Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

There are far too many stressors thrown at you every day. They range from the minutiae in your personal life to the business of a professional persona. Ultimately, regardless of where those stressors lie, you are still one person who has to handle them all. Take some time to tackle a few tasks as a form of preventative maintenance and stress reduction to achieve balance in your life.


Prioritize Your Dental Health

If you have not had a dental visit over the past year due to the pandemic - make one now. You should schedule routine care with a trusted dentist at least annually. Most dentists will recommend you visit twice per year or quarterly, depending upon your specific dental needs. Having a healthy smile goes deeper than showing off a gleaming set of teeth. When your teeth receive frequent inspections and cleanings from a trusted professional, it will benefit your overall health by eliminating dangerous bacteria and plaque from your body.

Of course, you should do your part at home, as well. Make it a routine to brush and floss after every meal if possible. Try making the ritual more exciting by playing your favorite playlist or listening to a new podcast. Carry a travel toothpaste and toothbrush for when you are out of the house to keep your teeth and body healthy.

Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Be proactive in your personal life to reduce stressors. If you find yourself under too many obligations daily, seek out assistance. Should you have a partner or responsible family member who can assist you in care-taking, grocery shopping, or general housekeeping, do not hesitate to ask. Consider trading services with a like-minded friend or neighbor for lawn care or childcare. Sometimes, all you need are a few hours to yourself each week to accomplish tasks, take care of the finances, or relax with a good book. Ask for help when you need it and accept it when it is available. Focusing on your needs will give you a refreshing new perspective to take into the next day.

Reducing stress is imperative in the workplace, as well. If you feel overwhelmed by new technology or processes - ask for help. There is a tutorial for most work-related tasks. If a manual or guide does not exist, consider spearheading an initiative to create one. This will show your supervisors and colleagues that you have initiative and drive. Additionally, you can learn the processes in every step while you detail them for others to gain a greater understanding. 

When your workload is too great and you are unable to handle it all, speak to whomever you report to. Before going in, gather your projects and determine which ones you can complete and by what date. Be prepared to present yourself as an asset who can deliver on time, every time, when you have enough time to do so. Sometimes finding a mentor is beneficial in that they have had similar experiences to what you are currently going through. They will be able to relate to your situation and offer their wisdom and encouragement.

Here are a few tips for finding a mentor.


In life, there will always be a responsibility, a stress-inducing situation, or a deadline. Stay on top of routine healthcare by making dental appointments and annual exams. Take time out of each day to accept and offer help. Take care of yourself to take care of your future.


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