Simple Rules For Accessorising

Accessories are a simple way to add some interest to your outfits. Whether you want to refresh your style, or just to add a pop of something extra, getting your accessories right can lift an outfit, and make you look more put-together, more stylish, or more fun. Here’s how to wear accessories in the right way.


Choose only three or four large pieces. Mixing bigger pieces, like chunky jewelry, can look good, but stacking too much on can end up looking confused. Choose a few pieces and let them shine, and don’t overpower them by piling on too many pieces at once, especially while we’re all taking over our faces with masks (buy stylish ones at Mask Market). 

  1. Only wear a full matching set of accessories if the pieces are small. A matched set of bigger pieces can look too much. You’re don’t need huge stones in both necklace and earrings, for example. Smaller pieces can be worn as a matching set, as this looks deliberate, and not old-fashioned. 

  2. Forget the rule that your handbag must match your shoes. This rule is a classic, but it’s dated. For a more modern style, ditch this rule. Instead, choose a bag that complements, not matches. A contrasting shoe and bag combination can look chic. 

  3. Embrace your glasses. If you wear glasses, view them as an accessory and find frames that suit your style. You’ll feel more confident when you wear them, and your glasses can add to an outfit instead of detracting from it. Whether you opt for something discreet, or statement frames, choose a style you love and you’ll like wearing them. 

  4. Contrast the outfit. If you’re wearing a plain outfit, you can choose bolder accessories. A dress in a plain color and a simple cut is a great base for some dramatic pieces, or to show off a beautiful necklace or a set of large earrings. If your outfit is more dramatic, keep your accessories plainer so they don’t get lost. If your dress has a strong print or a bright color, choose accessories like simple stud earrings, or a slim bracelet to let the dress take center stage.

  5. Don’t be scared of color. Accessories can be an easy way to add a touch of color to your outfits. Don’t always opt for black or neutral accessories. Reds and pinks, for example, will look beautiful against black or navy outfits. Choose a color to stand out. 

  6. Theme your outfit. A simple outfit can be made to feel more modern, classic, or vintage very easily by the accessories that you choose. For example, a dress in a simple cut can be styled with a classically shaped handbag and a brooch, and will seem vintage, or can be paired with spike heels and a studded clutch, and will look very modern. 

  7. Try metallics. If you aren’t sure what color accessories will go best with your outfit, try a metallic. This looks modern and will work with lots of different styles, without adding an ill-matched color. 


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