Snack Time Charcuterie for Kids

Hello charcuterie lovers!

September is in full swing, and I am happy to share that our charcuterie of the month is here! It’s back to school time for many, so I figured I’d make a board for snack time. Because, honestly who doesn’t love snacks?

Let’s get into it!

The Breakdown:

Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Our stars of the show this go around include the Uncrustables, pretzels/carrots with hummus, and our Oreos. It was an absolute must to have Uncrustables featured in this board because these sandwiches are a kid’s go-to. The hummus and sides were the perfect healthy option for kid’s to have a good balance. Yes, it’s all about balance even on charcuterie boards! I included the Oreos as part of our “main stager’s” because it’s right where the eye goes when glancing at the board. I love the symmetry these little cookies offered, so I had to give some props where it was due.

Our fruits include apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. I went a little overboard with the fruits because no kid likes to eat their veggies, at least I don’t. 

Oh, and we have fruit snacks…duh!

Our crunchy sides include Cheez-It’s, chocolate bunnies, granola bites, Goldfish, and letter cookies. The ultimate snack board had to show off the most popular munchies, right?

I didn’t follow the standard 3 rule because this board was way too fun to listen to rules. So, when you make yours have fun with it too! See you in October! 

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

Images: Kaitlin Gallagher


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