3 Health Questions You Should Ask Yourself Often

Barring any health conditions, persons aged 50 will see a doctor yearly. Meanwhile, persons younger than them may have to do it every three years. The chance of answering questions about your health in the doctor’s office is always a given. The primary care physician will ask these questions to get a fair idea of your health condition or status. Indeed, you can do the same for yourself – but not because you’re diagnosing an ailment. Instead, these questions will act as personal guidelines to help you stay on track as you try to live a healthier life

Do you have regular dental checks?

Hopefully, the following statistics will convince you how important this question is to your health. Reports indicate that 26% of US adults have at least two untreated tooth decay by age thirty. Meanwhile, 46% of adults thirty years and above have signs of periodontitis, and 10% proceed to develop severe forms of this gum disease.

Oral cancer is another condition to be aware of. The stats say 1 in 60 men and 1 in 140 women develop this health condition in their lifetime. However, if you keep regular appointments with the local dentist, any health mishap can be detected early. Early detection and treatment may positively affect outcomes.

How invested are you in your health?

Adequate rest, keeping stress at bay, and constant fitness routines are examples of how people show commitment to their health. Being invested in your health is an indication of self-awareness and your conscious efforts to maintain physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. In answering this question, it is vital to honestly assess your daily health decisions. 

Investing in your health means you take cognizance of routines and choices that impact your wellbeing. Without objectivity, you may be unable to answer this question or take candid cues from it. Indeed, the human body is prone to sickness, but with preventive and preemptive measures, you can reduce the risks or avert the severity of an ailment.

How often do you check your blood stats or BP values?

High blood pressure is common among adults living in the US. One in two adults has lived with hypertension for at least five years since the first diagnosis. This is why health experts recommend lifestyle modifications to help manage the condition or avoid it altogether. A decade ago, high blood pressure was predominant among persons aged 50 years and above. A decade later, the CDC reports that teenagers and young adults in their early twenties are often diagnosed with the condition. 

The truth is that high blood pressure doesn’t always end there. It can have dire consequences on the kidneys, brain, and mobility. Knowing your usual BP values when resting and after physical activity is important. Knowing your normal values at both extremes will be helpful in detecting any change from the normal.

There is so much you can do to live a healthier life. However, it all starts with questioning your daily choices and being deliberate about your health targets.


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