Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

The Importance Of Having A Good Diet

Your body is your sanctuary, which is why it’s important to look after it. There are a whole plethora of ways to look after your body, from consuming enough water, getting enough sleep, and as we continue to look into today, by consuming a good diet.

Your body is your sanctuary, which is why it’s important to look after it. There are a whole plethora of ways to look after your body, from consuming enough water, getting enough sleep, and as we continue to look into today, by consuming a good diet. The reason it’s important to eat well is that it will help reduce the chances of you getting ill as well as improve your physical performance. Below are four reasons why having a good diet is important.


Improve Your Mood 

It’s very well documented that eating a bad diet can have a direct link to how you feel. If you are constantly eating badly, you can find yourself feeling tired and waking up not feeling fresh. By eating your five a day, reducing your alcohol consumptions (If you struggle with alcohol abuse, you can look into an outpatient alcohol treatment center) you will find that your mood improves and you feel better throughout the day. 

Weight Loss 

If one of your goals is to lose weight, then improving your diet will be a key part of your success. By having a good diet you will notice that you lose weight and don’t put weight on as easily. This is because fatty foods tend to have more calories than good foods, meaning the more fatty foods you eat the higher your calorie count normally is. When improving your diet, it’s a good idea to track the foods you eat so that you know what you are consuming and how many calories you are eating a day. To lose weight it is advised you cut your calorie allowance by 500 each day

Improve Your Sleep 

Another link to having a good diet and eating well is that your sleep will improve. You’ll find that the better you eat the higher quality of sleep you will get. If you currently struggle to sleep very well, you can find improving your diet is a key change to making a big difference. If you drink alcohol or caffeine during the day this also can be a big factor in why you struggle to sleep so not only will stopping improve your diet, but it will also help you sleep. It is recommended you get around 7-9 hours of sleep a day but this can vary depending on your age. 

Reduce The Chances Of You Getting Ill 

.A major reason to improve your diet to help with your mental health and reduce the chances of you getting ill. The healthier your diet is, the healthier your heart will be and the better your gut will be. You will also find that by eating cleaner your memory is better and you help keep your bones and teeth strong. When improving your diet it’s important you drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of sugary drinks. 

Why do you think it’s important to have a good diet? Would you add anything to the above four points? Have you recently started a new diet and how is it going? Let me know in the comment box below. 

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Lifestyle, Food, Health, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Food, Health, Wellness Access by NKC

Snack Time Charcuterie for Kids

Hello charcuterie lovers!

September is in full swing, and I am happy to share that our charcuterie of the month is here! It’s back to school time for many, so I figured I’d make a board for snack time. Because, honestly who doesn’t love snacks?

Let’s get into it!

The Breakdown:

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Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Our stars of the show this go around include the Uncrustables, pretzels/carrots with hummus, and our Oreos. It was an absolute must to have Uncrustables featured in this board because these sandwiches are a kid’s go-to. The hummus and sides were the perfect healthy option for kid’s to have a good balance. Yes, it’s all about balance even on charcuterie boards! I included the Oreos as part of our “main stager’s” because it’s right where the eye goes when glancing at the board. I love the symmetry these little cookies offered, so I had to give some props where it was due.

Our fruits include apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. I went a little overboard with the fruits because no kid likes to eat their veggies, at least I don’t. 

Oh, and we have fruit snacks…duh!

Our crunchy sides include Cheez-It’s, chocolate bunnies, granola bites, Goldfish, and letter cookies. The ultimate snack board had to show off the most popular munchies, right?

I didn’t follow the standard 3 rule because this board was way too fun to listen to rules. So, when you make yours have fun with it too! See you in October! 

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

Images: Kaitlin Gallagher

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Always Fresh. Never Frozen

Always Fresh. Never Frozen

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It’s a hot summer afternoon. You go into your pantry looking for food. You can’t find a snack no problem! Looking for something sweet. With this new snack I am willing to share it will savor your taste buds for the time being. In 1964, 100,000 French ranchers blended their territorial dairy cooperatives to sell broadly. In 1965, two co-agents, "Yola" and “ Coplait” , combined , turning out to be “Yoplait” They decided to branch out from Yoplait into Oui is roused by our customary French formula, which is as yet sold in France today. General Mills collaborated with Yoplait in 1977, and bought a dominant part stake of Yoplait in 2011. Right up 'til the present time, Yoplait keeps on having tasks in France just as numerous different nations all around. This new treat from Oui By Yoplait is a Dairy Free Yogurt is contains a smooth white cream with the hit of flavor of coconut. It comes in there signature glass jar with 4 new delicious choices which are mango, raspberry, strawberry and vanilla. This new food is great if you are lactose intolerant and will make a great summer snack or quick breakfast meal. You can find this new treat online or at your local grocery store.

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Photo Credits: Oui By Yoplait

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Let's Talk Trends: Health Trends

Social media can be a great place to gather information, and learn tips and tricks. Making sure that information is accurate and safe is a different task.

As quarantine shuttered everything throughout the country, people were left with only themselves to rely on for their health needs. No gyms, no restaurants, and grocery store wipeouts, caused people to turn to social media for different, innovative ways to meet their fitness and health needs.

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One of the most popular apps used to get this information? TikTok. In short videos of 60 seconds or less users could find fun new workouts, easy recipes, and tips and tricks to staying healthy while in your house. But an excess of information does not mean correct information! TikTok users are not required to have any sort of credentials for the type of content they will be informing users on – so many of the health information is coming from someone unqualified in any form of health education.

TikTok’s platform has a unique set of viewers, as many are in a much younger demographic than other social media. Typical viewers on TikTok can range from 8 years old to 25 years old, making a large portion of their users extremely susceptible to misleading information. “Diet Hacks”, “How to Lose Weight Fast”, and other seemingly easy ways to “promote” a healthy lifestyle, are actually promoting eating disorders to many of our youth. Many of us are already aware of the body image issues that social media can cause. Constantly having a feed of seemingly “perfect” people can make one extremely insecure about themselves. But giving others ideas on unrealistic and impractical ways to “achieve” these goals, are leading many down an unhealthy path.

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One of the many promoted is intermittent fasting. The idea of intermittent fasting is to restrict your daily eating to a certain time frame, so you are typically not eating late at night or early in the morning. Many have taken this idea to the extreme and promote only eating once a day. Everyone needs energy and the idea of eating one meal a day or less is unsustainable and irrational. For a developing child especially, nutrient intake and a sustainable diet are so important. However, many on social media platforms idealize this type of fast, encouraging many to use it as the secret to fast weight loss.

Along with eating restrictions, “miracle” foods are a hot topic on social media. Low calorie, tasty snacks and supplements are the top hack for many influencers. When looking at the ingredient breakdown on many of these “miracle” foods however, it seems you are typically trading off calories for chemicals.

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Modelo Crab Beignets

Add this to your summer menu!

Crab Beignets

Filling Ingredients

8oz Lump Crab Meat

4oz Jumbo Crab Meat

4oz Special Crab Meat

5 oz Mascarpone cheese

3 Garlic cloves

2 Tbsp Chives

1 tsp Sea salt

1 tsp Freshly ground Black Pepper

1 tsp Dry Yellow Mustard


Filling Instructions

Pick crab meat for any shell.  Place all ingredients into a bowl and gently fold until well incorporated. Cover and chill for at least 3-4 hours.


Batter Ingredients

1 ½ C All Purpose Flour

1 ½ tsp Sea Salt

1 12oz Modelo Negra lager 

1 ½ Tbsp Baking powder

¼ C Cornstarch

Mix all ingredients together and set aside.  Roll filling into golf ball sized rounds and drop into batter.  Gently spoon batter over crab ball to make sure it is evenly coated. Gently spoon beignets into 3 inches of  375°F oil in a cast iron skillet. Fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes, occasionally turning so that they are fried evenly. Serve hot with fresh squeezed lemon and sweet chili sauce.

Recipes: Senior Editor, David Robert

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Wine & Grill?

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun?


The summer and all of its splendor is well underway, despite the CoVid-19 pandemic. As cases surge again, people are finding creative ways to entertain themselves. However, in the midst of tik toks, zoom happy hours and roomba races (seriously, what the heck is even that?) there’s one pastime that has remained a constant for generations….grilling. 

Grilling is an activity that is enjoyed across numerous countries and cultures. I mean, what better way to spend a social distancing Sunday afternoon than grilling some skewers while playing a card game under the sun? Alas, if breathing in the fresh corona air really isn’t your thing, don’t fret. Target and other super stores make it easy to enjoy this activity from inside of your home with their stove top grill products.  

So, what’s another word synonymous with grilling? Beer. The beverage king for grilling has always been beer. With its varying styles & crispness it is no wonder that beer would help set the mood for the perfect summer cookout. But, what if I could guarantee a beverage that was equally--if not more--enjoyable? 


Wines fare greatly with common foods found on the grill. Whether you are grilling some chicken, barbequing ribs or skewering shrimp, there is a wine for every option. The same way you are allowed to eat chicken and head back for skewers is the same way you are not confined to drink one type of wine. Now, before you recoil at the thought of switching from a white wine to a red or vice versa, let me make something very clear. The act of switching between wines will not cause you to get drunk. You being too zesty will cause you to get drunk. Take it slow and keep the zest low. 

With that being said, take a look at the below pairings between commonly grilled foods and types of wines. When your dad can’t stop raving about how enjoyable his turkey burger was paired with that glass of pinot noir, remember, you read it here first. 

Report: Senior Lifestyle Editor, Damali Richie

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Lifestyle David Roberts Lifestyle David Roberts

Spicy Blackberry and Plum Sauce

This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.


One of the benefits of the summer is that a lot of sweet fruit is in season.  I often run into the problem of figuring out what to do with delicate produce like berries and plums before they can go bad.  This spicy blackberry and plum sauce recipe was a push for something different and will now be my go to condiment for the summer season.  Its simple to make but the combination of flavors and spices took smoked chicken wings to an entirely different level.


 6 Ripe Cherry Plums or Any plum of your choice

5 Blackberries 

5 sprigs of fresh thyme 

5 cloves garlic

5 pimento seeds (allspice berries)

2 bay leaves

1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 

1c dark brown sugar 

1 cinnamon stick 

1 anise seed

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

1 tsp red pepper flakes  

1 tsp of Texas Pete Original Dust dry seasoning

Just a teeny bit more than a cup of water 

2/3 c Apple cider vinegar 

3 dashes of soy sauce 



For this recipe, I used cherry plums and it yields a about a cup of and a half of sauce.  I found the plums on sale at a local grocery store and have never tried them.  Outside of this recipe, I like them because the sweetness of the flesh was the same as very ripe, regular-sized plum, however it was firm as if it had just ripened.  After cleaning your produce, cut around the core; you do not want the firm bitter flesh that surrounds the pit in your sauce. 

Place all the ingredients into a medium-sized saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Be sure to stir occasionally so that the sugar fully dissolves and doesn’t burn at the bottom. Reduce to medium-low and cover.  Let the sauce simmer for about 1 hour.  Cool and place into a mason jar or an airtight container to use as a condiment.


Use this sauce on your favorite style of wings.  I used it on smoked chicken wings and it has now become one of my favorite wing flavors.  I would highly recommend trying it on wings fresh out of the air fryer or on grilled wings. Please let us know how this recipe comes out for you and feel free to put your own spin on it! Try different berry and spice combinations to create your own plum sauce flavors.

Report: Senior Editor, David Roberts

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Diet Tips for Boosting your Immunity

Boosting your immunity is crucial during these times, especially in light of the pandemic. You want to have the best immune system you can possibly have, and the only way you'll be able to do that is by getting some health advice. We have some health tips for building your immune system.

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Boosting your immunity is crucial during these times, especially in light of the pandemic. You want to have the best immune system you can possibly have, and the only way you'll be able to do that is by getting some health advice. We have some health tips for building your immune system.

1. Colorful fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are the go-to for building your immune system. They contain all the essential vitamins that will give a boost to your immune system and help keep diseases at bay.

2. Carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes: These foods contain good compounds that help in cell proliferation, or rapid growth of new cells in the body. This is a key component of the immune system's health and thus these foods are important.

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3. Vitamin C-rich foods: Vitamin C is very beneficial in the quest to keep the immune system functional and healthy. Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons can help with inflammation and prevent infections from occurring in the body.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids: These good fats are found in nuts and seeds such as flax or chia seeds. They help build a good and healthy immune system, according to research.

5. Probiotics and fermented food: These foods are loaded with good bacteria which help in maintaining a healthy gut. The gut is where 70% of our immune system is housed, which is why probiotics such as yogurt or kombucha can be a wonderful addition to the diet.

6. Limit added sugars: Emerging research suggests that added sugars and refined carbs may contribute disproportionately to overweight and obesity. Obesity may likewise increase your risk of getting sick.

7. Stay hydrated: Hydration doesn’t directly protect you from germs and viruses, but preventing dehydration is important to your overall health. Dehydration can cause headaches and hinder your physical performance, focus, mood, digestion, and heart and kidney function. These complications can increase your susceptibility to illness.

Report: Alycia Williams

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Food for Your DNA

"Everyone is different." We've all heard this saying at least once in our lives, and it's true we are all different all the way down to our taste buds. Have you ever wondered why you think something tastes amazing while your friend absolutely hates the exact same thing? That's because depending on our DNA, things can taste differently. How does your genetic make-up influence your taste buds?

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"Everyone is different." We've all heard this saying at least once in our lives, and it's true we are all different all the way down to our taste buds. Have you ever wondered why you think something tastes amazing while your friend absolutely hates the exact same thing? That's because depending on our DNA, things can taste differently. How does your genetic make-up influence your taste buds?

1. Bitter blindness: Some people have what's called Bitter Blindness which basically means their taste buds are immune to things that are more bitter. These people usually have a better time eating vegetables, because most vegetables are loaded in PTC (phenylthiocarbamide), which is what makes vegetables bitter. Those who can't taste it have bitter blindness.

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2. Hypersensitive, sensitive, and tolerant: Not only are our taste buds different, but depending on your DNA, some people have more or less taste buds than someone else. You can have anywhere from 500-11,000 taste buds. Those who have more taste buds are considered hypersensitive tasters. Anything too bitter or too overpowering will be too much for a hypersensitive taster. People who have less taste buds are tolerant tasters, as there aren't many things that a tolerant taster can't eat.

3. Anxiety & depression: There are some physical side effects to anxiety and depression that can affect your taste buds. Someone dealing with anxiety or depression can eat the most flavorful food on the planet, but it could taste like cardboard to them. Essentially, the brain's chemicals are in control of what you taste so when their levels are a bit abnormal, your ability to enjoy a food's distinctive flavor suffers.

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4. Carrier of the OR6A2 Gene: Have you ever heard someone say they think Cilantro tastes like soap? That's because they have the OR6A2 gene. Approximately 14 percent of the population carries this gene, which actually makes cilantro taste like soap, while others are just tasting cilantro.

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5. The Womb Experience: Depending on what your mother ate while you were in her womb can determine what you have a taste for once you're born. Once a baby is born, the baby will already know what the people in his or her culture eat and have a preference for these foods. That doesn't mean you can't acquire your own love for different kinds of food later on, though.

Report: Alycia Williams

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

What Does 'Good Health' Actually Mean?

The concept of good health may have the same benchmarks, but the route we all take to become healthy will be unique to every one of us. Take a look at what good health means and explore what you can do to achieve it.

What is one man’s pleasure is another man’s poison, or so the saying goes. This is true when it comes to being healthy. Being in good health can mean a variety of different things to different people. For some people, being healthy means having a waist of less than thirty four inches. For others, it’s having the ability to run five kilometers in less than thirty minutes. In a medical sense it might be having a blood pressure reading of 120 over 80 and having a cholesterol score of below five. While these facts and figures can be a minefield for the layperson, we need to remember that we are all individuals. The concept of good health may have the same benchmarks, but the route we all take to become healthy will be unique to every one of us. Take a look at what good health means and explore what you can do to achieve it.



We all need a different amount of calories to get us through the day. If you have a high metabolism, work an active job, have a muscley physique and are constantly on your feet, the chances are that you will need more calories than the individual with a desk job and very little stress in their life. This is why it can be challenging to subscribe to a one size fits all sort of fad diet. These diets may work for some people, but they won’t work for the majority. Instead, you need to investigate the benefits of integrative nutrition when considering your diet.

These specialist nutritionists will look at you as a unique human being and take into account all facets of your life to construct a diet plan that isn’t daddy, but that morphs with your lifestyle to create the ultimate nutritionally balanced way of eating for you. This will help you to maintain a healthy relationship with food, stay full for longer, and to feel happy and more confident.



While some people are content in the gym three times a week, others couldn’t think of anything worse in an effort to get healthy. To maintain good health, you need to be active - this doesn’t have to be a set exercise regime or routine gym attendance. If you adore the gym, lifting weights, heading to a HIIT class and embarking on half an hour on the cross trainer, then stick to this way of getting a sweat on. However, some people need to think outside the box when it comes to getting their cardio.

If you are an outdoorsy type of person, you need to think about cycling as a new pastime, go for long walks and hikes if you live in a rural area, and enjoy venturing to new places to explore. If you have a job that means that you are sedentary for eight hours a day, you must consider how you can get active in your free time. While you might not fancy training for a marathon, think about yoga as your active pastime of choice. Here, you will strengthen your core through a range of postures that will increase your flexibility and leave you with a sense of wellness. Coupled with breathing exercises, you can destress and become less anxious as you embark on an exercise that benefits both your physical and mental well being.

Good health can be achieved by all, but everyone needs to recognize their uniqueness when making the journey to get there.

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Aunt Jemima and Racism on American Shelves

Quaker Oats’ decision to rebrand Aunt Jemima calls into light the racist roots of the brand's image and name. It serves as a reminder that there are still many racist messages lining our American shelves that largely goes unaddressed.

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The smiling face of the Aunt Jemima pancake mix is something many Americans have grown up seeing. Memories of syrupy sweet flapjacks during early morning hours speckle the childhoods of those familiar with the brand; it is both a cult classic and a fan favorite amongst the masses.

What many don’t know is that the brand is built upon deeply racist roots. Aunt Jemima’s name was taken from “Old Aunt Jemima”, a minstrel show song once sung by performers in blackface. The smiling woman on the box is a stereotype of the ‘mammy’ character from slave plantations. She serves as a representation of the happy slave– a representation of a black woman ready and willing to serve white people.

On June 17, Quaker Oats announced that they plan to rebrand Aunt Jemima. The brand has undergone a fair amount of minor image updates through the years, but the company decided that these changes were not enough. Instead, they announced that the brand would return in the fall with a new logo and name.

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Many are relieved about this change. It is a step towards removing the normalization of black subservience that lines American grocery shelves. Following Quaker Oats’ announcement to change all Aunt Jemima products, other companies quickly followed suit. Brands such as Uncle Ben’s, Cream of Wheat and Mrs. Buttersworth have also decided to retire their marketing strategy and rebrand their products.

Systemic racism is not only powered by institutionalized hatred but also from everyday stereotypes and commonplace images. The origins of such symbols must be addressed in order to change society into a better one; by trying to revoke the normalization of racist imagery, the perpetual trauma born from such representation can be gradually slowed and hopefully stopped.

Photo 1: https://www.insider.com/best-pancake-mix-store-brand-2017-3

Photo 2: https://thekrazycouponlady.com/2017/12/18/aunt-jemima-pancake-mix-only-1-50-at-walgreens

Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Espresso Yourself

Rise in shine, coffee drinkers. There are many choices of beverages in the morning.

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Rise in shine, coffee drinkers. There are many choices of beverages in the morning. If you normally don’t drink coffee in the morning, then you probably haven’t heard of this drink. This coffee has been all over social media while being under quarantine. You guys are in for a sweet treat that I am willing to share. Coffee dates back to the 15th century which is a really long time ago. When it first came to America in mid 17th-century it was a huge success. With the rebel against King George III produced a mass change from tea to espresso among the homesteaders. It would change drinks and beverages forever. The newest trend of drink that blew up on Tik Tok is called Dalgona Coffee. It was founded in South Korea and India. Dalgona Coffee is a refreshment made by whipping equivalent extents of moment which is made with four special ingredient’s which are espresso powder, sugar, water, and milk mix all those ingredients together until it becomes smooth. That’s just a quick way to make to the fluffy drink if you need further assistance you can go on TikTok, food and drink websites and YouTube. Enjoy this drink with a muffin, sweet pastries or oatmeal. Hop on this trend before it too late. I am sure you’ll love it.

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Photo Credits: Hummingbird High and Amazon

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts

So, What Does It Really Mean To Eat In Season

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.


On March 12th, 2020 I received a call from my supervisor that our offices were to be closed until further notice. I knew that it meant change was to come; I expected life to look different. This is all uncharted territory for everyone. In just 2 weeks, toilet paper became the hottest commodity.  Media outlets covered countless stories about the decline of toilet paper supply.  However, there was another commodity that eventually became even harder to come by, meat. 

Walking the aisles of the local supermarkets, I couldn’t help to notice the absence of meat and abundance of fresh produce. Along with meat, canned and frozen produce are becoming hard finds.  While completing my weekly rounds through the grocery circuit, I’ve overheard several conversations about produce that all lead to these three conclusions:

  1. Unfamiliar produce is scary to most

  2. Consumers are unaware of what it means to eat in season

  3. Many people do not know how to properly store produce

There were murmurs of “that’s going to spoil in 2 days” and “I don’t even know what to do with that”, which were quickly followed by a bee line to the barren canned foods aisle. Although canned and frozen produce contain the same nutritional value as their fresh counterparts, the taste isn’t comparable.  But what does a meat shortage actually mean for us? 

For starters, the empty shelves at supermarkets are the first indicator that something strange is happening. However, as supply returns to stores, the variety of meat is expected to decline.  Some finer cuts may no longer be as available and high demand items, like bacon, will see an increase in price. This doesn’t mean that you should go and stockpile meat in your deep freezer. By making simple adjustments to your food habits, you can explore the world of food and reduce your impact on your environment. Trust me, the latter is better than engorging in freezer burned ribeyes this summer season. 

A simple way to combat food fatigue is to embark on an adventure with your food, and this can be done by eating in season from the comfort of your kitchen.


So, what does it mean to eat in season?

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.  Not all produce blooms the same…at the same time.  Foods reach peak flavor and nutritional value seasonally.  This means, in order to enjoy fresh produce at its fullest potential, it’s better to eat it in the season it would normally grow.  Eating in season is not only for your enjoyment and health, but it is also beneficial for the earth.

Before you sit down to take a bite of your lunch or Sunday dinner, think about the journey each individual ingredient took to reach your plate.  How much gas did it  take to transport the onions and garlic from the ground to your plate? About how much electricity was required to keep your milk and cheese safe enough to consume? About how many pesticides were used to keep your fruit safe from predators during a season it does not normally grow?  These questions are things to think about as you are purchasing your food.

Eating in season helps reduce your carbon footprint or your impact on the natural environment.  Foods that are cultivated in season, require less protection and less fortification to make them satisfiable for the consumer.  The different types of produce each have specific characteristics that indicate ripeness.  

Picking your produce

I can tell you one hundred times to try different produce, but if you do not know how to pick your produce, then all the energy would be wasted.  If you did not major in horticulture, here are 3 simple things to look for when picking fresh produce:

  1. Color- food should be vibrant and colorful.  

  2. Smell- you can smell when produce is ripened; especially, fruits.  They will give off a sweet faint aroma near the blossom end.

  3. Sound- this applies largely to melons.  You should hear a deep solid “thump” when you pluck the fruit.  If it sounds high and shallow, then the fruit is not ripe.  


Spring/Summer Produce

Here’s a color-coded list of summer produce to be on the lookout for as you make your grocery store runs:


Red indicates foods that are good sources of vitamin A (Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic Acid). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (absorbed by fat in the body) that is essential to immune system functions, vision, and human growth/development.  Vitamin A not only helps the body fight of infections, but helps you see in low light!











Vitamin C, probably the most famous vitamin to hit the streets, is your ride or die vitamin.  This water-soluble vitamin boosts your immune and repairs damages to the body.  From your skin to your heart, this vitamin plays a major role in maintaining your health.








Vitamin B6 can be found in starchy produce, this produce also tends to be yellow.  B6 is important for breaking down proteins (protein metabolism), immune functions, energy, and the formation of red blood cells. 




Summer Squash



Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is essential to cell growth and function.  This vitamin can be found in green veggies. Major factor in your body being able to break down drugs, fats, and steroids.  

Fun Fact: Your body can actually produce a decent amount of riboflavin on its own, by simply eating more plant-based foods.




Green Beans



Lima Beans





Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, or vitamin E, can be found abundantly and in blueish purple produce. This vitamin is known for its antioxidizing properties.  This is a great vitamin that helps fight heart disease and cancer.





As we phase through this pandemic and beyond, I want to explore food with you! The shortage in meat will not be the first change we see in our food culture.  However, it is my goal to empower you during these lifestyle changes to take ownership of your life, both in and out of the kitchen. 

Be on the lookout for produce storage tips and more!

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Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

To Drink or Not to Drink: How to Ingest Celery and Why

Celery Juice. Morning Rituals. Pressed Juice.

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The popularity of these green stems is reaching a new level, when celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Miranda Kerr drink celery juice in large quantities, not forgetting to share their habit on Instagram. In fact, the hashtag #celeryjuice has more than 170,000 posts, and there are no millennials left in the world who would not be interested in the benefits of the miracle vegetable. So, is celery really so useful or is it just another marketing trend?

Celery is a high-water vegetable, which makes it a pretty moisturizing product. It is also a source of fiber, which our intestines love. Add here vitamins (K, A, C), potassium and folic acid, which are found in celery, plus a whole group of antioxidants, and you get a pretty healthy snack. When the benefits of celery are obvious, another question arises – why do we turn it into juice?

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Celebrities and health activists shared with public strict instructions for consuming celery! Stems should not be eaten for nothing; celery should have a juice consistency and should be drunk on an empty stomach. Organic celery is considered an obvious plus, and it needs to be cooked fresh and taken immediately.

Regardless of your position, eating celery in small portions will not harm you. But the high-profile statements that it can cure diseases and help digestion are one-sided, because there is no real evidence other than vivid photos on Instagram.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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"With just two days in Paris, I was determined to knock out all the best sites. Here’s how to conquer Paris in 48 hours." - Aliza M.

During my study abroad experience, we were constantly moving around and would only stay in each city in a few days. With just two days in Paris, I was determined to knock out all the best sites. Here’s how to conquer Paris in 48 hours.

Day One: Notre Dame, Versailles, and the Eiffel Tower

In the morning we headed to Notre Dame. This building is absolutely stunning, and the best part? Free entry. The line may look daunting but it moves quickly and is totally worth the wait. Plus, a great way to make time go quicker while you’re in line is to grab a crepe to eat while you wait. For you “Hunchback of Notre Dame” fans, you can finally fulfill your childhood dream of seeing where Quasimodo lives! After basking in the glory of Notre Dame, we hit up one of the many cafés around the church and grabbed a quick lunch (I suggest a croque-monsieur).

After lunch, we headed to the RER, the above-ground train, to head to Versailles. The train costs about seven euros for the round trip and the ride is about 20 minutes. There are very detailed maps in the station so you know which train to get on and Versailles is the last stop. If you want to tour the palace at Versailles, plan on spending another 15 euros. But, the garden at Versailles is free entry. I paid to tour the palace and it was absolutely breathtaking, but if you are trying to save money, there is plenty to do in just the gardens. We spent the rest of our afternoon touring around Versailles until it closes around 6:00 PM.

We then headed back into the heart of Paris for our last stop of the day, the iconic Eiffel Tower. In front of the Eiffel tower is a large field where you can sit, eat, drink and watch the tower light up at night. We stopped at a grocery store, grabbed some food and set up camp to watch the show. Starting at ten o’clock, the tower sparkles for five minutes and it looks gorgeous. It repeats this every hour until midnight.

Day Two: The Louvre and The Arc de Triomphe

The next morning we headed to The Louvre, the world’s largest museum. The cost of the visit was included in our program costs, but tickets are typically around 15 euros. This museum is huge and you can spend hours upon hours there. The most famous painting in this museum though is easily The Mona Lisa. You have to wait a few minutes to get to the front but it’s totally worth it.

The last big Paris icon is the Arc de Triumph. Due to time restrictions we could not make it to see this landmark, but if you have time left after The Louvre, it is just a short metro ride away. It is located in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle and is at the end of the Champs-Elyees. The Arc honors those who have fought and died in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Under the arc is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

There is obviously so much else to see in Paris, but when you only have 48 hours you have to make the best of it! If you have more time, you can check out the many other museums, cafés and shopping areas, but if you only have a short period of time, I suggest these five places. This guide should hopefully be helpful if you are studying abroad in another city and just want to head over to Paris for the weekend. Happy travels!

Credits: Aliza McAndrews, Access PR Intern

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Travel Diaries: Summers in India

Travel Diaries. Our intern, Megana shares stories about her trip to India.

24 hours In...

Within the first 24 hours of landing, my parents told me that they had decided to throw a 25th Anniversary Party the night after I landed. Being exhausted and jet lagged, I was not too happy about this. The only plus side of this was that I got to go shopping the next day and get an outfit for the party. The other plus was that since my Dad has between 50-100 first cousins, the amount of relatives I have is…just too many. This party would allow everyone to convene in one spot therefore making it easier to meet everyone in one night. This is me and my sister at the beginning of the night awaiting the arrival of all of ours cousins. 

Detoxing with Momma…

The heat and muggy weather in India plus the non-stop Monsoon season does nothing beneficial for your skin and hair in India. Lucky for me, my grandmother is a wiz at making natural face masks and detox teas to keep that digestive system in check. Every morning after eating breakfast, she would mix turmeric, flour, rose petals, milk and water to make a soothing face mask. After about 20 minutes you scrub the mask off so that all the baby hairs are taken off your face, and you are left with a beautiful glowing face. While sitting outside waiting for our facemasks to dry, my mom and I would sit outside and drink a mixture of warm water, honey and lemon. Sitting outside with my mom while watching the cows walk by is quality time that I will always cherish. 

Reliving the past…

While planning for my grandparent’s party, we decided that we needed to make a slideshow of all the old pictures of their many years together. While going through all the albums with my mother and grandmother, I came across this beautiful gem. This was the first time I had seen a color photo of my parents wedding. It was definitely a treat to be able to see where I came from and the beautiful Indian ceremony they had. Seeing this only made me more excited for the day when I get to be an Indian bride. 

Mid-morning snacks…

One of the perks of visiting India is that you get to eat an absurd amount of Indian food and no one can say anything about it to you. People there typically feed you till you’re about to vomit. One morning I was just dying for one of my favorite snacks, which is called, Pani Puri. If you haven’t heard of this before, it’s a thin little fried ball that is completely hollow. You poke a hole in it then fill it with various ingredients such as chickpeas and onions. After that, you pour the pani, or spicy water, in to soak it and then quickly stick it in your mouth! Your mouth gets completely consumed by spice and taste followed by a nice crunch. This is a snack you should never miss if you visit India. 

A sight to be seen…

On a bright but cloudy day, my mom decided to take me, my sister and my boyfriend, who surprised me by coming to Hyderabad, to the Birla Mandir. These temples are located all around India and are completely white. This temple was placed on top of a mountain peak, so the drive up took awhile. We weren’t allowed to take cameras or phones inside so I wasn’t able to capture the view from up top, only a photo from the parking lot. But may I say the view from the top was absolutely breathtaking. You could see the river and all the houses spread out throughout Hyderabad city. The best was the cool breeze that left you feeling amazing. The temple itself was beautiful on the inside and out. It was filled with many deities next to amazing views from the top. If you ever have the chance to visit India, visit a Birla Mandir Temple. 

Last Minute Fittings…

Due to my late arrival and quick departure, I had a limited amount of time to find the perfect outfit for my grandparents 50th Anniversary party. We ended up going to my favorite tailor to figure out if she could stitch a ghaghra (Indian skirt and top) for me, and we ended up finding the perfect cotton candy pink one that was made for an exhibition. All it needed was to be opened up a little, and then it would fit perfectly. This picture shows a last minute fitting at 10 p.m. the night before the big bash. 

Typically in India, most clothing is handmade by tailors all around India. They have workers that stitch beautifully and do intricate work with beads and thread. This tailor in particular has a knack for making outfits that are perfectly fitting and flatter your body. There is no doubt that this is the woman I want making my wedding outfits. 

Blood is thicker than water…

My dad always told me his favorite quote is “Blood is thicker than water,” meaning that family bonds will always be stronger than any other bond we have with friends or anyone else in the world. Family is the reason I visit India at the end of the day. Yes the clothes are beautiful and the food is delicious, but my grandparents are the number one reason for me to be here. I only ever get to see them every 2-3 years, so having the opportunity to take time off of my internship and visit them was something I will always be thankful for. This photo represents my mom’s side of the family, minus her older brother’s entire family, but it overall represents all the love we have for each other and all the laughter that fills the house. If I had the chance to see them every year, I would never pass that up. I must say that the saddest part of leaving India is having to say bye to my grandparents. At this old age, you never know what is going to happen, and being so far away only makes it more difficult. While leaving for the airport I tried to hold back the tears as I gave them hugs and they said “I love you megu, I miss you.” That’s why I will always be thankful for them and everything they have given me. I will always love and miss you Amamma, Nanama, and Thatha. 

Credits: Megana (@anagem12), Access Intern

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Keep Breakfast Simple - Quick & Delicious Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't skip it! 15 minute recipes or less.

Don't have much time to spare for morning meals?  Check out these recipes to quickly satisfy the most important meal of the day!

Mushroom and Egg White Omelet

Peach-Mango Smoothie

Banana and Almond Butter Pancakes

Easy Breakfast Burrito

Share you favorite recipes in the comments below or send them to info@accessbynkc.com.

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