Designers, Fashion, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Designers, Fashion, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Anifa Mvuemba Has Completely Transformed Runway Culture.

Anifa Mvuemba has completely transformed runway culture. With the use of technology and virtual models, Mvuemba brought her "Pink Lable Congo" collection to life! Highlighting the beauty, delicacy, and the history of Congolese clothing, Anifa uses her clothes to celebrate her country’s history despite how painful. With the intent to rewrite the future.

During a time when we can’t physically gather, Baltimore native Anifa Mvuemba, the founder of clothing brand Hanifa has transformed runway culture. The Congolese designer has given us a glimpse of what fashion shows could possibly be following the pandemic. Using technology and innovation Mvuemba was able to share her story and showcase her collection to the public from home.

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Hanifa’s mission is to highlight the beauty, delicacy, and the history of Congolese clothing. Using her clothes to celebrate her homeland’s history regardless of how painful, with the goal to rewrite its future. Mvuemba said in an interview that she felt that releasing the collection during the pandemic would appear insensitive but she has definitely taken the internet by storm. Utilizing social media, specifically Instagram live, Anifa revealed her “Pink Lable Congo” line using virtual models. In an interview with TeenVogue, Anifa said that she had been thinking of taking her fashion shows to the internet and have been working on this project for seven months.

During the launch of the collection, Anifa explains that each look in this collection meant to represent the Democratic Republic of Congo. She also wanted to use this launch to raise awareness of the illegal mining of cobalt on the land. According to CNN, it is estimated that nearly 40,000 children are working on mines making $1 to $2 a day. To bring attention to this Anifa open the fashion show with a short documentary of stories of these mine workers. This documentary highlighted the harsh conditions underage children and women face for long hours.

To learn more about this cause here's a link to the IGTV runway show.

Report: Lauren Tucker

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Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Black People Are Not An Antiracism Course

Educating yourself on issues affecting the black community is more important than ever. But it's also important to utilize the resources around you to gain a better understanding of those issues. Your friend can be a starting point, but you try to take it from there.

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In light of the unlawful killings of Ahmaud Arbery, and more recently, George Floyd, there has been a resurgence amongst non-black people to educate themselves on social issues that directly impact black people. Thus, they tend to turn to black people for book recommendations, resources and other educational materials to better themselves in this area. Although most black people are willing to answer questions and provide resources to non-black people that will aid them in a better understanding of black issues, we are not an antiracism course. Black people are not an antiracism course. As a black person in America, continuing to explain black plight to white and other non-black people is a mentally and emotionally laborious task that should not always solely rely on us. I, as a black American citizen, am not responsible for the totality of a non-black person’s understanding of police brutality, white supremacy, racism, etc.

The majority of us have more than likely either been a student or employee. In both of these instances, at one point or another, we were expected to learn something new and had to utilize the resources around us to learn it. I want to encourage people to apply that same practice when it comes to their education on social issues involving the black community. However, one does not have to acquire all of the knowledge and education in order to speak out against antiracism and police violence. The poetic, complex and verbose statements that we’re seeing in Instagram captions are not necessary in order to develop an effective message. Simple phrases such as “End police brutality,” “Value black lives,” and “Stop killing black men and women,” are simple statements that draw attention to the multiplicity of issues we’re facing societally. Empathy and common sense are the only prerequisites necessary to understand that there are grave injustices at place in America that warrant a global outcry.

Report: Julian Alexander Randall

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Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

To Brands and Influencers, Do More Activism on Your Platform.

As more speak out and try to combat today's issues, there's one thing to be noted: you can can always improve and do better on your activism.

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Multiple protests throughout the United States, and now the world, have erupted due to George Floyd’s murder. With a protest in almost each state and horrendous police response being recorded, it’s hard to avoid the social issues being brought up more prominently. It’s important to be aware and actively contribute to fighting against them, but there’s a certain demographic that especially needs to make their activism known: brands and influencers. The amount of followers and power they possess could be a great tool in increasing awareness, but only if they do it proactively.

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Brands of prominence have stepped up and committed to the cause of fighting racial injustice. Glossier announced they will be making a $500,000 donation to various organizations such as Black Lives Matter and the Marsha P. John Institute, and plan to give out $500,000 worth of grants to black-owned beauty brands. Jacquemus has actively been using their Instagram to create posts about the protests and Black Lives Matter and have been sharing ways in which to support black-owned businesses. Rent the Runway announced they will donate $1 million to black designers, with a $100,000 donation to the Black Vision Collective and NAACP, as well as a 15% commitment to black talent. With these well-known names making strides for activism, can other brands follow lead and improve? The answer is yes.

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Chanel has posted support and a commitment to more diversity, but has not donated or provided resources. Considering that they once staged a runway show as a “protest” with models flaunting posters, why couldn’t they contribute in real life? Louis Vuitton drew criticism after not responding, but it was only after one of their designers, Virgil Abloh, was called out for donating a small portion that they finally released a video committed to making a change for Black Lives Matter. Marc Jacobs was one of the brands that had their stores vandalized and destroyed, but all they have done was explain they can replace material things, but not a black life. Although it’s great they made this comment, other brands have proven more can be done past performative activism for the sake of looking like they care.

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Influencers of social media have the power to evoke change as well. Jackie Aina has been very vocal about business silence, and has called out Fashion Nova, Pretty Little Thing, and similar brands for profiting off black culture, but not doing anything to contribute to the activist cause. She has even posed a challenge to brands to list how many black employees they have, specifically in roles of leadership. If some influencers have the power and fanbase to drive change, all others should do the same.

Everyone should be a constant activist for the racial injustice and other social issues that have troubled society. But no matter how much activism you do, you can always do better. Educate yourself, read up on history, listen to people’s stories. Make your activism intersectional and never-ending.

Photo Credits: Normani, Nelly London, Marc Jacobs, Jackie Aina.

Report: Charlene Piccio

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Fashion Access by NKC Fashion Access by NKC

Face Masks Are Our New Accessory

Will face masks become a fashion item? As we are required to wear face masks while out in public, will people decide to coordinate them with what they are wearing? Manufacturers have been creating amazing face masks with designs, sayings, and overall are very stylish.

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As we know the CDC has recommended that we continue to wear face masks out in public for the past several months now. This most likely will be the case for quite some time to follow.

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While face masks have been an important part of personal protective equipment in hospitals and warehouses, they are becoming a part of everyday life for everyone. Whether it’s a cloth face covering or a mask with a KN95 rating, the need to have face masks is now rapidly changing.

Face masks are going to be part of our everyday attire and it is something that we must be sure we never leave the house without. Anytime you go to grocery stores, for walks or to large gatherings you must be wearing a mask.

Since face masks are a huge part of our lives and what will help us stay the most protected, you might as well find a mask you like. Some shops, small businesses and designers have decided to change the style of these face masks to make them more “stylish”.

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Places like Etsy, Fashion Nova, Revolve and several online shops created face masks that have designs such as lace, camo, plaid and countless others to make it more enjoyable to wear. These masks take up a very big part of our face when we wear them, so it’s important we feel comfortable in them.

Face masks may not be looked at as a fashion accessory, but with the CDC’s guidelines we must follow, our face masks should at least be appealing to the eye.

Would you match your face mask with your outfit?

Photo Credits: Vogue & Etsy

Report: Melissa Adragna (@melissa_adragna)

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

"For once, just don't do it."

For once, Nike is telling you not to do it.


Nike's iconic slogan has always been "Just Do It." It encourages athletes to go for it and to not hold back. Shia LaBeouf infamously said it best. However, they recently released a video with a major adjustment to their slogan.

The video ends with "For once, just don't do it." The video was released as a support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which speaks out against police brutality and racial profiling of black Americans. This movement has resurfaced after a Minneapolis police officer killed George Floyd, after Floyd was accused of using counterfeit bills.


Nike is one of several brands to have spoken out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and against racism, however; this is not the first time they've taken a political stance. In 2018, they did a campaign with Colin Kaepernick, who controversially was released from the NFL after he kneeled during the National Anthem, as a way of protesting racism. Nike CEO, John Donahoe, released a statement to Yahoo Finance, saying, "Team, As we’ve watched racial tragedies expose prejudice and injustice in our cities over these past few weeks, I can’t stop thinking about the individuals impacted: Ahmaud Arbery. Christian Cooper. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd.

The horrible killings and racist actions serve as a sickening reminder of what too many people live through every day in America. It is absolutely wrong what’s happening in our communities, to our friends and family members. These tragedies are not unique to the U.S. Far from it –- we see violent incidents in countries all over the world, fueled by hatred and ignorance. Let me be as clear as I can: Nike is opposed to bigotry. We are opposed to hatred and inequality in all its forms, indirect and overt. While Nike cannot solve injustice, I believe we have a responsibility to work toward addressing it to the best of our ability."

Report: Anna Bechtel

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Celebrity, Culture Access by NKC Celebrity, Culture Access by NKC

Tyler the Creator Speaks in Support of the Recent Protests.

Tyler the Creator is one of many artists speaking in support of the recent protests.

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Rapper Tyler The Creator is just one of many celebrities and public figures who have publicly voiced support or solidarity with the George Floyd protesters and the Black Lives Matter movement. He has been seen by many attending protests and gatherings in the Los Angeles area. Tyler's support is especially helpful, as his Los Angeles store, GOLF, was vandalized in a protest earlier this week. When a Twitter user tweeted about how the store was vandalized, and that it was sad that Tyler supported the protests, Tyler took to GOLF's official Instagram account to say that the location was actually "fine." "This is bigger than getting some glass fixed and buffing spray paint off," reads the comment. "Understand what really needs to be fixed out here." Tyler later posted a 1996 photo of the Black Panthers, a famous black revolutionary socialist organization, on GOLF's Instagram account, with the caption, "BLACK FURY: keep your eyes wide and educate yourself."

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Many people have tried to categorize these protests as "violent" and as excuses for people to loot and vandalize stores. However, those who support it are providing clips and evidence on social media that the people attending these protest intend for it to remain peaceful, that most of the violence is incited by the law enforcement, and that many of the looting and vandalism are actually coming from outside groups, who are seemingly masquerading as protesters.

Report: Anna Bechtel

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Social Media Activism, Not Social Media Validation

Social media can be a vital tool in promoting societal change- make sure you are using it for the right reasons

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Over the past few days it has been difficult for me to put my thoughts into words. No words seem enough to express the immense anger and sadness I feel over the murder of George Floyd, and too many others, at the hands of those meant to protect us. But in order for there to be change there needs to be words. And so, I write.

This Tuesday there were over 26 million posts on Instagram for Black Out Tuesday, a campaign where one posted an all-black photo on Instagram sending the message that they would spend the day silencing their own content and promoting that of Black Lives Matter activism. The 26 million Instagram posts translated to only 12 million signatures on a petition calling for justice for George Floyd.

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While I do not wish to disregard 12 million signatures as anything small, that is less than half of the amount posted to social media. If you want to be an activist, you need to take action.

Social media is a fantastic way to use your platform to reach hundreds, thousands, millions of people. Sharing donation links, statistics, and your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences are just some of the ways to garner attention and encourage action. But if you’re using your words solely and not contributing your own action, whether that be signing a petition, providing a donation, or participating in a protest, then how is your platform really being utilized?

An activist is defined as “a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.” It’s very easy to post a black square on your Instagram and move on with your day. Doing so does not make you an activist. Seeking personal validation over your social media does not make you an activist. Using your social media to encourage and invoke your own change makes you an activist.

It’s time for all of us to do our part. Our words are powerful, but actions speak louder than words. Whether you choose to share your efforts on social media or not, your participation in efforts to reduce racism and discrimination in our society is all that matters. Signing a petition takes less than a minute, and any donation helps. Let’s be good people – not just look like good people.

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Access PR has created a gofundme to support black owned small businesses, consider donating:

Here are some more resources available for other places to donate, petitions to consider signing, and ways to get further involved:

Photo Credits: Instagram, GoFundMe, @cleowade

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Five Reasons To Home School Your Kids Beyond Lockdown

It’s been a controversial topic throughout lockdown, but so many parents need to be applauded for their homeschooling efforts!

It’s been a controversial topic throughout lockdown, but so many parents need to be applauded for their homeschooling efforts! Cronovairus took the ability to go to school away, turning parents into teachers overnight beyond their usual teaching for their children. Home educating children is not easy, no matter what age they are, as it forces a parent to be so much more than they expected to need to be. No matter which way you look at it, we rely on our teachers, and we couldn't be more thankful for them and their help. 

It’s for this reason that so many send their children back to school at the earliest opportunity. Then there are those who are looking at home education as the way forward. They’ve searched the Coassemble reviews for the best e-learning program and they are looking at the way they can convert the garage into a classroom. Home learning isn't a bad thing: it’s a positive thing for a lot of families. So, with that in mind, let’s look at five reasons you should continue beyond lockdown.

  1. You can teach what you like when you like. Yes, there is a curriculum in mainstream schools, but you really do get the freedom to teach your children whatever you choose. You can allow your children to dictate what they want to learn, too, and they can pick whether they have math lessons or English on a given day. 

  2. You can have children that graduate early if they hit their lessons enough. There are so many children out there who graduate high school years in advance, as mainstream schools choose to spread out the curriculum. When you’re at home, you can go at your own pace and that can be faster than regular school if they have the inclination.

  3. Your children can learn so many more things than a school plans to teach them. They can learn life skills alongside maths and read more novels and fun books than the ones dictated by a teaching system. You can also take as much time as you like to travel, as your children will be able to see the world and mix with a range of new people.

  4. It’s you that will be in charge of shaping their minds, which means that there is no hidden rhetoric in the lessons. You can teach them the most important parts of history that are often whitewashed by the government teaching curriculum. The freedom to reach your children on another level is a huge draw for parents who want to home educate, and you can make sure that your children know the truth about the world in a way that they wouldn't have before. 

  5. Home education can teach your children levels of tolerance and acceptance that they wouldn't find in a lot of mainstream schools. They can get your time and your knowledge which is often so important compared to the time spent in school. There are groups in which they can socialize and get to know others of a range of ages, too!

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Espresso Yourself

Rise in shine, coffee drinkers. There are many choices of beverages in the morning.

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Rise in shine, coffee drinkers. There are many choices of beverages in the morning. If you normally don’t drink coffee in the morning, then you probably haven’t heard of this drink. This coffee has been all over social media while being under quarantine. You guys are in for a sweet treat that I am willing to share. Coffee dates back to the 15th century which is a really long time ago. When it first came to America in mid 17th-century it was a huge success. With the rebel against King George III produced a mass change from tea to espresso among the homesteaders. It would change drinks and beverages forever. The newest trend of drink that blew up on Tik Tok is called Dalgona Coffee. It was founded in South Korea and India. Dalgona Coffee is a refreshment made by whipping equivalent extents of moment which is made with four special ingredient’s which are espresso powder, sugar, water, and milk mix all those ingredients together until it becomes smooth. That’s just a quick way to make to the fluffy drink if you need further assistance you can go on TikTok, food and drink websites and YouTube. Enjoy this drink with a muffin, sweet pastries or oatmeal. Hop on this trend before it too late. I am sure you’ll love it.

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Photo Credits: Hummingbird High and Amazon

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Access by NKC Access by NKC

Summers At Starbucks

Summer is right around the corner.

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With summer being right around the corner people are always going to want something fresh to drink. Beverages are essential in our lives because they can provide nutrients. Although some drinks are made up of full of sugar, they can sometimes be a sweet treat. With this new tropical drink, I am about to share with you guys from Starbucks you will want to try it as soon as possible.

Starbucks was founded by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, Gordon Baker in 1971. In the rest is history. With a very successful coffee shop business was booming, but as years went on fast forward to the 2000s they had to create more. Hope for something else than espresso which implies premium teas, fine cakes and other heavenly treats. With more creation coming to the menu this summer a new drink has been made called Iced Guava Passionfruit. This drink is made by using kinds of guava, passionfruit, pineapple, and ginger that is then hand-shaken with coconut milk and ice for a "smooth and velvety drink to inspire your day. Try the drink out with a fine pastry! This new drink will make you want to spend all your money at Starbucks this summer.

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Photo Credits: Starbucks

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Celebrity, Culture Access by NKC Celebrity, Culture Access by NKC

Rihanna Shuts Down Fenty in Honor of Blackout Tuesday

While many celebrities posted on their personal social media, Rihanna took it upon herself to promote this cause on her business platforms

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Blackout Tuesday, a now famous hashtag on social media applications such as Instagram and Twitter, was promoted by activists to observe, mourn and bring about policy change in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

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While many celebrities posted on their personal social media, Rihanna took it upon herself to promote this cause on her business platforms and in result, has closed all three of her profitable brands – cosmetics company Fenty Beauty, Lingerie line Savage x Fenty, and LVMH-helmed Luxury line FentyShe temporarily to raise public awareness and encourage the Black Lives Matter movement.

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On Fenty’s Instagram page she writes, “FENTY as a brand was created to elevate beauty, power and freedom! At this very moment racists are attempting to rip those values away from Black people and we will NOT stand by and let that happen. We are too powerful, creative and resilient. In support of the Black community, we will be donating funds to Color of Change and Movement for Black Lives. We ask you to speak up, stand up, and pull up against racism and discrimination in all forms. We are not staying silent and we are not standing by. The fight against racial inequality, injustice, and straight up racism doesn’t stop without any movement.”

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Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Beauty, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Beauty, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

The Undervalued Beauty of Black Fashion

Black fashion businesses are brimming with underrated talent, and this period of revolutionary racial solidarity only further proves how deserving they are of financial support.



Black fashion businesses are brimming with underrated talent, and this period of revolutionary racial solidarity only further proves how deserving they are of financial support. Countless black fashion creators have crafted such fascinating, awe-inspiring designs, which makes purchasing these products a particularly rewarding form of equal rights advocacy amidst ongoing racial injustices.



The most noteworthy of these businesses are those that infuse black pride and Afrocentric aesthetics into their creations. Brother Vellies is a purveyor of handcrafted shoes and handbags from South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya and Morocco, and AFRA’s hair jewelry is modeled after that of ancient Egyptian royalty. Blk Mkt Vintage is the most brazen example of cultural pride, as it is a collection of artifacts of black history, including a t-shirt that reads, “Fight the Powers That Be with Black Unity.”

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BLK MKT Vintage

With the nation in the midst of mass revolt, time will only tell what sort of systemic change will result from all this unwavering activism—and subsequently, how living through such a historic time will influence future black art.

Brother Vellies

Brother Vellies

Report: Nia Hunt

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Lifestyle, Fashion Access by NKC Lifestyle, Fashion Access by NKC

Edward Enninful Talks About The Importance Of Cultivating An Anti-Racist Agenda

“My mother told me to watch myself whenever I left the house. I still feel that same sense of anxiety today when I step out of my front door. Forty years on, nothing has changed.” -Edward Enninful

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Last week, Edward Enniful, the editor of British Vogue watched a video of George Floyd, the 46-year-old African-American man who died in custody after an officer from the Minneapolis Police Department knelt on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. He talks about how it made him feel, he said, “First of all, I was wracked by a feeling of intense sadness at the senseless loss of life. Then I saw the video footage of Amy Cooper, the white woman who called the police on Christian Cooper, a black man walking in New York’s Central Park, when he asked her to put her dog on a leash. That made me feel enraged. In the days since, I have been unable to shake a very specific feeling that will be familiar to black people around the world: that my life is somehow disposable.”

He talks about how lucky to have a privilege in his world, he said, “But as a man of colour, and as a gay man, I could not escape the sense that it doesn’t matter what you’ve achieved, or what you’ve contributed to society, your life can still feel worthless. When I step out of my door in the morning, to take a walk or to wander alone, I am always aware of increased personal danger because of the colour of my skin. These past few days I’ve gone between rage and sadness and fear. What these racist acts reveal, among many other things, is that we have a lot more work to do. Anybody who thinks we’re there, that we have created a society where everyone is equal – well, they’re wrong. Racism is a global issue. Racism is a British issue. It is not one that is merely confined to the United States – it is everywhere, and it is systemic.”

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His mother always told me to watch himself when he left the house, he said, “As a black person, you learn from a very young age that you need to have your wits about you. Children are born without prejudice, but when I started school in London, I realised that I was different. Name-calling is only the very first thing you have to deal with, and there have been worse moments. Growing up in Ladbroke Grove, I saw black people persecuted, arrested, abused – this happened all the time. My mother told me to watch myself whenever I left the house. I still feel that same sense of anxiety today when I step out of my front door. Forty years on, nothing has changed.”

Report: Amanda Lou

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Beauty Access by NKC Beauty Access by NKC

Jackie Aina Urges Fashion Brands to Break Silence on Black Injustices

Jackie Aina took to Instagram this week to call out fashion companies that have remained "dead silent" about the struggles and issues facing the black community.

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Jackie Aina took to Instagram this week to call out fashion companies that have remained "dead silent" about the struggles and issues facing the black community. The outspoken beauty and lifestyle YouTuber tagged three popular brands in her stories and accused them of failing to support the very culture from which they profit. Aina said, “There are a lot of brands who love capitalizing on black culture, black music, black aesthetic, but are dead silent when it comes to talking about black issues and black struggles in our communit. So just as much as y'all love hanging out with Ty Dolla Sign and Saweetie and Blac Chyna, can y'all at least say something when people are being brutally murdered by cops? Donate to the families affected by this stuff? Revolve, PrettyLittleThing, Fashion Nova. The memes that you guys are posting on your pages are not gonna cut it. Do more. Don't just be present when it's time to be lit on the 'gram."

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Aina went on to say she was calling out these three specific brands because they push a distinct aesthetic that is clearly influenced by elements of black life and culture. Aina then urged the brands to not only acknowledge, but also help combat the problems plaguing the African-American community. She said, "I know that, like, black people dying isn't aesthetically pleasing for the feed. I understand that. But I do feel like it's the least that you can do. You can't just take, pick, and choose the parts of our culture and not embrace all of it ... Guys, I understand sometimes philanthropy does not have to be announced, but right now more than ever, considering how much influence these brands specifically have, it's very important that you say and do something. Like it's the least you can do." Following her comments, Aina took to Twitter to announce that some of the brands had viewed her stories, but not all of them had responded. She then told her followers she had a phone call with Fashion Nova's CEO on Friday to discuss "an extensive course of action.”

Aina's comments come amid nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who was killed during an arrest. On Friday, an ex-Minneapolis officer was arrested and charged with third-degree murder in connection to Floyd's death.

Report: Amanda Lou

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Beauty Access by NKC Beauty Access by NKC

Brighten Up Your Look

Brighten up your look

If you like cake listen up! Cake in ancient Greek means “flat”. Cake can be classified for special occasions. Cake is sometimes sweet, savory and bright. With this new makeup product, I am about to share you will sure want this sweetness in your life.Anastasia Beverly Hills is back at it again with is this unique eye makeup package you will want to get your hands on it quick. This exclusive brand is called Norvina. Norvina was founded by the daughter of Anastasia Soare.

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Anastasia Beverly Hills is one of any brands that you can rely upon to have items that were really endeavored and embraced by the substance of the brand from beginning to end. Catch everybody's attention at your next celebration with amazingly splendid look. Norvina Electric Cake Liners by Anastasia Beverly Hills is a trio of water-initiated cake cosmetics stacked with striking, dark shading for master quality face and body painting. These top-notch paints convey long-wearing look with extraordinary shading. Just soak a brush, dunk into the shading and apply for a series of measure of looks, from fine ordered lines to full-body craftsmanship. Accessible in 2 distinctive shading sets. Fun fact about the product it is vegan and cruelty free. I have no doubt this will become your new party look for the summer.

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PhotoCredits: Anastasia Beverly Hills

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Fashion Access by NKC Fashion Access by NKC

The Paris Haute Couture Shows Will Go Digital This July

As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, different precautions have to be taken everyday. Some of the biggest weeks in fashion like Milan and and London fashion week have announced that they will be transitioning to online fashion shows.

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As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, different precautions have to be taken everyday. Some of the biggest weeks in fashion like Milan and and London fashion week have announced that they will be transitioning to online fashion shows. The Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, French fashion’s governing body, has announced its plan for the menswear spring 2021 season. They will host videos from accredited couture maisons on a dedicated platform. The videos will be accompanied by additional content and roll out on a schedule, mimicking the flow of a physical Fashion Week.

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The Chambre Syndicale has 16 French brand members that are legally allowed to participate in the couture week, including Chanel, Christian Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier, Maison Margiela, Schiaparelli, and Givenchy. A separate designation, correspondent member, is given to seven international labels that produce garments on a couture scale: Armani Privé, Azzedine Alaïa, Elie Saab, Fendi Couture, Valentino, Versace, and Viktor & Rolf. Although many designers are preparing for these digital fashion weeks, some have already opted out. Giorgio Armani announced that his Armani Privé collection will be shown in January. Jean Paul Gaultier, who handed over the reins of his couture business to Sacai’s Chitose Abe for the first in a series of guest-designer collections, announced that his show would also be put on hold until January. Givenchy is currently without a creative director, meaning its couture production is likely on hold, and Balenciaga, which was set to debut a couture collection under Demna Gvasalia, has also postponed its collection.

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The COVID-19 pandemic keeps all of us on our toes and always thinks of creative ways to improvise. Paris’ menswear Fashion week which is July 9th-13th and Milan’s menswear Fashion week July 14th-17th will officially be digital for the first time ever.

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Report: Alycia Williams

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A Podcast a Day Keeps the Boredom Away

What better way to waste some time than listening to podcasts while you sit by the pool with your friends or go on your daily walk?

This summer has proven to unlike any other. With lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, people have realized that have much more time on their hands than they could have ever imagined. What better way to waste some time than listening to podcasts while you sit by the pool with your friends or go on your daily walk? With so many different genres, there is a podcast out there for everyone. If you are into drama, mystery/crime, or science, spotify can find your perfect fit. A few of the top podcasts today are "Call Her Daddy", "Crime Junkie", and "Joe Rogan the Experience".

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"Call Her Daddy" is on the top of the charts for Alexandra Cooper and Sofia Franklyn's blunt honesty about sex, dating, and all things embarrassing in life. The two New Yorkers talk about everything from embarrassing hook-ups to techniques in the bedroom. With over 80 episodes of content, you can spend your entire summer catching up on the juice these girls have to spill.

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For all those mystery addicts out there, "Crime Junkie" can be your fix. Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat talk about real-life crimes and mysteries in over 100 different episodes. Some of my personal favorites are Episode 8: Bryce Laspisa, Episode 20 Adnan, and Episode 52: Lizzie Borden. Take a nice bath or grab a bag of popcorn and get ready for a whirl-wind of mystery with this podcast.

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"The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast offers both audio and video as he interviews some of the most interesting people in the world. From Bob Lazar to Elon Musk, Rogan captures his audience by asking questions everyone wants to know the answer to: like why Musk named his child such a unique name! My favorite podcast was the Bob Lazar episode on alien space-craft and Area 51. With the declassification of files from the government, you can try and make sense of the "alien situation" that may be very real or just extremely convincing.

If you are becoming stir-crazy staying at home all summer, podcasts are a perfect way to pass the time.

Report: Hannah Sierra Zaremba

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Health, Wellness, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Health, Wellness, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Taking Care of Black Mental Health

With videos and posts surfacing online of police harming protestors, looting of black owned businesses and even President Trump’s inhuman tweets, black people may feel the need to take a break from the media. Mental health is crucial at this moment and there are resources out there if needed.

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George Floyd.

A 46-year old black man who died in Minneapolis, Minnesota after officer Derek Chauvin, a white man, knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd laid lifeless and handcuffed face down into the street.

Ahmaud Arbery.

A 25-year old black man who was shot by a white man while jogging.

Breonna Taylor.

A 26-year old black woman who was shot and killed by Louisville Metro Police Department Officers inside her home.

These black lives, along with many others have been lost and has sparked outraged around the world. As people continuously protest and plead for change, others are also using social media and are looting from certain businesses to get their point across.

Whether if its through rioting, looting, protesting and even posting onto social media accounts, people are demanding justice for all of the black lives that have been lost in the hands of police and white supremacy.

Although many people are choosing to use their voice to speak up on issues of race, police brutality, black lives and white privilege, others are choosing to stay silent. Today it is clear that these topics can no longer be swept under the rug.

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However with videos surfacing of these brutal killings, and media outlets portraying black people in a negative light, some people cannot handle this all, especially African-Americans who have been alive since the Jim Crow Era. Some may feel as if their relieving those dark moments again.

While African-Americans normally face hardships, struggles and constant barriers, mental health comes into play especially during times like this. Sometimes there is a need to isolate and disconnect from social media and even the media as a whole. This is important so that you can recuperate and relax your mind.

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It is also important to create a safe space for yourself. Even though someone may feel like they need to take a break or disconnect from social media, it is not safe to disconnect from people. If you are overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, whatever it is that you are feeling, talk to someone. Find a relaxing and safe way to let that anger and frustration out. Although it may sound impossible, there is always a way.

As black people we must stand together, help each other and create safe spaces for each other to express our feelings. Our health is a priority. I have listed some black mental health resources down below:

1. Therapy for Black Girls

2. Therapy for Black Men

3. Melanin and Mental Health

4. Open Path Collective

5. Ethel’s Club

Report: Juana Norales

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Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

The Path of Betterment

For Better or Worse

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When you go through a traumatic experience that tries to break your spirit, typically you want to rid your mind of that negativity and do something good for yourself.

Sometimes these traumatic moments can happen with people in your life you considered a best friend or family. This is when a force in life shows you that a person isn’t meant to be in your life anymore. Over conflicting differences or a deep betrayal, that bridge is burned.

What do you do after this trauma becomes critical to who you are as a person? Either you have to reevaluate your surroundings in life and push yourself forward to do better and be better or you’ll remain in the toxicity of your environment because of its familiarity and not seeing a way out that doesn’t include discomfort.

This is what has currently evolved between Khloe Kardashian and Jordyn Woods. After Khloe’s drama with Tristian Thompson and Jordyn Woods, it seemed that Khloe was set against defaming Jodyn’s character in anger once Jordyn was exiled from the family circle.

Jordyn took the separation from the Kardashian/Jenner clan to speak her truth and live her life for herself and has continued to do so. While Khloe continued to deal with Tristian’s playboy antics, recently she took to social media to post her new look and she is unrecognizable having others question plastic surgery.

Jordyn as another black woman who was vilified chose a path of wellness. She has chosen to focus on herself and her career while surrounding herself with friends that chose to elevate her with love and positivity. Jordyn has continued on this path and she has prospered through the self-care and love she shows herself.

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She chose the wellness of not letting a negative situation derail her life. When living in wellness and self-care it is important to treat yourself with care, to be kind to yourself while doing what makes you happy. Sometimes in being attached to others it can be easy to lose sight of what you’re meant for in life.

To reject manipulation is choosing to put yourself first. The self-love and self-care you adopt are creating a forcefield of positive energy again the toxic words and actions of others. In that space of positivity, you embrace those who embrace you. When you allow room for growth you manifest a new perspective on life and you react differently to negative energy. Commit to yourself the way you commit to others.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Fashion, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Fashion, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Resort Shows: The Best of the Best

With May drawing to a close, Vogue's editors commemorated the month typically filled with resort shows by reminiscing about 17 resort shows of past years that they deemed most spectacular.

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With May drawing to a close, Vogue's editors commemorated the month typically filled with resort shows by reminiscing about 17 resort shows of past years that they deemed most spectacular. Since Chanel’s historic gladiator-themed show in 2007, fashion shows in exotic locales across the globe have become a spring tradition. With the myriad of culturally diverse resort shows spanning more than a decade, selecting the most exceptional ones truly speaks to the editors’ mastery of fashion history. A more daring distinction, however, is determining which shows stand out from even these elite few.

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The shows with the most aesthetically pleasing dresses are Chanel Resort 2017, Gucci Resort 2019, and Valentino Resort 2016. Chanel Resort 2017 embraced its Havana setting in such a flamboyant way, with one model wearing a red-and-white striped skirt patterned with Cuban cars and a t-shirt emblazoned with the words, “Viva Coco Cuba Libre.” Gucci Resort 2019 took a more unique approach to its French setting; it took place in the ancient cemetery Promenade Des Alyscamps, and the models wore suede, bejeweled Victorian dresses while wielding bouquets of large flowers. Lastly, Valentino Resort 2016 brought Métis artist Christi Belcourt’s painting “Water Song” to life with gowns embroidered with the masterpiece’s floral designs. Further distinguishing this show from others was Valentino as one of the rare labels collaborating with an indigenous artist rather than simply appropriating native imagery.

While quarantining measures have deprived the public of 2020 resort shows, the fashion industry nonetheless honors the annual tradition and anticipates the iconic looks that 2021 will likely bring.

Photo credits:

Report: Nia Hunt

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