How To Take the Next Steps In Your Career


Everyone reaches a stage in their career where they feel its time to do more. As easy or as enjoyable as your current role is, motivated and ambitious people aren’t satisfied merely with staying in the same place for the rest of their professional life. They want more. But it’s tricky to work out what that next step could be, and it’s even more challenging to figure out how to take it. 

Ask For More Responsibility

If you know you want to stay in your industry, then asking to take on more responsibility will start you on your path towards a more satisfying career. This will allow you to demonstrate you are management material, and you can get the chance to lead a team, carry out interviews, or head projects. You can also take this opportunity to learn more about the company, so you have a better overall understanding of how things work, which is something managers require. You cannot wait to be asked, though. Instead, be the one to initiate a conversation with your managers. 

Gain the Skills You Need

Gaining the skills you need to take the next step in your career will allow you to work on your confidence and competence in specific roles before making the step itself. You could undergo additional training at work, or you can look into further education. Obtaining a Master in Integrated Design Management is a popular way to become more qualified in your current role. Still, there is also a range of other possibilities available for you to enhance your education and obtain the tools to succeed in more significant roles. 

Embrace Networking

The idea of it’s not what you know but who you know is a cliche, but it’s a cliche for a reason. Your network can open up a wide range of opportunities for you, so don’t be afraid to meet people at business events or conventions to find out what possibilities await you. There may be senior staff from other firms in attendance looking for someone with your talents, and if you feel your chances of promotion at your current job are slim, then it’s worth entertaining their offer. 

Consider Different Options 

Sometimes a career just isn’t for you, and that’s okay. It’s best to find that out as soon as possible, though, so you can consider alternative career options. While this can be intimidating and even terrifying in some ways, it can also be liberating. Whether you elect to follow a creative dream or enter an industry you’ve always wanted to be a part of, you will find out that you’re happier, more engaged, and more excited about your future than ever. 

One Step at a Time 

You can’t expect to be promoted to your dream role overnight. Like anything in life that’s worth having, it takes determination, grit, and even a little risk taking in some cases. If you’re serious about taking on more responsibility and boosting your career, these tips will help you take it one step until you are finally satisfied.


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