How To Maintain A Set Theme On Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is one of the biggest days of your life, so it's more than likely you have found yourself planning the event in your mind many years before your hubby chose to pop the question! As a result, you may already have an idea of a specific theme or style that you want to maintain during your wedding, and subsequently need to find out more about how you can turn your marriage dreams into a reality. Thankfully you have come to the right place, as this guide contains everything that you need to know to plan the perfect themed wedding in no time at all. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on!

Choose The Right Venue & Decorate Accordingly 

One of the most important features that can contribute massively towards your theme as a whole is the venue that you choose to hire for your special day, as this will either set the scene perfectly for your special event or cause your big day to fall flat on its face. A good venue is one that is similar to a blank canvas, as this way you can have the greatest opportunity to personalize the space so that you can recreate your intended theme. However, there may be dedicated venues out there that already tie in with the look you had originally wanted to go for, such as a castle or stately home for a traditional, ball-style wedding, or a more rustic farmhouse on beautiful land for a natural wedding that forfeits all of the usual prim and proper faff. So, take the opportunity to locate the best venue for your unique needs, and don't forget to add a few finishing touches in the form of extra decor! Source stylish chair covers, consider pipe and drape rental and locate or create some eye-catching centerpieces to put in the middle of your guests tables so that you can set the scene even when your loved ones sit down to eat! The more effort that you can put in to provide your guests with the best first impression as soon as they enter into your venue the better, but you can easily contact an experienced venue host to take over this responsibility for you if you don't want to face the hassle. You’ll know instantly when your venue has finally started to embody your chosen theme, so put your creative hat on and start personalizing the space to establish your own unique style. 

Identify The Best Clothing 

The clothing that you and your bridal party wear can either make or break your theme, as you will be featuring in nearly every photo and therefore contribute quite massively towards the aesthetic of your big day. Choosing the wrong dresses and suits could detract massively from the style of your wedding, causing your event to seem mismatched and jumbled without any set theme to go by. Fortunately, it can be very easy to locate the most suitable clothing for yourself and your bridal party when you have already decided on a set theme, as you can take this idea to your local dressmakers to identify what brands and styles they have in stock to meet your needs. For example, a fairytale wedding might require flowing, sparkly dresses, whereas a nature inspired day could benefit from floral prints or even use of the color green. There are bound to be limitless options online if you cannot source the right clothing from a brick and mortar clothing store, but make sure you order them well in advance to avoid disappointment. You can also choose to extend your recommendations further than your immediate bridal party if you want to take your theme to a whole level, as you can ask all of your guests to wear a certain shade or bring a particular accessory! This might mean that your male guests wear a certain kind of flower pinned to their suit, or you could suggest a certain type of hair accessories or a set makeup style for your female attendees. Just make sure you check with your family and friends beforehand, as some of them might not have the time or the creative flare to follow your recommendations. 

Maintaining a set theme for your wedding day has never been such a simple task when you can take the time to utilize some of the brilliant tips and tricks that have been carefully described above, so what are you waiting for? 


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