Wine & Grill?


The summer and all of its splendor is well underway, despite the CoVid-19 pandemic. As cases surge again, people are finding creative ways to entertain themselves. However, in the midst of tik toks, zoom happy hours and roomba races (seriously, what the heck is even that?) there’s one pastime that has remained a constant for generations….grilling. 

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun? Alas, if breathing in the fresh corona air really isn’t your thing, don’t fret. Target and other super stores make it easy to enjoy this activity from inside of your home with their stove top grill products.  

So, what’s another word synonymous with grilling? Beer. The beverage king for grilling has always been beer. With its varying styles & crispness it is no wonder that beer would help set the mood for the perfect summer cookout. But, what if I could guarantee a beverage that was equally--if not more--enjoyable? 


Wines fare greatly with common foods found on the grill. Whether you are grilling some chicken, barbequing ribs or skewering shrimp, there is a wine for every option. The same way you are allowed to eat chicken and head back for skewers is the same way you are not confined to drink one type of wine. Now, before you recoil at the thought of switching from a white wine to a red or vice versa, let me make something very clear. The act of switching between wines will not cause you to get drunk. You being too zesty will cause you to get drunk. Take it slow and keep the zest low. 

With that being said, take a look at the below pairings between commonly grilled foods and types of wines. When your dad can’t stop raving about how enjoyable his turkey burger was paired with that glass of pinot noir, remember, you read it here first. 

Report: Senior Lifestyle Editor, Damali Richie


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