Loss During a Quarantine

As quarantine progresses, it dawns on us that our lives won’t be normal and it makes us miss the times where we can be outside. The times in which we could hug our family and friends without the thought of being the cause of them contracting this virus that can be deadly. The mental toll this takes is significant.

As someone who was dealing with a great loss right before the lockdown and then another one during the lockdown, it severely plays a strain on your mental health. Being locked in your home alone while trying to heal is hard. Not many can handle the silence around you. Finding ways to distract you is harder because now you have no choice but to sit with yourself and deal with the pain. It can put you in a damaging space and you can lose yourself. Just remember it's okay to seek help.

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Some tips I can give those who are struggling like I am is to call a friend or a family member. Pick up a new habit or use this time to invest and put your all into a passion you have been neglecting. Most of all, reach out to a therapist. Having someone to talk to helps and being able to release that pain and have a healthy way to express yourself is always the best option.

So many of us are dealing with loss during this time of quarantine, so check on your friends and family. If you are going through the emotion of losing someone it’s okay to get help and talk to someone and just know you are not alone.

Photo Credit:

Loss picture: jfcsmpls.org

Therapist picture - Verywellmind.com

Report: Maya Howard


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