Taking Care of Black Mental Health

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George Floyd.

A 46-year old black man who died in Minneapolis, Minnesota after officer Derek Chauvin, a white man, knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd laid lifeless and handcuffed face down into the street.

Ahmaud Arbery.

A 25-year old black man who was shot by a white man while jogging.

Breonna Taylor.

A 26-year old black woman who was shot and killed by Louisville Metro Police Department Officers inside her home.

These black lives, along with many others have been lost and has sparked outraged around the world. As people continuously protest and plead for change, others are also using social media and are looting from certain businesses to get their point across.

Whether if its through rioting, looting, protesting and even posting onto social media accounts, people are demanding justice for all of the black lives that have been lost in the hands of police and white supremacy.

Although many people are choosing to use their voice to speak up on issues of race, police brutality, black lives and white privilege, others are choosing to stay silent. Today it is clear that these topics can no longer be swept under the rug.

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However with videos surfacing of these brutal killings, and media outlets portraying black people in a negative light, some people cannot handle this all, especially African-Americans who have been alive since the Jim Crow Era. Some may feel as if their relieving those dark moments again.

While African-Americans normally face hardships, struggles and constant barriers, mental health comes into play especially during times like this. Sometimes there is a need to isolate and disconnect from social media and even the media as a whole. This is important so that you can recuperate and relax your mind.

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It is also important to create a safe space for yourself. Even though someone may feel like they need to take a break or disconnect from social media, it is not safe to disconnect from people. If you are overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, whatever it is that you are feeling, talk to someone. Find a relaxing and safe way to let that anger and frustration out. Although it may sound impossible, there is always a way.

As black people we must stand together, help each other and create safe spaces for each other to express our feelings. Our health is a priority. I have listed some black mental health resources down below:

1. Therapy for Black Girls

2. Therapy for Black Men

3. Melanin and Mental Health

4. Open Path Collective

5. Ethel’s Club

Report: Juana Norales


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