Koncerns for Kanye

As of recent, Kanye West has shown interest in becoming the next President of the United States, though it came out of nowhere. Although he did not receive enough signatures to be on the ballot for South Carolina, he decided to host a rally.

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Some of the items discussed in his speech sent red flags to the media and to his family and friends. These items include speaking on abortion and slavery. Kanye claimed that him and Kim Kardashian were moments away from ending their child's life with pills, as was his mother when he was conceived. There was significant backlash from the family and rumors of divorce circling after these statements were made public. The Kardashian family claims that they are worried about his health and worried about what he is doing to the brand of the family. Kanye continues to become extremely distraught in the rally as he shares tears with the audience when he screams "I almost killed my daughter". He closes out with his opinion that everyone who has a baby should be given "a million dollars or something like that". The rally was unconventional yet a nice touch by Kanye to still be able to have his voice heard by the people, even though he lacked the votes to participate in the state. As the public continues to watch Kanye grow in the political world, they will be able to make opinions of him for themselves. As his rallies and speeches continue, there is no doubt that he will be increasing his likability. Although his interest in becoming the next president was a shock to many, maybe this is what the people need at the end of the day.

Report: Hannah Zaremba


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