Why Pampering Is Good For Mental Health

We know that self-care is not a selfish act, but in fact, it is a vital act that lets us have time for ourselves. In the modern world, which is so full of demands, demands on our health in all aspects - mental, physical, and emotional- can leave us with little time for ourselves. 

But just why is it so important that we get that time? 


Stress is sneaky, and it stacks up fast - until it gets to the point that it is affecting us every day. The issue with stress is that some level of stress is fine, and it is something we expect in our everyday lives - but our bodies aren’t equipped or designed to deal with high-stress levels for more than a short time. 

It puts our likelihood of a stroke or heart issues in a higher bracket - and that is just the start. 

Heading to Mitchell's Salon & Day Spa can soon start to reduce those levels until they are more manageable. 


After a tense day, have you ever had someone rub your shoulders just enough to loosen them up? You can almost feel the stress and tension leaving your body. When we do things like a warm bath or shower or take some time for ourselves, we get the impact a little more. 

And with less tension, you are more likely to get some much-needed sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things for helping with mental health - and often one of the first things that suffers when we aren’t doing well. 


It doesn’t matter if you are doing a pamper session at home or one at a spa - the chances are you are going to hope for it to be quiet. A little bit of lo-fi in the background, or whatever music you find relaxing, is ideal, too. 

That quiet will let our brains begin to sort through things that are weighing heavy on us, and that processing is something that is better done as we walk, as we lay in the bath, or by listening to gentle music. 


When we do our hobbies or anything that makes us feel good, we get a little bump for the happiness hormones. And the more we do it, the more of those hormones we get. While one pampering session isn’t going to be enough to knock out the blues or improve our mood for a long time - the more we do it, the more our stress is reduced, and our happiness levels are high. 

Pampering comes in many forms, and for some people, it will be a full work, everything shower or bath; for others, it will be managing to use a hair curler or just taking a 15-minute nap. Find what it is that makes you feel cared for, and make sure that every week, you have time for it - because it will make a difference to your long-term mental health. 

Want to make the most of your hobby time and are looking to explore new options? Check this out: 5 Great Hobbies to Pursue If You Have Lots of Time to Spare


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