How To Dramatically Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

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How much better would the world be if everyone focused on reducing their carbon footprint? Don’t worry about other people, what if we all focused on ourselves and our habits and lowered our carbon footprints? You don’t have to be an environmental expert to realize the world would be in a much better place. 

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life? It’s easy to believe that this is an outrageously difficult thing to do and you have to live off the grid on your own self sustaining farm. Realistically, it’s very simple, and you only need to follow a few steps:

Try to recycle as much as possible

Reusing things and recycling packaging is the easiest way to drastically lower your carbon footprint. When you buy something, check to see if the packaging can be recycled once you’ve used the product. You’ll be amazed at how many things can actually be recycled these days. Not only that, but there’s almost always a recyclable alternative to something that can’t be recycled. Even drums of fuel have an alternative in fuel in a box that has recyclable packaging. Minimize the amount of waste you produce, and you will minimize your negative impact on the environment. 

Use your car less

Stop using your car for every single journey you take. Walk places, get a bike and cycle, then keep your car for essential journeys. We’re talking long-distance journeys or instances where walking or cycling aren’t possible. Even if you don’t drive for one day a week, that adds up! Gradually decrease your driving time, and you lower the carbon emissions put into the atmosphere. It’s really not that hard - or you could trade in our current car for an electric one. Granted, this is a more dramatic change, but it will 100% be worth it in the long run.

Be more energy-conscious

Be honest, do you think about your energy usage? Do you ever look at your house and consider whether or not you’re wasting energy? Most of you probably don’t think about it, but you should. That’s not a criticism, it’s just a fact. We always leave appliances on or do little things that mean we use more energy than required. During the winter, if you close your windows and put on some thick clothing, you can afford to keep your heating off for longer or put it at a lower temperature. In the summer, you can open your windows wide to let fresh air in, negating the need for your air-con to be on. Make subtle changes to your energy habits - like turning lights off - and you will see an instant change. Start today, then check your energy bill next month. The difference between it and your previous bills will be staggering. 

In conclusion, reducing your carbon footprint is hardly a challenge. All you have to do is reduce waste and recycle more, cut down on your driving time, and be more energy-efficient. Three very simple changes that make you a greener person. 


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