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Why Pampering Is Good For Mental Health

We know that self-care is not a selfish act, but in fact, it is a vital act that lets us have time for ourselves. In the modern world, which is so full of demands, demands on our health in all aspects - mental, physical, and emotional- can leave us with little time for ourselves. 

We know that self-care is not a selfish act, but in fact, it is a vital act that lets us have time for ourselves. In the modern world, which is so full of demands, demands on our health in all aspects - mental, physical, and emotional- can leave us with little time for ourselves. 

But just why is it so important that we get that time? 


Stress is sneaky, and it stacks up fast - until it gets to the point that it is affecting us every day. The issue with stress is that some level of stress is fine, and it is something we expect in our everyday lives - but our bodies aren’t equipped or designed to deal with high-stress levels for more than a short time. 

It puts our likelihood of a stroke or heart issues in a higher bracket - and that is just the start. 

Heading to Mitchell's Salon & Day Spa can soon start to reduce those levels until they are more manageable. 


After a tense day, have you ever had someone rub your shoulders just enough to loosen them up? You can almost feel the stress and tension leaving your body. When we do things like a warm bath or shower or take some time for ourselves, we get the impact a little more. 

And with less tension, you are more likely to get some much-needed sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things for helping with mental health - and often one of the first things that suffers when we aren’t doing well. 


It doesn’t matter if you are doing a pamper session at home or one at a spa - the chances are you are going to hope for it to be quiet. A little bit of lo-fi in the background, or whatever music you find relaxing, is ideal, too. 

That quiet will let our brains begin to sort through things that are weighing heavy on us, and that processing is something that is better done as we walk, as we lay in the bath, or by listening to gentle music. 


When we do our hobbies or anything that makes us feel good, we get a little bump for the happiness hormones. And the more we do it, the more of those hormones we get. While one pampering session isn’t going to be enough to knock out the blues or improve our mood for a long time - the more we do it, the more our stress is reduced, and our happiness levels are high. 

Pampering comes in many forms, and for some people, it will be a full work, everything shower or bath; for others, it will be managing to use a hair curler or just taking a 15-minute nap. Find what it is that makes you feel cared for, and make sure that every week, you have time for it - because it will make a difference to your long-term mental health. 

Want to make the most of your hobby time and are looking to explore new options? Check this out: 5 Great Hobbies to Pursue If You Have Lots of Time to Spare

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Health Access by NKC Health Access by NKC

Top Ways to Stay Calm and Cope with the Most Stressful Events in Life

Stress affects everyone at some point in their lives, yet many individuals do not know how to deal with it effectively.

Stress affects everyone at some point in their lives, yet many individuals do not know how to deal with it effectively. Whenever enormous life pressures bubble up, you must deal with them effectively to avoid developing long-term psychological difficulties. However, while we all react to different events in our lives in our own unique ways, it is generally agreed that the following are among the most stressful events in one's life:

  • Death of someone close to you

  • End of a relationship/divorce

  • Serious illness or injury

  • House move or relocation

  • Job loss

When you are stressed, it may appear that you are dealing with a purely emotional problem that lives only in your head. But, on the other hand, stress can manifest itself as a physical problem, mainly when dealing with life's most difficult situations.

Some of the most stressful events in life can be dealt with in various ways, and we will look at some of the methods for dealing with them and staying calm below.

Take action as soon as possible.

Take advantage of the fact that your body is naturally in fight or flight mode and ready to move by engaging in physical activity. For example, jogging on the spot, throwing punches or a cushion or punchbag, or doing some big stretches are all possibilities. Just a couple of minutes should be sufficient to bring some of the bodily signs of stress back to normal and return you to a state of equilibrium, allowing you to deal with the issue calmly. 

Take a few deep breaths.

It may sound corny, but taking a few deep breaths is one of the most effective things you can do when faced with a complex scenario in the moment. It provides your body with oxygen, helping you think more clearly and relax, both of which will assist you in taking the following steps in the right direction.

Put together a plan

Most difficult circumstances can be made a little less unpleasant if you have some strategy in mind. It might be developing a treatment plan if you have been diagnosed with a disease, locating a personal injury attorney if you have been injured, or determining your legal rights and duties when a relationship ends, or you lost a job. In the event of a death, it is often helpful to be somewhat engaged in planning a funeral, at least in the early stages.

Reach out and talk

Keeping your emotions pent up is terrible for practically everyone's emotional and physical health, as well as their relationships. Even though we are becoming more open as a society, we are still apprehensive about discussing how we feel during and after complex events for fear of being judged. If you do not have a trusted friend or family member to whom you can turn, you may want to consider seeking help from a professional. Some will assist you in coming up with strategies to deal with the occurrences, while others will simply lend an ear to listen, but in virtually all cases, it will be beneficial.

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What To Do After A Major Health Setback (When You Work Full Time)

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re running around, living to the full, the next, you find yourself seriously incapacitated in some way. It can be a distressing experience (and a rude awakening). You suddenly see the fragility of life and how everything is so temporary. Thus, dealing with a major health setback is hard.

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re running around, living to the full, the next, you find yourself seriously incapacitated in some way. It can be a distressing experience (and a rude awakening). You suddenly see the fragility of life and how everything is so temporary. Thus, dealing with a major health setback is hard. 

In this post, we take a look at what to do after an injury or diagnosis even if you work full time. Check out the following:

Reach Out To Others

When you’ve had a major health setback, your first instinct might be to recoil and spend all day in bed. However, this approach often leads to depression and isolation, making it even harder to recover. 

If you can, try to reach out to others. Having a strong social support network in place is one of the best ways to influence physical health outcomes. Gather your family and friends around and find ways to talk about the issues affecting you. 

Find Rituals That Soothe You

Health setbacks are rarely your fault. That’s why most people use a trustworthy personal injury law firm to find justice. But, even so, rituals can help a great deal. They are small things that you do each day as a dedication to your health. Often, they can assist your recovery substantially. 

Soothing rituals come in many different forms. Which you choose will largely depend on your personality. For some, meditating first thing in the morning is the best medicine. It helps to bring anxiety levels down and can assist your focus. For others, it is a long soak in the bath or even a cold shower.
Rituals add structure to your day and have profound physical and psychological benefits. A routine gives you structure and focus.

Write Down How You Feel

Major health setbacks can leave you feeling distressed and worried. But sometimes, just experiencing the emotions is confusing. They’re all over the place. 

Writing down how you feel can help you process what you are going through. If you can articulate your fears and concerns, it helps you adjust your approach.

You don’t have to tell anyone what you write. You can simply keep it in a private journal. Once you delve into the meanings embodied in your words, you can often get a better handle on your experience. Over time, you feel less overwhelmed. 

Use Mindfulness

When your health begins to suffer, it can be difficult to appreciate the good things in life. That’s where mindfulness can really help. Instead of allowing the mind to run wild with constant worries and agitations, you instead separate yourself from it. You observe your emotions and then allow them to pass naturally. 

Many people prone to ruminative thinking find mindfulness empowering. Research shows that it can help combat PTSD and even prevent the development of depression. 

Embrace Gratitude

Feeling grateful after a health setback is a challenge. Usually, you feel the complete opposite. After all, you’re sick: what do you have to be grateful for?

Intellectualizing the problem in this way, however, is a bad idea. Gratitude isn’t important for moral reasons. It’s valuable because it changes your brain chemistry, thereby improving your mood. 
Research shows that the mere act of being grateful for what you have in life improves your sense of wellbeing. You go from living in a state of scarcity to living in abundance. When you are grateful for the life you have, you don’t feel like you lack anything. Anything you have feels like a bonus. 
Practicing regular gratitude changes the way you relate to others too. When you are in a grateful state of mind, you are much more likely to display love and affection. The hormones those emotions produce can, in turn, make you feel even better (and may speed your recovery).

Get Your Body Moving


If you can, try to get your body moving. (This won’t always be possible with some injuries and diseases). Movement helps to build strength in the body and improve your state of mind. Simply being outside in sunlight instead of indoors all the time can make a tremendous difference. 

Do Activities That You Want To Do

Health setbacks can leave you wondering how you will continue to enjoy your life. So it is a good idea to focus on activities that you want to do. This way, you can discover new joys that you’d overlooked before. Focus less on what you “should” be doing. Taking unscheduled time for life’s pleasures is still your prerogative.

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

4 Ways To Improve Your Workout

Many of us have switched the gym for home workouts in the past year, while others have replaced their intense workouts with daily walks and more relaxing forms of exercise such as yoga. However, when it comes to working out, there are always things we can do to improve the quality of our workouts, and these tips will help us see better results.

It is recommended that we do at least 25 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week, but we all work out in different ways. Many of us have switched the gym for home workouts in the past year, while others have replaced their intense workouts with daily walks and more relaxing forms of exercise such as yoga. However, when it comes to working out, there are always things we can do to improve the quality of our workouts, and these tips will help us see better results.


Workout with a plan in mind 

Whether you work out at home or in the gym, you must know what you want to achieve out of that session. This does not mean that you need to have prepared a workout plan for the session; it can be as easy as deciding what area of your body you want to focus on and what pieces of equipment can help you work them out. However, workout plans are great for keeping you on track. Pamela Reif, a German fitness influencer, has her own app, which allows users to make a workout plan consisting of her workouts, which she posts to her YouTube channel. Workout plans like this one will help keep you on track and help motivate you to complete your daily workouts.

Invest in a therapeutic tape

Often working out can leave our bodies feeling sore and achy, particularly if the workout we have just completed has been strenuous. Therapeutic tapes are cotton strips that help ease muscle pain. These are extremely useful if you have pulled a muscle or ligament and will provide you with some much-needed relief. Suppose you are unsure of where you can purchase some therapeutic tape, kt therapeutic tape for sale.The less pain you feel, the more precise your workouts will be.


Include variety

If you perform the exact same workout every day, you will soon tire of it and simply not do it. This means that you will not see the same results as you would have done if you had continued the workout and this will demotivate you. Therefore, you should try to add variety into your workouts and maybe try different pieces of equipment when you are in the gym so that you do not become bored. This could also mean not doing a workout at all, and instead getting your exercise by going for a walk or a bicycle ride. Different forms of exercise can be greatly beneficial to you and your mental health. 

Workout with a friend

Going to the gym or out for a run with a friend can make all the difference. Not only does it motivate you, but it can make the workout more fun if you have a friend there to chat with and help check that you are performing your workouts safely. However, it would help if you were careful not to let your friend distract you too much; otherwise, you might end up not working out as much as you had initially planned. Making plans to work out with a friend will make you less likely to cancel your workout, too, as you will not want to let your friend down. This means that your friend holds you accountable, and consequently, you may notice your workouts becoming more frequent. 

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Origins Of Social Anxiety To Learn From

Social anxiety and shyness are the kind of problems that challenge very large numbers of people and interfere with the most important and enjoyable moments and situations of life. The situations we are in society and with other people.

Social anxiety and shyness are the kind of problems that challenge very large numbers of people and interfere with the most important and enjoyable moments and situations of life. The situations we are in society and with other people. A person suffering from social anxiety or shyness can sometimes suffer for years, but the truth is that suffering is completely free, as there are proven methods to overcome anxiety and shyness. Sometimes though, it all boils down to relaxing and taking time for yourself. If you use bongs, you could look at winding down that way.

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When a person suffers from social anxiety, the degree of shyness and anxiety is disproportionate to the real danger facing him, because even if they criticize us, laugh at us or reject us, what will happen? In the vast majority of cases, nothing. So why do people still react with anxiety? There are several explanations. The first argues that because man is a social animal and that his evolutionary advantage was the ability to live in a group, if a particular person was rejected from the group and tribe, he could not survive and in fact unlike us, that rejected person would be doomed to death, so social fear software was effective for survival. But, in the modern age fear is no longer relevant, because even if a certain group rejects us, we still have countless ways to communicate and connect with new people.

Studies show that the brain activates very similar areas when we see a picture in reality through the eyes and when we imagine the same picture. The same is true of hearing and feeling. So when we imagine a social situation, our brain produces an experience very similar to what would have happened if we had been there in reality. We can take advantage of this simple work to completely get rid of social anxiety. The eyes recognize a social situation and even before the input even reaches the area that decodes the image, it has already been sent to the "amygdala" and elicits an anxiety response as if we had seen a grizzly bear. And once it is activated, it is very difficult to get out of the stress, it is difficult to calm ourselves, because the mind enters a state of fight or flight and the front and rational part works on a half clutch.

Developmental explanation of social anxiety and shyness

Of course this is not only the evolution and history of the human race, but also the personal history of each individual. The degree of our anxiety or confidence very much depends on our childhood and how much we received unconditional appreciation from the parents, how much they gave us confidence at home and strengthened us, how much we were allowed to accumulate social skills and express ourselves. Also, what is very influential is traumatic and painful events. Some people at a young age experience difficult social events that other children laugh at, silence or even boycott. Such events have a crucial impact on the level of social anxiety, but it is certainly possible to treat these memories and release the emotional charges that created the anxiety.

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7 Helpful Tips To Get Out Of This COVID Era With A Stronger Mentality

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true.

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Over the past year or so, the pandemic has been the most prevalent thought in most people’s minds. Sure, there are places on this planet where the inhabitants dealt with the virus quickly and efficiently. They are now living life pretty much exactly the same as how it was before the spread. The same cannot be said for many other areas of the world, though, unfortunately. For a lot of people still, there are lockdown measures and millions are having to stay within the confines of their home. It’s nice to have a warm home that keeps us safe each night, but we need to be able to get out a little more – it’s in our nature.

The fact is that we’re stuck in for a while and things need to do what we can to save the lives of so many different people around the world. If that means isolating for a while, then so be it. The greater good outweighs most immediate wants and needs. It’s just a case of making sure we stay healthy while isolated. If we can exit this pandemic era healthier and stronger than when we entered it, then that’s going to a big achievement on its own.

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true. Sure, you may be a little awkward in some areas, but you can absolutely improve yourself and your life in general. It’s just a case of taking care of a few things and adopting certain mindsets. Here are some ideas for you to follow!

Stay Positive Throughout Everything

This is a lot easier to say than it is to do, but it’s certainly something that should be tried. People in life who are positive and optimistic will typically end up happier. When you’re positive all the time, you can take bad instances and come out content. Those with a negative viewpoint will never really enjoy things because they’ll always look for bad points. Even at their happiest, they’ll still have an overwhelming sense of dread or be uninterested.

So, if you’re going to be locked in your home for a while, then you may as well adopt a happier mindset. Look to pick out the good in most things you do or see. This is a habit and one that can be formed quite quickly, so do what you can to be a little more optimistic regarding most things. If you moan and everything that happens during this time, then you’re going to be more miserable than you think – avoid this poisonous way of thinking. If you live with others that are negative and will bring you down, then it’s wise to have a little chat with them and let them know about the effect they’re having on those around them.

Use Lockdown Times To Learn All Kinds Of Things

A lot of people have the idea that this lockdown time is keeping us from really doing what we want. While there are certain places we cannot go to and particular instances that cannot happen, this doesn’t mean that we’re completely useless and stuck in a rut. We can learn so many different things and become adept at so many different skills. If you have the internet, then you have an encyclopedia to learn from. Just pick a topic and get going. During free time over the past few years, you can probably spend the majority of it with friends and relaxing/having fun. You’re stuck in your home on your own now, so you may as well use the time you have to become a more improved version of yourself ready for when everything opens up once again!

Focus On Yourself And Take Good Care

Take care of your body and your mind. Actively look to become a happier version of yourself. We’ve just mentioned that you should look to learn and improve as a person, and this applies to the way in which you treat yourself, too. Eat the right stuff and drink lots of water. Take care of your skin with the likes of Natural Skin Care Made With Organic Ingredients, too. Don’t forget to take care of your home, too. Just because fewer people will be in and around it, that doesn’t mean you should let it turn into a pigsty!

Keep In Touch With Your Loved Ones Regularly

Social life is very important in general. We’re not going to be around our loved ones as much, of course, so we need to make sure that we’re with them virtually or from a safe distance! Don’t let yourself turn into a hermit because we’re going to get out of this someday and you’re going to need to keep your social skills! Speak to people online or through dating apps if you must – if that’s what it takes to keep some of that confidence and competence.

Stay Active And On The Move

If you have a lot going on in terms of workouts, then you’re going to be a lot happier in your mind as well as physically. Sitting around or too long can make you feel so useless – even though you’re not and have a lot going for you. Being stuck in a cramped area with little going on can make you think that there’s little need to be active or to work out. The endorphin release from a good bit of exercise will make your day go from lethargic to energized very quickly.

Make Plans For When Restrictions Are Lifted

As we’ve mentioned a few times already, restrictions will be lifted and this lifestyle won’t be around forever! If you have things to look forward to, then it motivated you to get more done in preparation. So, create plans with friends and family so that you won’t be completely bored when things go back to normal. Be reasonable, though, of course. If your plans might still endanger others in terms of the virus, then pick something a little more sensible.

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4 Tips for Protecting Your Well-Being during Lockdown

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.


When the COVID-19 pandemic first kicked off approximately a year ago, few would have predicted that lockdowns would still be ongoing in many places 12 months later – but, unfortunately, that is the situation we find ourselves in.

In addition to the devastating effects of the virus itself, the ongoing knockdowns have also been deeply detrimental to many people’s well-being, in a variety of different ways, ranging from uncertainty over the future, to immediate physical consequences.

During times like these, it’s important to be able to accept that many things are not under our direct control, and to look for ways to safeguard and protect our individual well-being, and to focus on the things we can directly influence, instead.

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.

Step back from your future goals for the time being, and focus on day-to-day habits, instead

It can be devastating to have your future goals and aspirations trampled by external circumstances that you are helpless to influence. But in a time of such uncertainty as the present moment, it might be that one of the best things you can do for your well-being is to step back from thinking about long-term future goals, altogether. 

Just for the time being, at any rate.

Of course, just because you’re taking a break from setting goals for the future, or working out your “free of plans,” does mean that you should just give in to despair and become totally passive.

Instead, the best approach is likely to be to shift your focus on future goals to day-to-day habits, instead.

As Scott Adams, James Clear and others have pointed out – if you have good daily habits that keep you moving “in the right direction,” it is very likely that good things will happen to you over time, and that you will achieve a lot – even in the absence of a clearly defined “SMART goal.”

In fact, there is an argument to be made that having those kinds of clearly defined goals, and fixating on them, is often counter-productive.

For one thing, it often makes people focus myopically on the goal itself, without being able to enjoy the journey or notice the opportunities that arise in day-to-day life.

For another thing, goals put you in a mindset of “lack.” You always feel like you’re not where you want to be, until and unless you’ve achieved your next goal.

Then, there’s the obvious fact that whether or not you achieve a particular goal isn’t entirely up to you, and will have a lot to do with things that are outside of your direct control, that happen in the wider world. Like a pandemic.

If you want to be a novelist, for example, setting up a daily writing habit is as likely to lead you in that direction as anything else. It may be significantly more likely, in fact, to get you there than actually fixating on the goal of being a novelist.

Your daily habits are things that you can always shape and influence, and that help you to feel self-contained and empowered.

So, for the sake of your well-being, pay attention to your daily habits during lockdown.

Get outside for at least a few minutes each day, if possible

If you live in an area where stringent social distancing restrictions are in place, and social hubs and venues are shut down, it can easily end up feeling like there’s very little motivation at all for actually leaving the house other than for the essentials.

Getting outside, however, can be an extremely important and powerful requirement for an individual's sense of well-being.

Remaining indoors too much can lead to a growing sense of complete detachment from the world at large, and can fuel harmful and excessive rumination and morbid introspection.

Getting outside – especially to somewhere with a bit of greenery – can really help you to feel more grounded and connected to the world at large, and can give you a much-needed dose of perspective and stress relief.

If at all possible according to your local restrictions, try to get outside for at least a few minutes a day, even if you’re just pacing around for a while a short distance from your home, while listening to a podcast or audiobook.

Keep in contact with your loved ones with the magic of video calls

While there are many potential downsides to the ways in which social media shapes our interactions, modern digital services such as FaceTime, Skype, and WhatsApp can be a real game changer when it comes to helping us stay connected with our loved ones, from a distance.

Psychological research indicates that the vast majority of human communication actually occurs through non-verbal means – such as by body language, facial expressions, and the town of our voices.

Social alienation is a devastating thing, and can take a real detrimental toll on anyone's sense of well-being.

Make an extra effort to keep in contact with your loved ones during lockdown, but don’t let yourself fall into the habit of just texting back and forth. Set up video calls, and get as close as possible to the experience of a real face-to-face social interaction.

Reach out to mental health experts if needed

When all is said and done, no individual is an island, and we all need support and companionship from other people, from time to time.

If you’re struggling with your mental health during lockdown, it may be that reaching out to a psychologist or other experts in mood disorders could be a godsend with regards to getting you back on your feet and helping you to regain a sense of balance and wellness.

Even if you aren’t quite comfortable with reaching out to mental health experts as things stand, there are books and courses available for teaching yourself well-vetted psychological practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, that may really prove helpful.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Focusing On Your Mental Health Is Key For Your Future

Your mental health is very important. In our culture there is a lot of pressure on us: a huge role load, pressures to build careers and work while preserving traditional roles.

Your mental health is very important. In our culture there is a lot of pressure on us: a huge role load, pressures to build careers and work while preserving traditional roles. As a woman we are led to believe that we should care for our families and as men we are led to believe that work is key. Among all these, though, there is a special importance in caring for your mental health.


Take time to appreciate yourself

Women and girls internalize the socio-cultural messages that encourage a critical look at women and blame women and mothers. Therefore, it is important that you learn to value yourself, love yourself and your body and get rid of guilt and over-judgment.  Men tend to hide their feelings more and often are led to feeling isolated. Addiction can also play a part in hindering mental health and therefore it is important to get help early. Any type of addiction can be helped. Whether it’s a drug addition or pornography addiction recovery - it is possible. 

If you can treat yourself with compassion and respect, avoid self-criticism, find time for hobbies and pursuits that you love and most importantly - treat yourself with acceptance and understanding, as you would hope others would treat you, you will inevitably improve your mental health.

Take care of your body, always

Mental and physical health are intertwined. Taking care of your body can improve your mental health and therefore:

  • Maintain a proper diet. 

  • Stop the moth. 

  • Plenty of water. 

Cultivate positive relationships 

It is important for anyone to be sure to choose friendships that benefit you. It's time to take out smiling people who are doing you harm and take care to surround yourself with positive, loving and supportive people, the kind who really do you good. 

Events in daily life, like stress at work or in the family can play a really pivotal role in making you feel bad. But it is important that your mind is full of positive thoughts as often as humanly possible. Your mental and physical health depends on them. Common symptoms of stress include: headaches, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, irritability, upset stomach, depression, anxiety and the like. No matter how busy you are, you can always find time to relax and reduce stress through relaxing activities like walking in nature, a fragrant foam bath, meditation, mindfulness, phone to company, hobby and the like. Think of it as a recommendation from a doctor. 

Take a rest, it is OK

We work endless jobs, career chores and household and family chores do not allow them enough time to rest and refresh. The endless worries for the needs of others and guilt do not allow for mental rest so it is important to find ways to rest, refresh and calm the mind. Pay attention to the present moment. How? Feel the sun on your face, the wind, and breathe deeply. Practice mindfulness by focusing on this moment. A conscious effort to be attentive to your inner and outer world is essential for mental health.

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Taking A Step In The Right Health Direction

If you feel you need some time to relax, to understand and get your bearings, or to be a little kinder to yourself as you aim to progress - well, taking a step in the right direction could be a wonderful idea.


Often, we can think in ‘all or nothing’ therms. That is, if you’re failing to make the progress you wish to make, you might find yourself completely lapsing and avoiding any forward-future progress as a result. For instance, if you cheat on your diet, you might find yourself binging on food and sugary drinks as a means of enjoying yourself, because you know that you’ve taken a step back. This sounds contrary to good wisdom, but as beings that evolved in times of scarcity, it’s not hard to see how self-restraint is our biggest problem in the modern-day. It’s not something we’re particularly well-adapted to.

But taking a step in the right direction, especially where health is concerned, can be a fantastic alternative if you’re not interested in winning every battle in one swoop. If you feel you need some time to relax, to understand and get your bearings, or to be a little kinder to yourself as you aim to progress - well, taking a step in the right direction could be a wonderful idea. Here’s how you might be able to do that:

Investing In The Habit

From time to time, it might take a financial commitment to help you get started. If you hope to start yoga or go running, for example, you’ll likely feel much more encouraged if you purchase fitting running shoes or elastic stretching apparel. This way, a financial and intellectual investment in your chosen practice will make it much more likely that you stay committed. After all, we all wish to get our money’s worth. This may also help us build discipline, and stay on the right path.

Finding The Help You Need

It’s not always the case that our best health is under our control. In fact, it rarely is all of the time, despite our best intentions having a profound effect on how well we encourage our health. For instance, utilizing the services of a pedorthist can quite literally be a step in the right health direction, as healing or nurturing your physical requirements with a range of combined therapies can help you understand how to move forward, and what practices or habits to avoid. Through this effort you’re more likely to feel as though there’s a path forward, and that can be affirming enough.

Being Kind To Yourself

Be kind to yourself if you can manage it. It takes time to overcome bad habits or bad experiences, particularly if the past wasn’t your fault. Those who have suffered a bad injury, for instance, can often find themselves struggling to truly live wth abandon as they might have without that trauma. Being kind to yourself is certainly the first step in the right direction. It might help you grow and feel more confident. It might be a gentle voice telling you that it’s okay to have bad or less-productive days. No matter what, kindness is the key.

With this advice, we hope you can take a step in the right health direction, and feel empowered as a result.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Looking After Your Body And Mind For Winter

Winter can be a crazy and fun season. With so many activities such as family dinners, social gatherings, and plans for gift exchanging, we have plenty of things to distract us and keep us from focusing on our physical and mental health and wellbeing as we would typically do.

Winter can be a crazy and fun season. With so many activities such as family dinners, social gatherings, and plans for gift exchanging, we have plenty of things to distract us and keep us from focusing on our physical and mental health and wellbeing as we would typically do. 

However, once the holiday season is over, and we return to our everyday routines, many people find their motivation to stay healthy and active dips. Some people find that they struggle with low moods - perhaps anxiety over the holidays’ financial cost, or maybe Seasonal Affective Disorder because of the lack of sunlight. Other people let diet and healthy eating habits slip. We swap healthy food and physical activity for comfort and junk food and snuggling up on the couch. 

This, combined with the shorter days and colder weather, can mean that we become quite unhealthy. In turn, this leads to a weakened immune system, leaving us more susceptible to illness, which can make us feel even more down in the dumps. It is little wonder it is called the winter blues.

You don’t have to feel that way, though. You can do things to keep your mood, physical activity levels, and diet up at a safe and healthy level during the long winter months. Read on to find out more.


Chill out with the carbs

In winter, we often crave carbs. They are the ultimate comfort food - creamy mashed sweet potato, lots of delicious gluten-free bread toast, or big steaming plates of gluten-free pasta. This causes your serotonin to rise, making you feel happy and relaxed. This, in turn, leads to craving them and eating more and more.  Inherently, carbs are not bad. They give you energy, which during the winter when you are feeling particularly lethargic is important. However, too many carbs can cause your blood levels to spike, sending you on a crash (and making you feel worse) and leading to weight gain and putting you at risk of conditions such as diabetes.

To overcome the carb cravings, ditch them for breakfast and replace them with protein-packed meals. Try silken tofu, scrambled, or chia seeds in coconut milk for a breakfast that tastes delicious and will keep you full until lunchtime.

Have some healthy and delicious snacks to hand for the afternoon when the carb cravings kick in and look for alternative ways of getting that serotonin hit.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables - especially green and orange ones!

Opting for fruit and vegetables that are primarily dark green and orange can mean that you are getting plenty of healthy nutrients and vitamins, including the all vital vitamin A. Kale, spinach, swiss chard, carrots, squash, and oranges are all perfect for winter. Cook up hearty butternut squash stew or add some spinach to your scrambled tofu for a healthy breakfast.

Add in omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are found naturally in many foods. Most people think of oily fish when they think about omega 3, but if you lead a plant-based diet, you can also find it in fish, seeds, pulses, and nuts. They help to reduce joint pain and stiffness, which many people suffer from in the winter, thanks to their natural anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also shown that omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce the incidence of depression, again, something which is much more common during the dark winter months.

Plan your physical activity

It can be so hard to get motivated to do exercise in winter, but if you don’t, you risk undoing all of the hard work you have done over the year. Try to plan and stick to a regular exercise or fitness routine. Once a week, sit down and schedule it out. Take a look at the weather forecast and plan around that - if it is terrible weather, prepare for something indoors. If it is cold but sunny, a brisk jog can warm you up and leave you feeling great. Having a plan makes it much more likely that you are to stick to it. You could also consider having an exercise buddy - someone who can hold you accountable. If you know that you would be letting someone else down, if you don’t get your running shoes on is a great motivator.

Stick to indoor exercise

If the thought of going out for a run or even leaving the house to go for a swim or to the gym feels you with dread, don’t do it. There are plenty of home workouts you can do in the comfort of your lounge, whether you fancy yoga, pilates, weight training, or even cardio. Have a look on YouTube or Pinterest for some free tutorials for all fitness levels and abilities.

Wash your hands

With Coronavirus still hanging about, you are probably fed up with hearing this one, but it really is one of the most significant ways to protect yourself against illnesses. Make sure you wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, when you come in from being out, and after handling money. 

Make sure that you get plenty of sleep

Sleep - preferably around eight hours or so every night - gives your body the chance to rest and recuperate. Lack of sleep lowers your immune system and can lead to poor mental health. Try to avoid using screens in the hour before bedtime, go to bed at the same time every night even if you don’t have to get up the next morning, and make sure your bedroom is dark and at a comfortable temperature. Lavender is said to aid sleep, so if you are struggling, indulge in some lavender soap for your bath or a pillow spray.

Most of these tips are easy to put into practice and do not involve expensive or drastic lifestyle changes. They will help to keep both your mind and your body healthy throughout the winter so you can move into spring in the best possible way. 

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

How to Take Stock of Your Mental Wellbeing

If you take stock of your mental health you can look for areas for improvement. Perhaps there are ways you can make the situation better. Here are some steps you can take to feel more positive and get more out of life.


Many people are facing pressures from different angles every day. These include financial uncertainty, family constraints, and health issues. There are many factors that can affect your mental wellbeing and it’s important to step back from time to time and assess the situation. If you take stock of your mental health you can look for areas for improvement. Perhaps there are ways you can make the situation better. Here are some steps you can take to feel more positive and get more out of life. 


The art of mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment and the world around you. Meditation is a big part of it, as it helps to develop your sense of awareness and change your perspective. Take more time to think about things and make careful decisions. You’ll find with time you’ll start to feel more positive about life and be better in the way you approach challenges. You can try following guidelines on how to practice mindful meditation online. 

Stay active

Physical activity is proven to be beneficial to your mental wellbeing. It’s a good idea to set yourself fitness goals however small. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, you can try monitoring your posture, breathing, and general habits with obvus.me. This way you can pay close attention to your physical health, and find the causes of any issues whether it’s lack of exercise, pain from work, or diet. Find a new sport or activity that you enjoy and it will help boost your self-confidence and improve your mood.

Work on your relationships

Your personal relationships will have a big impact on your mental wellbeing. Try to make an effort to connect with people and spend time with your friends and family, even virtually. Provide emotional support to others and they will in turn do the same for you. If you focus on trying to improve your personal relationships it will be very beneficial for your mental wellbeing.

Learn something new

Studies have shown that learning and working help improve your mental health. It helps you develop a sense of purpose and refrain from getting stuck in a rut. Learning something new whether it’s work-related, studying a course, or simply a different fun hobby can improve your mood and give you something to focus on. It’s important to find something you enjoy and have a genuine interest in, however. That way you can really benefit from it. 

Acts of kindness

If you’re taking stock of your mental wellbeing, you might want to consider how your behavior affects others. If you make an effort for other people it will create positive feelings and a sense of self-worth. It’s proven that random acts of kindness help you to gain perspective. You can start small with a simple act of gratitude, or even consider volunteer work. Making a difference in the community is very rewarding and you can connect with people as well. Giving to others is very beneficial to your mental wellbeing.

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Improving Your Relationship After a Tough Year

All relationships have their ups and downs. Often, when something significant has happened, or when we’re stressed out and tired, we take things out on our partners, and tensions start to creep into our relationships. Sometimes, nothing has happened. We’re just not quite on the same page.

All relationships have their ups and downs. Often, when something significant has happened, or when we’re stressed out and tired, we take things out on our partners, and tensions start to creep into our relationships. Sometimes, nothing has happened. We’re just not quite on the same page. 

It’s fair to say that 2020 has been hard on many couples. You might have spent a lot more time than usual living in each other’s pockets if your area has been in a lockdown. You might have been worried about your family’s health and well-being, your children, or family members outside of your household. As a partnership or individually, you may have been worried about job security and money. It’s been a year of uncertainty, and it’s no surprise that many relationships are on the rocks. 

If things aren’t great at home, first, know that you certainly aren’t alone. Marriages, relationships, and even friendships have been pushed to their limits by this pandemic. Then, look at some ways that you can get things back to normal.


Get Some Help

While it would be lovely to get back to normal on our own, it’s not always possible. If you and your partner aren’t connecting or have a specific problem and need help from sex therapists, you should consider couples counseling, which can be very useful. 

Spend Some Quality Time Together

This year, you might have spent more time with your partner than ever before. But, was it quality time? Or, was it time spent taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, stressing about your jobs, or worrying about the world? We’ve been with the people that live in our household all of the time, without actually giving them our attention. 

Plan a date night, or go for a walk on your own together. Spend quality time together away from the distractions of real life. 

Commit to Self-Care


You can’t be happy with your partner if you aren’t happy with yourself. This has been a stressful time for your relationship, but it’s been hard on you as an individual too. Treat yourself, take some time out for yourself, and commit to self-care

Make a Plan

Making plans with our partners is exciting. It’s nice to have something to look forward to and to get excited about. This year it’s felt like we can’t make plans because we don’t know if they’ll be canceled. Making even a very loose plan, with no firm commitments can help things to feel more natural. 

Get into the Habit of Appreciating Each Other

Over time we start to take the people that we love the most for granted. It’s normal, but it can begin to affect. Start making an effort to be appreciative. Say thank you, do small things for each other, and pay each other compliments. 

When we’re young, we often assume that when we meet “the one,” it will be easy. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Relationships always take work, but even more so after a trying time such as this.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Could Past Trauma Be Causing Your Mental Health Issues?

Unpacking your mental health issues and identifying the cause is a very important step in your recovery. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, that’s not very easy to do.

Unpacking your mental health issues and identifying the cause is a very important step in your recovery. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, that’s not very easy to do. There isn’t always a specific reason why people develop mental health problems and our brains are very complex, so it’s tough to point to one single thing.


However, a lot of people develop mental health issues because they have experienced trauma of some kind. You may not necessarily make the connection between the two and often, trauma related mental health issues go undiagnosed for this very reason. That’s why it’s important that you understand the link between the two. So, what is the connection between trauma and mental health issues?

What Happens When You Experience Trauma?

When you go through a traumatic event, your body has a physical reaction. You may notice an increase in your heart rate, sweating, and nausea. This is your body’s flight or fight response and it’s perfectly normal for this to happen. In many cases, you will recover after the event and things will be fine. However, a lot of people experience feelings of denial or guilt and when those feelings don’t go away, they can turn into more serious mental health issues. 

Post traumatic stress disorder is very common in people that have been through something difficult. You may experience flashbacks or nightmares about the event and it’s common to feel incredibly anxious, even years after the initial trauma. Many people also experience depression, which is often linked to feelings of guilt or helplessness that do not go away after a traumatic event. 

Dealing With Trauma 

If your mental health issues are caused by a traumatic event in the past, it’s important that you are able to deal with that trauma if you are going to improve your mental health and overall wellbeing. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding bad habits that harm the brain is important, but you will also need treatments to directly deal with the trauma. 

Talking therapies are one of the best ways to deal with the aftermath of a traumatic event. It’s very cathartic to talk to somebody about what happened and it will help you to understand how that traumatic event is impacting your mental health. A professional therapist will also teach you ways of dealing with those difficult emotions so you are able to overcome them. 

In recent years, there has been a lot of research into new ways to manage trauma. Some people have been treated using psychoactive substances, like LSD or MDMA, and although these treatments are in their early stages, the results look promising. You can find out more information about these treatments from the Psychedelic Spotlight website. It is believed that talking therapies are more effective when patients are under the influence of very small doses of these psychoactive substances and it helps them to get to the root of the issue. 

If you are struggling with your mental health and you believe that you may be affected by past traumas, it’s important that you don’t suffer in silence. There are treatments out there, so reach out to those around you and get help.

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Black Women are Human Too

I’m Black. I’m also Human

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In society today the toughest job to be is a black woman as we are currently on a daily fight to end societal injustices that we’ve taken for so long. As the fight continues we face battles against hatred from the world, within our families, in the workplace, and within our relationships.

In all the progress of time we've made as black women to stick together and be on the same side empowering each other, there are still those who haven’t grown into the movement for the betterment of themselves.

As we know domestic violence is no laughing matter; rapper Megan Thee Stallion has recently been through a traumatic ordeal of being shot in the foot by rapper boyfriend Tory Lanez having dealt with being in a toxic relationship. As many celebrities have shown their love and support, influencer and former Basketball Wives star Draya Michelle has received some backlash for going on the Wine&Weed podcast and joking about it.

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Draya’s comments were encouraging of treatment that so many women today are fearful of daily either currently dealing with abuse and domestic violence or recovering from it. She went on to say she wants a man to scare her into acting right in a relationship and it can only be assumed that she is ignorantly speaking from lack of experience because no woman in their right mind would wish for such toxicity in their life.

Currently, Draya makes her fortune as an Instagram influencer while also having her own small business running a swimsuit line MintSwim. She has modeled for many fashion brands including SavagexFenty owned by mogul Rihanna.

As the world knows and still remembers the domestic violence Rihanna faced in 2009 with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, the mogul found no humor in Draya’s comments following Megan Thee Stallion’s ordeal and ended the partnership with Draya then sending a heartfelt note to the rapper showing her love and support for the trauma she is currently facing.

Shortly after being released from the Fenty brand, Draya took to social media to post a message saying she’s “fighting through the tough days”. Fans took this to mean she had lost her Fenty partnership as they continue to show disapproval. While Draya Michelle is the most noticeable for her comments, it is still disgraceful to see a couple of other celebrities make humor of the ordeal including Chrissy Teigen and 50 Cent who have since deleted their comments on social media and issued apologies for their insensitive remarks.

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For black women, it is a trend to be mistreated and desensitize as the most disrespected in relationships including abuse and infidelity. Black women are rapidly the butt of the joke then turned into a meme. Although black women are strong, they are not bulletproof. Black women don’t receive medals for surviving, they just have scars; physically and emotionally.

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Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health Throughout the Years

Life is uncertain and you never know what’s around the corner. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t look after your physical and mental health throughout the years.


Life is uncertain and you never know what’s around the corner. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t look after your physical and mental health throughout the years. 

Practicing self-love is essential if you want to live a healthy life. But working out the ways that you can care for your physical and mental health might feel a little daunting. To help guide you, here are 5 suggestions of ways you can do this:

Seek Additional Help When You Need it 

Although it’s easy to put others ahead of yourself sometimes, it’s important not to neglect yourself. If you notice a problem, whether it be with your physical or mental health, it’s vital that you speak to a health professional as soon as possible. There’s no shame in asking for help if you require it – and in the long term, you’ll be far better off by doing this. 

This is important over the years, no matter what your age. From talking to a doctor to looking into assisted living benefits when you’re older, whatever outside help you need, research into what options are out there. 

Keep Up an Exercise Regime 

This might sound obvious, but it’s surprising how many people don’t prioritize this. By keeping up an exercise regime, you’ll ensure that your mind and body stays strong and healthy. Giving you a break from the stresses and strains that every day brings, you’ll wake up in the mornings feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. 

Focus on Keeping a Balanced Diet 

By focusing on keeping a balanced diet, your mind and body will thank you in the long run. Physically, this ensures that you’re feeling energized and that you’re at lower risk of developing health problems – from diabetes to high blood pressure. Mentally, it will guarantee that you feel motivated and determined to take on any task that comes your way. 

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep plays a huge part in your physical and mental health. Therefore it’s something that should not be ignored. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body and mind will start to shut down. So make sure that each night you’re going to bed at a reasonable time and waking up at least 8 hours later. 

If you suffer from insomnia, there are natural supplements you can take to help you fall (and stay!) asleep. Melatonin, a hormone that your body naturally produces to make you drowsy, can be boosted by taking it in supplement form. If anxiety is preventing you from getting regular sleep, check out CBD store products to treat your insomnia.

Socialize, Socialize, Socialize 

At the moment, socializing in person is still not really the norm. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t talk to your loved ones virtually – through Zoom or a similar software. By doing this, it will ensure that your mental health is kept in check. No matter how long you talk to them for or what about, having a catch up will make you feel a lot better in yourself. 

So, there you go. Those are 5 simple methods you can use to help take care of both your physical and mental health. Of course, what you decide to do is up to you. But whatever proactive steps you take towards a healthier you, the more wonderful your life will be.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

To Be Black and Well

To be black and well can mean a lot of things, but should definitely include #Skincare #Meditation #BlackReading among many other things, daily! #BlackLivesMatter #HealthAndWellness #AmplifyBlackVoices


One of the biggest investments that a black person can make for themselves, is a consistent and healthy skincare routine. And to top it off, there are plenty of black owned organic skincare brands for you to choose from. For starters, just make sure that you have a cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

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Mental Wellness

Another healthy habit that I’ve gotten into is daily meditation. Day and night. The first thing that I do when I wake up is focus my attention and energy before I even start my day. Resist the temptation to reach for your phone as a first activity in the morning!

Eat Well

This could go without saying but eating healthy is another investment that is guaranteed to pay off in the short and long term. It helps with your skin, digestion, mood and even energy levels! Even though we’re in quarantined due to COVID-19, don’t eat too much junk food. You’ll thank yourself later.

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The single most important act of self-care that I’ve implemented into my routine is exercising. Even if you don’t necessarily have a fitness goal, make sure that you’re going for a run, doing a few sit-ups, or whatever you have to do in order to make sure that you’re your healthiest self. After all, if you aren’t well yourself, you won’t be of much service to others.

All Photo Credits: Buttah Skincare Website

Report: Julian Randall

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Loss During a Quarantine

As someone who was dealing with a great loss right before the lockdown and then another one during the lockdown, it severely plays a strain on your mental health. Being locked in your home alone while trying to heal is hard.Just remember it's okay to seek help.

As quarantine progresses, it dawns on us that our lives won’t be normal and it makes us miss the times where we can be outside. The times in which we could hug our family and friends without the thought of being the cause of them contracting this virus that can be deadly. The mental toll this takes is significant.

As someone who was dealing with a great loss right before the lockdown and then another one during the lockdown, it severely plays a strain on your mental health. Being locked in your home alone while trying to heal is hard. Not many can handle the silence around you. Finding ways to distract you is harder because now you have no choice but to sit with yourself and deal with the pain. It can put you in a damaging space and you can lose yourself. Just remember it's okay to seek help.

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Some tips I can give those who are struggling like I am is to call a friend or a family member. Pick up a new habit or use this time to invest and put your all into a passion you have been neglecting. Most of all, reach out to a therapist. Having someone to talk to helps and being able to release that pain and have a healthy way to express yourself is always the best option.

So many of us are dealing with loss during this time of quarantine, so check on your friends and family. If you are going through the emotion of losing someone it’s okay to get help and talk to someone and just know you are not alone.

Photo Credit:

Loss picture: jfcsmpls.org

Therapist picture - Verywellmind.com

Report: Maya Howard

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Six Bad Habits that Harm our Brains.

Healthy brain. Clear mind.

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During the history of humanity, with improved living conditions and increased access to education, IQ levels around the world have gradually increased. But over the past decade, our collective intelligence has not only slowed down but has also shown a downward trend. Why is this happening, when we are close to any sources of knowledge like never before? It's all about the features of the modern lifestyle that harm our brain.

1. Multitasking

The habit of doing several things at the same time not only does not increase productivity but, on the contrary, reduces it, scattering attention and overloading the brain.

2. Fast food

Scientists have proven that the diet with a high content of saturated fats, simple sugars, salt, red meat, and processed foods leads to a deterioration in short-term memory and subtle cognitive impairment.

3. Passive lifestyle

The problem is that a long stay in one position reduces the flow of blood to the brain, and therefore reduces the flow of nutrients and oxygen, which are necessary for its effective work.

4. Overabundance of information

Trying to keep up with the endless stream of information that rains down on us from all sides, we stop delving into it and read-only superficial facts. Even if you don’t feel it, an overabundance of diverse content is stress for the brain.

5. Online chat

Experts are certain: the more time we spend on social networks, the higher our level of anxiety. In some cases, dependence on Internet communication impairs our ability to recognize non-verbal emotional signals and to show empathy.

6. Lack of sleep

Deterioration in sleep quality, and especially a reduction in its deep phase, during which information moves from short-term to long-term memory, can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Abstinence in Wellness: Quarantine Edition

For single people, it can take a toll on the mind not being able to be around friends or potential lovers.

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This time in quarantine has caused a great deal of stress for a lot of us, from being able to stay employed, getting settled into a new routine, and being able to properly social distance from others.

For single people, it can take a toll on the mind not being able to be around friends or potential lovers. Some who may have enjoyed themselves a more promiscuous lifestyle while being single, have had a sudden change in sex and dating.

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Being that a person’s mental health is most at high risk now than ever it can be easy to slip into depression or grow anxiety from being taken out of a daily routine of socializing including intimacy. During the quarantine, some of us have been forced into a state of abstinence. Not allowing any physical sexual activity with others for health concerns may cause some to keep their sexual relationships virtual. Others who have been in this situation may have grown tired of casual sex.

Not everyone enjoys casual sex on a longterm basis as some prefer to be in a relationship. It can make someone take a step back and reevaluate their single life. When focusing on wellness and improving mental health, many typically decided to eat better, start fitness, and get more sleep. However, abstinence and spiritual well being can also be an effective change.

Abstinence contributes to mental health and wellness during a pandemic in the same way consistent casual sex can. The difference is knowing when to hit the reset button and move forward into taking a different approach.

The benefit of abstinence during this pandemic is being able to open yourself up to being vulnerable mentally with yourself and trying to make the necessary changes based on what your end goal is. While there is nothing wrong with casual sex, its also important to not get stuck in the habit when trying to date someone seriously. When we talk about making a change a lot of times its just talk until we make a big change to alter our outcomes and how it betters us. Being able to make changes that improve your mental health is part of living in wellness.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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The Bare Minimum is No Longer Accepted

The challenge is being able to remain objective while having your feelings attached in certain situations.

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After the honeymoon phase, a partner’s true colors will start to show in a relationship. They will stop trying to hide their flaws as you grow deeper feelings for one another as time progresses. The challenge is being able to remain objective while having your feelings attached in certain situations.

In the beginning, it can seem easy to let a lot of little things slide because you feel so happy and in love; but when does that change? This is what’s meant by falling in love with potential. There’s a difference between having a typical relationship quarrel and having negative energy constantly thrown at you.

A toxic relationship is one that has you constantly feeling drained, sad, mad, worried, or uneasy about things your partner says or does. This continues if there’s no healthy balance of trust, communication, respect, empathy, or support.

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There are ways over time to be able to tell which one you have. Take notice of how your partner acts around you and in certain situations, then take notice of how they react to your reaction. A lot of times they will find a way to justify they’re actions or responses over how it affects you emotionally. To understand your partner’s true character pay attention to their instant reaction. Do they want to help you out of a difficult situation by pointing you in the direction of a helpful website like Huddle Men's Health, or do they ignore you or tell you you’re overreacting, for example?

Each time you express any emotional pain you feel it can seem simple enough to accept an apology; however, its important to remember that an apology loses its meaning if there’s no changed behavior. If you find yourself constantly trying to be heard and get ignored, its time for a change.

Many common feelings that occur include asking for certain boundaries that are never met, broken promises to try and do better, and constantly hearing about someone else. You begin to question whether or not you’re serving a purpose or if you’re just a place holder until another option comes along. Once you begin having these thoughts, if they are continually ignored they start to take a toll on your mental health and physical well being.

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It is important to remember that no amount of love you have for your partner should be more than what you have for yourself. Don’t trade off the potential of lasting love for how you feel. You are worth all the love, respect, and balance you are looking for.

You are not needy for wanting basic standards of compassion. As human beings, we have a natural desire for love and affection as well as support and respect. Consistency is required for the basic stability of love and support.

Photo Credit:

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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