"Back" To School

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With the recent events of the Coronavirus pandemic, schools and universities around the country have had to make severe changes to their academic schedules. Every state has their own set of plans for returning to school in the fall, but many will look similar. In Indiana University Bloomington was one of the first universities to release their school year plan to its students and parents. Returning in the fall is a guarantee, however, their version of the return is quite different than what college students expected. Instead of having in-person classes throughout the entirety of the academic year, Indiana will be going back online after Thanksgiving and hopefully returning to in-person classes in January. Indiana has also eliminated all breaks to where students will return home for a period of time and then arrive back at school. This proves to be important to decrease the chances of spreading the virus through states and through people at school. With all this being said, the virus has proven to be extremely unpredictable. What could happen if the country experiences another surge in cases? What happens if the virus disappears completely? These plans will not work with a surge, but they also will not work with the disappearance of the virus. The biggest concern that parents and students have is the quality of the education they will be receiving. Many do not pay full tuition to attend an online university when the initial plan was to receive the best in-person education they can. It is safe to say that the country will be experiencing many changes within the next few months. These changes will determine the quality of education and the quantity of students attending schools and universities this coming fall.

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Picture 1: cappex.com

Picture 2: stnonline.com

Report: Hannah Zaremba


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