroom comes with it’s own presets and filters on it, but also has an excess amount of tools for you to design your own. If you create a filter that you like you can save it and use it on all of your other photos as well – making it extremely easy for your images to look similar. Many creators and photographers also sell their own presets on Lightroom, so if you’re not great at design and color schemes there is help available! Just find an example of a feed you like and odds are there will be presets available for sale.

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2) Tezza

Tezza is another app that is exploding in popularity. It has been featured in many TikToks as one of the best apps to have for filters. Similar to Lightroom you have tools to design your own color scheme, but their filters, specifically the Vintage filter, are the most popular! The vintage filter creates a brighter picture, with blue and orange undertones, that can be seen in many creators feeds at the moment.

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VSCO is its own form of social media. Similar to Instagram users can edit and post their photos, follow others, and “favorite” images. However unlike Instagram, users can not see how many “likes” images have received, and one can repost others images. VSCO has been a staple in photo editing, coming with many of its own filters and tools to edit them. Using VSCO you can create a cohesive feed that translates right to your Instagram account. Social media fluidity is extremely important so utilizing two forms to reach your end goal is very useful!

Many of the best social media experts utilize multiple apps and ideas to create the best possible feed. If you are looking to get started on upping your social media feed, the best suggestion is to find a filter, theme, or color you like, and apply it to all of your posts to make them visually pleasing to the user!

Photo Credits: Lightroom, Tezza, VSCO

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Tik Tok is the Emerging Platform for Beauty & Fashion Influencers

YouTube and Instagram have seen their fair share of beauty and fashion influencers, but now is the time for Tik Tok to emerge as their new platform.

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Tik Tok, the video-sharing service that has had millions download its app in recent years, provides an easy way to share creative videos with others. Essentially anyone can make a Tik Tok video, and the algorithm for the app can help garner views in just a few days. With the effect of Coronavirus on society and the quarantining that followed, influencers, specifically in beauty and fashion, had to find a way to engage with their audience while being confined to limited spaces. Since then, Tik Tok has emerged as a place for these influencers to interact with their followers easily and attain an even larger audience.

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On Tik Tok, influencers have gotten very creative with the content they produce. For beauty influencers, one trend they have been doing is “draw a makeup look.” This trend has the influencer’s followers submit drawings of random makeup looks for them to recreate. Beauty influencers then select a few of them and create a compilation of first the drawing, then the actual look executed. Another beauty trend happening on Tik Tok is called, “my makeup if I were in different cliques.” To the tune of “Dirty Harry” by Gorillaz, the influencer will go through a series of looks that fit the theme of the video, making sure to change the look at the right beat. Similarly, fashion influencers have used this song for “outfits I’d wear as a cartoon character,” set up with the same music and beat drops, but this time with coordinating outfits. Popular with both beauty and fashion influencers is the “wipe it down challenge,” in which they approach a mirror, begin to wipe and clean it down, then during a certain part of the music a swipe reveals them completely done up head-to-toe, but reverts back to their normal selves after swiping back. The song that normally goes along with this challenge is, “Wipe It Down” by BMW KENNY.

Even though they are a ton of trends on Tik Tok, the platform is still relatively new and will continue to be a database for emerging trends for the next few years. It has already proven to be a ground for some of the creative content-creating people out there, so one should be excited for the trends it produces in years to come.

Photo Credit: License Global, Youtube,

Report: Charlene Piccio

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