Aunt Jemima and Racism on American Shelves

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The smiling face of the Aunt Jemima pancake mix is something many Americans have grown up seeing. Memories of syrupy sweet flapjacks during early morning hours speckle the childhoods of those familiar with the brand; it is both a cult classic and a fan favorite amongst the masses.

What many don’t know is that the brand is built upon deeply racist roots. Aunt Jemima’s name was taken from “Old Aunt Jemima”, a minstrel show song once sung by performers in blackface. The smiling woman on the box is a stereotype of the ‘mammy’ character from slave plantations. She serves as a representation of the happy slave– a representation of a black woman ready and willing to serve white people.

On June 17, Quaker Oats announced that they plan to rebrand Aunt Jemima. The brand has undergone a fair amount of minor image updates through the years, but the company decided that these changes were not enough. Instead, they announced that the brand would return in the fall with a new logo and name.

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Many are relieved about this change. It is a step towards removing the normalization of black subservience that lines American grocery shelves. Following Quaker Oats’ announcement to change all Aunt Jemima products, other companies quickly followed suit. Brands such as Uncle Ben’s, Cream of Wheat and Mrs. Buttersworth have also decided to retire their marketing strategy and rebrand their products.

Systemic racism is not only powered by institutionalized hatred but also from everyday stereotypes and commonplace images. The origins of such symbols must be addressed in order to change society into a better one; by trying to revoke the normalization of racist imagery, the perpetual trauma born from such representation can be gradually slowed and hopefully stopped.

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Report: Nicolette Schneiderman


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