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Why Pampering Is Good For Mental Health

We know that self-care is not a selfish act, but in fact, it is a vital act that lets us have time for ourselves. In the modern world, which is so full of demands, demands on our health in all aspects - mental, physical, and emotional- can leave us with little time for ourselves. 

We know that self-care is not a selfish act, but in fact, it is a vital act that lets us have time for ourselves. In the modern world, which is so full of demands, demands on our health in all aspects - mental, physical, and emotional- can leave us with little time for ourselves. 

But just why is it so important that we get that time? 


Stress is sneaky, and it stacks up fast - until it gets to the point that it is affecting us every day. The issue with stress is that some level of stress is fine, and it is something we expect in our everyday lives - but our bodies aren’t equipped or designed to deal with high-stress levels for more than a short time. 

It puts our likelihood of a stroke or heart issues in a higher bracket - and that is just the start. 

Heading to Mitchell's Salon & Day Spa can soon start to reduce those levels until they are more manageable. 


After a tense day, have you ever had someone rub your shoulders just enough to loosen them up? You can almost feel the stress and tension leaving your body. When we do things like a warm bath or shower or take some time for ourselves, we get the impact a little more. 

And with less tension, you are more likely to get some much-needed sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things for helping with mental health - and often one of the first things that suffers when we aren’t doing well. 


It doesn’t matter if you are doing a pamper session at home or one at a spa - the chances are you are going to hope for it to be quiet. A little bit of lo-fi in the background, or whatever music you find relaxing, is ideal, too. 

That quiet will let our brains begin to sort through things that are weighing heavy on us, and that processing is something that is better done as we walk, as we lay in the bath, or by listening to gentle music. 


When we do our hobbies or anything that makes us feel good, we get a little bump for the happiness hormones. And the more we do it, the more of those hormones we get. While one pampering session isn’t going to be enough to knock out the blues or improve our mood for a long time - the more we do it, the more our stress is reduced, and our happiness levels are high. 

Pampering comes in many forms, and for some people, it will be a full work, everything shower or bath; for others, it will be managing to use a hair curler or just taking a 15-minute nap. Find what it is that makes you feel cared for, and make sure that every week, you have time for it - because it will make a difference to your long-term mental health. 

Want to make the most of your hobby time and are looking to explore new options? Check this out: 5 Great Hobbies to Pursue If You Have Lots of Time to Spare

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Can You Keep Your Mental Health On The Right Track?

Mental health is important, and you need to try and keep yours on the right track as much as possible. People often think about their physical health, but when it comes to the mental side of things, they forget that they are supposed to be taking care of themselves

Mental health is important, and you need to try and keep yours on the right track as much as possible. People often think about their physical health, but when it comes to the mental side of things, they forget that they are supposed to be taking care of themselves. In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the things that you can try when it comes to keeping your mental health in good condition, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Find Yourself A Hobby

First, we recommend that you find yourself a hobby. Hobbies are great because they end up taking your mind off of things even if it’s just for a little while, so that you can get stuck into a completely different world. It’s a wonderful feeling no matter what you choose to do, and there are so many different choices. For example, you can look into learning to cook, making fantastic recipes such as teriyaki shrimp stir fry, or you can look into reading, expanding your mind into a variety of other worlds. 

There are so many hobbies out there that you are spoiled for choice. It might be true that you have to try a couple to find exactly what makes you happy, but you will find it eventually.

Take A Step Back From Work

If it is work that is playing havoc with your mental health then you may need to take a step back for a while. This is okay now as your GP will sign you off. Back in the day when there was very little known about mental health you were expected to carry on working and get through it other ways. If you are genuinely struggling to get through each day, make an appointment and see what your doctor can suggest to help you. 

Understand Your Triggers

If you struggle with your mental health then you will need to keep on top of your triggers. In order to keep on top of them, you first need to understand them and where they surface from. There are many things that can be triggering including loud bands or even certain smells. If you know you will face anxiety or stress when you go out somewhere, maybe you could find an alternative route that avoids this. You need to be careful that your triggers don’t start controlling your life. If this happens, you could be facing huge anxiety, paranoia, and other serious mental health complications. 

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can try to keep your mental health on the right track. It might not seem like it’s possible sometimes, but we promise that if you take a step back and just do your best, it will be absolutely fine. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to keep your mental health on the right track!

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How to Get Over Dental Anxiety

There is nothing worse than the anxiety that comes with dental appointments. You’re not alone if you feel scared of seeing the dentist, but you should know that you don't have to be afraid. A dentist is there to ensure that you have a healthy set of teeth and gums and they will work closely with you on an oral health plan to make sure that you are healthy.

There is nothing worse than the anxiety that comes with dental appointments. You’re not alone if you feel scared of seeing the dentist, but you should know that you don't have to be afraid. A dentist is there to ensure that you have a healthy set of teeth and gums and they will work closely with you on an oral health plan to make sure that you are healthy. Your oral health depends on your appointments, but if you are anxious you need to know how to get over that.

Taking the time to look into sedation dentistry is important. You want to ensure that you are heard when you admit your fear, especially if you are enduring endless sleepless nights over the worry of getting a checkup. A simple checkup can make a difference between whether you have ongoing issues or not. Maintaining your oral health should be a priority of yours and dental procedures are a key aspect of your health and wellbeing in the future. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you to get over it.

  1. Talk to your dentist. If you are nervous about your appointment, you need to discuss it with your dentist in detail. They’re the one who will be able to talk you through everything about the process of checking your teeth. They’re going to let you know what comes next and whether you should be concerned about your oral health going forward. 

  2. Listen to calming music. Closing your eyes and listening to calming music during your dental appointment may mean that you can’t see or hear what’s going on around you. For some, this induces more anxiety but for others, the distraction can make a huge difference to them. Familiar, calming music is going to enable you to focus your mind and lower your blood pressure. This can help your panic to dissipate!

  3. Go to sleep. Some dentists can offer sedation dentistry, where you are either lightly sedated and relaxed or fully asleep. You should think about how you want to receive your dental care and see whether or not this is an option for you with your dentist’s office. IV sedation may cost a little more than usual but it’s always worth it if you will be calm and able to manage the appointment. 

  4. Learn how to breathe. We don't mean in the natural sense, but in the sense of being able to slow your breathing right down. You will reduce your heart rate and dizziness and ensure that you are able to calm yourself down and steady your heart. It’ll make a big difference to how you feel and it’ll help you to get over your anxiety.

  5. Choose the right dentist. Believe it or not, you can shop around for the right dentist and when you do, you will be able to find one that keeps you as calm as possible while you are in the chair. Talk to a few and find one you’re most comfortable with.

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3 Health Questions You Should Ask Yourself Often

The primary care physician will ask these questions to get a fair idea of your health condition or status. Indeed, you can do the same for yourself – but not because you’re diagnosing an ailment. Instead, these questions will act as personal guidelines to help you stay on track as you try to live a healthier life.

Barring any health conditions, persons aged 50 will see a doctor yearly. Meanwhile, persons younger than them may have to do it every three years. The chance of answering questions about your health in the doctor’s office is always a given. The primary care physician will ask these questions to get a fair idea of your health condition or status. Indeed, you can do the same for yourself – but not because you’re diagnosing an ailment. Instead, these questions will act as personal guidelines to help you stay on track as you try to live a healthier life

Do you have regular dental checks?

Hopefully, the following statistics will convince you how important this question is to your health. Reports indicate that 26% of US adults have at least two untreated tooth decay by age thirty. Meanwhile, 46% of adults thirty years and above have signs of periodontitis, and 10% proceed to develop severe forms of this gum disease.

Oral cancer is another condition to be aware of. The stats say 1 in 60 men and 1 in 140 women develop this health condition in their lifetime. However, if you keep regular appointments with the local dentist, any health mishap can be detected early. Early detection and treatment may positively affect outcomes.

How invested are you in your health?

Adequate rest, keeping stress at bay, and constant fitness routines are examples of how people show commitment to their health. Being invested in your health is an indication of self-awareness and your conscious efforts to maintain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. In answering this question, it is vital to honestly assess your daily health decisions. 

Investing in your health means you take cognizance of routines and choices that impact your wellbeing. Without objectivity, you may be unable to answer this question or take candid cues from it. Indeed, the human body is prone to sickness, but with preventive and preemptive measures, you can reduce the risks or avert the severity of an ailment.

How often do you check your blood stats or BP values?

High blood pressure is common among adults living in the US. One in two adults has lived with hypertension for at least five years since the first diagnosis. This is why health experts recommend lifestyle modifications to help manage the condition or avoid it altogether. A decade ago, high blood pressure was predominant among persons aged 50 years and above. A decade later, the CDC reports that teenagers and young adults in their early twenties are often diagnosed with the condition. 

The truth is that high blood pressure doesn’t always end there. It can have dire consequences on the kidneys, brain, and mobility. Knowing your usual BP values when resting and after physical activity is important. Knowing your normal values at both extremes will be helpful in detecting any change from the normal.

There is so much you can do to live a healthier life. However, it all starts with questioning your daily choices and being deliberate about your health targets.

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5 Tips To Improve Your Health

There are many small changes that you can make to your lifestyle to improve your health.

There are many small changes that you can make to your lifestyle to improve your health. Making these changes can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer and help you lose weight and feel better overall. So, if you're looking for ways to improve your health, these 5 tips should help.

Get Enough Sleep

Most adults need around seven or eight hours per night. However, many people do not get enough sleep regularly. This can lead to health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Getting enough sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being, so get plenty of rest!

If you're not getting enough sleep, you can do a few things to change that. First, try to go to bed and wake up simultaneously each day. This will help regulate your body's natural sleep rhythm. You should also avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, as they can interfere with your sleep. Finally, create a relaxing bedtime routine that will help you wind down for the night.

Eat Healthily

Eating a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You should also limit your saturated fats, trans fats, and sugar intake. Eating healthy will help you maintain a healthy weight, have more energy, and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

If you're not used to eating healthy, it can be tough to change your diet. Start by slowly adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals. You can also try swapping out unhealthy snacks for healthier options like nuts or fruit. Once you get used to eating healthier, you'll be surprised at how much better you feel!

Oral Health

Your oral health is vital for your overall health. Make sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly, and see your dentist for checkups and cleanings. Taking care of your teeth can help prevent gum disease linked to other chronic diseases like heart disease and stroke.

Another thing to consider is oral surgery. If you are struggling with impacted wisdom teeth, removing them is recommended as they may cause infections.


Exercise is essential for your overall health. It can help you lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. Make sure to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. You can do this by going for a walk, running, biking, or swimming. Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress, so make sure to find time for it in your busy schedule!

If you're not used to exercising, start by doing something you enjoy. For example, you can try walking around your neighborhood, going for a bike ride, or taking a yoga class. Once you find an activity that you enjoy, it will be easier to stick with it and get the benefits of exercise.

Drink water

Drinking enough water is essential for your overall health. Make sure to drink eight glasses of water per day. This will help keep your body hydrated, necessary for many bodily functions. Drinking water can also help you lose weight, as it can help you feel full and prevent you from overeating.

If you're not used to drinking water, start carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day. You can also add fruit to your water for a refreshing and healthy drink. Once you get in the habit of drinking water, you'll be surprised at how much better you feel!

There are many other changes you can make to improve your health. But, these are just a few of the most important ones. So, if you want to live a healthier life, make sure to implement these changes, and you'll be surprised at how much better you feel!

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Why It Is Important to Look After Your Health

It is a common misconception that health solely relies on exercise. While exercise is one of the most effective ways you can boost your health and wellbeing, it is vital that exercise is one activity, from a list of many that you incorporate into your daily routine for optimal health.

It is a common misconception that health solely relies on exercise. While exercise is one of the most effective ways you can boost your health and wellbeing, it is vital that exercise is one activity, from a list of many that you incorporate into your daily routine for optimal health. 

You should make a conscious effort to improve all areas of your life, including improving your exercise and nutrition, getting a regular health check from your doctor, visiting the dentist to get any necessary cosmetics such as dentures, getting enough quality sleep each night, and much more. 

Improving your health is more than just losing weight. Here are some of the most important reasons why your health should be a priority, and you should take action today. 

#1 Boost self-esteem

How you take care of yourself, and the current state of your health, is going to have a direct impact on the way that you feel about yourself everyday. If you find that you are too hard on yourself, then you might want to start by reviewing your daily habits. When you look after yourself, you are instantly going to feel good, strong, happy and resilient. This will reflect positively on your self-esteem and better equip you to deal with life. 

#2 Mental health 

Physical health and mental health are interconnected. If you take care of your physical health, then you are less likely to develop mental health conditions, and vice versa. Just by exercising alone, you can release more of the feel-good chemicals in your brain that can help you sleep better, feel good, and manage your emotions. If you add eating well and visiting your doctor to the list, you are much closer to improving your health and wellbeing overall. You’ll find you suffer with less brain fog, and are able to concentrate better, and feel more joy.

#3 Improve your relationships

Whatever you are feeling internally, whether it is positive or negative, you are going to project this into your relationships and affect those around you. Relationships themselves play an important role in your health and wellbeing, so it is important that you take care to nurture relationships for your own benefit. When you are feeling good, you are going to treat people better. When you treat people better, you are going to feel more connected, and in turn, improve your mood, and decrease the risk of developing anxiety, depression and other medical conditions. 

#4 Enjoy life more 

When you look after your health, mentally and physically, you are more likely to be comfortable in your own skin and have more energy to do the things that you enjoy. You will find you have a bounce in your step, and you glow from the inside out. A good attitude will get you much further in life, personally and professionally. It will also mean you live much longer too. 

Improving your health is more than just losing weight. By incorporating a variety of different activities that improve your health, you can improve your self-esteem, your mental health, your relationships, and enjoy life more.

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3 Emergency Contacts To Keep In Your Address Book

Outside of the learned number of the usual emergency services you may need to use from time to time, it’s important to think ahead to contacts and services that you could utilize quickly should you need them.

We can never predict how a certain day will go, as even the most mundane days have their surprises. For this reason, overwhelming good and fun can be had on a day that we may have thought all bets were off, but consequently, sometimes we may experience things going wrong, too. Outside of the learned number of the usual emergency services you may need to use from time to time, it’s important to think ahead to contacts and services that you could utilize quickly should you need them.

Knowing what those specialist services offer ahead of time could help you avoid a bad problem becoming worse, and ensures you know what to ask for, the reliability of the service in advance, and how to contact them. Then, you can save these numbers in your phone’s address book and synchronize them to your smartphone cloud storage, so you always have them on hand - or write them down for an older relative to use.

But what contacts are the most important to keep in mind? Let’s consider that, below:

An Emergency Dentist

You’ll find that an emergency dentist can help resolve most dental issues that may come your way, be that through an accident, injury, or a condition that has gone unnoticed. When you can trust the service you get and know where you’re going should you need this treatment, the anxiety and worry you feel will lessen dramatically. This, in itself, can be a worthwhile proactive tool, and may help you resolve dental issues that may have been more impactful should you have ignored it.

An Emergency Locksmith

Emergency locksmiths can be a major help should you lose your car keys or your house keys, which most of us have done at one point in time. They can even help you reprogram a new car fob, for instance, or help you change the locks should you need to in order to protect your home. Having this available can help you avoid standing out in the rain, or sitting around on your hands until a locksmiths you contact in the local area tries to fit you in that day. Knowing that the service will respond in an emergency setting can be tremendously helpful, and save you a good deal of time.

An Emergency Veterinarian

When an issue befalls our pet, such as an injury or we notice odd behavior, it’s important for them to be seen to immediately. This is especially important even during those times where it may be inconvenient, such as on a Sunday morning. Having an on-call emergency veterinarian contact number can be so useful here, because we can find the help we truly need instead of worrying about where to go next. This can help your little pet find the proper attention they deserve, and grant you peace of mind as you focus on their wellbeing, not the logistic issues they present.

With this advice, you’re certain to keep the right emergency contacts in your address book going forward, saving you time, mental energy, and the possibility of a full recovery.

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When Something Really Bad Happens, What Should You Do?

Life is full of surprises. Just take a look at the last five years. Things have changed beyond recognition.

The reality, though, is that an unfortunate turn of events is commonplace, not just throughout human history, but also during our regular lives. Bad things are bound to happen from time to time.

Life is full of surprises. Just take a look at the last five years. Things have changed beyond recognition. 

The reality, though, is that an unfortunate turn of events is commonplace, not just throughout human history, but also during our regular lives. Bad things are bound to happen from time to time. 

Knowing this, it’s important that we plan ahead of time for how we’re going to deal with them. Given that we’re alive, we know that things will almost certainly go wrong at some point, but what matters is how we respond to them. We don’t want to go into bad situations and then try to figure out how to react in the midst of it. We want to plan ahead. 

Here are some of the things that you can do to deal with a negative situation:

View It As An Obstacle You Need To Overcome

Many bad situations can convince you that there’s nothing you can do to overcome them. You feel helpless in the face of the huge obstacles in your way. 

The trick here is to change your perceptions. Just because something bad has happened, it doesn’t mean that you can’t continue moving towards your goals. And even if it does mean that, you can always rethink your goals, or let them go and fully accept what’s happening in your life

Know That You’re Not Alone

Even if something terrible has happened to you, you can also remind yourself that you’re not alone in your struggles. Someone, somewhere will have experienced something similar to you in the past, or even in the present. 

If you’re struggling with repeated thoughts of a particular incident over and over, it’s a good idea to get help to reduce or eliminate them. Rapid resolution therapy can be a great way to prevent traumas from getting out of control and taking over your life. 

Focus On What You Can Do Right Now

Instead of worrying about what you can’t do, focus on what you can do right now to improve your life. Take baby steps if you must. But make sure that you reserve some element of control over the situation for yourself.

When you focus on what you can do, you stop worrying about what you can’t. When you take action, you’re no longer a passive recipient of circumstances, but someone powerful who can make a change in their own life. 

Learn Lessons

When things go wrong, there are sometimes lessons you can learn. For acts of God, for instance, there’s not much you can do. But if you find a situation affecting your personal circumstances, then you may be able to take steps to reduce its impact on you, or prevent it from happening again in the future. Ideally, you want to put yourself in a situation where the same bad thing can’t happen again. 

Let It Out

When bad things happen, it can be tempting to fall into depression or feel like giving up. One strategy, though, is to simply release your frustrations by talking it out with someone or going and exercising to release the tensions.

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Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

Take some time to tackle a few tasks as a form of preventative maintenance and stress reduction to achieve balance in your life.

There are far too many stressors thrown at you every day. They range from the minutiae in your personal life to the business of a professional persona. Ultimately, regardless of where those stressors lie, you are still one person who has to handle them all. Take some time to tackle a few tasks as a form of preventative maintenance and stress reduction to achieve balance in your life.


Prioritize Your Dental Health

If you have not had a dental visit over the past year due to the pandemic - make one now. You should schedule routine care with a trusted dentist at least annually. Most dentists will recommend you visit twice per year or quarterly, depending upon your specific dental needs. Having a healthy smile goes deeper than showing off a gleaming set of teeth. When your teeth receive frequent inspections and cleanings from a trusted professional, it will benefit your overall health by eliminating dangerous bacteria and plaque from your body.

Of course, you should do your part at home, as well. Make it a routine to brush and floss after every meal if possible. Try making the ritual more exciting by playing your favorite playlist or listening to a new podcast. Carry a travel toothpaste and toothbrush for when you are out of the house to keep your teeth and body healthy.

Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Be proactive in your personal life to reduce stressors. If you find yourself under too many obligations daily, seek out assistance. Should you have a partner or responsible family member who can assist you in care-taking, grocery shopping, or general housekeeping, do not hesitate to ask. Consider trading services with a like-minded friend or neighbor for lawn care or childcare. Sometimes, all you need are a few hours to yourself each week to accomplish tasks, take care of the finances, or relax with a good book. Ask for help when you need it and accept it when it is available. Focusing on your needs will give you a refreshing new perspective to take into the next day.

Reducing stress is imperative in the workplace, as well. If you feel overwhelmed by new technology or processes - ask for help. There is a tutorial for most work-related tasks. If a manual or guide does not exist, consider spearheading an initiative to create one. This will show your supervisors and colleagues that you have initiative and drive. Additionally, you can learn the processes in every step while you detail them for others to gain a greater understanding. 

When your workload is too great and you are unable to handle it all, speak to whomever you report to. Before going in, gather your projects and determine which ones you can complete and by what date. Be prepared to present yourself as an asset who can deliver on time, every time, when you have enough time to do so. Sometimes finding a mentor is beneficial in that they have had similar experiences to what you are currently going through. They will be able to relate to your situation and offer their wisdom and encouragement.

Here are a few tips for finding a mentor.


In life, there will always be a responsibility, a stress-inducing situation, or a deadline. Stay on top of routine healthcare by making dental appointments and annual exams. Take time out of each day to accept and offer help. Take care of yourself to take care of your future.

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

4 Ways To Improve Your Workout

Many of us have switched the gym for home workouts in the past year, while others have replaced their intense workouts with daily walks and more relaxing forms of exercise such as yoga. However, when it comes to working out, there are always things we can do to improve the quality of our workouts, and these tips will help us see better results.

It is recommended that we do at least 25 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week, but we all work out in different ways. Many of us have switched the gym for home workouts in the past year, while others have replaced their intense workouts with daily walks and more relaxing forms of exercise such as yoga. However, when it comes to working out, there are always things we can do to improve the quality of our workouts, and these tips will help us see better results.


Workout with a plan in mind 

Whether you work out at home or in the gym, you must know what you want to achieve out of that session. This does not mean that you need to have prepared a workout plan for the session; it can be as easy as deciding what area of your body you want to focus on and what pieces of equipment can help you work them out. However, workout plans are great for keeping you on track. Pamela Reif, a German fitness influencer, has her own app, which allows users to make a workout plan consisting of her workouts, which she posts to her YouTube channel. Workout plans like this one will help keep you on track and help motivate you to complete your daily workouts.

Invest in a therapeutic tape

Often working out can leave our bodies feeling sore and achy, particularly if the workout we have just completed has been strenuous. Therapeutic tapes are cotton strips that help ease muscle pain. These are extremely useful if you have pulled a muscle or ligament and will provide you with some much-needed relief. Suppose you are unsure of where you can purchase some therapeutic tape, kt therapeutic tape for sale.The less pain you feel, the more precise your workouts will be.


Include variety

If you perform the exact same workout every day, you will soon tire of it and simply not do it. This means that you will not see the same results as you would have done if you had continued the workout and this will demotivate you. Therefore, you should try to add variety into your workouts and maybe try different pieces of equipment when you are in the gym so that you do not become bored. This could also mean not doing a workout at all, and instead getting your exercise by going for a walk or a bicycle ride. Different forms of exercise can be greatly beneficial to you and your mental health. 

Workout with a friend

Going to the gym or out for a run with a friend can make all the difference. Not only does it motivate you, but it can make the workout more fun if you have a friend there to chat with and help check that you are performing your workouts safely. However, it would help if you were careful not to let your friend distract you too much; otherwise, you might end up not working out as much as you had initially planned. Making plans to work out with a friend will make you less likely to cancel your workout, too, as you will not want to let your friend down. This means that your friend holds you accountable, and consequently, you may notice your workouts becoming more frequent. 

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You Can Maintain a Healthy Brain

Although we can all expect to see some level of cognitive decline as we get older, it is far from inevitable that this decline will be significant, and there are lots of things we can all do to protect our brain health, and hopefully stave off diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Although there are no guarantees in life, if you do these X things, you will be doing your bit to maintain a healthy brain, which should help you fight off cognitive decline in later life.


Although we can all expect to see some level of cognitive decline as we get older, it is far from inevitable that this decline will be significant, and there are lots of things we can all do to protect our brain health, and hopefully stave off diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Although there are no guarantees in life, if you do these X things, you will be doing your bit to maintain a healthy brain, which should help you fight off cognitive decline in later life.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your overall physical and mental health, so it is not surprising that it can help to maintain a healthy brain. Numerous studies show that regular exercisers are less likely to suffer cognitive decline and go on to develop Alzheimer’s than individuals who exercise rarely. This may be because exercise can increase blood flow to the brain which can help to maintain neural connections.

2. Take your oral health seriously

You might not think that how often your brush and floss has much to do with the health of your brain, but there are numerous studies to suggest that gum disease and other oral health issues are linked to cognitive decline, as well as various other health issues, like heart disease. So, if you want to maintain a healthy brain, not to mention a healthy body overall, you need to brush and floss regularly and schedule regular appointments with Parkway Dental Care & Orthodontic.


3. Get enough sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in the health of your brain. When we sleep, it is believed that our body is able to get rid of abnormal proteins located in the brain area, which can help to consolidate your memories and improve overall cognitive function. If you can get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, this process should have enough time to kick in and do its thing. If you struggle to get enough sleep, speaking to your doctor might be a good thing as they may be able to help you with techniques or medication that will enable you to give your brain the rest it needs.

4. Challenge your brain

From crosswords and sudoku puzzles to trying new hobbies each week, anything you can do to keep your bran active and give it a bit of a challenge will only help to improve your cognitive function and keep your brain sharp, which is exactly what you need to do as you get older.

5. Eat Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is one of the healthiest for your weight and your heart, but did you know it’s also great for your brain too? Its unique mix of healthy fats, fish whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables gives the brain exactly what it needs to thrive best.

As you can see, it really is easy to maintain a healthy brain!

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Tips To Improve Your Oral Health

Everyone needs to look after their oral health because we only have one set of teeth once our adult teeth come through. It’s important to take extra care with both your teeth and gums in order to keep yourself healthy for as long as possible in life. With that being said, here are some helpful tips to improve your oral health.

Everyone needs to look after their oral health because we only have one set of teeth once our adult teeth come through. It’s important to take extra care with both your teeth and gums in order to keep yourself healthy for as long as possible in life. With that being said, here are some helpful tips to improve your oral health.


Brush With The Right Method

When it comes to brushing your teeth, there is a correct way of going about it and the main thing is that you want to get all areas of your mouth, from your front teeth to your back and all of the gum area too. You should be brushing your teeth for around two minutes as this is a great amount of time to spend in order to get your teeth and gums as clean as possible without overdoing it.

If you have a habit of cutting this time short, then put on a song or time yourself so that  you know how long two minutes will last for. When brushing, try not to brush too vigorously as you’re likely to do damage to your gums if you’re not careful. You want to apply pressure but not so much that it’s going to cause your gums to bleed.

By using the right method, you’re going to keep your teeth and gums healthy. They’ll also feel nice and clean after every brushing session. It’s something you should also be doing two to three times a day.

Try Flossing

Flossing is a great way of keeping your teeth clean but not everyone does it and just opts for brushing their teeth and leaving it at that. Brushing your teeth will do so much to remove the food and debris from your teeth. However, what really makes an added difference is flossing. Flossing gets in between the teeth where brushing can’t and therefore it’s something that you definitely want to incorporate as often as possible. 

Ideally, if you can do flossing along with every brushing of your teeth that you do, the more you’ll see an improvement of your teeth and how clean they are as a result. There are water flossing benefits that are worth exploring if it’s something you want to focus on.

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash is a great addition to your oral health routine because it’s a great disinfectant for your mouth. Brushing and flossing are good for cleaning your teeth but it’s mouthwash that will help disinfect the most bacteria-heavy area of your mouth which is the tongue. Although some mouthwashes can be somewhat strong, there are milder options out there that are worth trying out.

Again, it’s one that people will miss out on doing but if you can bring a trio of brushing, flossing and mouthwash into your routine, then it will make a big difference to the health of your teeth but providing you with a fresh breath too.

Get Regular Dental Appointments

Just like any medical appointments, getting regular dental check-ups is essential. It’s good to address any concerns you may have or changes to your teeth that you might think aren’t right. Your teeth shift sometimes as you age and it’s worth keeping an eye on anything that might change significantly.

So with that being said, make sure you’re booking yourself into the dentist as often as possible. Even if you’re not due a check-up, it’s still good to get yourself checked out if anything is niggling away at you or you’ve felt pain or discomfort in your mouth recently.

It’s better to fix the problem straight away instead of delaying it and potentially causing more harm.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing gum is often something that should be avoided if it contains sugar. However, it’s always useful to chew sugar-free gum in between meals and whenever you’re snacking. The reason your teeth can become damaged is through food and drink, sitting on your teeth. So with that being said, by chewing sugar-free gum, you give yourself that opportunity to get rid of anything sitting on your teeth, whilst also keeping your breath fresh. You can’t always brush your teeth throughout the day and so when it comes to lunch and snacks, chewing gum can be helpful.

Improving your oral health can not only help your teeth stay healthy but it’s also linked to the rest of your bodily health. Use these tips to make sure your gums and teeth stay as healthy as can be for as long as possible.

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How to Take the Best Care of Your Feet

Despite being one of the hardest working parts of the body, feet are often neglected. Every day, feet are subjected to a range of conditions that can harm their health, yet most people do not think about their feet until they start to see problems arising.


Despite being one of the hardest working parts of the body, feet are often neglected. Every day, feet are subjected to a range of conditions that can harm their health, yet most people do not think about their feet until they start to see problems arising. When you develop a foot problem, this can be particularly noticeable, and you may experience discomfort. To avoid the pain and suffering of foot issues, it is wise to start taking care of your feet to get them as healthy as possible. Here are some helpful tips for taking the best care of your feet:

Get Problems Treated Early

If you spot an issue with your feet, you may be tempted to ignore it and hope it goes away on its own. Unfortunately, whatever problem you have seen may become worse, not better, if you ignore it. Ignoring a foot issue for a long time can cause you to develop further problems, which potentially may require more extensive treatment. The best solution is to see a professional podiatrist such as Thomas Podiatry & Associates. They will be able to advise on the right treatment for your needs. Once you have your diagnosis, you will know precisely what you are dealing with, and the appropriate treatment can begin.

Choose the Right Footwear

Your footwear choices play a significant role in the health of your feet. Wearing shoes that are the wrong size can create a range of issues and feel incredibly uncomfortable to wear. If you regularly squeeze your feet into narrow high heels, you may find that you develop bunions and corns over time, not to mention plenty of blisters. These foot issues can cause a lot of pain and require a trip to the podiatrist to resolve them. 

Another common issue that is created by footwear is heel pain. Heel pain, such as plantar fasciitis, affects many people. Plantar fasciitis can be particularly painful, especially when you get out of bed in the morning and attempt to walk for the first time. Plantar fasciitis can be caused by wearing shoes that offer no or little support for the arches of your feet. If you have been at home wearing slippers each day during the COVID-19 quarantine, you may discover that you have heel pain due to your foot arches being unsupported.

Maintain Your Feet

Maintaining your feet and taking great care of them is an effective way to keep them as healthy as possible. Keeping your toenails carefully trimmed should help prevent ingrown toenails from forming. Taking care to dry your feet thoroughly after getting them wet is also crucial to keeping them in their best shape. Athlete’s foot can develop if you do not dry your feet completely. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection, so it thrives on damp skin. If you develop athlete’s foot, your feet will feel itchy and uncomfortable; flaky scales will also form. Taking care of your feet and carefully drying them will help prevent athlete’s foot from forming.

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Red Flag Symptoms You Should Never Ignore For A Healthy Smile

Health has dominated the headlines for the last year, but many people are still putting their oral health on the back-burner. Prevention is always better than cure. In this guide, we’ll explore some red flags you should never ignore for a healthy smile.

Health has dominated the headlines for the last year, but many people are still putting their oral health on the back-burner. There are several reasons why it’s essential to take good care of your teeth and gums, including enjoying confidence when you smile and reducing the risk of oral and general health conditions. Looking after your smile can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as gum disease and decay. Prevention is always better than cure. In this guide, we’ll explore some red flags you should never ignore for a healthy smile.


Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums is one of the most significant symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease is a common oral health problem. Severe gum disease affects almost 50% of US adults, according to the CDC. There are two main forms of gum disease. Gingivitis is a mild type of gum disease, which causes swelling and tenderness. If you spot traces of blood when you brush your teeth, it’s crucial to seek advice from your dentist. Gingivitis can be treated and managed effectively, preventing symptoms from getting worse. If gingivitis is left untreated, there is a risk of developing more advanced gum disease. Periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, causes more severe symptoms, such as redness, inflammation and pain. Periodontal disease results in irreversible damage to the bone tissue, which supports the teeth. Eventually, the teeth will come loose in the socket. Gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults. 

It is normal to experience bleeding gums if you are using a new toothbrush for the first time or you haven’t flossed for a long time but if symptoms persist, always see your dentist. It is best to get the gums checked out as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage. 

Dental pain

Most of us will have to deal with a toothache at some point in our lives. There are many reasons why dental pain can occur and some are more serious than others. Injuries and infections are common causes of tooth pain and discomfort. In many cases, pain is mild and it subsides without the need for intensive or long-term treatment. If you experience pain regularly or your symptoms get worse, it’s critical to consult a dental expert. Prolonged periods of pain or sudden, intense discomfort may be symptomatic of a dental infection, an abscess or extensive decay. Additional signs of infections to look out for include a fever and soreness and tenderness to the touch around the affected tooth.

The most effective way to prevent dental pain is to adopt and maintain a good daily oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing and flossing. Use dental products that actively remove plaque and clean and polish the teeth, taking care to cover every individual surface of each tooth and to clean the tongue. Brushing the tongue is an excellent way to achieve thorough cleaning and lower the risk of bad breath. When brushing, move the brush gently around the mouth avoiding applying too much pressure to the teeth. If you brush too hard, you could damage the enamel, which will increase the risk of sensitivity and caries.

Bad breath

Bad breath is a common dental issue. Most people experience bouts of bad breath in the morning or after certain foods but some people have persistent symptoms. If you are prone to bad breath, it’s wise to try and identify triggers and to see your dentist. You may be able to control symptoms by changing your diet or cutting specific foods or drinks out but there could also be underlying causes. The most common cause of bad breath, also known as halitosis, is poor oral hygiene. When bacteria feed, they release odorous gases, which cause the unpleasant smell we associate with bad breath. Brushing the teeth and tongue and flossing are designed to eliminate harmful bacteria and keep the mouth clean and fresh. If you are susceptible to bad breath, it’s particularly beneficial to clean the tongue after brushing. This is because bacteria collect at the base of the tongue. Chewing sugar-free gum can also be beneficial to prevent odors after eating and stimulate saliva production to cleanse the mouth. 

It is possible for bad breath to be linked to other causes, including taking certain types of medication. If you still have symptoms after changing your diet or you have excellent oral hygiene but you experience bad breath frequently, make an appointment with your dentist. 

Slow-healing mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are small sores, which usually form inside the cheeks or lips. In most cases, ulcers develop after accidentally biting the soft tissue or catching it while eating, for example. Ulcers usually disappear after 7-10 days without the need for treatment. Although they can be painful, mouth ulcers are often harmless. You can use over the counter products to ease discomfort. Ulcers can be a red flag if you keep getting them or they take a long time to heal. Recurrent ulcers can result from hormonal changes in the body and they may also be linked to stress.

Slow-healing mouth ulcers, which take longer than 2 weeks to disappear, can be symptomatic of mouth cancer. Oral cancer has become more prevalent in the last decade but many people are still unaware of the symptoms. In the US alone, it is estimated that over 54,000 people will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer in 2021. In addition to slow-healing mouth sores, signs to look out for include red or white patches in the mouth, abnormal lumps or swelling in the mouth or throat, persistent hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. Oral cancer checks are carried out as part of routine dental assessments so it’s vital to keep up to date with appointments. If you notice any changes in your mouth, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 


We all want to feel confident when we look in the mirror. Taking good care of your teeth and gums is essential for a healthy smile. One of the most important steps to take is to keep an eye on your mouth and seek advice if you notice any changes or you experience symptoms like pain, swelling or bleeding gums. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist if you’re worried about your oral health or you need help with brushing, planning menus or tackling common problems like tooth pain or bad breath.

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Learning To Pick Your Poison

Throughout life, you’re going to be exposed to a number of different vices that are seemingly almost impossible to forget or break off from.

Throughout life, you’re going to be exposed to a number of different vices that are seemingly almost impossible to forget or break off from. Whether it’s smoking, drinking, video games, or even just being lazy, we all develop bad habits that can be a nuisance not just to ourselves, but to others in our life as well.

Accepting these vices is fairly common practice now. Learning to pick your poison is ultimately one of the better ways to handle your bad habits. Nobody is perfect and everyone is going to have some kind of bad habit, so we’re going to offer some tips on how you can manage them more easily.


If you’re going to smoke, learn to cut down and choose options that are less damaging

Smoking is a common vice that many people fall for. Whether it’s cigarettes, cannabis, or some other kind of substance, there are many different things that we can inhale that are ultimately bad for us. Thankfully, we’re starting to see many healthier alternatives–and in more ways than you think. A relatively recent development is Delta 8 THC, a product that offers cannabis-like highs but without damaging effects. It’s a suitable substitution for many people that can offer a similar feeling, but it’s described as being a calmer experience.

Looking for substitutes like this is a great way to lower the negative effects of a vice like smoking. While you should always aim to lower your consumption, you can aid this by searching for better alternatives to what you’re currently smoking.

Embracing your vices because of the opportunities it offers

A unique way to think about your vices is by considering the opportunities it offers. This sounds strange at first, but there are some vices that can expose you to many different people and situations. For example, smoking tends to lead to smoke breaks at work which gives you a chance to socialize with co-workers that you might otherwise never notice.

Another example of a vice like this is video games. With online games being so popular, it gives you a chance to unwind with some entertainment while making friends and meeting people that could become friends for life. Of course, not every vice offers these types of benefits, but it can be helpful to consider it now and then.

Understand the benefits of your vices and try to use them strategically

There are plenty of ways that you can use your vices to your advantage. For example, being lazy and procrastinating can actually be used to improve your focus when you’re being held down by lots of different tasks. By procrastinating, you can clear your mind before engaging in a mentally-stressful task, such as a crunch period at work or an approaching deadline. Soothing your mind by just doing nothing and being lazy can help your brain rest for a while which is essential when you’re about to start a long and difficult work session.

Learning to take breaks to procrastinate now and then can be beneficial, but it’s very easy to get carried away which is why it’s difficult to do this in moderation.

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The Importance Of Having A Good Diet

Your body is your sanctuary, which is why it’s important to look after it. There are a whole plethora of ways to look after your body, from consuming enough water, getting enough sleep, and as we continue to look into today, by consuming a good diet.

Your body is your sanctuary, which is why it’s important to look after it. There are a whole plethora of ways to look after your body, from consuming enough water, getting enough sleep, and as we continue to look into today, by consuming a good diet. The reason it’s important to eat well is that it will help reduce the chances of you getting ill as well as improve your physical performance. Below are four reasons why having a good diet is important.


Improve Your Mood 

It’s very well documented that eating a bad diet can have a direct link to how you feel. If you are constantly eating badly, you can find yourself feeling tired and waking up not feeling fresh. By eating your five a day, reducing your alcohol consumptions (If you struggle with alcohol abuse, you can look into an outpatient alcohol treatment center) you will find that your mood improves and you feel better throughout the day. 

Weight Loss 

If one of your goals is to lose weight, then improving your diet will be a key part of your success. By having a good diet you will notice that you lose weight and don’t put weight on as easily. This is because fatty foods tend to have more calories than good foods, meaning the more fatty foods you eat the higher your calorie count normally is. When improving your diet, it’s a good idea to track the foods you eat so that you know what you are consuming and how many calories you are eating a day. To lose weight it is advised you cut your calorie allowance by 500 each day

Improve Your Sleep 

Another link to having a good diet and eating well is that your sleep will improve. You’ll find that the better you eat the higher quality of sleep you will get. If you currently struggle to sleep very well, you can find improving your diet is a key change to making a big difference. If you drink alcohol or caffeine during the day this also can be a big factor in why you struggle to sleep so not only will stopping improve your diet, but it will also help you sleep. It is recommended you get around 7-9 hours of sleep a day but this can vary depending on your age. 

Reduce The Chances Of You Getting Ill 

.A major reason to improve your diet to help with your mental health and reduce the chances of you getting ill. The healthier your diet is, the healthier your heart will be and the better your gut will be. You will also find that by eating cleaner your memory is better and you help keep your bones and teeth strong. When improving your diet it’s important you drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of sugary drinks. 

Why do you think it’s important to have a good diet? Would you add anything to the above four points? Have you recently started a new diet and how is it going? Let me know in the comment box below. 

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Why Do We Neglect Our Teeth?

Oral hygiene is one of the most overlooked areas of our health. It's bizarre how we neglect our teeth so easily and yet, they provide us with the essential tasks that we need to not just enjoy life, but actually survive.

Oral hygiene is one of the most overlooked areas of our health. It's bizarre how we neglect our teeth so easily and yet, they provide us with the essential tasks that we need to not just enjoy life, but actually survive. Having a good set of teeth isn’t just so you can appear more appreciable, or look attractive on a date, but actually, so you can eat! Yet, so many of us actually forget about some basic things we can do to improve our health, strengthen our gyms and just live a better more comfortable life regarding our oral hygiene.

Flossing is a skill

The thing about flossing is, no one really wants to do it. Who would have thought that a little thread going through our teeth would be such kryptonite for some of us!? Well, it is. And the reason for it is, it's uncomfortable. When you floss for the first time, you may find that your gyms are a lot more sensitive than you previously thought. When the thread hits your gums, it can feel very sharp. You may even find that you are bleeding. But this isn’t because of flossing, it's because of your gums being so poor in health. We recommend that you learn how to floss, without touching your gums or not putting as much pressure on them.

Just set an alarm

We have to brush twice a day; that much everyone agrees with. However, when we do so is a hard question to answer. Some of us think that we could brush our teeth the second time, after dinner, no matter how late it is. But we have found that when we speak to many people, we rarely brush our teeth in the evening because we forget. So, rather than fuss about before or after a meal, we think you should just brush full stop. So set an alarm for when you should brush your teeth in the evening. We think it should be no later than 10 pm, otherwise, it will feel like a chore. 


Always visit the…

You should know by now that dentists are not something to be afraid of but some of us don’t get over the fear of metal sharp objects being used in our mouths. But there are some density brands that go the extra mile to increase patient comfort. When finding a dentist you need to look at their user reviews and ratings on Google. This dentistry especially has got a reputation for keeping you relaxed, always informing you of what is going on and not going too far too fast in their treatments. Once you are comfortable, then you can begin to receive the best kind of treatment, so you can have a good smile and most of all, a healthy smile.

We neglect our teeth because, A: we’re lazy, B: we find it a chore, and C: because we are afraid of the dentist. Make it your mission now, to no longer do any of these things.

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It's Time To Talk About Office Health Risks

As we prepare to return to the office and create a safe environment for all, it’s time to consider some of the most commonly overlooked dangers.

The pandemic has made us painfully aware of some of the health risks inherent to working in office spaces. We’ve been told that germs can travel through the air and stuck to the surfaces we touch. Hand sanitizers and soap bars have now become the most popular stock items for offices in all industry sectors. Along with facial masks, they bring a sense of control and safety. However, it would be foolish to assume that germs are the only health hazard inside the office. As we prepare to return to the office and create a safe environment for all, it’s time to consider some of the most commonly overlooked dangers.


Office stress kills

The modern workplace is inflicting a dangerously high level of stress on all employees. In 2015, an analysis of 300 studies found worrying links between harmful workplace practices and mortality rates. Indeed, long working hours, lack of work/life balance, and unpredictable workload are some of the most commonly identified reasons to develop workplace anxiety, according to specialists. Conflicts between coworkers and managers can increase stress levels, yet a lot of employees need anxiety treatment supplements and therapy assistance even though they are healthy relationships with their coworkers. Businesses need to appreciate how internal decisions and processes can affect staff. 

The office diet single-handedly drives diabetic increase

What does the typical office kitchen look like? A lot of companies offer a variety of snacks and treats, which could have a negative impact on productivity and long-term health. But even if a business chooses healthy ingredients and foods, the kitchen layout can still be harmful to the team’s health. For instance, the proper cooking equipment in a small office kitchen could make it easy for employees to warm up their lunch or gain access to a fresh cup of coffee. This will reduce reliance on takeaway shops, and put people in control of their diet. 

What’s office flexibility?

Can you touch your toes? This might seem like a silly question, but sitting for a prolonged time can affect individual mobility and flexibility. Hip tightness is one of the first consequences of prolonged sitting. It might not seem like much, but gradually muscles develop tightness all across the body, from back to thighs. As a result, it’s not uncommon to develop soreness. Lack of flexibility also makes it hard to stick to a fitness routine, as it can be uncomfortable. Lack of flexibility increases fatigue syndrome and joint problems. 

Office loneliness, together but alone

It’s odd to think that even in the most numerous teams, people tend to be lonely. They are all working together, but office conflicts, power struggles, and lack of time compete together to prevent employees from building meaningful relationships. In fact, a lot of people suffer from isolation in the workplace. This can lead to depressive disorders. Unfortunately, the work culture doesn’t encourage social time inside the office. But introducing social events during working hours can help promote the idea that coworkers can rely on each other like friends. 

In conclusion, the pandemic is transforming the way we think about the workplace. It’s time to seize the opportunity to bring our offices to the next level, creating a space that supports both mental and physical health for all. 

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Tips To Look After Yourself This Year

After the year we’ve had, it’s now more important than ever to look after ourselves. And with that being said, there are plenty of things that we can be doing to make sure that we’re taking priority over our own health and mental wellbeing this year.

After the year we’ve had, it’s now more important than ever to look after ourselves. And with that being said, there are plenty of things that we can be doing to make sure that we’re taking priority over our own health and mental wellbeing this year. Here are some tips to look after yourself this year.


Treat Yourself

Life is all about focusing on number one but not everyone makes the time for themselves. We’re often so focused on keeping everyone else happy, that we end up neglecting our own happiness as a result. With that being said, it’s important to treat yourself every so often. The more you can treat yourself, the better it can help for your our mental wellbeing but knowing that you’re also spending money on yourself every so often. Whether you’re checking out a Blue Nile Review in order to get yourself a diamond ring or necklace, to simply getting yourself a takeout coffee, anything that’s an indulgence can be good for you. So do more of it!

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Spending time with loved ones is definitely something that we often don’t do enough and with the recent pandemic, it’s helped many of us to appreciate our loved ones even more. With that being said, try to find time to spend time with your loved ones, whether it’s family, friends, or even work colleagues. Make sure that you’re getting plenty of social activity on a regular basis because it’s certainly going to help with you feeling better in yourself.

Try to make time for others as well as giving yourself some time to yourself. It’s a fine balance but it’s something that’s definitely doable.

Try To Reduce Stress Levels

Reducing stress levels is important for your health because stress can really impact your health. If you’re not careful, it can do more damage to your health than most things in life. With that being said, try to find outlets for your stress levels. It could be that you do some exercise or pamper yourself to relieve stress. For others, it might be a glass of wine in the evening or spending a couple of hours, reading a good book. 

Find ways to relieve stress because it’s guaranteed to make you feel a lot better than you might be feeling currently.

Take Life Less Seriously

Taking life too seriously is something that many of us do at times where we feel like we need to prove ourselves to something or someone. It’s good to not stress the small stuff and to try and focus on what really matters in life. A job is just a job at the end of the day and very few people are saving the world through their job. The same goes for your personal life when trying to please other people. Try not to think about it too much and you’ll feel a lot better about it.

Looking after yourself this year is certainly something that should be done actively so use these tips to help yourself this year.

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8 Ways To Aid Your Journey To Sobriety

There are many different paths, and almost everybody experiences setbacks. However, there are certain tools and things you can do to aid your journey.

Your journey to sobriety is not going to look like anybody else’s journey to sobriety. There are many different paths, and almost everybody experiences setbacks. However, there are certain tools and things you can do to aid your journey. 

Read on for 8 ways to aid your journey to sobriety: 

1.Understand Your Triggers and Come Up With A Helpful Plan

Understanding your triggers can help you to come up with a helpful plan so that you don’t succumb to any temptation. For example, if you know that certain friends encourage you to break your sobriety, you can either cut them off or insist on spending time with them in a healthier setting, such as a coffee shop. When you become more mindful of your triggers, you should also be able to understand your relapse warning signs. 

2.Build A Support Network You Can Count On

Building a support network you can count on can make a huge difference to your success. You can share your experiences with them, share your little wins, and resonate with one another on a deep emotional level. A peer support group is a great way to do this, especially if you have friends and family who don’t really understand what you’re going through. 

3.Find An Activity You Feel Passionately About 

Is there an activity you can spend time on that makes you feel good? This could make an adequate distraction from any addiction you are struggling with. Whether it’s painting, running,or something entirely different, try it out and see if you can immerse yourself in it. Just be aware of any unhealthy coping mechanisms - if you replace an addiction with running, make sure you don’t run an unhealthy amount.


4.Try To Build Healthy Habits 

Focusing on healthy living can help you to stay on track. Cook balanced meals, take regular exercise, and ensure you’re getting quality sleep. If you find yourself looking at dab rigs for sale, consider calling a friend or going for a walk. 

5. Develop A Structured Schedule 

A disorganized lifestyle can hinder your recovery so try to develop a structured schedule. Routine can help just about anybody who is struggling to stay on the right path. 

6. Focus On Your Finances 

When you struggle with addiction, financial problems usually come along with it. Improvements won’t happen overnight, but it can be extremely satisfying to see positive changes happening for your financial situation no matter how long it takes. 

7. Celebrate Your Milestones

Acknowledging and celebrating the hard work of recovery is helpful for keeping you motivated and reminding you why you decided to change your lifestyle in the first place. Sobriety is an ongoing journey, and you need to stay strong. You deserve rewards! Just be sure that your rewards don't involve drugs or alcohol. Focus on experiences and activities that can support your healthy lifestyle instead. 

8. Accept Your Past Behaviors 

Try not to obsess over past behavior. Feeling guilty or shameful for a past behavior or action during active addiction is normal. Apologize to people you need to apologise to, and then make peace with yourself. Guilt and shame can easily lead you back into addiction and unhealthy habits. 

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