Wellness, Lifestyle Access by NKC Wellness, Lifestyle Access by NKC

It's Time To Talk About Office Health Risks

As we prepare to return to the office and create a safe environment for all, it’s time to consider some of the most commonly overlooked dangers.

The pandemic has made us painfully aware of some of the health risks inherent to working in office spaces. We’ve been told that germs can travel through the air and stuck to the surfaces we touch. Hand sanitizers and soap bars have now become the most popular stock items for offices in all industry sectors. Along with facial masks, they bring a sense of control and safety. However, it would be foolish to assume that germs are the only health hazard inside the office. As we prepare to return to the office and create a safe environment for all, it’s time to consider some of the most commonly overlooked dangers.


Office stress kills

The modern workplace is inflicting a dangerously high level of stress on all employees. In 2015, an analysis of 300 studies found worrying links between harmful workplace practices and mortality rates. Indeed, long working hours, lack of work/life balance, and unpredictable workload are some of the most commonly identified reasons to develop workplace anxiety, according to specialists. Conflicts between coworkers and managers can increase stress levels, yet a lot of employees need anxiety treatment supplements and therapy assistance even though they are healthy relationships with their coworkers. Businesses need to appreciate how internal decisions and processes can affect staff. 

The office diet single-handedly drives diabetic increase

What does the typical office kitchen look like? A lot of companies offer a variety of snacks and treats, which could have a negative impact on productivity and long-term health. But even if a business chooses healthy ingredients and foods, the kitchen layout can still be harmful to the team’s health. For instance, the proper cooking equipment in a small office kitchen could make it easy for employees to warm up their lunch or gain access to a fresh cup of coffee. This will reduce reliance on takeaway shops, and put people in control of their diet. 

What’s office flexibility?

Can you touch your toes? This might seem like a silly question, but sitting for a prolonged time can affect individual mobility and flexibility. Hip tightness is one of the first consequences of prolonged sitting. It might not seem like much, but gradually muscles develop tightness all across the body, from back to thighs. As a result, it’s not uncommon to develop soreness. Lack of flexibility also makes it hard to stick to a fitness routine, as it can be uncomfortable. Lack of flexibility increases fatigue syndrome and joint problems. 

Office loneliness, together but alone

It’s odd to think that even in the most numerous teams, people tend to be lonely. They are all working together, but office conflicts, power struggles, and lack of time compete together to prevent employees from building meaningful relationships. In fact, a lot of people suffer from isolation in the workplace. This can lead to depressive disorders. Unfortunately, the work culture doesn’t encourage social time inside the office. But introducing social events during working hours can help promote the idea that coworkers can rely on each other like friends. 

In conclusion, the pandemic is transforming the way we think about the workplace. It’s time to seize the opportunity to bring our offices to the next level, creating a space that supports both mental and physical health for all. 

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Impacting Access to Healthcare

The healthcare system is under mass pressure right now. The finite medical resources available are being stretched to their limits as healthcare staff battle against the full-force of a global pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused mass disruption. Each aspect of everyday life has been impacted by the Coronavirus situation, from interpersonal relationships to work-life and job security. 

The healthcare system is under mass pressure right now. The finite medical resources available are being stretched to their limits as healthcare staff battle against the full-force of a global pandemic. However, this unprecedented situation has consequences that extend beyond the symptoms of the virus, and global citizens face even more significant challenges than the Coronavirus itself. The impact of the pandemic and the resulting stay at home orders have taken a substantial toll on the mental health of people across the world. This is mainly due to the loneliness and isolation caused by quarantine. The mental health implications of life during the pandemic should not be underestimated. But, diminished mental wellbeing is not the only additional health issue that has resulted from the pandemic. One growing problem that has arisen during the Coronavirus crisis is that access to healthcare has also been negatively impacted. 

Reduction in patients accessing healthcare

Even during the beginning of the pandemic, there was a significant drop in the number of adults accessing healthcare. The CDC states that in the week 24 - 30 June 2020, four in ten adults in the US avoided seeking medical care as they were concerned about COVID-19. While worries about contracting the virus may be understandable, they could contribute to a far more severe issue. The majority of the adults that avoided seeking medical care were those with disabilities and those with two or more underlying conditions. While the chance of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms (should they contract it) may be higher in some people within these groups, there is also an increased risk of their existing conditions deteriorating further due to a lack of necessary medical care. Failing to monitor existing health conditions is a significant concern and could have a severe impact not only on the patient’s current health but also on their long-term prognosis.

According to the American Journal for Managed Care (AJMC), hospital admission rates for acute conditions dropped during 2020 compared to the previous year’s admission rates. This demonstrates that patients may be avoiding medical attention even for acute conditions.

Ensuring that non-COVID-19 patients seek medical attention

The Coronavirus remains a real threat to public health. But, it is also essential to mitigate the long-term damage. No one knows the future costs if patients continue to avoid accessing healthcare when it is needed. 

Continuation of care throughout the pandemic is vital to prevent long-term effects on public health. Making it easier for patients to access the care they need is crucial as reducing availability will create another barrier for patients to overcome. Treatment centers such as Enterhealth Outpatient services continue to be contactable day and night and providing telehealth appointments. Offering convenient access to care, such as virtual consultations, is an excellent way to help patients continue accessing the treatment they need both now and in the future. 

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Origins Of Social Anxiety To Learn From

Social anxiety and shyness are the kind of problems that challenge very large numbers of people and interfere with the most important and enjoyable moments and situations of life. The situations we are in society and with other people.

Social anxiety and shyness are the kind of problems that challenge very large numbers of people and interfere with the most important and enjoyable moments and situations of life. The situations we are in society and with other people. A person suffering from social anxiety or shyness can sometimes suffer for years, but the truth is that suffering is completely free, as there are proven methods to overcome anxiety and shyness. Sometimes though, it all boils down to relaxing and taking time for yourself. If you use bongs, you could look at winding down that way.

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When a person suffers from social anxiety, the degree of shyness and anxiety is disproportionate to the real danger facing him, because even if they criticize us, laugh at us or reject us, what will happen? In the vast majority of cases, nothing. So why do people still react with anxiety? There are several explanations. The first argues that because man is a social animal and that his evolutionary advantage was the ability to live in a group, if a particular person was rejected from the group and tribe, he could not survive and in fact unlike us, that rejected person would be doomed to death, so social fear software was effective for survival. But, in the modern age fear is no longer relevant, because even if a certain group rejects us, we still have countless ways to communicate and connect with new people.

Studies show that the brain activates very similar areas when we see a picture in reality through the eyes and when we imagine the same picture. The same is true of hearing and feeling. So when we imagine a social situation, our brain produces an experience very similar to what would have happened if we had been there in reality. We can take advantage of this simple work to completely get rid of social anxiety. The eyes recognize a social situation and even before the input even reaches the area that decodes the image, it has already been sent to the "amygdala" and elicits an anxiety response as if we had seen a grizzly bear. And once it is activated, it is very difficult to get out of the stress, it is difficult to calm ourselves, because the mind enters a state of fight or flight and the front and rational part works on a half clutch.

Developmental explanation of social anxiety and shyness

Of course this is not only the evolution and history of the human race, but also the personal history of each individual. The degree of our anxiety or confidence very much depends on our childhood and how much we received unconditional appreciation from the parents, how much they gave us confidence at home and strengthened us, how much we were allowed to accumulate social skills and express ourselves. Also, what is very influential is traumatic and painful events. Some people at a young age experience difficult social events that other children laugh at, silence or even boycott. Such events have a crucial impact on the level of social anxiety, but it is certainly possible to treat these memories and release the emotional charges that created the anxiety.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

7 Helpful Tips To Get Out Of This COVID Era With A Stronger Mentality

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true.

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Over the past year or so, the pandemic has been the most prevalent thought in most people’s minds. Sure, there are places on this planet where the inhabitants dealt with the virus quickly and efficiently. They are now living life pretty much exactly the same as how it was before the spread. The same cannot be said for many other areas of the world, though, unfortunately. For a lot of people still, there are lockdown measures and millions are having to stay within the confines of their home. It’s nice to have a warm home that keeps us safe each night, but we need to be able to get out a little more – it’s in our nature.

The fact is that we’re stuck in for a while and things need to do what we can to save the lives of so many different people around the world. If that means isolating for a while, then so be it. The greater good outweighs most immediate wants and needs. It’s just a case of making sure we stay healthy while isolated. If we can exit this pandemic era healthier and stronger than when we entered it, then that’s going to a big achievement on its own.

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true. Sure, you may be a little awkward in some areas, but you can absolutely improve yourself and your life in general. It’s just a case of taking care of a few things and adopting certain mindsets. Here are some ideas for you to follow!

Stay Positive Throughout Everything

This is a lot easier to say than it is to do, but it’s certainly something that should be tried. People in life who are positive and optimistic will typically end up happier. When you’re positive all the time, you can take bad instances and come out content. Those with a negative viewpoint will never really enjoy things because they’ll always look for bad points. Even at their happiest, they’ll still have an overwhelming sense of dread or be uninterested.

So, if you’re going to be locked in your home for a while, then you may as well adopt a happier mindset. Look to pick out the good in most things you do or see. This is a habit and one that can be formed quite quickly, so do what you can to be a little more optimistic regarding most things. If you moan and everything that happens during this time, then you’re going to be more miserable than you think – avoid this poisonous way of thinking. If you live with others that are negative and will bring you down, then it’s wise to have a little chat with them and let them know about the effect they’re having on those around them.

Use Lockdown Times To Learn All Kinds Of Things

A lot of people have the idea that this lockdown time is keeping us from really doing what we want. While there are certain places we cannot go to and particular instances that cannot happen, this doesn’t mean that we’re completely useless and stuck in a rut. We can learn so many different things and become adept at so many different skills. If you have the internet, then you have an encyclopedia to learn from. Just pick a topic and get going. During free time over the past few years, you can probably spend the majority of it with friends and relaxing/having fun. You’re stuck in your home on your own now, so you may as well use the time you have to become a more improved version of yourself ready for when everything opens up once again!

Focus On Yourself And Take Good Care

Take care of your body and your mind. Actively look to become a happier version of yourself. We’ve just mentioned that you should look to learn and improve as a person, and this applies to the way in which you treat yourself, too. Eat the right stuff and drink lots of water. Take care of your skin with the likes of Natural Skin Care Made With Organic Ingredients, too. Don’t forget to take care of your home, too. Just because fewer people will be in and around it, that doesn’t mean you should let it turn into a pigsty!

Keep In Touch With Your Loved Ones Regularly

Social life is very important in general. We’re not going to be around our loved ones as much, of course, so we need to make sure that we’re with them virtually or from a safe distance! Don’t let yourself turn into a hermit because we’re going to get out of this someday and you’re going to need to keep your social skills! Speak to people online or through dating apps if you must – if that’s what it takes to keep some of that confidence and competence.

Stay Active And On The Move

If you have a lot going on in terms of workouts, then you’re going to be a lot happier in your mind as well as physically. Sitting around or too long can make you feel so useless – even though you’re not and have a lot going for you. Being stuck in a cramped area with little going on can make you think that there’s little need to be active or to work out. The endorphin release from a good bit of exercise will make your day go from lethargic to energized very quickly.

Make Plans For When Restrictions Are Lifted

As we’ve mentioned a few times already, restrictions will be lifted and this lifestyle won’t be around forever! If you have things to look forward to, then it motivated you to get more done in preparation. So, create plans with friends and family so that you won’t be completely bored when things go back to normal. Be reasonable, though, of course. If your plans might still endanger others in terms of the virus, then pick something a little more sensible.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

4 Tips for Protecting Your Well-Being during Lockdown

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.


When the COVID-19 pandemic first kicked off approximately a year ago, few would have predicted that lockdowns would still be ongoing in many places 12 months later – but, unfortunately, that is the situation we find ourselves in.

In addition to the devastating effects of the virus itself, the ongoing knockdowns have also been deeply detrimental to many people’s well-being, in a variety of different ways, ranging from uncertainty over the future, to immediate physical consequences.

During times like these, it’s important to be able to accept that many things are not under our direct control, and to look for ways to safeguard and protect our individual well-being, and to focus on the things we can directly influence, instead.

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.

Step back from your future goals for the time being, and focus on day-to-day habits, instead

It can be devastating to have your future goals and aspirations trampled by external circumstances that you are helpless to influence. But in a time of such uncertainty as the present moment, it might be that one of the best things you can do for your well-being is to step back from thinking about long-term future goals, altogether. 

Just for the time being, at any rate.

Of course, just because you’re taking a break from setting goals for the future, or working out your “free of plans,” does mean that you should just give in to despair and become totally passive.

Instead, the best approach is likely to be to shift your focus on future goals to day-to-day habits, instead.

As Scott Adams, James Clear and others have pointed out – if you have good daily habits that keep you moving “in the right direction,” it is very likely that good things will happen to you over time, and that you will achieve a lot – even in the absence of a clearly defined “SMART goal.”

In fact, there is an argument to be made that having those kinds of clearly defined goals, and fixating on them, is often counter-productive.

For one thing, it often makes people focus myopically on the goal itself, without being able to enjoy the journey or notice the opportunities that arise in day-to-day life.

For another thing, goals put you in a mindset of “lack.” You always feel like you’re not where you want to be, until and unless you’ve achieved your next goal.

Then, there’s the obvious fact that whether or not you achieve a particular goal isn’t entirely up to you, and will have a lot to do with things that are outside of your direct control, that happen in the wider world. Like a pandemic.

If you want to be a novelist, for example, setting up a daily writing habit is as likely to lead you in that direction as anything else. It may be significantly more likely, in fact, to get you there than actually fixating on the goal of being a novelist.

Your daily habits are things that you can always shape and influence, and that help you to feel self-contained and empowered.

So, for the sake of your well-being, pay attention to your daily habits during lockdown.

Get outside for at least a few minutes each day, if possible

If you live in an area where stringent social distancing restrictions are in place, and social hubs and venues are shut down, it can easily end up feeling like there’s very little motivation at all for actually leaving the house other than for the essentials.

Getting outside, however, can be an extremely important and powerful requirement for an individual's sense of well-being.

Remaining indoors too much can lead to a growing sense of complete detachment from the world at large, and can fuel harmful and excessive rumination and morbid introspection.

Getting outside – especially to somewhere with a bit of greenery – can really help you to feel more grounded and connected to the world at large, and can give you a much-needed dose of perspective and stress relief.

If at all possible according to your local restrictions, try to get outside for at least a few minutes a day, even if you’re just pacing around for a while a short distance from your home, while listening to a podcast or audiobook.

Keep in contact with your loved ones with the magic of video calls

While there are many potential downsides to the ways in which social media shapes our interactions, modern digital services such as FaceTime, Skype, and WhatsApp can be a real game changer when it comes to helping us stay connected with our loved ones, from a distance.

Psychological research indicates that the vast majority of human communication actually occurs through non-verbal means – such as by body language, facial expressions, and the town of our voices.

Social alienation is a devastating thing, and can take a real detrimental toll on anyone's sense of well-being.

Make an extra effort to keep in contact with your loved ones during lockdown, but don’t let yourself fall into the habit of just texting back and forth. Set up video calls, and get as close as possible to the experience of a real face-to-face social interaction.

Reach out to mental health experts if needed

When all is said and done, no individual is an island, and we all need support and companionship from other people, from time to time.

If you’re struggling with your mental health during lockdown, it may be that reaching out to a psychologist or other experts in mood disorders could be a godsend with regards to getting you back on your feet and helping you to regain a sense of balance and wellness.

Even if you aren’t quite comfortable with reaching out to mental health experts as things stand, there are books and courses available for teaching yourself well-vetted psychological practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, that may really prove helpful.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

3 Changes You Can Make To Your Home Before 2021

2021 is fast approaching. As a result, the world seems to be breathing a collective sigh of relief as we can finally say goodbye to 2020 and start anew. Here’s a few changes you can make to your home.

2021 is fast approaching. As a result, the world seems to be breathing a collective sigh of relief as we can finally say goodbye to 2020 and start anew. However, you don't have to wait until January to start making changes - in fact, it's often better to get a head start on them. This is particularly true when it comes to making changes in your home. Here are three things you can do THIS MONTH that will have a significant change on not only your home but how you feel!


A deep clean

When we are busy, we often settle for 'light' home cleaning - this means we wash our dishes and brush the floors, but we often don't set aside the time to do a full clean. However, you'd be surprised about how different your home will look once you commit to one. Here are some things you should do: 

  • Brush and sweep floors

  • Organize your cupboards - throw away what you don't use

  • Remove clutter from surfaces

  • Reorganize your belongings 

  • Clean windows (interior and exterior)

  • Clean skirting boards

  • Clean your bathroom until it shines

  • Put curtains in the washing machine 

  • Clean your attic/basement

When you are doing a deep clean, you will also be able to check your home for any signs of damage, giving you insight onto any renovations you may need to do in the future. If you are planning any major renovations - ensure you know everything there is to know before your home. 

For example, if built before the 1980s, your pipes may be lined with asbestos - and you must proceed with caution. Asbestos exposure can lead to extreme sickness - and it is crucial you take care of yourself and those around you. If you get sick as a result of asbestos, ensure you contact mesothelioma attorneys who can help you receive compensation. 


Stick on wallpaper

You've probably spent more time in your home this year than ever before. As a result, you've likely got fed up with looking at the same four walls over and over again. Introduce some change into your home with vibrant, stick on wallpaper. As it can easily be peeled on and off, you aren't committing to a long term change - and can even choose seasonal patterns. There is a wide range of fantastic patterns on offer - not only can they add a splash of color to an otherwise dull room, but they also make an excellent background for selfies!

You can also use wallpaper to line your wardrobes and bookshelves for a sophisticated and unique finish.


Change your lighting 

Lighting can really change the way a room looks; therefore, getting some new lights can make a real difference to your home. If you want to maximize your space, opt for bright, white lighting that mimics natural light - this will make it look as though a room is bigger than it is. However, if you want a room to feel warm and cosy, opt for lights that are more golden in color.

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

Wellness Tips For Winter

Winter is the season that takes it out of us the most, and this year, with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic taking centre stage, it is possibly going to be even more challenging than usual.

We are rapidly hurtling towards the winter months. Before we know it, the temperatures will have plummeted, the nights will have drawn in and we will be eagerly awaiting the return of the spring.

Winter is the season that takes it out of us the most, and this year, with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic taking centre stage, it is possibly going to be even more challenging than usual. It is cold and dark, we are all more susceptible to illnesses and viruses - COVID-19 notwithstanding and it can be much harder to get out and about. Because of this, loneliness and isolation become more common and those who suffer from chronic pain or illness see symptoms worsen.

November and December are often ok - we have Christmas and the new year celebrations to look forward to, and the really bad weather hasn’t quite kicked in by then. However, January and February can seem long and depressing. Life is supposed to be normal but the lighter nights and warmer weather seem so far away still.

Fear not though, although we can’t do anything about the weather, we can take action to make it seem a little more bearable. Here, we look at some simple self-care and wellness tips to help you get through the long winter months.


Have a bedtime routine

If you are going to do just one of the things on this list, do this one. Without sleep, your body does not get the chance to rest and recover, and nor does your mind. Try to aim for around eight hours of sleep a night. Stick to a regular routine, going to bed at the same time every night, regardless of whether you have to get up or not in the morning and get up at the same time, even on weekends. Avoid using a screen for at least an hour before you head up bed - the blue light cell phone and devices emit can prevent sleep. Ensuring your room is a comfortable temperature and as dark as possible can also help to encourage restful sleep. Some people find that white noise in the background can be very soothing.

Plan a wellness activity

This can be as simple or as grand as you like. It could be something as easy as setting up a spa at home - a long, hot bubble bath, all of your favourite skin care products, face masks and so on. It may be a real spa-day, with massages and facials to get your skin and body prepared for the winter. It could be booking into a NAD Treatment Center to really turn yourself around both physically and mentally.

Eat well

When we think of winter food, we think of rich, hearty meals that are warming and comforting. Sadly, these are often not particularly great for us - they can be stodgy and laden with carbs. This can make us feel good for a short time, but in the long-term make us feel lethargic. Try to incorporate plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet as you need plenty of vitamins to keep yourself well at this time. Homemade vegetable soups, berries in oatmeal and stews and casseroles packed with seasonal veg are all great ways to get those vitamins in you. Enjoy the hot chocolates and the pumpkin spice lattes, but make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated, too.


In winter, it can be all too tempting to stay in wrapped in a duvet and watch Netflix rather than get dressed and go out with your friends. It will be even more difficult this year with the restrictions that the pandemic has put upon us, but hibernating can lead to isolation and loneliness, and this is not good for your mental health. Make an effort to meet up with friends with a walk or a coffee date if you can, or if you can’t get out, join with quizzes and throw virtual parties on apps such as Zoom.


Almost no one wants to drag themselves out for a run in the middle of winter - that is reserved for the most hardcore of fitness fanatics, but taking regular exercise will make you feel so much better. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout in the gym or a long run - Zumba in your lounge, an online dance class with your friends or a swim at your local pool can all be ways of getting in some physical activity.

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Culture, Entreprenuer, Fashion, Lifestyle Noah Love Culture, Entreprenuer, Fashion, Lifestyle Noah Love

Meet Jerri Reid Of Jerri Reid New York - The Black Designer Conversation

At the rise of Covid-19 many of us first questioned the timeline of fashion week and would we see the regular calendar continue - the question weighed over many of us for months! It was refreshing to see design houses and designers across the globe take advantage of the uncertainty and plow into production mode - thus my interest in Jerri Reid New York - The Black Designer based in Brooklyn New York wow’d instagram with his latest collection paying homage to the Black Is King film which debuted earlier this year in July. I was taken aback at quick of a turn round the young designer produced and released his well crafted designs reflecting some of the films most memorable moments.

Jerri Reid in Jerri Reid New York SS21

Jerri Reid in Jerri Reid New York SS21

At the rise of Covid-19 many of us first questioned the timeline of fashion week and would we see the regular calendar continue - the question weighed over many of us for months! It was refreshing to see design houses and designers across the globe take advantage of the uncertainty and plow into production mode - thus my interest in Jerri Reid New York - The Black Designer based in Brooklyn New York wow’d instagram with his latest collection paying homage to the Black Is King film which debuted earlier this year in July. I was taken aback at quick of a turn round the young designer produced and released his well crafted designs reflecting some of the films most memorable moments.


Noah L : Male feminine energy is seen often through androgynous fashion and art, now heterosexual men are being praised for it, what are your thoughts ? 

Jerri Reid: I think it is showing a level of bravery, to be acceptable in their peers' sight. If Quavo from the MIGOS decided to make a nod to Camron wearing all pink, then ALL men would wear it. It sucks that Queer Black Men are truly the tastemakers of fashion and not often credited, but that's a systemic issue of hate within the community. I went to the march in D.C. this past month and not one mention to trans lives happened. We (LGBTQIA+) STILL don't exist in black spaces. 

Noah L: As a black designer - what does it mean for you to receive recognition for your efforts to create original and lasting pieces? 

Jerri Reid: It means EVERYTHING to receive recognition for not just my craftsmanship, but my efforts to thrive. It's really about setting intentions with all you do. If you are only doing things simply because, then what is your purpose? My life and career as an artist is purpose-driven and is also a return to love. Love of self, love of culture, love of life, love of art, love of spirituality, love of family and friends, love of growth, love of opportunity, and love of the Most High. This is what propels me to use my gifts to teach the youth of our community the values of sewing for the past 4 years. 

Noah L: Would you consider COVID an opportunity to have thrived ? 

COVID-19 came about but it didn't stop my resilience to be innovative in a time like this. I didn't want to create a bunch of masks in an oversaturated peak-time market, but I did want to present fashion. The virtual presentation i did on instagram in July really opened the minds of people I wasn’t aware I could reach. People were messaging me with positivity to keep progressing. Most importantly, they were happy with the injection of culture and blackness. When i saw BLACK IS KING, I knew it was an opportunity for the world to see the star that I am, In more ways than one. Days before it dropped, a snippet of the ALREADY video was released. The wednesday prior to its official release (7/29) I RAN to the fabric store to get all I could to interpret the still shots. I shot and edited everything on my own that saturday (8/1) and released it sunday (8/2). I was shocked at myself because the push i gave myself validated that I can do whatever I want and meet deadlines for my growing brand. It was seen by Zerina Akers, Jerome Lamaar, Shatta Wale, and many more who took part in the marking of Black Is King.

 Queen Bey has seen it also. This was validation for myself to keep going and know that validation is within always. 

Noah L: Your recent collection felt like a praise to power and glamor for the black community and almost a push to be seen - would you consider your designs activism?

Jerri Reid: WOW - I didn't think this recent collection embodied a sense of activism. I can see where activism can come into play, it being being pro-black, pro-afro caribbean, pro-afrolatino, and pro-queer. Humbly, I just wanted to be unapologetically myself at all costs. Someone said to me that what I've done is the first of its existence. A designer has not done a virtual presentation of themself in their designed garments EVER. I did get a bit teary-eyed when hearing it. The thing is, we are nothing short of powerful, glamorous, and black. when I hear it, my reaction is "so what else is new?" (laughter)

Thank you so much for this opportunity for telling my truth. I appreciate this platform for providing spaces for black queers. continue to be amazing!

For more from Jerri Reid visit JerriReid.com or Instagram at @JerriReid

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Lifestyle, Photography Noah Love Lifestyle, Photography Noah Love

Kelvin Osaze - The Model Pushing Past Black Normatives In The Name Of Art

Being a black gay creative for me feels liberating but at the same time there’s pressure. Pressure in needing to express yourself to a white society, that you are enough; what feels like having to explain my existence. having to explain why who I am and the art I produce is more than a hyper sexual view, but just what it is, art - expression, my expression.

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to chat it up with Kelvin via instagram - It made sense to me to use our line of communication to break from all the maneuvering of this pandemic, and try to simply process and identify hope and opportunity in what has come of 2020 … For most, that notion seems empty or bleak, but I’ve learned since following Kelvin and a few others on instagram, the chance to grow is often found in our position of opposition.

Kelvin Osaze Shot By Christopher Marrs - Agency Chase Model Management

Kelvin Osaze Shot By Christopher Marrs - Agency Chase Model Management

Here’s a snapshot of my conversation with @kelvin.osaze

Noah: How has life been during COVID?

Kelvin: Life during COVID has been life altering. It at first was shocking and depressing from losing my job and watching New York become this ghost town. But as months past, I started to take more ownership of my life and searched for the silver lining in all the uncertainty. Being creative and having my small team with me is what kept me going and truly saved what could of been a year of loss. Now I’m finding a newness with myself and I am open to growth.

Noah: As a model and creative - paint a picture for our audience, what is life like as a black ,gay, male model?

Kelvin: As a black gay model, life for me is “life for me” if that makes sense. Life is what I make it. I moved to New York at the age of 18, so I had to grow up pretty quick. I found myself around various creatives who happen to be apart of the LGBT community. Being surrounded by so many vibrant and bold people allowed me to become a more confident version of myself. It always surprises me when people are taken back by how I choose to express myself in my art. Some may say its too risqué , too flamboyant , and outlandish. I just see it as me being my authentic self. Being a black gay creative for me feels liberating but at the same time there’s pressure. Pressure in needing to express yourself to a white society, that you are enough; what feels like having to explain my existence. having to explain why who I am and the art I produce is more than a hyper sexual view, but just what it is, art - expression, my expression. There’s pressure in having to break down toxic masculinity in the black heterosexual community. And pressure in lifting other black queers to being more loving and accepting of one another. This pressure is not a burden it’s just more so a responsibility that I have taken as a model. So it’s not only visuals that I am concerned with , I am also concerned with the social construct around intersectionality and cultural barriers that often limit those who look like me, talk like me, walk like me, or who simply identify differently.

Noah: How would you define androgynous fashion?

Kelvin: Androgynous fashion is breaking gender norms and roles. Understanding that you can’t have masculine energy without feminine energy. Being unafraid to rock opposites, rocking a long skirt with a full beard. Or having soft feminine features and rocking a suit . Its simple - this particular ask, for me, is the infusion of what simply feels good. I could wear grow a full beard, and I love it - but still love the feeling of a silk blouse or form feel of a good leather boot. Androgyny is the power of choice, the liberation from conformity

Noah: There’s been a increase in celebration of men embracing feminine fashion, What are your thoughts on this?

Kelvin: I love it! However I think we still have work to do, especially in the black heterosexual community . We shouldn’t wait for celebrities to give us permission in embracing feminine fashion. That’s part of the issue, many people have not invested enough time in asking themselves what feels good to them. And how do they want to express themselves.

Noah: How is it working with heterosexual men who has a more dated outlook toward gay men?

Kelvin: It’s laughable and sad at the same time. Google is a click way, and people are nearby. I just say do your research and also use people as a resource. Having these dated ideas of a sexuality is lame. Sexuality does not determine someone’s personality.

Noah: How are you impacting or contributing to the industry of fashion and its influence on evrey day lives?

Kelvin: I feel that I am impacting the industry by being my authentic self. It’s so weird because I see myself as a model but really I see myself as an artist. With being an artist I have been able to show more sides of me, I think people feel that in my work or at least can see that. I also think that I am impacting the industry as someone who has been called an “underdog”. Good people love to see an underdog win, and I think that encourages others to never give up and to seek more of themselves and to reach places that they may have never thought they could reach .

Noah: Through your lenses, what does the fashion industry look like post COVID?

Kelvin: Less involvement with agencies, and models will have to be more in control of their careers. I do feel that the models who stayed active and inspired during COVID will be stronger in there approach to the art . I hope COVID births more models who exercise more creative direction in their work. It’s amazing to tell someone else’s story ,but it’s even more amazing to tell your own. What does fashion do for history and culture? Fashion has and will continue to shape culture. I don’t care what anyone says about that. A lot of fashion from the past is coming back today with a bit of a twist. Fashion shows our evolution in the world. Fashion is that powerful!

For more from Kelvin Osaze, you can find him on instagram at @kelvin.osaze

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

COVID-19 and Protests: What to Expect from the 2020 NFL Season

 (Source: AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

(Source: AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

The first week of the 2020 NFL season has concluded, and it looked like no other from years past. The sports world as a whole has experienced a year different than any before it, between the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the worldwide protests against systemic racism and police brutality. Sports have not only had to adjust their entire way of operating; they have also had to play an important role in calling attention to issues that are being ignored by far too many people. 

The NFL is unique from other sports leagues in both regards. The COVID-19 pandemic is an obstacle that every other sports league has had to navigate around in order to resume games. And while most have been able to do so without many issues, except for the multiple cases on MLB teams, the NFL will face many challenges that other sports leagues have not had to deal with. 

The first of these challenges is the issue of travel. The NBA and NHL set up “bubbles” for games to take place in so players would not have to travel around the country. MLB has not used a bubble but limited travel by having teams play exclusively against division opponents and intraleague opponents in the same geographical area; for example, teams in the NL East division only played against teams in the NL East and AL East. The NFL has not made any such alterations, teams will be flying all over the country to play opponents throughout the season. Not only does this increase the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19, but, according to the Mayo Clinic, air travel makes for an easy way for the virus to spread since it consists of a large number of people in a confined, unfiltered space for a prolonged period of time. 

Dak Prescott (front) and Ezekiell Elliot pre-game for the Dalls Cowboys opener. (Source/Dallas Cowboys Twitter)

Dak Prescott (front) and Ezekiell Elliot pre-game for the Dalls Cowboys opener. (Source/Dallas Cowboys Twitter)

There’s also the issue that football is a much more contact heavy sport compared to others. It’s required for players to be right in each other’s faces at the line of scrimmage, something that will be taking place during practices as well as during games. There’s also the general spike in cases during the fall that have been predicted since the pandemic first began; an issue aided by the fact that schools, colleges and universities have reopened, and many have seen a spike in cases. Additionally, some teams are allowing a limited number of fans to attend games, such as the Dallas Cowboys, Kansas Chiefs and Miami Dolphins, to name a few. While this is not as great of a danger as air travel and close contact is for players, it’s an experiment that every other league has decided is not worth testing and certainly poses a risk. 

However, even if the NFL is able to safely navigate COVID-19 there is still a chance we see games get postponed or cancelled for an entirely different reason. We saw players go on strike in the NHL, MLB, WNBA, MLS and most notably the NBA in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake by Kenosha police. The possibility of a strike happening in the NFL is certainly on the table, according to Bleacher Report Saquon Barkley and Sterling Shepard of the New York Giants said shortly after the initial wave of strikes that they would not rule out skipping a game in protest. A strike by NFL players would be immensely powerful, not just because of the sport’s popularity but also due to the fact that the NFL has already been at the forefront of one of the most notable protests against police brutality.

Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem has led to taking a knee to be a gesture synonymous with the Black Lives Matter movement. We have seen other players in other sports take a knee during the national anthem, and we have seen protestors do the same. But despite being a talented quarterback who is more than deserving of a chance to take snaps for an NFL team, Kaepernick has not seen the field since January 1, 2017. It’s glaringly obvious the NFL blackballed him for his gesture, and they have since scrambled to try to make amends, failing to do so outside of half-hearted, performative gestures. Kaepernick’s former teammate Eric Reid also participated in the protest in 2016 and has been outspoken about the NFL’s lack of action in addressing police brutality. By no coincidence, Reid is currently a free agent despite career highs in sacks and tackles last season. 

While commissioner Roger Goodell has since encouraged other teams to sign Kaepernick, that is yet another half-hearted, performative gesture to try and sweep their mistreatment of him under the rug. Kaepernick and Reid both signing with a team and playing this season would be a step in the right direction, but there is clearly a lot of hostility from players when it comes to the league failing to take a strong stance against police brutality. Throw in all of the health risks posed by playing a football season during a global pandemic, no less by a league that has demonstrated it does not care about the safety of its players by evidence of its denial of long-term issues that stem from concussions, and we may see events transpire during this NFL season that we have never seen before. 

Report: Michael Rosen

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Honoring The Memory Of A Loved One

A lot of us are dealing with loss in isolation. The ongoing pandemic has changed how we interact in every facet of life, including how we experience the death of those close to us.

A lot of us are dealing with loss in isolation. The ongoing pandemic has changed how we interact in every facet of life, including how we experience the death of those close to us. As such, it’s important that we’re able to properly honor the memory of those that we lose. Here are some ways you can make sure you do so in a way that allows you to keep the memories of their best times fresh in your mind while helping you process the loss that has happened.


Honoring their wishes

If you want to make sure that a loved one is honored in the way that they would have wanted, then you should ensure that you know what they wanted. If you have any part in planning their funeral or any memories services after the fact, talking to their family members and friends about if they talked about having any plans in mind if they haven’t left a will.

Ensuring a fitting farewell

Whether or not you have their specific wishes in hand, one of the best ways to honor a loved one is to make sure that their goodbyes are said respectfully and with care. From arranging the service with a funeral director to choosing funeral caskets for them to be laid to rest in, taking care of the planning process can ensure that you are giving them the kind of goodbye that anyone should want and expect when they die. It can also help other grieving loved ones to know that these matters are being taken care of.

Celebrate their memories

The feeling of loss and grief is going to be heavy at the service of any loved one. There’s no way to get around it, nor should there be. However, a lot of people nowadays agree that remembering and celebrating the lives of our loved ones is just as important as saying a respectful farewell. Tribute videos and slideshows can do more than help us look back, they can help us shine a light on the fond memories and give some positivity to the event. Even if we have lost our loved one, we haven’t lost the happy shared experiences we had with them.

Give them a dedication

Not every aspect of the memorial to a loved one has to be within the area of the funeral service, either. You can just as easily give them a dedication outside where they are laid to rest, something that you can look on and contemplate, keeping their memory fresh and alive in your mind. One of the most popular choices is to plant a memorial tree that has a plaque attached in their honor. Others may choose to instead have a bench built for them and placed in a location they were fond of.

There is no correct answer when it comes to the best way to honor the loss of a loved one, of course. However, hopefully, the tips above help you find which way works best for you.

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

NYC in Phase 4

New York City has finally reached Phase 4 which was a challenge due to the Covid-19 Pandemic killing hundreds and infecting thousands. A lot has changed and many things have reopened since Phase 4 has taken place. However, several places still remain close with no timetable in sight of when they might reopen.

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New York City has finally reached the end of a long race. Phase 4 began in New York City on Monday July 20th. This is the last phase in the process to recovery from the pandemic which killed hundreds and infected thousands in the city just three months ago.

While much of the rest of the state was able to jump into Phase 4 much sooner, getting to this stage in “the city that never sleeps” has always been a challenge. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo called Phase 4 a “hallmark.”

“There are no more phases,” he said. “We are all in the final phase of reopening. And that’s great.”

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Phase 4 does sound great, but in a city like New York things have been far from normal. People are still required to wear masks at all times, social distance, some stores are allowing shoppers inside while others are choosing to do curb-side pick up, and restaurants/bars are only allowed to dine outside. Doesn’t sound normal to you right?

Some states have suffered consequences from opening up too quickly resulting in a limited number of daily activities. So what does Phase 4 look like? Heres’s a full breakdown on openings and closures.

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What’s allowed:

For the most part, cultural venues, like zoos and botanical gardens, can open for outdoor activities at 33 percent of the venues’ total capacity. Four city zoos and the New York Botanical Garden have announced that they will open to the public by the end of the month, while the Brooklyn Botanic Garden will open to the general public in early August.

Pools have also reopened with masks and social distancing rules still in effect.

Professional sports can resume, but without fans. Media production has also resumed. That’s in addition to all of the other things that have reopened in previous phases such as outdoor dining, offices and personal care services, including hair and nail salons.

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What’s left out Indoor dining is still not permitted, this comes since there has been a spike in outbreaks raging elsewhere in the country.

Restrictions have gotten tighter with officials last week banning the sale of alcohol to customers who do not also buy food, in an attempt to crack down on crowds of outdoor drinkers.

The reopening of gyms, malls, movie theaters and museums have been left out of Phase 4.

So what’s next?

There’s no timetable in sight for when and how those venues might reopen. Governor Cuomo clarified last Friday that the state is bracing for the “potential for a second wave.

Let’s just hope and pray that doesn’t happen.

All pictures are from: https://nypost.com/2020/07/24/the-city-heats-up-and-reopens-more-in-phase-4-the-posts-week-in-photos/#1

Report: Juana Norales

Instagram: @juana.n_

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Entertainment Access by NKC Entertainment Access by NKC

The NCAA is in Trouble, and Players Shouldn't Have Any Sympathy

As fall draws closer we will get a clearer picture of what the NCAA's plans are to play games during a pandemic, which may require it to force unpaid student athletes to put their health and safety on the line.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for a lot of industries, including sports. Each league is trying to find a way to play games that don’t blatantly put the health of its players, coaches and other staff members at risk. A big reason for this is that, even during a pandemic, there is money to be made from games, and no sports organization is as desperate to generate revenue than the NCAA.

While the organization was one of the first to address the pandemic back in March when it restricted fans from attending March Madness games, before scrapping the entire tournament, it faces an even bigger challenge in the coming months: football.

The cancellation of March Madness had devastating financial consequences on the NCAA, but the cancellation of an entire football season could be even worse. The sport is a huge revenue generator for a lot of colleges and universities that are going to see a decline in attendance, and therefore tuition dollars, this fall. But while schools may be left in a very difficult situation if there is no season, by no means should any NCAA athlete for any sport have to play in the midst of a pandemic.

It makes sense that professional athletes would want to play because playing their respective sports is how they make a living, and even with that being said many across different leagues have opted out of playing. College athletes do not get paid for playing their respective sports, an entirely separate issue, therefore the only incentive for them to play is to keep their scholarships. One could argue that some student athletes would want to play anyway for simply the love of the game, but that will almost certainly not be the case.

According to the Los Angeles Times, 30 UCLA football players wrote a letter to the university last month which condemned the school for failing to protect their health and safety. This came after certain schools, like Alabama and Auburn, began training camps early and saw a surge of COVID-19 cases among the players.

Certain conferences are taking matters into their own hands. Earlier this month the Ivy League announced that no sports would be played during the fall season. Some smaller Division III conferences have also cancelled fall sports.

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But schools that generate a lot of money from football and are dependent on that money, like Alabama and Auburn, are likely going to try to find a way to play. The NCAA is already staring down a very uncertain future with all of the revenue lost, so it will encourage anyway to bring in money even if it means making unpaid student athletes put the health and safety of themselves and of their families on the line.

Whether or not the NCAA will, or can, force student athletes to play has yet to be seen. We will find out come the fall, and if early training camps were any indication then resuming games guarantees many players will get infected with COVID-19. The consequences of that could be dire, and that, combined with the huge loss of revenue from March Madness, puts the NCAA’s future in uncharted territory.

Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Report: Michael Rosen

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Stay at Home, Even In The Summer.

While the EU is expected to reanalyze the list of banned countries every two weeks, that doesn't mean European vacations are back on.

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On July 1, the European Union officially re-opened their external borders to nonessential, non-EU passport holders. The borders have been closed since mid-March, when lockdown procedures were officially being enacted. Europe was not the only country to do so. 27 other countries have announced that they will be opening up their borders as well. However, not everyone will be allowed in. Only residents from 15 countries, all of which have the coronavirus under control, will be allowed entry. This means that residents from the US, which currently has the highest amount of cases, Russia, and Brazil, will have to continue staying at home. While the EU is expected to reanalyze the list of banned countries every two weeks, that doesn't mean European vacations are back on.

According to a CNN report, two EU ambassadors said that the US would need to have "a dramatic turnaround" in cases before their residents would be allowed entry. All the current countries who's residents are allowed into Europe have the same, or fewer, average new cases as the EU has had in the past 14 days. The EU has reported 16 per 100,000 cases in mid-June. In the US, the average in mid-June was 107 new cases per 100,000 people, so it's safe to say we might not be going to Europe this summer. While tourism is likely to suffer, as the US brings in a lot of vacationers annually, this is a serious matter, and the benefits are not worth the risk on both ends.

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

"Back" To School

With the recent events of the Coronavirus pandemic, schools and universities around the country have had to make severe changes to their academic schedules.

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With the recent events of the Coronavirus pandemic, schools and universities around the country have had to make severe changes to their academic schedules. Every state has their own set of plans for returning to school in the fall, but many will look similar. In Indiana University Bloomington was one of the first universities to release their school year plan to its students and parents. Returning in the fall is a guarantee, however, their version of the return is quite different than what college students expected. Instead of having in-person classes throughout the entirety of the academic year, Indiana will be going back online after Thanksgiving and hopefully returning to in-person classes in January. Indiana has also eliminated all breaks to where students will return home for a period of time and then arrive back at school. This proves to be important to decrease the chances of spreading the virus through states and through people at school. With all this being said, the virus has proven to be extremely unpredictable. What could happen if the country experiences another surge in cases? What happens if the virus disappears completely? These plans will not work with a surge, but they also will not work with the disappearance of the virus. The biggest concern that parents and students have is the quality of the education they will be receiving. Many do not pay full tuition to attend an online university when the initial plan was to receive the best in-person education they can. It is safe to say that the country will be experiencing many changes within the next few months. These changes will determine the quality of education and the quantity of students attending schools and universities this coming fall.

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Picture 1: cappex.com

Picture 2: stnonline.com

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

TJX Plans to Stay True to Hands-On Shopping Post COVID-19

E-Commerce is growing at an astounding rate and making brick-and-mortar retailers seem more and more like a thing of the past. What does TJX brand's decision to stay true to hands-on shopping mean for their future?

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TJX, the parent company of TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Home Goods, claims it doesn’t need to rely on e-commerce. In regard to the company’s plans post-coronavirus, CEO Ernie Herrman was quoted in Forbes magazine, saying, “Strategically, nothing will change. We will not look to e-commerce as our major leverage point to get us through Covid and out the other side.”

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Both before the COVID-19 pandemic and now, it is clear that TJX does not see e-commerce as a worthwhile path to pursue. Before the pandemic, TJX’s online revenue accounted for just 2% of their total sales. Compared to other retail stores whose online sales averaged closer to 15%, it’s clear that TJX stores present considerable strength in their brick and mortar settings. In fact, TJX’s websites were actually shut down for two weeks at the end of March, while it seemed every other retailer was scrambling to get their online sales up amid physical store closures. Even now, TJ Maxx’s website limits the number of orders placed per day in order to “get back up and running.”

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TJX prides itself on being a bargain-hunting style of retail, where loyal customers explain the experience of excitedly searching through items and finding the best deal as central to the TJX brand. When stores reopened earlier this month, TJ Maxx and Marshall’s had lines out of their doors of eager shoppers looking to feel that sweet high of a major discount after months spent in quarantine. This “treasure-hunt experience” is why TJX executives are leaning away from rather than into the growing land of e-commerce.

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While some experts say TJX’s decision to mostly steer clear of online sales will come back around to hurt them later, some say the opposite. The company’s sales are skyrocketing after their grand re-opening. It seems there is a built-up demand for lower priced items as many people try for financial caution during a time of economic crisis.

Photo Credits:





Report: Grace Carlos

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machines

The Best Type of Clean is Delta Clean

Airports are one of the emptiest public spaces in the world ever since the rise of Covid-19. Thousands of people have ended up cancelling family vacations, summer get-aways, and honeymoon destinations because of the virus. It is a concern if traveling will ever be normalized after the outbreak and if people will revert back to feeling safe being closer than 6 feet and not wearing masks. This is detrimental to all airlines globally, because they profit off of people booking trips and flying their aircrafts to their destinations. One company in particular has been able to tackle the concerned travelers with their new and improved sanitization protocols that have been put in place recently this year. Delta Airlines launched their new standard for clean in February known as “Delta Clean”. As they are committed to the health and safety of their customers, they have adopted a new measure of cleaning, disinfecting, and inspecting the plane before and after each flight that takes off and lands. Just after a few short months of implementation, there has been a significant increase in flight bookings. By creating these new cleanliness plans, airlines like Delta are striving to make their customers feel at ease every time they fly, not just because of the virus.

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Photo Credit: Youtube and delta.com

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Designers, Fashion Access by NKC Designers, Fashion Access by NKC

Prabal Gurung is the Fashion Designer We Need During These Times

Today, influential people are held to a higher standard of how to respond to crises. The money and power they possess are crucial in turning the tide in fighting for justice.

Today, influential people are held to a higher standard of how to respond to crises. The money and power they possess are crucial in turning the tide in fighting for justice. Some called to action include fashion designers, who now have to adjust not only to the ongoing pandemic, but to recent racist incidents shedding light on the fashion industry. A designer contributing to the cause is Prabal Gurung, who for years has actively included diversity and pushed for more Asian representation in fashion.

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Recently on Instagram, Gurung detailed how his brand “posted, donated, signed petitions, marched in protests, spoken on panels, and shared important resources.” In light of George Floyd’s murder and the uprising of the Black Lives Matter, it was announced June 3 that the brand’s former collection, “Stronger in Colour,” will be getting a revival. With options including a t-shirt for $95 and a hoodie for $175, it was revealed that 100% of the proceeds from the collection would be given to The Bail Project, a non-profit dedicated to fighting the disproportional rates of Black people being mass incarcerated. In addition, Gurung contributed to the “Define American’s Black + Gold Forum” that focused on the relationship between the Black and Asian community. Sometime during the pandemic, he and The COVID Foundation donated 2,000 N95 respirator masks to the health industry. Gurung took into account that the masks were delivered to the Brooklyn Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, and Metropolitan Hospital Center, as they were in areas of marginalized communities affected the most. Continuing his efforts, Gurung has also given to the new collective, All Americans, designed to help out underserved communities affected by the Coronavirus.

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Singapore-born and Nepalese-raised, Gurung has admitted that he was not as educated to the ongoing racism experienced by the Black community. It wasn’t until he moved to America that he was exposed to a racist system that negatively impacted people of color. In response his brand, conceived in 2009, has and continues to fight for equal representation into the fashion industry. Gurung’s runway shows gained attention over the years due in part to the casting, as it’s considered one of the most diverse ranges to ever appear on a runway. He received further praise when he employed an all-Asian cast for a “Stronger in Colour” campaign. Pivotal in breaking down Asian stereotypes, he also drew inspiration from key female figures of Asian history. These included the Gulabi Gang, Indian female vigilantes against violence, and even the very own Nepalese women during his upbringing.

As more brands adjust to a more sustainable and activist platform, Gurung believes now is a time in which everyone should look into their ethics and see what is not working. A crucial part to New York City, he is actively figuring out how to evolve the fashion industry into a more conscious, social-driven cause.

Photo Credit: Town and Country Magazine, The Zoe Report, Fashionista.

Report: Charlene Piccio

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Fashion Access by NKC Fashion Access by NKC

Face Masks Are Our New Accessory

Will face masks become a fashion item? As we are required to wear face masks while out in public, will people decide to coordinate them with what they are wearing? Manufacturers have been creating amazing face masks with designs, sayings, and overall are very stylish.

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As we know the CDC has recommended that we continue to wear face masks out in public for the past several months now. This most likely will be the case for quite some time to follow.

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While face masks have been an important part of personal protective equipment in hospitals and warehouses, they are becoming a part of everyday life for everyone. Whether it’s a cloth face covering or a mask with a KN95 rating, the need to have face masks is now rapidly changing.

Face masks are going to be part of our everyday attire and it is something that we must be sure we never leave the house without. Anytime you go to grocery stores, for walks or to large gatherings you must be wearing a mask.

Since face masks are a huge part of our lives and what will help us stay the most protected, you might as well find a mask you like. Some shops, small businesses and designers have decided to change the style of these face masks to make them more “stylish”.

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Places like Etsy, Fashion Nova, Revolve and several online shops created face masks that have designs such as lace, camo, plaid and countless others to make it more enjoyable to wear. These masks take up a very big part of our face when we wear them, so it’s important we feel comfortable in them.

Face masks may not be looked at as a fashion accessory, but with the CDC’s guidelines we must follow, our face masks should at least be appealing to the eye.

Would you match your face mask with your outfit?

Photo Credits: Vogue & Etsy

Report: Melissa Adragna (@melissa_adragna)

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Virtual Concerts & Fundraisers & Events, Oh my!

We are living in unprecedented times, as the coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the globe. This greatly changed how entertainment, concerts and other events are being held. Many of us can no longer go to a Broadway show, a movie theater, a benefit dinner or a concert. Events that were already scheduled to happen in person had to be transitioned to online events, many of which are free. Check out this article for highlights from past events as well as a few exciting events to look forward to in the coming weeks.

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We are living in unprecedented times, as the coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the globe. For many of us in the United States mid March is when changes started happening and lock downs began being implemented. This greatly changed how entertainment, concerts and other events are being held. Many of us can no longer go to a Broadway show, a movie theater, a benefit dinner or a concert. Events that were already scheduled to happen in person had to be transitioned to online events, many of which are free.

There have been numerous online events. On April 26th GLAAD, the world's largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group hosted “Together in Pride: You Are Not Alone.” This event featured performances from Kesha, the cast of Broadway's “Jagged Little Pill,” among many others. Throughout the night over $225,000 was raised for Centerlink and other local LGBTQ+ centers. Another event this April was, “Take Me To The World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration.” It was put on by Raul Esparza and featured numerous Broadway stars including an iconic performance via zoom of, “Ladies Who Lunch,” by Audra McDonald, Meryl Streep and Christine Baranski. Yet another event was a virtual benefit via instagram live for Say called “Under One Moon.” Say is a nonprofit organization that benefits those who stutter. The highlight of the night was an appearance by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay and her husband Peter Hermann.

Looking forward there are numerous exciting online events in the upcoming weeks. On June 27th Josh Groban is holding a virtual concert to sing his numerous hits throughout his career. Tickets will be on sale June 1st, the ticket will include an online access code as well as a T-Shirt for an extra $5. June 7th there will be a free Broadway Tony Awards celebration. Although the awards themselves have been rescheduled this event will be hosted by Tony nominee Lonny Price and will raise money for the American Theater Wing and The Broadway League. On June 6th Barack Obama, Lady Gaga and BTS will be a part of a 2020 Youtube virtual commencement ceremony for graduates. A quick google search reveals even more amazing events, some from local places like orchestras as well as some nationwide events. So please check that out. Stay safe, stay connected and stay entertained.

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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