Anifa Mvuemba Has Completely Transformed Runway Culture.

During a time when we can’t physically gather, Baltimore native Anifa Mvuemba, the founder of clothing brand Hanifa has transformed runway culture. The Congolese designer has given us a glimpse of what fashion shows could possibly be following the pandemic. Using technology and innovation Mvuemba was able to share her story and showcase her collection to the public from home.

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Hanifa’s mission is to highlight the beauty, delicacy, and the history of Congolese clothing. Using her clothes to celebrate her homeland’s history regardless of how painful, with the goal to rewrite its future. Mvuemba said in an interview that she felt that releasing the collection during the pandemic would appear insensitive but she has definitely taken the internet by storm. Utilizing social media, specifically Instagram live, Anifa revealed her “Pink Lable Congo” line using virtual models. In an interview with TeenVogue, Anifa said that she had been thinking of taking her fashion shows to the internet and have been working on this project for seven months.

During the launch of the collection, Anifa explains that each look in this collection meant to represent the Democratic Republic of Congo. She also wanted to use this launch to raise awareness of the illegal mining of cobalt on the land. According to CNN, it is estimated that nearly 40,000 children are working on mines making $1 to $2 a day. To bring attention to this Anifa open the fashion show with a short documentary of stories of these mine workers. This documentary highlighted the harsh conditions underage children and women face for long hours.

To learn more about this cause here's a link to the IGTV runway show.

Report: Lauren Tucker


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