Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Looking After Your Body And Mind For Winter

Winter can be a crazy and fun season. With so many activities such as family dinners, social gatherings, and plans for gift exchanging, we have plenty of things to distract us and keep us from focusing on our physical and mental health and wellbeing as we would typically do.

Winter can be a crazy and fun season. With so many activities such as family dinners, social gatherings, and plans for gift exchanging, we have plenty of things to distract us and keep us from focusing on our physical and mental health and wellbeing as we would typically do. 

However, once the holiday season is over, and we return to our everyday routines, many people find their motivation to stay healthy and active dips. Some people find that they struggle with low moods - perhaps anxiety over the holidays’ financial cost, or maybe Seasonal Affective Disorder because of the lack of sunlight. Other people let diet and healthy eating habits slip. We swap healthy food and physical activity for comfort and junk food and snuggling up on the couch. 

This, combined with the shorter days and colder weather, can mean that we become quite unhealthy. In turn, this leads to a weakened immune system, leaving us more susceptible to illness, which can make us feel even more down in the dumps. It is little wonder it is called the winter blues.

You don’t have to feel that way, though. You can do things to keep your mood, physical activity levels, and diet up at a safe and healthy level during the long winter months. Read on to find out more.


Chill out with the carbs

In winter, we often crave carbs. They are the ultimate comfort food - creamy mashed sweet potato, lots of delicious gluten-free bread toast, or big steaming plates of gluten-free pasta. This causes your serotonin to rise, making you feel happy and relaxed. This, in turn, leads to craving them and eating more and more.  Inherently, carbs are not bad. They give you energy, which during the winter when you are feeling particularly lethargic is important. However, too many carbs can cause your blood levels to spike, sending you on a crash (and making you feel worse) and leading to weight gain and putting you at risk of conditions such as diabetes.

To overcome the carb cravings, ditch them for breakfast and replace them with protein-packed meals. Try silken tofu, scrambled, or chia seeds in coconut milk for a breakfast that tastes delicious and will keep you full until lunchtime.

Have some healthy and delicious snacks to hand for the afternoon when the carb cravings kick in and look for alternative ways of getting that serotonin hit.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables - especially green and orange ones!

Opting for fruit and vegetables that are primarily dark green and orange can mean that you are getting plenty of healthy nutrients and vitamins, including the all vital vitamin A. Kale, spinach, swiss chard, carrots, squash, and oranges are all perfect for winter. Cook up hearty butternut squash stew or add some spinach to your scrambled tofu for a healthy breakfast.

Add in omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are found naturally in many foods. Most people think of oily fish when they think about omega 3, but if you lead a plant-based diet, you can also find it in fish, seeds, pulses, and nuts. They help to reduce joint pain and stiffness, which many people suffer from in the winter, thanks to their natural anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also shown that omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce the incidence of depression, again, something which is much more common during the dark winter months.

Plan your physical activity

It can be so hard to get motivated to do exercise in winter, but if you don’t, you risk undoing all of the hard work you have done over the year. Try to plan and stick to a regular exercise or fitness routine. Once a week, sit down and schedule it out. Take a look at the weather forecast and plan around that - if it is terrible weather, prepare for something indoors. If it is cold but sunny, a brisk jog can warm you up and leave you feeling great. Having a plan makes it much more likely that you are to stick to it. You could also consider having an exercise buddy - someone who can hold you accountable. If you know that you would be letting someone else down, if you don’t get your running shoes on is a great motivator.

Stick to indoor exercise

If the thought of going out for a run or even leaving the house to go for a swim or to the gym feels you with dread, don’t do it. There are plenty of home workouts you can do in the comfort of your lounge, whether you fancy yoga, pilates, weight training, or even cardio. Have a look on YouTube or Pinterest for some free tutorials for all fitness levels and abilities.

Wash your hands

With Coronavirus still hanging about, you are probably fed up with hearing this one, but it really is one of the most significant ways to protect yourself against illnesses. Make sure you wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, when you come in from being out, and after handling money. 

Make sure that you get plenty of sleep

Sleep - preferably around eight hours or so every night - gives your body the chance to rest and recuperate. Lack of sleep lowers your immune system and can lead to poor mental health. Try to avoid using screens in the hour before bedtime, go to bed at the same time every night even if you don’t have to get up the next morning, and make sure your bedroom is dark and at a comfortable temperature. Lavender is said to aid sleep, so if you are struggling, indulge in some lavender soap for your bath or a pillow spray.

Most of these tips are easy to put into practice and do not involve expensive or drastic lifestyle changes. They will help to keep both your mind and your body healthy throughout the winter so you can move into spring in the best possible way. 

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Tips To Look After Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic health conditions can affect anyone and everyone of all ages. With that being said, here are some tips to look after chronic health conditions.

A chronic health condition is something that can be hard to explain to those who’ve never experienced it. And for that reason alone, it can be hard to appreciate just how much invisible pain is a condition that needs to be focused on. Chronic health conditions can affect anyone and everyone of all ages. With that being said, here are some tips to look after chronic health conditions.


Forgive Yourself When You Have Tough Days

We all have tough days, and when it comes to getting through those days, it’s important to acknowledge the pain and to forgive yourself for, however, you feel or react. You should feel guilty for having reacted a certain way towards others as long as they’re aware of your condition. It’s something that cannot be helped, and the last thing you want to be doing is guilt-tripping yourself when there may be enough of that already out in the world. Be a positive influence for yourself and try to find that forgiveness when it comes to your own body. Don’t be down-heartened and accept that this a day that wasn’t fantastic. You’ll have tomorrow and the day after that. Focus on the future and projecting positive thoughts into your life

Get Professional Help

For any type of medical treatment, whether visible or not, it’s essential to get to professional help you need when it’s required. For chronic health, there are not as many helpful resources out there in comparison to other traditional conditions. However, that’s something that’s changing, especially as more research goes into exploring chronic conditions and how to fix them or relieve the pain somewhat. It’s worth looking at helpful companies like the Stradtman Family Wellness who is finding ways to help clients in overcoming their chronic health conditions but in a natural way.

Keep Yourself As Healthy As Possible

In order to look after yourself, it’s important to keep your body and mind as healthy as possible. Although it’s not a cure or solution that works for everyone, reducing stress can be helpful. Eating well and doing exercise regularly can also be a good way of getting your body fit and helping your body feel it’s best at all times. The more time you can commit to looking after your body, the better.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an important thing to practice when it comes to your health, and it’s one that we don’t really do enough of. When practicing self-care, do things that make you feel good. Make sure these are things you do for yourself and on your own, rather than with other people. Spending time along to do what you love can certainly give you a greater quality of life. Chronic health conditions could certainly benefit from some self-love every now and then, right?

When treating a chronic health condition, it’s going to be different for everyone. Use what you know and research other ways that might be able to help with your condition in making it more manageable.

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

What Can A Dentist Do For You?

Read on for our guide on what to expect when it comes to dental practices.


A dentist is probably something you’ve done a search for online. It’s likely that you want to find a good dentist who can provide you and your family with great service at a good price. Thankfully, you’re in the right place to get some answers. Read on for our guide on what to expect when it comes to dental practices.

The Different Types of Treatment Offered By Dentists 

When it comes to looking for private dentists, you want to be sure that you’re taking on a dental practice that offers a wide variety of services. Due to the specialisation often offered by private dental practices, and the wide variety of dentists, nurses, and therapists employed by private practices, it allows people to feel comfortable in knowing that they are paying for a renowned dentist who knows what they are doing. 

Also, many people want to find emergency dentists too. Private practice dentists will often be there for their patients in a time of crisis and strive to create relationships with people who regularly come through their doors. This versatility and reliability are what often attracts more and more people to turn to private dental practices. But, what kind of services can you expect from a private practice? Well, there are many services to help make your smile as bright as it can be. We’re going to detail some of these services and treatments in this article and tell you where you can find such services.

Restorative Treatments 

One subset of treatments offered by a private dentist will come under the title of ‘restorative’. This relates to improving your damaged teeth and your smile to restore it to a level that makes you feel more confident and at ease with yourself. One of these treatments relates to broken teeth. While teeth are strong, they can chip, break, and fracture from biting down on something, receiving a hit to the face, by falling, or through the weakening of your teeth via cavities. Treatment can involve smoothing out the areas surrounding the minor cracks and chips to make your smile-line more visibly appealing and less noticeable when eating and drinking. There are also the likes of ‘bridges’, which can be used to replace missing teeth, providing neighboring teeth are strong enough to hold a new laboratory-made tooth in place. Then there are dentures, commonly known as ‘false teeth.’ These are used to either partially or fully replace missing teeth, allowing people to eat, function, and speak in a more comfortable manner. They can also boost someone’s appearance and make them feel more confident. And, then there is ‘root canal’ treatment. This often involves a tooth that has been infected, leading to abscesses. This treatment can stop the spread of infection.

Receiving Orthodontic and Preventative Treatments

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that is concerned with the diagnosis and improvement of jaw or teeth that are out-of-position. This can also include preventive measures before any malposition has taken place. If you’re looking for a dentist who concentrates on orthodontics, then it is likely that you are looking for braces or implants. Conventional braces generally cement or bond teeth to get them to hold together using thin metal wires that ever so gently push your teeth back into position. This is a process that will take approximately 18 months and will require a number of visits to a dentist. However, some people feel self-conscious about braces. Thankfully, there are practices that also offer invisible braces. Most people won’t even notice these braces, they won’t disrupt your lifestyle, and there are no wires to irritate your mouth. Moreover, there is always additional help to prevent tooth problems too. Such treatments can include checks for gum disease, mouth cancer, general dental hygiene, and even the sealing of fissures to stop cavities from forming. 

Cosmetic Treatments From Dentists

One of the main reasons though that people want to switch dentists is to find someone who can help improve the look of their teeth. To many of us, having teeth that look good to others and ourselves is just as important as teeth that are healthy and fully functioning. Some techniques available include teeth whitening, which helps remove strains via chemical means within a safe environment. There are also ‘veneers’, which are small, custom-made tooth-like materials made to cover the front side of a tooth and can help enhance the overall appearance of your teeth. Usually, they are made from thin porcelain or plastic resin. There are also white fillings, which are, for many people, much better than silver fillings. When people laugh or open their mouth, they may worry about their fillings being visible. White fillings can help remove that need to be self-conscious. Then there is ‘bonding’, in which tooth-colored plastic resin is applied to individual teeth to restore, and also improve, someone’s smile.

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Wellness Tips For Winter

Winter is the season that takes it out of us the most, and this year, with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic taking centre stage, it is possibly going to be even more challenging than usual.

We are rapidly hurtling towards the winter months. Before we know it, the temperatures will have plummeted, the nights will have drawn in and we will be eagerly awaiting the return of the spring.

Winter is the season that takes it out of us the most, and this year, with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic taking centre stage, it is possibly going to be even more challenging than usual. It is cold and dark, we are all more susceptible to illnesses and viruses - COVID-19 notwithstanding and it can be much harder to get out and about. Because of this, loneliness and isolation become more common and those who suffer from chronic pain or illness see symptoms worsen.

November and December are often ok - we have Christmas and the new year celebrations to look forward to, and the really bad weather hasn’t quite kicked in by then. However, January and February can seem long and depressing. Life is supposed to be normal but the lighter nights and warmer weather seem so far away still.

Fear not though, although we can’t do anything about the weather, we can take action to make it seem a little more bearable. Here, we look at some simple self-care and wellness tips to help you get through the long winter months.


Have a bedtime routine

If you are going to do just one of the things on this list, do this one. Without sleep, your body does not get the chance to rest and recover, and nor does your mind. Try to aim for around eight hours of sleep a night. Stick to a regular routine, going to bed at the same time every night, regardless of whether you have to get up or not in the morning and get up at the same time, even on weekends. Avoid using a screen for at least an hour before you head up bed - the blue light cell phone and devices emit can prevent sleep. Ensuring your room is a comfortable temperature and as dark as possible can also help to encourage restful sleep. Some people find that white noise in the background can be very soothing.

Plan a wellness activity

This can be as simple or as grand as you like. It could be something as easy as setting up a spa at home - a long, hot bubble bath, all of your favourite skin care products, face masks and so on. It may be a real spa-day, with massages and facials to get your skin and body prepared for the winter. It could be booking into a NAD Treatment Center to really turn yourself around both physically and mentally.

Eat well

When we think of winter food, we think of rich, hearty meals that are warming and comforting. Sadly, these are often not particularly great for us - they can be stodgy and laden with carbs. This can make us feel good for a short time, but in the long-term make us feel lethargic. Try to incorporate plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet as you need plenty of vitamins to keep yourself well at this time. Homemade vegetable soups, berries in oatmeal and stews and casseroles packed with seasonal veg are all great ways to get those vitamins in you. Enjoy the hot chocolates and the pumpkin spice lattes, but make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated, too.


In winter, it can be all too tempting to stay in wrapped in a duvet and watch Netflix rather than get dressed and go out with your friends. It will be even more difficult this year with the restrictions that the pandemic has put upon us, but hibernating can lead to isolation and loneliness, and this is not good for your mental health. Make an effort to meet up with friends with a walk or a coffee date if you can, or if you can’t get out, join with quizzes and throw virtual parties on apps such as Zoom.


Almost no one wants to drag themselves out for a run in the middle of winter - that is reserved for the most hardcore of fitness fanatics, but taking regular exercise will make you feel so much better. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout in the gym or a long run - Zumba in your lounge, an online dance class with your friends or a swim at your local pool can all be ways of getting in some physical activity.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

How to Take Stock of Your Mental Wellbeing

If you take stock of your mental health you can look for areas for improvement. Perhaps there are ways you can make the situation better. Here are some steps you can take to feel more positive and get more out of life.


Many people are facing pressures from different angles every day. These include financial uncertainty, family constraints, and health issues. There are many factors that can affect your mental wellbeing and it’s important to step back from time to time and assess the situation. If you take stock of your mental health you can look for areas for improvement. Perhaps there are ways you can make the situation better. Here are some steps you can take to feel more positive and get more out of life. 


The art of mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment and the world around you. Meditation is a big part of it, as it helps to develop your sense of awareness and change your perspective. Take more time to think about things and make careful decisions. You’ll find with time you’ll start to feel more positive about life and be better in the way you approach challenges. You can try following guidelines on how to practice mindful meditation online. 

Stay active

Physical activity is proven to be beneficial to your mental wellbeing. It’s a good idea to set yourself fitness goals however small. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, you can try monitoring your posture, breathing, and general habits with obvus.me. This way you can pay close attention to your physical health, and find the causes of any issues whether it’s lack of exercise, pain from work, or diet. Find a new sport or activity that you enjoy and it will help boost your self-confidence and improve your mood.

Work on your relationships

Your personal relationships will have a big impact on your mental wellbeing. Try to make an effort to connect with people and spend time with your friends and family, even virtually. Provide emotional support to others and they will in turn do the same for you. If you focus on trying to improve your personal relationships it will be very beneficial for your mental wellbeing.

Learn something new

Studies have shown that learning and working help improve your mental health. It helps you develop a sense of purpose and refrain from getting stuck in a rut. Learning something new whether it’s work-related, studying a course, or simply a different fun hobby can improve your mood and give you something to focus on. It’s important to find something you enjoy and have a genuine interest in, however. That way you can really benefit from it. 

Acts of kindness

If you’re taking stock of your mental wellbeing, you might want to consider how your behavior affects others. If you make an effort for other people it will create positive feelings and a sense of self-worth. It’s proven that random acts of kindness help you to gain perspective. You can start small with a simple act of gratitude, or even consider volunteer work. Making a difference in the community is very rewarding and you can connect with people as well. Giving to others is very beneficial to your mental wellbeing.

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

Dealing With Pain That Comes From Your Work

It can be hard to live a normal life when you are in pain all the time. Many people live with extremely painful conditions, struggling to get through work, and finding it hard to have a good social life.


It can be hard to live a normal life when you are in pain all the time. Many people live with extremely painful conditions, struggling to get through work, and finding it hard to have a good social life. Of course, though, when something like this is being caused by your job, there are often ways that it can be overcome. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the pain that can be caused by normal work, giving you an idea of how to fight back.

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common forms of recurring pain. A lot of people end up in very bad shape because of conditions like this, finding it hard to sit at their desks for long days with their back in agony. Seeing a chiropractor can be a good way to overcome an issue like this, making it possible to work towards easing your pain. Alongside this, though, your employer should also be willing to provide you with the tools to ease your back pain at work.


Headaches can be impossible to work with, making it hard to concentrate and making most people feel like they want to go home. There are loads of things that can cause headaches, from dehydration to exposure to fluorescent lights, and many of them can occur at work. You’ll need to find the source of your headaches in order to combat them, and this means that you will probably need to spend some time researching this type of condition.

Wrist & Arm Pain

Using a computer all day can lead to some interesting health problems. The most common of these occur in the arms and wrists, with many people experiencing long-term pain when they use a keyboard all day. Wrist rests, ergonomic keyboards, and desks with adjustable heights can work to combat pain like this, ensuring that you are able to keep working without worrying about causing permanent damage. If you find your wrists hurting, it can be worth using a brace until you can see a doctor.

Joint Pain

Finally, as the last type of pain to consider, it’s time to think about joint pain. Knees, elbows, and hips can all cause a lot of pain, but most people aren’t aware of how they should combat issues like this. Jobs that involve repetitive stress on these parts of the body should be handled very carefully. Braces should be worn while doing heavy work, and you should spend some time learning about your body’s mechanics to avoid putting stress in these sensitive areas.

Pain can be incredibly hard to live with. A lot of people experience long-term pain thanks to their work, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Your employer is obligated to look after your health, and this means that you need only talk to them to start working towards solutions to the pain you’re experiencing at work.

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Lifestyle, Food, Health, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Food, Health, Wellness Access by NKC

Snack Time Charcuterie for Kids

Hello charcuterie lovers!

September is in full swing, and I am happy to share that our charcuterie of the month is here! It’s back to school time for many, so I figured I’d make a board for snack time. Because, honestly who doesn’t love snacks?

Let’s get into it!

The Breakdown:

Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Our stars of the show this go around include the Uncrustables, pretzels/carrots with hummus, and our Oreos. It was an absolute must to have Uncrustables featured in this board because these sandwiches are a kid’s go-to. The hummus and sides were the perfect healthy option for kid’s to have a good balance. Yes, it’s all about balance even on charcuterie boards! I included the Oreos as part of our “main stager’s” because it’s right where the eye goes when glancing at the board. I love the symmetry these little cookies offered, so I had to give some props where it was due.

Our fruits include apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. I went a little overboard with the fruits because no kid likes to eat their veggies, at least I don’t. 

Oh, and we have fruit snacks…duh!

Our crunchy sides include Cheez-It’s, chocolate bunnies, granola bites, Goldfish, and letter cookies. The ultimate snack board had to show off the most popular munchies, right?

I didn’t follow the standard 3 rule because this board was way too fun to listen to rules. So, when you make yours have fun with it too! See you in October! 

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

Images: Kaitlin Gallagher

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

What Does It Take To Manage Chronic Pain?

In the past, the pain was something that people just dealt with by resting, possibly taking some medication and just letting time heal your wounds. Unfortunately, resting like this could make the pain worse since you’re not rehabilitating back into your regular lifestyle

In the past, the pain was something that people just dealt with by resting, possibly taking some medication and just letting time heal your wounds. Unfortunately, resting like this could make the pain worse since you’re not rehabilitating back into your regular lifestyle. For instance, back pain has to be treated by using your back and getting your muscles used to the movements again. If you rest too much, your back muscles will stiffen and weaken along with your bones. In addition, sleeping for long periods at home in isolation would hurt your mental health as well. You might feel lonely, useless or unproductive which causes stress and anxiety.

In other words, sitting at home and resting isn’t a good way to manage chronic pain, despite what many people have said. The longer you rest and wait to do something about your pain, the harder it’ll be to fit back into a regular lifestyle in the future. So what can you do about chronic pain? What does it take to truly manage a condition that causes long-term pain? In this article, we’ll be covering some important points that will help you manage chronic pain.


The four golden rules of managing chronic pain

There are four distinct rules that you must follow if you want to manage chronic pain.

  1. Continue your regular lifestyle as best as you can instead of limiting yourself.

  2. Get plenty of exercises to keep your muscles in action.

  3. Visit physical therapy to help rehabilitate you and examine your muscle condition.

  4. Take painkillers only when needed to help lessen some of the pain.

Next, we’ll break down each of these rules.

1. Continue as normal

It’s important to try and continue your life without letting the pain get to you. This can be incredibly hard and it can often feel depressing when you’re sitting at work in pain. However, trying to continue your regular life will keep you distracted and help you return to a sense of normalcy. Of course, you should always speak to your boss and let them know about your chronic pain so they can help you cope with difficult parts of your job. If you’re still recovering, it may help to ease yourself back into work with shorter days if possible.

2. Exercise

Exercising is a great way to keep your muscles and joints working. Resting too much can lead your muscles and joints to stiffen because you’re not using them. However, too much exercise can also cause more damage, making it difficult for your body to recover. As such, it’s best to start with some light exercise that doesn’t strain you. Some good options include walking, using an exercise bike or doing yoga. Start slow and make sure you don’t overexert yourself. You should feel yourself slowly building up your muscles again and getting used to the motions. As you start to recover and feel more confident, you can pick up the pace and increase the intensity of your workouts.

Exercise needs to become a regular part of your lifestyle if you want to recover quickly. Make sure you try to get in a bit of exercise whenever possible and try to be active every day instead of choosing days where you’re less likely to feel pain. It may also help to work out or exercise with friends and family members so they can help encourage you.

3. Physical therapy

Next, make absolutely sure that you attend physical therapy to help you get used to using your muscles and joints again. This is something that your doctor should recommend to you, but you may want to question them about it if they don’t bring it up first. You could also consider seeking help from a chiropractor as an alternate way to deal with pain in your body. Again, you could speak to your doctor and ask for a recommendation. They should be more than happy to point you in the right direction and put you on the road to recovery.

4. Painkillers

Painkillers can be incredibly helpful at keeping the pain away. However, strong painkillers can be addictive, especially if they’ve been prescribed by doctors. The last thing you want is to build up a dependence on painkillers, such as taking them at regular intervals throughout the day. Building a dependency can be incredibly dangerous and is akin to developing a drug addiction. Only take painkillers when absolutely necessary and consult your doctor if you feel that you might be developing an addition to them.

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5 Ways to Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health Throughout the Years

Life is uncertain and you never know what’s around the corner. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t look after your physical and mental health throughout the years.


Life is uncertain and you never know what’s around the corner. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t look after your physical and mental health throughout the years. 

Practicing self-love is essential if you want to live a healthy life. But working out the ways that you can care for your physical and mental health might feel a little daunting. To help guide you, here are 5 suggestions of ways you can do this:

Seek Additional Help When You Need it 

Although it’s easy to put others ahead of yourself sometimes, it’s important not to neglect yourself. If you notice a problem, whether it be with your physical or mental health, it’s vital that you speak to a health professional as soon as possible. There’s no shame in asking for help if you require it – and in the long term, you’ll be far better off by doing this. 

This is important over the years, no matter what your age. From talking to a doctor to looking into assisted living benefits when you’re older, whatever outside help you need, research into what options are out there. 

Keep Up an Exercise Regime 

This might sound obvious, but it’s surprising how many people don’t prioritize this. By keeping up an exercise regime, you’ll ensure that your mind and body stays strong and healthy. Giving you a break from the stresses and strains that every day brings, you’ll wake up in the mornings feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. 

Focus on Keeping a Balanced Diet 

By focusing on keeping a balanced diet, your mind and body will thank you in the long run. Physically, this ensures that you’re feeling energized and that you’re at lower risk of developing health problems – from diabetes to high blood pressure. Mentally, it will guarantee that you feel motivated and determined to take on any task that comes your way. 

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep plays a huge part in your physical and mental health. Therefore it’s something that should not be ignored. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body and mind will start to shut down. So make sure that each night you’re going to bed at a reasonable time and waking up at least 8 hours later. 

If you suffer from insomnia, there are natural supplements you can take to help you fall (and stay!) asleep. Melatonin, a hormone that your body naturally produces to make you drowsy, can be boosted by taking it in supplement form. If anxiety is preventing you from getting regular sleep, check out CBD store products to treat your insomnia.

Socialize, Socialize, Socialize 

At the moment, socializing in person is still not really the norm. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t talk to your loved ones virtually – through Zoom or a similar software. By doing this, it will ensure that your mental health is kept in check. No matter how long you talk to them for or what about, having a catch up will make you feel a lot better in yourself. 

So, there you go. Those are 5 simple methods you can use to help take care of both your physical and mental health. Of course, what you decide to do is up to you. But whatever proactive steps you take towards a healthier you, the more wonderful your life will be.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Diet Tips for Boosting your Immunity

Boosting your immunity is crucial during these times, especially in light of the pandemic. You want to have the best immune system you can possibly have, and the only way you'll be able to do that is by getting some health advice. We have some health tips for building your immune system.

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Boosting your immunity is crucial during these times, especially in light of the pandemic. You want to have the best immune system you can possibly have, and the only way you'll be able to do that is by getting some health advice. We have some health tips for building your immune system.

1. Colorful fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are the go-to for building your immune system. They contain all the essential vitamins that will give a boost to your immune system and help keep diseases at bay.

2. Carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes: These foods contain good compounds that help in cell proliferation, or rapid growth of new cells in the body. This is a key component of the immune system's health and thus these foods are important.

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3. Vitamin C-rich foods: Vitamin C is very beneficial in the quest to keep the immune system functional and healthy. Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons can help with inflammation and prevent infections from occurring in the body.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids: These good fats are found in nuts and seeds such as flax or chia seeds. They help build a good and healthy immune system, according to research.

5. Probiotics and fermented food: These foods are loaded with good bacteria which help in maintaining a healthy gut. The gut is where 70% of our immune system is housed, which is why probiotics such as yogurt or kombucha can be a wonderful addition to the diet.

6. Limit added sugars: Emerging research suggests that added sugars and refined carbs may contribute disproportionately to overweight and obesity. Obesity may likewise increase your risk of getting sick.

7. Stay hydrated: Hydration doesn’t directly protect you from germs and viruses, but preventing dehydration is important to your overall health. Dehydration can cause headaches and hinder your physical performance, focus, mood, digestion, and heart and kidney function. These complications can increase your susceptibility to illness.

Report: Alycia Williams

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To Be Black and Well

To be black and well can mean a lot of things, but should definitely include #Skincare #Meditation #BlackReading among many other things, daily! #BlackLivesMatter #HealthAndWellness #AmplifyBlackVoices


One of the biggest investments that a black person can make for themselves, is a consistent and healthy skincare routine. And to top it off, there are plenty of black owned organic skincare brands for you to choose from. For starters, just make sure that you have a cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

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Mental Wellness

Another healthy habit that I’ve gotten into is daily meditation. Day and night. The first thing that I do when I wake up is focus my attention and energy before I even start my day. Resist the temptation to reach for your phone as a first activity in the morning!

Eat Well

This could go without saying but eating healthy is another investment that is guaranteed to pay off in the short and long term. It helps with your skin, digestion, mood and even energy levels! Even though we’re in quarantined due to COVID-19, don’t eat too much junk food. You’ll thank yourself later.

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The single most important act of self-care that I’ve implemented into my routine is exercising. Even if you don’t necessarily have a fitness goal, make sure that you’re going for a run, doing a few sit-ups, or whatever you have to do in order to make sure that you’re your healthiest self. After all, if you aren’t well yourself, you won’t be of much service to others.

All Photo Credits: Buttah Skincare Website

Report: Julian Randall

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Loss During a Quarantine

As someone who was dealing with a great loss right before the lockdown and then another one during the lockdown, it severely plays a strain on your mental health. Being locked in your home alone while trying to heal is hard.Just remember it's okay to seek help.

As quarantine progresses, it dawns on us that our lives won’t be normal and it makes us miss the times where we can be outside. The times in which we could hug our family and friends without the thought of being the cause of them contracting this virus that can be deadly. The mental toll this takes is significant.

As someone who was dealing with a great loss right before the lockdown and then another one during the lockdown, it severely plays a strain on your mental health. Being locked in your home alone while trying to heal is hard. Not many can handle the silence around you. Finding ways to distract you is harder because now you have no choice but to sit with yourself and deal with the pain. It can put you in a damaging space and you can lose yourself. Just remember it's okay to seek help.

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Some tips I can give those who are struggling like I am is to call a friend or a family member. Pick up a new habit or use this time to invest and put your all into a passion you have been neglecting. Most of all, reach out to a therapist. Having someone to talk to helps and being able to release that pain and have a healthy way to express yourself is always the best option.

So many of us are dealing with loss during this time of quarantine, so check on your friends and family. If you are going through the emotion of losing someone it’s okay to get help and talk to someone and just know you are not alone.

Photo Credit:

Loss picture: jfcsmpls.org

Therapist picture - Verywellmind.com

Report: Maya Howard

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Why Chronic Injuries Don't Have To Remain Chronic

You don’t have to live with your chronic injury and can manage the pain more effectively by following this guide.

For most people, acute injuries will crop up at some point in their lives. You may have tweaked a muscle while out jogging or you might simply have slept in an odd position straining your neck. With any luck, these injuries rectify themselves in a matter of days, if not hours. However, some less fortunate individuals will encounter more chronic injuries that go beyond the niggle or the ache. Chronic back pain or shoulder issues can be hugely detrimental to a person’s quality of life. If you suffer from a pain that never goes away, it can be the only thing you focus on, leaving you feeling depressed and low. But, it doesn’t have to remain this way. You don’t have to live with your chronic injury and can manage the pain more effectively by following this guide.


See A Professional

Your first port of call should be your doctor. A medical professional should carry out a full assessment of your ailment and hopefully give you a diagnosis. You could be suffering from tendon damage, a broken ligament or a slipped disc. When a diagnosis isn’t forthcoming, it can feel like you are being fobbed off. 

Being told that your pain can be managed with over the counter painkillers is soul destroying as you do nothing but take pills to mask the pain. Instead, you need to seek the advice of a professional who can help you get to the root of your injury and pain. Head to a chiropractor who will manipulate your joints, focusing on your back in an effort to address your pain. You will leave the chiropractor’s office feeling more empowered to manage your pain rather than just mask it.


While painkillers may have a place in helping you to lead a normal life, you need to address more natural remedies for your chronic niggle. Yoga is no longer simply for dreadlocked individuals who chant alongside burning incense sticks. Yoga is even being prescribed by doctors to help individuals with pain. By learning a range of postures, you can help your body to maintain flexibility and strengthen your core. Alongside breathing exercises, you can channel your energies into more positive thoughts, preventing you from succumbing to injury-induced depression and low mood.

Eat Well

If you have a few too many pounds on your frame, this will inevitably put excess pressure on joints and muscles. You need to try and shift the pound to help manage your chronic pain. Don’t go for a faddy diet, juice detox or cabbage soup meal plan. Instead, tweak your current eating to replace sugary candy with fruit and nuts. Swap the deep fried takeaways with leaner meats, oily fish and whole grains. You should still eat when you are hungry, but choose healthier options than fat-laden temptations. Your calorie intake will naturally decrease helping you lose weight and feel happier and more positive

Chronic injuries can be detrimental to your life. Follow this guide and manage your pain more effectively, helping you to maintain a positive and happy existence.

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Six Bad Habits that Harm our Brains.

Healthy brain. Clear mind.

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During the history of humanity, with improved living conditions and increased access to education, IQ levels around the world have gradually increased. But over the past decade, our collective intelligence has not only slowed down but has also shown a downward trend. Why is this happening, when we are close to any sources of knowledge like never before? It's all about the features of the modern lifestyle that harm our brain.

1. Multitasking

The habit of doing several things at the same time not only does not increase productivity but, on the contrary, reduces it, scattering attention and overloading the brain.

2. Fast food

Scientists have proven that the diet with a high content of saturated fats, simple sugars, salt, red meat, and processed foods leads to a deterioration in short-term memory and subtle cognitive impairment.

3. Passive lifestyle

The problem is that a long stay in one position reduces the flow of blood to the brain, and therefore reduces the flow of nutrients and oxygen, which are necessary for its effective work.

4. Overabundance of information

Trying to keep up with the endless stream of information that rains down on us from all sides, we stop delving into it and read-only superficial facts. Even if you don’t feel it, an overabundance of diverse content is stress for the brain.

5. Online chat

Experts are certain: the more time we spend on social networks, the higher our level of anxiety. In some cases, dependence on Internet communication impairs our ability to recognize non-verbal emotional signals and to show empathy.

6. Lack of sleep

Deterioration in sleep quality, and especially a reduction in its deep phase, during which information moves from short-term to long-term memory, can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Abstinence in Wellness: Quarantine Edition

For single people, it can take a toll on the mind not being able to be around friends or potential lovers.

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This time in quarantine has caused a great deal of stress for a lot of us, from being able to stay employed, getting settled into a new routine, and being able to properly social distance from others.

For single people, it can take a toll on the mind not being able to be around friends or potential lovers. Some who may have enjoyed themselves a more promiscuous lifestyle while being single, have had a sudden change in sex and dating.

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Being that a person’s mental health is most at high risk now than ever it can be easy to slip into depression or grow anxiety from being taken out of a daily routine of socializing including intimacy. During the quarantine, some of us have been forced into a state of abstinence. Not allowing any physical sexual activity with others for health concerns may cause some to keep their sexual relationships virtual. Others who have been in this situation may have grown tired of casual sex.

Not everyone enjoys casual sex on a longterm basis as some prefer to be in a relationship. It can make someone take a step back and reevaluate their single life. When focusing on wellness and improving mental health, many typically decided to eat better, start fitness, and get more sleep. However, abstinence and spiritual well being can also be an effective change.

Abstinence contributes to mental health and wellness during a pandemic in the same way consistent casual sex can. The difference is knowing when to hit the reset button and move forward into taking a different approach.

The benefit of abstinence during this pandemic is being able to open yourself up to being vulnerable mentally with yourself and trying to make the necessary changes based on what your end goal is. While there is nothing wrong with casual sex, its also important to not get stuck in the habit when trying to date someone seriously. When we talk about making a change a lot of times its just talk until we make a big change to alter our outcomes and how it betters us. Being able to make changes that improve your mental health is part of living in wellness.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Maintaining Mental Wellbeing When Running A Business

It can be deeply enjoyable and satisfying to run your own company, but it’s by no means relaxing. Take a look at some key tips for staying mentally sound when you’re running a business.

It can be deeply enjoyable and satisfying to run your own company, but it’s by no means relaxing. With all that weight on your shoulders, it’s normal to feel stress from time to time. And indeed, a little bit of stress is no bad thing. It can push you to work harder and better. But there’s an upper limit to how much stress you should feel; if it’s beginning to have a negative impact on your overall well being, then you’ll want to make some changes. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some key tips for staying mentally sound when you’re running a business.


Life Balance

There’s always the temptation to work longer than you really should when you’re the boss. After all, you’re desperate for your business to succeed, and it’s easy to think that the more you work, the more success you have. This is true, but only up to a point. In order to work at your best, then it’s important that you have the right work/life balance. That means stopping working and taking the time to relax and have fun. This will help to keep you mentally healthy, and also allow you to avoid burnout.

Minimize the Stress

You might love what your company does, but that only accounts for a percentage of your responsibilities. You may have to spend more time than you’d like taking care of the paperwork and other admin duties. If you find this difficult, then it won’t be long before you’re feeling stressed. Instead of wrestling with these complex tasks, look at making them more straightforward. There are plenty of tools that can help you. To stay on top of your receipts, you use a service such as filecenterdms.com. Payroll, legal matters, and marketing can be outsourced to other companies, too. It’s all about reducing the amount of time you spend on stressful tasks and spending more time on the tasks that you actually enjoy.

Working With Others

You may have started your business as a one-person operation, but it doesn’t have to stay that way on a long-term basis. At some point, you might find that it’s beneficial to work with others. You can do this by hiring employees or by outsourcing certain tasks, like the ones we mentioned above. As well as freeing up your time, working with others can also help reduce any lonely feelings you experience when you’re running your company -- it’ll feel like you’re part of a team, of which you’re in charge.

Look After Yourself

Finally, be sure to look after yourself. You might start your business with a relaxed attitude, but over time, you could find that you’re feeling more stressed than ever before. You can get around this issue by taking steps to push your mental wellbeing in the right direction. This will involve doing things like eating well, exercising, spending time in the outdoors, and keeping up with your hobbies and friends; things that help us to feel good, basically.

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What Does 'Good Health' Actually Mean?

The concept of good health may have the same benchmarks, but the route we all take to become healthy will be unique to every one of us. Take a look at what good health means and explore what you can do to achieve it.

What is one man’s pleasure is another man’s poison, or so the saying goes. This is true when it comes to being healthy. Being in good health can mean a variety of different things to different people. For some people, being healthy means having a waist of less than thirty four inches. For others, it’s having the ability to run five kilometers in less than thirty minutes. In a medical sense it might be having a blood pressure reading of 120 over 80 and having a cholesterol score of below five. While these facts and figures can be a minefield for the layperson, we need to remember that we are all individuals. The concept of good health may have the same benchmarks, but the route we all take to become healthy will be unique to every one of us. Take a look at what good health means and explore what you can do to achieve it.



We all need a different amount of calories to get us through the day. If you have a high metabolism, work an active job, have a muscley physique and are constantly on your feet, the chances are that you will need more calories than the individual with a desk job and very little stress in their life. This is why it can be challenging to subscribe to a one size fits all sort of fad diet. These diets may work for some people, but they won’t work for the majority. Instead, you need to investigate the benefits of integrative nutrition when considering your diet.

These specialist nutritionists will look at you as a unique human being and take into account all facets of your life to construct a diet plan that isn’t daddy, but that morphs with your lifestyle to create the ultimate nutritionally balanced way of eating for you. This will help you to maintain a healthy relationship with food, stay full for longer, and to feel happy and more confident.



While some people are content in the gym three times a week, others couldn’t think of anything worse in an effort to get healthy. To maintain good health, you need to be active - this doesn’t have to be a set exercise regime or routine gym attendance. If you adore the gym, lifting weights, heading to a HIIT class and embarking on half an hour on the cross trainer, then stick to this way of getting a sweat on. However, some people need to think outside the box when it comes to getting their cardio.

If you are an outdoorsy type of person, you need to think about cycling as a new pastime, go for long walks and hikes if you live in a rural area, and enjoy venturing to new places to explore. If you have a job that means that you are sedentary for eight hours a day, you must consider how you can get active in your free time. While you might not fancy training for a marathon, think about yoga as your active pastime of choice. Here, you will strengthen your core through a range of postures that will increase your flexibility and leave you with a sense of wellness. Coupled with breathing exercises, you can destress and become less anxious as you embark on an exercise that benefits both your physical and mental well being.

Good health can be achieved by all, but everyone needs to recognize their uniqueness when making the journey to get there.

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A Post-Lockdown Personal Tuneup Guide

Now that lockdown is starting to slow, and things are beginning to return to however we’re supposed to define normal right now, it can be helpful to develop your own post-lockdown treatment plan.


After a global pandemic and sweeping political upheaval you can be forgiven for feeling a little worn out from this year already. However, while lockdown was a vital measure for many understandable reasons, it’s important to note that you needn’t have to feel that sense of weariness and fatigue for longer than necessary. Now that lockdown is starting to slow, and things are beginning to return to however we’re supposed to define normal right now, it can be helpful to develop your own post-lockdown treatment plan.

But how does this work, and what might it look like? It can be very worth asking these questions, because otherwise we may stumble in the dark trying to feel like our past selves but struggling from the effort.

So, where do we begin? Well, let us start off by first suggesting that you are enough, and that you’re merely restoring your beauty through the following guides, not adding to it. Furthermore, doing what feels good and having fun with this process should be mandatory. If you feel put-out by this process, something is wrong! With that being said, let’s consider the following advice:

Great Dental Work

Great dental work can be a great starting point, as deep cleaning teeth can help you enjoy a whiter smile, feel more confident, and also uncover other dental issues you may wish to have worked on. Great dental work also allows us to start feeling more confident in our style, as when issues with our teeth cause us pain or a lack of confidence, it can be hard to feel your usual radiant self.

Stretching & Yoga

Stretching and yoga can not only help remove some of your physical cobwebs that grow in lockdown, but you’ll remove some of your mental fatigue, too. It’s a meditative act to engage in either one of these practices regularly, and if you can do that you’re much more likely to feel confident, and peaceful in a given day. This will also help you feel a little less culture shock returning back to normality, as you’ll have given your body the practiced warm up it needs every day to function well. As far as that’s concerned, you’ll be on the right track.

Massages & Spa Experiences

A good massage and spa experience can help you remove all of your stress from your shoulders, take a little time for you, and for some people, enjoy some peace and quiet at long last! This is not an overly indulgent treat to invest in, we’d say you deserve it after many months in lockdown. Relaxing and spending time with a friend in these surroundings, or simply going solo, can help you take stock of your life, reflect a little, feel more comfortable in your physical body, and generally feel renewed and refreshed. You could do much worse than this.

With this advice, we hope you can go through the best post-lockdown tuneup guide.

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Self-Love: The Road to Happiness and Growth

In a world where we are battling the effects of racism and Covid-19, is easy to slip and fall between the cracks. Many of us are struggling and fighting with ourselves to remain positive. Making sure that you are taking care of yourself is very important. Find out why self-love is essential to your life and how it can help you grow as person.

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Self-love is regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.

Sometimes we tend to forget about ourselves and shift our focus to the ones we love most. We also lose ourselves. Death, breakups, any loss or heartbreak can sometimes to lead to carelessness which can become dangerous if action is not taken.

Self-love is essential in order to live a happy, and healthy lifestyle. Self-love comes in different forms. First there’s taking care of your appearance. Second there’s wellness or your health. Third, there’s self-reflection.

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Grooming is important because that is what usually makes you feel good. For women, think about when you finally get your hair and nails done. Think about when you wear a nice outfit or your makeup is done. How does that makes you feel? For men, think about when you get a haircut, line-up or even shave. Think about when your wearing your best outfit and fresh scent of cologne. Men know one way to a woman’s heart is that smell of cologne. Then there’s also pampering yourself. This can be going to get a massage, maybe taking a bath with some bath bombs in your tub, or going on a vacation or to a spa.

Health is top priority. When you look good, it is important to feel good too. Healthy eating and exercising requires consistency that can be hard but is possible. Even mental health is important because this is part of your well-being. Going to a gym, working out at home, even yoga or meditation can help when it comes to your body. A safe and relaxing space is needed in order to have a peace of mind. Once you’re at peace with yourself, you will handle stressful situations effectively. Self-reflection is important when it comes to self-love and growth. You need to be able to think about your actions, motives and character. You must question yourself and your past. Maybe you had a pass situation that you did not handle too well. You ask yourself “What could I have done differently?” Maybe there are things about yourself that you never came to terms with but someone close to you has. They’ve told you things that they notice about you that hasn’t changed for the better. You ask yourself “What steps do I need to take in order to change?”

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Self-reflection starts with you and it is when you make startling and surprising realizations about yourself that you never even knew. Maybe in this process you realize new things about yourself based on the situations and experiences that you have encountered. Self-reflection is the key to growth.

Self-love starts with ourselves. Always remember that you have to love and take care of yourself as best as you can because if you don’t, who else is going to? Find peace and happiness within yourself, don’t settle for less and be open to change.

Report: Juana Norales

Instagram: @juana.n_

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Taking Care of Black Mental Health

With videos and posts surfacing online of police harming protestors, looting of black owned businesses and even President Trump’s inhuman tweets, black people may feel the need to take a break from the media. Mental health is crucial at this moment and there are resources out there if needed.

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George Floyd.

A 46-year old black man who died in Minneapolis, Minnesota after officer Derek Chauvin, a white man, knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd laid lifeless and handcuffed face down into the street.

Ahmaud Arbery.

A 25-year old black man who was shot by a white man while jogging.

Breonna Taylor.

A 26-year old black woman who was shot and killed by Louisville Metro Police Department Officers inside her home.

These black lives, along with many others have been lost and has sparked outraged around the world. As people continuously protest and plead for change, others are also using social media and are looting from certain businesses to get their point across.

Whether if its through rioting, looting, protesting and even posting onto social media accounts, people are demanding justice for all of the black lives that have been lost in the hands of police and white supremacy.

Although many people are choosing to use their voice to speak up on issues of race, police brutality, black lives and white privilege, others are choosing to stay silent. Today it is clear that these topics can no longer be swept under the rug.

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However with videos surfacing of these brutal killings, and media outlets portraying black people in a negative light, some people cannot handle this all, especially African-Americans who have been alive since the Jim Crow Era. Some may feel as if their relieving those dark moments again.

While African-Americans normally face hardships, struggles and constant barriers, mental health comes into play especially during times like this. Sometimes there is a need to isolate and disconnect from social media and even the media as a whole. This is important so that you can recuperate and relax your mind.

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It is also important to create a safe space for yourself. Even though someone may feel like they need to take a break or disconnect from social media, it is not safe to disconnect from people. If you are overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, whatever it is that you are feeling, talk to someone. Find a relaxing and safe way to let that anger and frustration out. Although it may sound impossible, there is always a way.

As black people we must stand together, help each other and create safe spaces for each other to express our feelings. Our health is a priority. I have listed some black mental health resources down below:

1. Therapy for Black Girls

2. Therapy for Black Men

3. Melanin and Mental Health

4. Open Path Collective

5. Ethel’s Club

Report: Juana Norales

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