Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Let's Talk Trends: Health Trends

Social media can be a great place to gather information, and learn tips and tricks. Making sure that information is accurate and safe is a different task.

As quarantine shuttered everything throughout the country, people were left with only themselves to rely on for their health needs. No gyms, no restaurants, and grocery store wipeouts, caused people to turn to social media for different, innovative ways to meet their fitness and health needs.

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One of the most popular apps used to get this information? TikTok. In short videos of 60 seconds or less users could find fun new workouts, easy recipes, and tips and tricks to staying healthy while in your house. But an excess of information does not mean correct information! TikTok users are not required to have any sort of credentials for the type of content they will be informing users on – so many of the health information is coming from someone unqualified in any form of health education.

TikTok’s platform has a unique set of viewers, as many are in a much younger demographic than other social media. Typical viewers on TikTok can range from 8 years old to 25 years old, making a large portion of their users extremely susceptible to misleading information. “Diet Hacks”, “How to Lose Weight Fast”, and other seemingly easy ways to “promote” a healthy lifestyle, are actually promoting eating disorders to many of our youth. Many of us are already aware of the body image issues that social media can cause. Constantly having a feed of seemingly “perfect” people can make one extremely insecure about themselves. But giving others ideas on unrealistic and impractical ways to “achieve” these goals, are leading many down an unhealthy path.

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One of the many promoted is intermittent fasting. The idea of intermittent fasting is to restrict your daily eating to a certain time frame, so you are typically not eating late at night or early in the morning. Many have taken this idea to the extreme and promote only eating once a day. Everyone needs energy and the idea of eating one meal a day or less is unsustainable and irrational. For a developing child especially, nutrient intake and a sustainable diet are so important. However, many on social media platforms idealize this type of fast, encouraging many to use it as the secret to fast weight loss.

Along with eating restrictions, “miracle” foods are a hot topic on social media. Low calorie, tasty snacks and supplements are the top hack for many influencers. When looking at the ingredient breakdown on many of these “miracle” foods however, it seems you are typically trading off calories for chemicals.

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Jackie Aina Announces New Candle Brand, Forvr Mood

Jackie is known for stunning make and fashion choices, as well as being the queen of meme. For years now she has been making sure out makeup bags are in check and now Jackie is coming for our homes!

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After sharing a very vague post on her Twitter captioned “something is coming” it’s fair for all of us to assume that our fave Jackie Aina was coming out with something popping. Of course, our minds would go straight to the beauty industry considering her collabs with Too Faced, Artist Couture, Elf, and Anastasia Beverly Hills. But no! She switched the game up on all of us!

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Jackie Aina is dropping a candle collection! After years of getting our makeup bags in check, she is checking for our homes. Jackie is known for her “black women in luxury” aesthetic. Never shying away from being “extra” or dramatic when it comes to her outfit, hair, or makeup choices. She has been one of my favorite YouTube makeup artists and influencers because she is not afraid of expressing her opinions on problems in the beauty industry. She advocates for the visibility of people of color in the beauty industry, specifically dark skin people. In her past collaborations with beauty companies, her objective was to make certain her products work with a large range of skin complexions.

Report: Lauren Tucker

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

MelatoninPower. BeautySleep. SleepMatters.

At this time, neurochemical cleansing of the brain occurs, the transfer of memories to long-term memory, detoxification of the body, and activation of immunity.

Why sleep is universal medicine Can you remember the last time you woke up without an alarm - refreshed and energized? If you happened to get enough sleep only on vacation, you are not alone. According to neurobiologist Matthew Walker, two-thirds of the adult population of all developed countries of the world live in conditions of sleep deficit. Modern scientists warn: the lack of obvious negative consequences of lack of sleep does not mean that it is safe for our health. Sleep is not time spent aimlessly, but a vital respite for the whole organism. At this time, neurochemical cleansing of the brain occurs, the transfer of memories to long-term memory, detoxification of the body, and activation of immunity.

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Even our cognitive abilities are in direct proportion to the amount of sleep: after a sleepless night, the ability to memorize information drops by 40%. Researchers have also found that women who regularly sleep less than seven hours have an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.

The hormone melatonin is responsible for the regulation of daily biorhythms in our bodies. The amount of light affects the production of the hormone. This is why in summer when daylight hours are longer, we get enough sleep faster than in winter. The maximum concentration of melatonin occurs between midnight and 5 am. In addition to regulating sleep, melatonin has a wide range of physiological functions. This hormone is primarily known as a powerful antioxidant. By binding the most toxic free radicals, it protects DNA, proteins, and lipids from damage and prevents early cell aging. So a healthy 8-hour sleep is no less effective anti-aging procedure than visiting a beautician. And most importantly - completely free!

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Why Respectability Politics Doesn't Work

Oftentimes, in the black community, black parents, uncles and other family members will encourage the youth to pursue their education in hopes of attaining the American Dream.

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Oftentimes, in the black community, black parents, uncles and other family members will encourage the youth to pursue their education in hopes of attaining the American Dream. Education is seen as a ticket to solving life’s problems as an underrepresented race in America. They might also say something along the lines of “don’t you think you should get your haircut” if a black man has dreadlocks or “be careful not to give off the wrong impression,” if a young lady’s sartorial presentation doesn’t fall within the Eurocentric standards of professionalism. Although old heads often say these things with good intent, not only are they damaging to those on the receiving ends of them, but they aren’t particularly protective measures either.

The reality is that no matter your credentials, if your hair is in an afro or permed, if you have on a suit or tennis shoes, non-black people tend to merely see you as black. Whenever a black male is approached by an officer, they aren’t considering whether or not that man has an advanced degree or a six-figure salary. The black PhD is hated in America just as much as a black person who works as the corner store in an urban area. Remember that.

Photo Credit:

Obama - Chesnot/Getty Images (USA Today)

Snoop - John Parra/Getty Images (billboard)

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Poetry in a Time of Isolation and Panic

In difficult times, art and poetry have been a tether that keeps us bound together. It helps us remember our humanity and our connections.

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Right now, we are stuck at home trying to find ways to fill the ever passing hours. The outside world feels as though it is changing at an alarming pace into some kind of untouchable realm beyond anything we could have ever predicted. In times like this, it is too easy to feel isolated and lost within your head– it can be an incredibly lonely feeling.

In difficult times, art and poetry have been a tether that keeps us bound together. It helps us remember our humanity and our connections. Wartime poets recorded the horrors they lived through. Harlem Renaissance poets immortalized the suffering of black bodies through the written word. Female poets have pressed their assaults and wounds into the inked pages of journals. Poetry serves to tell the truth for those alive now and for those who live in the future.

Catharsis can be found in words. The links below are sites with extensive poetic resources; listening to live readings, learning about the lives of past poets, and potentially finding inspiration to write your poems can help pass the time spent in lockdown. Through art, we can find other voices out there that echo our own.

Where to read and listen to poetry online:









Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Culture, Entertainment Access by NKC Culture, Entertainment Access by NKC

Koncerns for Kanye

As of recent, Kanye West has shown interest in becoming the next President of the United States, though it came out of nowhere.

As of recent, Kanye West has shown interest in becoming the next President of the United States, though it came out of nowhere. Although he did not receive enough signatures to be on the ballot for South Carolina, he decided to host a rally.

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Some of the items discussed in his speech sent red flags to the media and to his family and friends. These items include speaking on abortion and slavery. Kanye claimed that him and Kim Kardashian were moments away from ending their child's life with pills, as was his mother when he was conceived. There was significant backlash from the family and rumors of divorce circling after these statements were made public. The Kardashian family claims that they are worried about his health and worried about what he is doing to the brand of the family. Kanye continues to become extremely distraught in the rally as he shares tears with the audience when he screams "I almost killed my daughter". He closes out with his opinion that everyone who has a baby should be given "a million dollars or something like that". The rally was unconventional yet a nice touch by Kanye to still be able to have his voice heard by the people, even though he lacked the votes to participate in the state. As the public continues to watch Kanye grow in the political world, they will be able to make opinions of him for themselves. As his rallies and speeches continue, there is no doubt that he will be increasing his likability. Although his interest in becoming the next president was a shock to many, maybe this is what the people need at the end of the day.

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Megan Thee Stallion: Why Are Black Women Unprotected?

While people have shown concern for the rapper, others have taken the opportunity to make jokes about the incident. Within the last couple of months, the topic of how Black women are marginalized in society has become more prevalent.


Following the news of rapper Megan Thee Stallion getting shot, rumors and memes have been swirling around social media about what exactly happened. While people have shown concern for the rapper, others have taken the opportunity to make jokes about the incident. Within the last couple of months, the topic of how Black women are marginalized in society has become more prevalent. 

Days removed from the shooting, Megan tweeted, “Black women are so unprotected & we hold so many things in to protect the feelings of others [without] considering our own. It might be funny to y’all on the internet and just another messy topic for you to talk about, but this is my real life and I’m real life hurt and traumatized.”


The lack of empathy and equity for Black women has been at an all time high; Megan’s situation is just a small piece of the puzzle. With Black women dying due to racial discrimination in the health care system and Breonna Taylor’s murderers still free, the question is: why do people still find it acceptable to disregard the trauma of Black women?

What happened to Megan wasn’t funny, just as what happened to George Floyd. When there were Tiktok videos that surfaced of people mimicking Floyd’s death, people were quick to take action and speak up about the wrongdoing. However, some of these same people are making light of Megan’s situation. Is this because Megan’s shooting wasn’t connected to racism?

Megan was right; Black women aren’t protected. Now that it is public knowledge that Taylor was alive six minutes after she was shot several times, and the police did not try to save her, you have to question why there hasn’t been any progress made toward justice. 

In order to progress as a people, we have to start acknowledging all truths, even the truths that we may have negatively participated in.

Photo credits:

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Report: Brionna Taylor

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Modelo Crab Beignets

Add this to your summer menu!

Crab Beignets

Filling Ingredients

8oz Lump Crab Meat

4oz Jumbo Crab Meat

4oz Special Crab Meat

5 oz Mascarpone cheese

3 Garlic cloves

2 Tbsp Chives

1 tsp Sea salt

1 tsp Freshly ground Black Pepper

1 tsp Dry Yellow Mustard


Filling Instructions

Pick crab meat for any shell.  Place all ingredients into a bowl and gently fold until well incorporated. Cover and chill for at least 3-4 hours.


Batter Ingredients

1 ½ C All Purpose Flour

1 ½ tsp Sea Salt

1 12oz Modelo Negra lager 

1 ½ Tbsp Baking powder

¼ C Cornstarch

Mix all ingredients together and set aside.  Roll filling into golf ball sized rounds and drop into batter.  Gently spoon batter over crab ball to make sure it is evenly coated. Gently spoon beignets into 3 inches of  375°F oil in a cast iron skillet. Fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes, occasionally turning so that they are fried evenly. Serve hot with fresh squeezed lemon and sweet chili sauce.

Recipes: Senior Editor, David Robert

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Designers, Fashion Access by NKC Designers, Fashion Access by NKC

Art Meets Fashion

Dior’s Summer 2021 Men’s Collection is a harmonious fusion of art and fashion, brought to fruition by brand creative director Kim Jones and Ghanian artist Amoako Boafo.

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Dior’s Summer 2021 Men’s Collection is a harmonious fusion of art and fashion, brought to fruition by brand creative director Kim Jones and Ghanian artist Amoako Boafo. What began in 2019 as both creatives meeting at the Rubell Museum in Miami and admiring each other’s work culminated in a collaboration that is, as described on Dior’s website, “a celebration of identity, of the power of creativity, of art’s ability to transport.”

Amoako Boafo’s paintings are an inspired basis for the Dior menswear collection, with pieces radiating in colors, patterns, and embroideries reminiscent of the artwork. The most noteworthy of these creations is a jacquard adorned with brushstrokes in emulation of the canvases in Boafo’s own studio. Dior proudly displayed their new collaborative collection in the form of a video exploring Boafo’s Ghanian studio and premiering the fashions themselves. The promotional videos were directed by Jackie Nickerson, with Chris Cunningham having edited and soundtracked the project.

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Boafo’s alliance with Dior is quite the milestone in a career filled with accolades such as the 2017 Walter Koschatzky Art Prize. In fact, the Rubell Museum was one of several that housed his masterpieces. Boafo’s art consistently and brilliantly tackles the subject of toxic masculinity, so his translation of this concept to high fashion is both aesthetically pleasing and thought-provoking.

Photo credits:

Report: Nia Hunt

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Wine & Grill?

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun?


The summer and all of its splendor is well underway, despite the CoVid-19 pandemic. As cases surge again, people are finding creative ways to entertain themselves. However, in the midst of tik toks, zoom happy hours and roomba races (seriously, what the heck is even that?) there’s one pastime that has remained a constant for generations….grilling. 

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun? Alas, if breathing in the fresh corona air really isn’t your thing, don’t fret. Target and other super stores make it easy to enjoy this activity from inside of your home with their stove top grill products.  

So, what’s another word synonymous with grilling? Beer. The beverage king for grilling has always been beer. With its varying styles & crispness it is no wonder that beer would help set the mood for the perfect summer cookout. But, what if I could guarantee a beverage that was equally--if not more--enjoyable? 


Wines fare greatly with common foods found on the grill. Whether you are grilling some chicken, barbequing ribs or skewering shrimp, there is a wine for every option. The same way you are allowed to eat chicken and head back for skewers is the same way you are not confined to drink one type of wine. Now, before you recoil at the thought of switching from a white wine to a red or vice versa, let me make something very clear. The act of switching between wines will not cause you to get drunk. You being too zesty will cause you to get drunk. Take it slow and keep the zest low. 

With that being said, take a look at the below pairings between commonly grilled foods and types of wines. When your dad can’t stop raving about how enjoyable his turkey burger was paired with that glass of pinot noir, remember, you read it here first. 

Report: Senior Lifestyle Editor, Damali Richie

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Brand, Beauty Access by NKC Brand, Beauty Access by NKC

Simply Lash It!

Simply Lash It!

If you love going out? Putting on a new outfit? Have your face beat but you want to put on false lashes. You always struggle with putting on false lashes? I have just the new product for you! I have just the new product for you! The EyLure brand was founded in the late 1940s by make-up artists David and Eric Aylott, two brothers who developed this innovative product range for their work in film. The most famous example of their work was creating Elizabeth Taylor's legendary look as Cleopatra. This new product from EyLure is a golden duo called ProMagnetic Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash System. This golden duo is the newest from EyLure with The ProMagnetic eyeliner permits you to follow your attractive lashes with no challenges (or requirement for stick). This patent pending innovation is basic; apply the eyeliner to your eye as you would a typical fluid eyeliner and once its dry apply your attractive lash onto the liner and you're finished! This dependable, smear evidence equation is anything but difficult to utilize and is alright for day by day wears. This pack incorporates the progressive ProMagnetic eyeliner and a couple of ravishing fake mink highlight lashes. Light weight and simple to evacuate, these lashes will last up to 15 wears! Try this new product out today.

Photo Credits: EyLure London

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Tanaami Brings Us New Pyschedelic Artwork

Keiichi Tanaam, a commended pop artist of Japan, has recently put together a gallery that will have you astonished.

Keiichi Tanaam, a commended pop artist of Japan, has recently put together a gallery that will have you astonished. The artist continues to put new art work out for the public, and has been since the 1960’s. Art is a way for people to express themselves and each artist is a kind of their own. Tanaam seems to lean towards the psychedelic side, his work is bold, vibrant, and will make you feel alive.

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Tanaam displayed a new show at NANZUKA, a gallery in Tokyo, which is also known as “Memorial Reconstruction”. The art portrays his memories of a child living during World War II, and expresses them through psychedelic art on canvas and in forms of sculptures. His art should be appreciated, as it takes some of his darkest childhood memories and turns them into a beautiful form of art. The artwork also illustrates unique creatures and subjects inspired by Japanese manga and Western cartoons.

In one of his new paintings, he illustrated the Japanese superhero Ultraman with the American comic Nancy created by Erner Bushmiller. The superhero Ultraman reflects his memories and the war bombings in Japan. Tanaam also constructed unique sculptures and creatures, reminiscing on 20th century American magazines. The gallery is open until August 8th, you’ll be in for a ride, and if you can, I would recommend checking his one of a kind artwork out.

Report: Emily Andrews

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Entertainment Access by NKC Entertainment Access by NKC

Looking Back on the Life and Legacy of Naya Rivera

Naya Rivera’s death has been a heartbreaking shock to her beloved son, her friends, family and colleagues. Not only that, it’s a loss for fans everywhere who have admired and been impacted by Naya both on and off the screen.

This past week the Hollywood, Glee, and LGBTQ+ communities lost a shining light, the talented and selfless Naya Rivera. Naya and her four year old son rented a pontoon boat on Lake Piru, which is just north of Los Angeles on Wednesday July 8th. When the boat wasn’t returned on time, staff went looking and discovered Naya’s four year old son, Josey, asleep onboard, but no sign of Naya. Josey told authorities that she had helped him into the boat and when he looked back she was sinking under the water. Everyone who knew Naya knows how much being a mom meant to her. In an interview with People in 2016 she said, “I hope to instill good morals and values in [Josey]," Rivera added. "I want to teach him to be confident but kind, strong but not proud, and to always be in love with life." Until the very end Naya gave her strength, courage and life for her son. On July 13th, almost a week after she went missing, Naya’s body was found at Lake Piru, the medical examiner determined her cause of death to be accidental drowning.

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Rivera has had numerous roles but is probably best known for her role as Santana Lopez on Glee. Santana was a flashy, sassy and breathtaking cheerleader. On a much deeper level she was also a voice for queer and questioning women, especially women of color, as Santana discovered herself and her sexuality on the show. One of the most iconic Santana lines is, “I love girls, the way I am supposed to feel about boys.” Numerous Glee stars reunited and gathered together at Lake Piru, standing at the edge of the water holding hands, in remembrance of their friend and colleague. The cast has been through it’s fair share of tragedies and heartbreak throughout the years. The day Naya’s body was found marked the seventh year anniversary of Cory Monteith’s death, Cory played Finn on Glee. The creators of Glee, Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan penned a heartfelt note of tribute to Naya. They wrote; “Naya always made sure that Santana's love for Brittany was expressed with dignity, strength and with pure intentions. Naya was always moved by the girls who reached out to her to tell her how much Santana and Brittany's love affected them. Naya's obligation to them — and to all of her fans — was obvious. She had the rare combination of humility and endless confidence in her talent." The three men will be creating a college fund for Naya’s son Josey.

Naya is loved, missed and remembered by her beloved son, numerous friends, family and coworkers. As well as many fans' lives she has touched both on and off screen. In her short thirty three years of life she used her talent for good and made a difference in so many people’s lives. Her love, light, grace, and talent will be missed by all. Be encouraged by these fitting words that Naya shared on twitter some time ago, “No matter the year, circumstance, or strife everyday you’re alive is a blessing, Make the most of today and every day you are given. Tomorrow is not promised.”

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

My Body is NOT Your Shame

At this point we know if you have a problem with someone else’s weight or body shape then you really just have a problem with yourself or how you think.

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At this point we know if you have a problem with someone else’s weight or body shape then you really just have a problem with yourself or how you think.

This past week, NFL player Kyle Quiero was under fire on social media for questioning Jill Scott’s attractiveness. Quiero posted a series of tweets looking for validation to his confusion on this thought.

“People are attracted to Jill Scott!? “And by no means is she ugly, but y’all really sexually aroused by her?”

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Today body positivity is a major and sensitive topic for all women which has led the movement to cause women to embrace their body for the size and shape that they currently have. Over the last decade many women have undergone extreme, dangerous surgeries to commit to the hourglass figure shape that society deems acceptable.

Many men have contributed to this opinion by only liking women with a small waist, large butt and large breasts creating self esteem issues for several women. The body positivity movement was started to destroy these social norms and get women to embrace their natural bodies inside and out.

For many women this is a sensitive subject for those who don’t have the best support system in their surroundings. Many women are still told daily that they should lose weight. Factors and opinion such as this also contribute to mental health problems.

In actuality the ones who point out the imperfections of others are the ones who have the most body and mental issues themselves. Celebrities such as K Michelle and Tory Lanez and other twitter users fired back at the NFL star shutting down his audacity to question Scott’s full figure and in turn questioned him for his taste in women.

Those who are uncomfortable with themselves find it easier to bash others instead of looking within themselves and facing their own personal demons. For so long so many young boys and girls have gone through bullying of this kind over the years up to today which has lead to depression, mental health issues, insecurities, and suicide.

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Jill Scott had the classiest response for the NFL player, “Wait...I’m trending again??? She used her spotlight to advocate for black women, following that tweet with “Ok then- JUSTICE for Breonna Taylor!!! Justice for Oluwatoyin Salau!!!!! Justice for Sandra Bland!!!!!. “Loving ourselves and each other is respectful and uplifting; supportive. EYE ON THE PRIZE, LOVE VILLAGE, EYES ON THE PRIZE.”

This is a lesson for women everywhere and every age to love your body no matter what or who says otherwise and to only make changes that you see fit to benefit your mental health. Living in wellness is loving yourself as you are as you continue to grow into who you want to be.

Photo Credit:

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Fashion, Designers Access by NKC Fashion, Designers Access by NKC

Browne and Sumney

The sudden worldwide shift to Digital Fashion Weeks has engendered confusion and ambivalence among designers and fashion brands, particularly in regards to the content of their promotional videos.

The sudden worldwide shift to Digital Fashion Weeks has engendered confusion and ambivalence among designers and fashion brands, particularly in regards to the content of their promotional videos. The general conflict has been whether such videos should be visually appealing presentations or explorations of the inner workings of these fashion labels. Thom Browne appears to have chosen the former, as his newest video is that of musician Moses Sumney performing while wearing a white sequin wrap skirt from the upcoming Spring 2021 collection. Despite this video’s minimalist setting, Brown has striven to create a project that embodies innovation and artistry.

Sumney became acquainted with Browne at the 2018 Vanity Fair Oscars after-party while wearing a skirt suit by the designer. They developed rapport with each other over the course of several more fashion events, leading Browne to then propose his film idea to Sumney. Sumney, enamored with the 1924 Olympics-style skirt, eagerly agreed to the project—on the caveat that he would direct it.

Sumney’s involvement with the film perfectly complemented Browne’s grand artistic vision, as he brought local talent to a major fashion brand. He recruited a film crew in Asheville, including a personal friend debuting as a producer. Sumney comes from a humble background himself, and therefore he understands the struggle of navigating the glamor and exclusivity of the fashion industry while underprivileged. By employing a local film crew, he hopes to encourage major brands to extend opportunities to lesser-known creators.

Sumney also ponders the cultural implications of a black man proudly outfitted in high fashion especially during a time of such racial tumult. He contrasts his statuesque black body gleaming in the spotlight with the toppling of statues that deify America’s racist historical figures. Sumney admires the film’s subtle brilliance and gladly anticipates the discussion of race that will undoubtedly arise from audiences after viewing the final product.

Photo credit:

Report: Nia Hunt

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Culture, Fashion Access by NKC Culture, Fashion Access by NKC

No More Photoshoots Like Simone Biles'

After witnessing the backlash from Simone Biles Vogue cover I had to sit aside and ponder: Why is it so challenging for some photographers to capture the beauty of black skin/people? Our undertones, our glow, even the texture of our hair. So, like always I went looking for methods to best capture dark skin.

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After witnessing the backlash from Simone Biles' Vogue cover I had to sit aside and ponder: Why is it so challenging for some photographers to capture the beauty of black skin/people? Our undertones, our glow, even the texture of our hair. I read an article a while ago about the racial bias built into photography in the New York Times by Sarah Lewis. In this article, I learned about the “Shirley card” used to calibrate colors when developing photos. These cards were white women with brown hair. It wasn’t until the mid-1990’s that Kodak introduced a Shirley card that included a White, Black, Asian, and later a Latinx model, attempting to help technicians better calibrate colors with varying skin tones.

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There is a lack of education when it comes to capturing dark skin models. When taught about it in schools it is almost like black skin is a problem that needs to be solved. That white skin is the bases that normal is measured and anything but that is different.

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So, like always I went looking for methods to best capture dark skin. One important tip is to determine the undertone of your model. This would enable you as the photographer to find backdrops or backgrounds that complement the undertone of the person being photographed. Aundre Larrow, a Brooklyn-based portrait photographer mentioned in a video with Motion that when choosing backdrops and clothing for a shoot it's important to determine the undertones to create harmony in the photo. In this same video, he mentioned the importance of reflectors when shooting with natural light. Many do not have the luxury of shooting in a studio and rely solely on natural light. In order to brighten the light we cannot control, Larrow suggests utilizing reflectors. This could be any large white surface like posterboards or shooting in a completely white room. This will bring light to areas that may be shadowed out which is very important when shooting with darker skin.

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When lighting your talent with studio lights always include a hair light. This light will allow you to see where the model’s hair ends and where the backdrop begins. This will better enable us to capture the texture of the model’s hair. There’s a normalized idea that ember and blue lights should be used when photographing people with darker skin. This is not necessarily true. Yes, dark skin looks magnificent under these colored lights but, like the Directory of Photography for Insecure, Ava Berkofsky said there is no universal way to photograph black skin. So remember have fun and play with the color of the lightning to see what works best.

Photo Credit: VOGUE,, Aundre Larrow

Report: Lauren Tucker

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Lifestyle David Roberts Lifestyle David Roberts

Spicy Blackberry and Plum Sauce

This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.


One of the benefits of the summer is that a lot of sweet fruit is in season.  I often run into the problem of figuring out what to do with delicate produce like berries and plums before they can go bad.  This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.  Its simple to make but the combination of flavors and spices took smoked chicken wings to an entirely different level.


 6 Ripe Cherry Plums or Any plum of your choice

5 Blackberries 

5 sprigs of fresh thyme 

5 cloves garlic

5 pimento seeds (allspice berries)

2 bay leaves

1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 

1c dark brown sugar 

1 cinnamon stick 

1 anise seed

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 tsp red pepper flakes  

1 tsp of Texas Pete Original Dust dry seasoning

Just a teeny bit more than a cup of water 

2/3 c Apple cider vinegar 

3 dashes of soy sauce 



For this recipe, I used cherry plums and it yields a about a cup of and a half of sauce.  I found the plums on sale at a local grocery store and have never tried them.  Outside of this recipe, I like them because the sweetness of the flesh was the same as very ripe, regular-sized plum, however it was firm as if it had just ripened.  After cleaning your produce, cut around the core; you do not want the firm bitter flesh that surrounds the pit in your sauce. 

Place all the ingredients into a medium-sized saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Be sure to stir occasionally so that the sugar fully dissolves and doesn’t burn at the bottom. Reduce to medium-low and cover.  Let the sauce simmer for about 1 hour.  Cool and place into a mason jar or an airtight container to use as a condiment.


Use this sauce on your favorite style of wings.  I used it on smoked chicken wings and it has now become one of my favorite wing flavors.  I would highly recommend trying it on wings fresh out of the air fryer or on grilled wings. Please let us know how this recipe comes out for you and feel free to put your own spin on it! Try different berry and spice combinations to create your own plum sauce flavors.

Report: Senior Editor, David Roberts

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

How To Dramatically Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life?

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How much better would the world be if everyone focused on reducing their carbon footprint? Don’t worry about other people, what if we all focused on ourselves and our habits and lowered our carbon footprints? You don’t have to be an environmental expert to realize the world would be in a much better place. 

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life? It’s easy to believe that this is an outrageously difficult thing to do and you have to live off the grid on your own self sustaining farm. Realistically, it’s very simple, and you only need to follow a few steps:

Try to recycle as much as possible

Reusing things and recycling packaging is the easiest way to drastically lower your carbon footprint. When you buy something, check to see if the packaging can be recycled once you’ve used the product. You’ll be amazed at how many things can actually be recycled these days. Not only that, but there’s almost always a recyclable alternative to something that can’t be recycled. Even drums of fuel have an alternative in fuel in a box that has recyclable packaging. Minimize the amount of waste you produce, and you will minimize your negative impact on the environment. 

Use your car less

Stop using your car for every single journey you take. Walk places, get a bike and cycle, then keep your car for essential journeys. We’re talking long-distance journeys or instances where walking or cycling aren’t possible. Even if you don’t drive for one day a week, that adds up! Gradually decrease your driving time, and you lower the carbon emissions put into the atmosphere. It’s really not that hard - or you could trade in our current car for an electric one. Granted, this is a more dramatic change, but it will 100% be worth it in the long run.

Be more energy-conscious

Be honest, do you think about your energy usage? Do you ever look at your house and consider whether or not you’re wasting energy? Most of you probably don’t think about it, but you should. That’s not a criticism, it’s just a fact. We always leave appliances on or do little things that mean we use more energy than required. During the winter, if you close your windows and put on some thick clothing, you can afford to keep your heating off for longer or put it at a lower temperature. In the summer, you can open your windows wide to let fresh air in, negating the need for your air-con to be on. Make subtle changes to your energy habits - like turning lights off - and you will see an instant change. Start today, then check your energy bill next month. The difference between it and your previous bills will be staggering. 

In conclusion, reducing your carbon footprint is hardly a challenge. All you have to do is reduce waste and recycle more, cut down on your driving time, and be more energy-efficient. Three very simple changes that make you a greener person. 

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Is Kanye West Running for President or Not?

Okay Kanye, What's Your Plan?

Remember when I said Kanye was officially running for office? Well, I’m not really sure anymore! First he was in, then “He’s out”, according to his political adviser Steve Kramer, and now he’s on the Oklahoma ballot? Is anyone else super confused?

Are you in or are you out Kanye?! First and foremost, he payed his way to get on the Oklahoma ballot with a $35,000 fee. He has his own campaign website, but there isn’t much of a campaign on it…actually, there isn’t really much of a campaign at all. The website, as of right now, is asking for South Carolina citizens to sign a petition to get Kanye on the state’s ballot. That’s it, that’s the whole website. You can take a look for yourself here. His rallies in South Carolina are scheduled, he’s continuously promoting his petition, and he’s working to get on other state’s ballots as well, so I guess he is running for President?

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Mr. West is known to get a little intense when he finds his newest project, and in this instance, he hasn’t failed us. He tweeted out an edited photo of Mount Rushmore with his head on it captioning it, “2020”. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared.

The Yeezy designer also tweeted out on July 19 that his new album, Donda, will be released next week, but then he deleted it? What is going on?! As you can tell, this campaign changes day by day, so stay tuned to see what’s next for the West’s.

Photo Credits:

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

The Death of Sha-Asia Washington Show Racial Disparities Black Women Face in Childbirth

Black women die at a rate three times higher than white women when giving birth. The death of Sha-Asia Washington has shown the racial disparities Black women face in childbirth.

After carrying her baby for the last nine months, Sha-Asia Washington, 26, had looked forward to being a mother.

On July 2 Washington, went to Woodhull Medical Center in New York for a routine stress test. At the time she was a few days past her due date. After doctors noticed that her blood pressure was high, Washington was given a drug to induce labor.

She was asked if she wanted an epidural which she was unsure of, but later agreed, according to her family.

Juwan Lopez, her boyfriend, was was on FaceTime with his mother Desiree Williams when the situation started going downhill.

Washington was rushed into the operating room, leaving Lopez devastated and screaming. He could not figure out what was going on. It was in that moment, that he found out that the baby’s heart rate was dropping.

Washington went into cardiac arrest while doctors delivered her baby via c-section. Washington was pronounced dead after doctors spent 45 minutes trying to save her with CPR. Her newborn daughter Khloe, was healthy.

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The death of Sha-Asia Washington has sparked outrage in the Black community, especially Black women.

Her death is shedding light on racial disparities Black women face when giving birth. Black women die at a rate three times higher than white women when giving birth.

In 2018, 658 women died of maternal causes in the U.S. A recent study showed Black women had a death rate of 40.8 per 100,000 births, three times higher than the rate of white women. American Indian and Native Alaskan women had the next highest rate at 29.7 deaths per 100,000 live births, more than double the rate in white women.

There are several reasons for the disparities, including systematic and institutional racism within the healthcare system, underlying health conditions (more common in Black mothers) and access to prenatal care.

Washington’s family is now seeking justice. A GoFundMe page has been set up and has now raised more than $88,000 to help with funeral costs and to support Lopez, who is now raising his daughter Khloe as a single father.


This also comes three months after Amber Rose Isaac, 26, died at Monterfiore Medical Center in the Bronx after expressing her concerns on how she had been getting treated from the hospital on Twitter.

Stand-up comedian Amy Schumer, is also using her platform to speak about the cases.

“We need to wake up and do better everyday,” she wrote, alongside flawless pregnancy photos of Washington and Lopez.

Washington’s family wants to raise awareness about what happened to her and other Black women who died in childbirth. Last Thursday the family gathered outside Woodhull Medical Center alongside friends and a group of New York City Doulas.

According to Washingtons’s future sister-in-law, Jasmin Lopez “If you know Sha-Asia she wanted to be a mom and she was gonna be an amazing one.”

Pictures from:



Report: Juana Norales

Instagram: @juana.n_

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