Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts

So, What Does It Really Mean To Eat In Season

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.


On March 12th, 2020 I received a call from my supervisor that our offices were to be closed until further notice. I knew that it meant change was to come; I expected life to look different. This is all uncharted territory for everyone. In just 2 weeks, toilet paper became the hottest commodity.  Media outlets covered countless stories about the decline of toilet paper supply.  However, there was another commodity that eventually became even harder to come by, meat. 

Walking the aisles of the local supermarkets, I couldn’t help to notice the absence of meat and abundance of fresh produce. Along with meat, canned and frozen produce are becoming hard finds.  While completing my weekly rounds through the grocery circuit, I’ve overheard several conversations about produce that all lead to these three conclusions:

  1. Unfamiliar produce is scary to most

  2. Consumers are unaware of what it means to eat in season

  3. Many people do not know how to properly store produce

There were murmurs of “that’s going to spoil in 2 days” and “I don’t even know what to do with that”, which were quickly followed by a bee line to the barren canned foods aisle. Although canned and frozen produce contain the same nutritional value as their fresh counterparts, the taste isn’t comparable.  But what does a meat shortage actually mean for us? 

For starters, the empty shelves at supermarkets are the first indicator that something strange is happening. However, as supply returns to stores, the variety of meat is expected to decline.  Some finer cuts may no longer be as available and high demand items, like bacon, will see an increase in price. This doesn’t mean that you should go and stockpile meat in your deep freezer. By making simple adjustments to your food habits, you can explore the world of food and reduce your impact on your environment. Trust me, the latter is better than engorging in freezer burned ribeyes this summer season. 

A simple way to combat food fatigue is to embark on an adventure with your food, and this can be done by eating in season from the comfort of your kitchen.


So, what does it mean to eat in season?

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.  Not all produce blooms the same…at the same time.  Foods reach peak flavor and nutritional value seasonally.  This means, in order to enjoy fresh produce at its fullest potential, it’s better to eat it in the season it would normally grow.  Eating in season is not only for your enjoyment and health, but it is also beneficial for the earth.

Before you sit down to take a bite of your lunch or Sunday dinner, think about the journey each individual ingredient took to reach your plate.  How much gas did it  take to transport the onions and garlic from the ground to your plate? About how much electricity was required to keep your milk and cheese safe enough to consume? About how many pesticides were used to keep your fruit safe from predators during a season it does not normally grow?  These questions are things to think about as you are purchasing your food.

Eating in season helps reduce your carbon footprint or your impact on the natural environment.  Foods that are cultivated in season, require less protection and less fortification to make them satisfiable for the consumer.  The different types of produce each have specific characteristics that indicate ripeness.  

Picking your produce

I can tell you one hundred times to try different produce, but if you do not know how to pick your produce, then all the energy would be wasted.  If you did not major in horticulture, here are 3 simple things to look for when picking fresh produce:

  1. Color- food should be vibrant and colorful.  

  2. Smell- you can smell when produce is ripened; especially, fruits.  They will give off a sweet faint aroma near the blossom end.

  3. Sound- this applies largely to melons.  You should hear a deep solid “thump” when you pluck the fruit.  If it sounds high and shallow, then the fruit is not ripe.  


Spring/Summer Produce

Here’s a color-coded list of summer produce to be on the lookout for as you make your grocery store runs:


Red indicates foods that are good sources of vitamin A (Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic Acid). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (absorbed by fat in the body) that is essential to immune system functions, vision, and human growth/development.  Vitamin A not only helps the body fight of infections, but helps you see in low light!











Vitamin C, probably the most famous vitamin to hit the streets, is your ride or die vitamin.  This water-soluble vitamin boosts your immune and repairs damages to the body.  From your skin to your heart, this vitamin plays a major role in maintaining your health.








Vitamin B6 can be found in starchy produce, this produce also tends to be yellow.  B6 is important for breaking down proteins (protein metabolism), immune functions, energy, and the formation of red blood cells. 




Summer Squash



Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is essential to cell growth and function.  This vitamin can be found in green veggies. Major factor in your body being able to break down drugs, fats, and steroids.  

Fun Fact: Your body can actually produce a decent amount of riboflavin on its own, by simply eating more plant-based foods.




Green Beans



Lima Beans





Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, or vitamin E, can be found abundantly and in blueish purple produce. This vitamin is known for its antioxidizing properties.  This is a great vitamin that helps fight heart disease and cancer.





As we phase through this pandemic and beyond, I want to explore food with you! The shortage in meat will not be the first change we see in our food culture.  However, it is my goal to empower you during these lifestyle changes to take ownership of your life, both in and out of the kitchen. 

Be on the lookout for produce storage tips and more!

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Virtual Concerts & Fundraisers & Events, Oh my!

We are living in unprecedented times, as the coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the globe. This greatly changed how entertainment, concerts and other events are being held. Many of us can no longer go to a Broadway show, a movie theater, a benefit dinner or a concert. Events that were already scheduled to happen in person had to be transitioned to online events, many of which are free. Check out this article for highlights from past events as well as a few exciting events to look forward to in the coming weeks.

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We are living in unprecedented times, as the coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the globe. For many of us in the United States mid March is when changes started happening and lock downs began being implemented. This greatly changed how entertainment, concerts and other events are being held. Many of us can no longer go to a Broadway show, a movie theater, a benefit dinner or a concert. Events that were already scheduled to happen in person had to be transitioned to online events, many of which are free.

There have been numerous online events. On April 26th GLAAD, the world's largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group hosted “Together in Pride: You Are Not Alone.” This event featured performances from Kesha, the cast of Broadway's “Jagged Little Pill,” among many others. Throughout the night over $225,000 was raised for Centerlink and other local LGBTQ+ centers. Another event this April was, “Take Me To The World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration.” It was put on by Raul Esparza and featured numerous Broadway stars including an iconic performance via zoom of, “Ladies Who Lunch,” by Audra McDonald, Meryl Streep and Christine Baranski. Yet another event was a virtual benefit via instagram live for Say called “Under One Moon.” Say is a nonprofit organization that benefits those who stutter. The highlight of the night was an appearance by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay and her husband Peter Hermann.

Looking forward there are numerous exciting online events in the upcoming weeks. On June 27th Josh Groban is holding a virtual concert to sing his numerous hits throughout his career. Tickets will be on sale June 1st, the ticket will include an online access code as well as a T-Shirt for an extra $5. June 7th there will be a free Broadway Tony Awards celebration. Although the awards themselves have been rescheduled this event will be hosted by Tony nominee Lonny Price and will raise money for the American Theater Wing and The Broadway League. On June 6th Barack Obama, Lady Gaga and BTS will be a part of a 2020 Youtube virtual commencement ceremony for graduates. A quick google search reveals even more amazing events, some from local places like orchestras as well as some nationwide events. So please check that out. Stay safe, stay connected and stay entertained.

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Imagination Can Lead to a Deeper Meaning

Creativity is just the beginning

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Creativity can be found in anyone. From markers, color pencils, and crayons there is always going to be a way to let your creativity run wild. When a toy/kids company makes a statement about diversity you have to listen because kids are next generation. Have you ever been coloring and can’t find the right shade for a princess or prince? Well, I am so excited to share this brand new product from the creators of Crayloa. Crayloa is a company that was founded by two cousins named Edwin Binney and C.Harold Smith in 1885 in New York City. It was originally named Binney & Smith Company until 2007. In the late 2007s the company name was changed to Crayloa because it would reflect one syllabus name. As time went on fast forward to 2020 the brand has become one of the most popular for kids and parents when it came time for arts and crafts. That’s why it is so important for Crayloa to come with colors of the world skin tone crayons. This product contains “24 colors representing people of the world and 8 crayons for eyes and hair”. This crayon box represents that Crayloa is getting more diverse and want children to understand the variety of skin tones and how different they are from their own skin tone.

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Open Letter From Access PR

Social injustices and racism have plagued our society for far too long. The time for change is now.


Dear Friend,

What were you doing at this time a week ago? Maybe you were working out, grocery shopping, or spending time with your family? I bet you didn’t expect to find yourself watching the death of a black man by police, yet again. Or maybe you did… It makes you wonder, how many more times are we going to go through this?

First and foremost, we at Access PR want to offer our deepest condolences to the loved ones of George Floyd. His name will be among the many we remember as all of us fight for in demand for justice and respect. 

In response to the recent events of protesting all over the U.S. and internationally, we are in full support of this outrage. If you’re wondering what’s the point or what the big deal is, then you’re apart of the problem. If you’re not disturbed by the murder of a black man at the hands of police, then you’re apart of the problem. If you see nothing wrong with the unlawful, inhumane, and racist treatment of black people all over the country at the hands of police, then you’re apart of the problem. 

In a time when the color of your skin is a threat, you’re already a target and anything you do can cost you your life, even if you comply. When we’re faced with racist police officers beating and killing us, a President who favors and encourages them, what must we do? We must scream, chant, and march. 

We must scream in outrage. We must chant in protest. We must march in unity. Enough is enough. It won’t stop unless we make a change. In a world where you wonder when black lives will actually matter, the answer is when we make them matter. So yes, we scream, we chant, and we march. It’s more than making a statement, we’re making a point that black lives matter. 

It’s about creating a peace that makes it so our future children don't have to live in fear. Stand up, so that you don’t have to wonder if you’re next. Let’s move to end racism. Let’s move to end police brutality. It’s time to make our voices heard. We ask you to stand in solidarity and support in the best ways you know how; peaceful protest, spreading awareness through media, organized movements and groups, donations, signing petitions and more.

To all the black men and women out there, we love you and we’re with you.

In support of efforts against racism, we’ve pledge donations to the following organization:

The Movement For Black Lives Funds

Black Visions Collectives

Philadelphia Bail Fund 

We’re also creating a fund to support Black Owned Small Business affected by COVID-19 and the recent protests. Donation link to follow. 

In favor of change,

Access PR

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Privacy in the Public Sphere and the Man on a Bridge

When a man threatened to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, arguments sparked online over whether or not the situation should be publicly documented on social media.

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On May 22, NYPD scaled the Brooklyn Bridge in an attempt to secure a man who was threatening to jump off. The man stayed perched on the Manhattan-side tower of the bridge for three hours as cops negotiated with him. At 3 p.m., officers were able to convince him to voluntarily come down before taking him into custody.

“Brooklyn Bridge” was trending on twitter as the negotiations were happening. The tag was full of tweets from onlookers who were posting their worries, wishes, and opinions on the man as he smoked cigarettes from atop the tower.

Arguments sparked over posts that contained photos and videos taken by those watching the scene. Many claimed that openly posting such images was disrespectful to the suffering of the man; these criticisms were often countered with the idea that because the man decided to do this in a public setting, it was a given that there would be people posting recordings.

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Reliance on recordings has become commonplace; culture has become largely intertwined with society’s need to digitally collect memories, moments, and events. This though brings up the question of what is and isn’t proper to document, as well as the issue of what is personal when it is put in a public space. Technological documentation has desensitised the public by normalising the expectation that there is no privacy in the online world. Empathy has become overridden by a need to expose and produce.

It is with moments like these, moments in which a human’s suffering is put on full display, that it is important to disconnect from screens and be mindful that there is a beating heart behind every pixelated face. The man on the bridge came down alive, but many do not make the same decision he did. Remembering that everyone should respect the privacy of other’s emotions and humanity can help those in pain heal, move on, and be safe.

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Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Black Lives Matter

The recent murders of numerous black men have sparked protests all around the country. Black people have had ENOUGH.

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James Baldwin once said, “To be a negro in this country is really never to be looked at.” The recent murders of numerous black men have sparked protests all around the country. The leading cause is the murder of the innocent man George Floyd in which it was caught on video of a police officer kneeling on his neck for a total of 8 minutes until he died. This all took place with three other officers present. Along with George Floyd, the past few weeks have been traumatizing for the black people in America. We have lost Sean Reed, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor all in a span of one to two weeks. There might even be more that we know nothing about. Black people have had ENOUGH.

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Through this hard time, the question is why them? Is it because they are so strong, so innovative, so smart? Is it because despite anything you throw at them, they still rise to greatness? Is it because even when all odds are systematically rigged against them, they STILL find a way to prevail? Many black people feel as though the appropriation of their culture is done every day, yet their lives are unimportant to the average white police officer. The Black Lives Matter movement is a call to action.

This has happened before and if there was no video, there would barely be a case for many of these young black men. How many black men had no video? Why does there even need to be a video for the wrongfulness of these officers to be taken care of? The past few days have been historic due to the riots in Minneapolis, Washington D.C, Atlanta, and even New York City. The Black Lives Matter movement is a great cause to bring light to situations and fight for justice. Black people must be heard.

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Report: Soila M Douce

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Celebrity, Entertainment Access by NKC Celebrity, Entertainment Access by NKC

It’s Been 15 Years Since *That* Iconic Grey’s Anatomy Scene

This past week marked the 15th anniversary of perhaps one of the most iconic scenes in the history of television. Meredith Grey, played by Ellen Pompeo has been the star of the 16 season plus hit drama, Grey’s Anatomy.

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From the very beginning Grey’s Anatomy has been a massive success, drawing in millions of viewers. Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Grey’s Anatomy wasn’t well known when Grey’s first started but has since blossomed into one of the most successful screenwriters in the country, known for putting everyone straight into their ‘feels.’ This past week marked the 15th anniversary of one of the most iconic scenes of Grey’s Anatomy, and quite possibly one of the most iconic scenes in the history of television.

Meredith Grey, played by Ellen Pompeo has been the star of the 16 season plus hit drama. At the culmination of its widely successful first season Meredith found out that her boyfriend, Derek Shepherd AKA McDreamy (played by Patrick Dempsey) was married. In the infamous scene Addison Montgomery, played by Kate Walsh traveled to Seattle from New York to come get her wayward husband. She went to the hospital to find him and ended up walking in on Meredith and Derek who were about to leave together on a date. Addison responded with this phenomenal line, “You must be the woman who’s been screwing my husband.” Leaving Meredith and all Grey’s Anatomy fans stunned.

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Earlier this week Kate Walsh tweeted about the anniversary of this scene saying, “Unreal that today marks 15 years ago to the day since this little lady walked on to your screen and checked ya for screwing her husband.” Ellen Pompeo quickly responded saying, “Thank god I messed with your hubby!! It worked out well for us both!!! Love you so much and THAT scene...when your character showed up...was such a defining moment for this show. From that point on we had them hooked!!!” As if that wasn’t enough Kate put her own twist on the popular twitter challenge, sharing a meme of what their hopes and plans were and what 2020 has ended up being. She shared a picture of Meredith and Derek, saying “my plans:” and a picture of Addison coming saying, “2020:”

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From the very beginning Grey’s Anatomy has been a hit, to this day it’s still going strong. In fact, April 9th was the last episode of the 16th season, a season which was cut short like many other shows due to the COVID 19 pandemic. However, don’t fear, Grey’s Anatomy is set to have a 17th season once things are able to resume for filming. Even though Shonda Rhimes, the creator of Grey’s Anatomy, now works for Netflix and even 15 after that scene aired, Shonda still has the power to put fans and her actors right back in their feels. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Beauty, Brand Access by NKC Beauty, Brand Access by NKC

Is Jeffree Star's New "Cremated" Collection Worth It?

Jeffree Star has recently released his new makeup collection called “Cremated.”

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Jeffree Star has recently released his new makeup collection called “Cremated.” It consists of a palette with 24 new eyeshadow shades ranging from black and white to grey and brown. Some of the names of the colors are “Angel of Death,” “Death Certificate,” and “R.I.P.” This Palette allows for beauty lovers to create the perfect smokey eye. It retails for about $58 on his website. Alongside the Palette, he released new lip glosses, makeup bags, metal straws and a liquid lipstick. The collection sold out in the matter of minutes and I could understand why.

There has been a lot of talk about his new collection as it has caused controversies. People have mixed feelings about it as they felt it was insensitive or tone-deaf to name the collection “Cremated” during a pandemic. However, Star has spoken out about these comments saying that he has been working on this Palette before the COVID-19 outbreak. Producing makeup takes months to create. It’s not a quick and easy process. In a youtube video, Star said, “For me, this is art and I never come from a negative place, you guys.” Star has also said that if he kept pushing off the release the makeup would have expired.

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Many beauty influencers went on to test the Palette and lip glosses for themselves. One YouTuber who reviewed it was NikkieTutorials, with over 4 million views on it. She made sure to give her honest opinion about how she felt about the collection despite the controversy. She agreed with the people saying the timing is a little off. However, she thinks this would have hurt people regardless of timing. Nikkie went on to say that “if you focus directly on the quality, it is golden.” I am not surprised because Jeffree Star is known for releasing eyeshadows with incredible pigment formulas.

It’s really up to you what you want to spend your money on. If you can get over the theme of it and focus solely on the collection, you won’t be disappointed. It is perfect for anyone who loves to play with grey tones. The collection is said to be back in stock, mid-June.

*Photo Credits to Jeffree Star’s Instagram*

Report: Anna Levitus

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Fashion Access by NKC Fashion Access by NKC

Michael Jordan: Trendsetter On & Off the Court

Micheal Jordan is known mostly for his talent on the Basketball court, being coined as the greatest to ever play the game. Let’s not forget his glowing baseball golf careers! And acting! Let face it, this man could do it all. It also known that Michael has had some questionable fashion choices. From vintage jeans and graphic tee Jordan can proudly say he was the first to

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Micheal Jordan is known mostly for his talent on the Basketball court, being coined as the greatest to ever play the game. Let’s not forget his glowing baseball and golf careers! And acting! Let face it, this man could do it all. All of this being said it is fair to say that Jordan has his thumb in many pies, including fashion. And I’m not just talking about his Jays and sportswear. Since the premiere of The Last Dance, a 10 part docu-series, Jordan’s famous looks have been trending all over social media. Although many have been questioning his sense of style there is no denying that many of Michael's fashion choices in the ’90s can be found in fashion trends today. From graphic tees to baggy denim, Michael can proudly say he was one of the first to rock the look.

Micheal has been known for rocking oversized jeans. This “lived in” or vintage look of oversized distressed jeans have been seen a lot in this season’s fashion. These jeans could be dressed down with sneakers or dressed up with heels and a blouse.

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Micheal has been known to add a trench coat to any outfit. Brightly colored and oversized trenches made a come back in 2020 fashion. These coats have taken the place of the classic beige and natural-colored coat like the one Michael is seen rocking above.

A graphic tee is a staple. I always have at least 10 in my closet at a time. Jordan is known for wearing a classic Bull graphic tee. This is far from a new trend but after the premiere of The Last Dance, there has also been an increase in sales of vintage Chicago Bulls gear, specifically championship tees. While not everyone can get their hands on a classic 1997 championship tee, we could at least appreciate a cozy oversized graphic tee with biker shorts or a pair of jeans.

Photo Creds:,, Esquire, and

Report: Lauren Tucker

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

The Death Industry, COVID-19, and the Invisibility of Compassion Fatigue

The death industry is facing a sudden surge of bodies because of COVID-19. In the face of this struggle, morticians are doing what they can to take care of those who have passed.

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COVID-19 has completely overwhelmed our healthcare workers the past few months. Hospitals have been scrambling to scrape together tests, machinery, and time; as they run low on supplies, they’ve been wracking up sick patients in the ER waiting rooms.

Hospitals aren’t the only places that have seen a sudden increase in bodies though– the death care industry has also experienced an influx of corpses that are in need of care. A Brooklyn funeral home made headlines back in April after an odor was reported wafting from a U-Haul truck parked outside. Upon investigating the report, NYPD discovered approximately 100 bodies stored in the back of the trucks.

When questioned, the owner of the funeral home explained that they had run out of space for all the bodies. As the epicenter of the outbreak, New York City has struggled to manage the body count. Morticians are racing to take care of the corpses that are flooding their establishments. Eric Adams, the Brooklyn Borough President, addressed the situation with the funeral home, stating “we have an emergency going on right now. I’m surprised we don’t have cars stuffed with bodies.”

Adams has begun to put together a task force in an attempt to curtail the problematic overflow. The situation is traumatising for both the families of those who have died and the workers who have to care for them post-mortem. “We’re going to bring people in the room in every aspect of this industry and sit down and hear directly from them what we should be doing to coordinate this operation,” he explained.

Medical workers have been in the public eye as they take care of the living, but those who work in the death care industry are fighting to do what they can to take care of the dead. Now in the time of COVID-19, they are up against a seemingly insurmountable wall of grief and compassion fatigue. Morticians, like nurses and doctors, now have to handle an unprecedented amount of stress that largely goes unacknowledged.

Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

The Power of The Digital Space

The digital space is slowly, but surely changing our societal traditions.


The digital space is slowly, but surely changing our societal traditions. Now that COVID-19 is in the picture, some of these changes might be for the better. For people who are not familiar with the term “brick and mortar”, it is the presence of physical buildings, such as stores, factories, offices, etc. Prior to the pandemic, some brick and mortar stores were struggling financially due to the rise of online shopping. With some malls being closed due to social distancing, many stores will struggle to stay open because they are not generating the necessary revenue to survive this economic crisis. For instance, “J.C. Penney filed for bankruptcy after years of decline and debt”, tweeted @business. Brick and mortar stores depend on traffic and without that it is almost impossible for them to survive.


Surprisingly, in today’s society everyone does not prefer to shop online. There is a nuance to physically shopping in stores, like the ability to try on clothes to make sure that they fit, which online shopping does not offer. Despite that, most people still prefer to shop online. This generation is what some people would consider a “microwave generation” because we prefer to have everything instantly. Online shopping falls in line with this theory because you can make purchases immediately and you do not have to worry about large crowds or long lines.

There are more perks shopping online than in the stores. In many cases, retailers offer broader selections and more deals online. A big part of shopping is finding the best deals, which comparatively brick and mortar stores do not have. Brick and mortar stores have fallen behind because they are unable to offer anything that will set them apart from online shopping.


While brick and mortar is dying, live streaming has become more popular than it already was. Usually, concerts and festivals would be right around the corner. Since those things can not happen, artists have turned to Instagram and Facebook live to hold virtual concerts, the most popular being the battles. These live battles have caused artists’ streams to increase at a rate no concert would be able to do. With so much free time, people are more open to listening to artists they never heard of or cared for, which artists have taken advantage of.

Platforms like Hulu, Netflix, and Prime Video have also seen another spike since the beginning of the pandemic. With movie theaters being closed, many people have turned to these streaming platforms. While most movies and tv shows on these platforms are not new, they do have some original films that have competed with movie theaters and cable in streams. For example, Netflix has produced films like Tiger King, Money Heist, When They See Us, and Orange Is The New Black. The digital space is in the process of redefining the social world. Change is inevitable and now that we’re in the middle of a pandemic, change might come quicker than expected.

Report: Brionna Thompson

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Beauty, Brand, Lifestyle Access by NKC Beauty, Brand, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Influencers Hold Over the Marketing World

In world influencers are the next versions of celebrities. From nano-influencers to mega-influencers, they each build a brand and a loyal following that is being used by all industries but mainly fashion. When it comes to the industry, many companies heavily rely on influencer reviews to reach the social media generation. Most consumers are more likely to purchase an item from a word of mouth review than an advertisement.

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In today’s world influencers are the next versions of celebrities. From nano-influencers to mega-influencers, they each build a brand and a loyal following that is being used by all industries but mainly fashion. When it comes to the industry, many companies heavily rely on influencer reviews to reach the social media generation. Most consumers are more likely to purchase an item from a word of mouth review than an advertisement.About 86% of companies are going to dedicate a portion of their budget to influencers.

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Example Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line. Rhianna is a big named celebrity yet many wouldn’t be so likely to just go and buy her product. So her public relations team will send out boxes of the products to select beauty influencers to get them to do a review on the products. The consumer would then tune into their favorite influencers and would get to have an idea of what it would look like on someone that looks like them. See influencers became a big part of the marketing system because of the allure of relatability. When it comes to the use of social media, B2B businesses mainly use Facebook by 89%, Twitter by 75% and LinkedIn by 81% and Instagram is only used at only 33%. When you see someone like you trying something and liking it you are most likely going to want to buy the product as well. Many influencers also decided to purchase the products themselves so that they can keep that trust between them and their audience. When it comes to which social media platform is important, 79% find Instagram important for their influence marketing campaigns. Authentcity is what is selling these products.

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Report: Maya Howard

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC

At Home Therapy

Every home has a distinct scent, what is yours?

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Essential Oil Diffusers have become a hot topic in today’s day and age. With so many different oils, every room in your house can give off a different aroma. At CAMPO Modern Aromatherapy, you can choose from up to 16 different blends of oils. If you are looking to keep alert throughout the day, their ENERGY Blend does just the trick. This blend is 100% pure essential oils with Orange Blossom, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, and a hint of Australian Sandalwood to give you the perfect balance of vitality and energy.

This scent is perfect for an office or work space being that it gives off a sensual, warm, and woodsy scent. If you are having trouble getting to bed at night, their SLEEP Blend can be the answer to your prayers. With a hint of lavender, palmarosa, roman chamomile, and valerian root, you will find yourself relaxed and calmed when it’s time to hit the hay for the day. This oil is perfect for the bedroom, hence the name, with its floral scent and balsamic undertones. If you’ve never used a diffuser with essential oils before, you can’t go wrong with lavender.

Lavender is one of the most common essential oils that people use in their diffusers. It has the ability to alleviate many feelings, such as stress, anxiety, and soreness. With so many oils with so many different scents, each room in your house can do a different thing: put you to sleep, wake you up, calm you down, or excite you. All at the same time.

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Beauty Access by NKC Beauty Access by NKC

Fragrances of The Unknown

Since the summer is almost here, I am always looking for a light scent that will last throughout the day…

If anyone knows me, they know I love perfume. I have been building a perfume collection since I was in high school. Since the summer is almost here, I am always looking for a light scent that will last throughout the day. My favorite perfume scents are floral, fresh and oriental. With these perfumes I am about to share with you, will you be smelling great all summer long. I have many favorite brands of perfume, but Yves Saint Laurent has caught my attention this summer. All these new and exclusive perfumes can be found at Ulta, Belk, Macy’s, Sephora or on the company’s website these perfumes will have you smelling great all summer long.

LIBRE Eau de Parfum is the new scent of an aroma for the individuals who live by their own standards. A reexamination of the botanical fragrance, it consolidates Lavender Essence from France with the arousing quality of Moroccan Orange Blossom, for a one of a kind flower combination supplemented by a note of musk accord.

Mon Paris Intensément is the new interpretation of the great Eau de Parfum. The core of the scent comes from an arousing and rich rose that consolidates with strong dark currant and white musk for an extraordinary aroma that brings out an energetic romantic tale. The new Mon Paris bottle includes a rich ribbon bow shrouded in a serious fuchsia cover, enlivened by the Saint Laurent couture.

Black Opium Eau de Parfum Neon, takes a liberal and dynamic turn on the great Eau de Parfum. It’s a rich espresso that is mollified by an orange scent and by its hypnotizing Dragon Fruit. The bottle is intended to stand apart from the original bottle, highlights a prolonged shape. The notable round window is brightened by a neon pink for an explanation that is both tense and modern look. These fragrances will make you want summer to last year round with each bottle with a different scent and look it will sure end up in your perfume collection as your new go to fragrance.

Photo Credits: Yves Saint Laurent

Report: Tykaia Rose

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Beauty Access by NKC Beauty Access by NKC

5 Helpful Tips for Masks & Makeup

Makeup and masks don’t mix well, especially during the summer, so we’ve put together five helpful tips for wearing makeup and a mask.

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While a beauty routine might seem nonessential right now, wearing makeup helps people maintain a sense of normalcy during this difficult time. At the same time, it is important to wear a mask when leaving the house because it will help protect you and others from contracting COVID. Makeup and masks don’t mix well, especially during the summer, so we’ve put together five helpful tips for wearing makeup and a mask.

1. Lather on Sunscreen

There are going to be more sunny days as summer approaches. Wearing a mask under the sun can tan the top half of your face and not the bottom. To avoid uneven tan lines, lather on a SPF 50 or higher face-safe sunscreen. Be sure to pick one up before summer kicks in.

2. Stay Smudge-Proof with Waterproof Mascara

Touching your eyes is a quick and easy way for coronavirus to enter your body. When you’re in public, you’ll want eye products that don’t require touch-ups. Waterproof mascara doesn’t smudge or budge, so you won’t need to worry about primping your eyelashes while you’re out. Put on a coat of waterproof mascara before leaving the house!

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3. Keep Moisturized

Look out for chafing while wearing a mask. If you have dry or combo skin, the repeated friction from wearing a mask can increase irritation on your face. A lotion or face-safe hydrating oil can help ease chafing caused by masks. Make sure to moisturize every morning.

4. Lose the Lipstick

Though lipstick usually adds to a look, make sure to wipe it off before putting your mask on. No one will be able to see it, and you’ll run the risk of it smudging on the mask’s fabric and onto your face. A chapstick or lip balm won’t get messy, plus the added SPF will protect your lips from any sun rays getting through your mask.

5. Set that Face

Wearing a full face plus a mask might cause products to gather or crease on your skin. Your face is more likely to become sweaty and oily during the summer, which will make your makeup run. Wearing a waterproof foundation or setting spray will help prevent creasing and running. They’ll set the products on your skin to make sure they won’t move.

Photo Credit: @beauty2thestreetz and @FatimaAldewan

Report: Rachel Attar

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Fashion, Entertainment Access by NKC Fashion, Entertainment Access by NKC

Looks from the Cannes Film Festival

With the cancellation of the 2020 Cannes Film Festival, take a look back at some of the most notable celebrity looks that have come out of the festival's recent years.

In a recent Instagram post by Priyanka Chopra, the actress reflects on last year’s Cannes Film Festival. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic this year’s festival has been cancelled. It began in 1939 when the French war drama, La Grande Illusion, was not allowed at the Venice Film Festival. Now considered one of the most premier places for cinema, it is located in the French Riviera and a strict dressing code is enforced.

Although the 2020 Cannes Festival won’t be happening, the years of high-end fashion it has brought us can still be looked backed upon and admired. Here are some iconic looks that celebrities have showcased in the festival’s recent years.


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Priyanka brought simple glamour to the festival in 2019 at the premiere of Les Plus Belles Années D’une Vie. She wore a white tulle-layered gown from Georges Hobeika, a diamond necklace and earrings, and finished off the look with minimal makeup and hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

Crowned Miss World in 2000, Priyanka is best known for her roles in the ABC thriller series Quantico and Hollywood comedy blockbuster Baywatch.


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Fan stunned in pastel elegance at the 2018 opening ceremony. Wearing a mint couture gown from Ali Karoui, she completed the look with De Beers jewelry.

Another high-paying actress in her own right, Fan is also considered to be a global fashion icon. The star of many Chinese award-winning films, she portrayed Blink in the 2014 superhero movie X-Men: Days of Future Past.


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Lupita made heads turn with her bright couture gown at the 2015 premiere of La Tete Haute. She wore a Gucci jade green pleated gown adorned with floral embellishments and a deep-cut neckline. The outfit was accessorized with a gold head and Chopard jewelry, and finished off with a magenta lip.

A graduate from the prestigious Yale School of Drama, Lupita’s breakout role was as Patsy in the biographical period drama 12 Years a Slave, earning her an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.


Bella’s daring style was on display during the 2016 premiere of The Unknown Girl. Famously choosing not to wear any underwear underneath, she wore a red silk-wrap gown from Alexandre Vautheir. The look was finished off with teardrop-shaped diamond earrings and jewelry adorning her fingers and wrists.

Alongside sister Gigi Hadid, Bella is a prominent model that has collaborated with the likes of Dior Beauty, Chanel, and Jacquemus.


One can’t talk about the Cannes Festival if they don’t talk about French actress Marion Cotillard. Appearing at the 2012 premiere of De Rouille et D’os she wore a Christian Dior ball gown that had a black strapless bodice, dark navy skirt, and black patent leather belt. The look was completed with Chopard jewels and an 8k white gold watch set.

The new face of the Chanel No. 5 fragrance, she won an Oscar for her portrayal of French singer Edith Piaf in the biographical musical film La Vie en Rose.

Photo Credits: Harpar's Bazaar, Elle

Report: Charlene Piccio

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Entertainment Access by NKC Entertainment Access by NKC

Grown-ish Return Delayed Until 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused chaos in the entertainment industry, resulting in delays for many TV and film productions. American sitcom Grown-ish has fell into this havoc, resulting in a later return.

Grown-ish an American sitcom series that follows after ABC’s Black-ish, is about a girl named Zoey Johnson who enters a new phase in her life: college. Zoey quickly realizes that she is becoming an adult and without the help of her family, she must navigate college life through new friends, love interests, finances, politics, even down to her college courses.

Grown-ish has 3 seasons and was expected to return this summer, but in a recent twitter post it is clear that plans changed.

A tweet was posted from the Grown-ish Twitter page saying, “hey #grown-ish fam, while we had planned to be back this summer, we are now coming back with new episodes in 2021. we know that’s a bummer, it is for us too, but we will be back stronger and grown-er than ever in 2021. lets pretend that 2020 never happened.”

Twitter wasn’t the only one to make this announcement, Yara Shahidi the shows lead actor took to instagram saying:

“GROWNISH IS MOVING. We had planned to be back this summer, but we are NOW coming back with ALL NEW EPISODES in 2021” (that’s right around the corner…right?)

While this can be devastating news for viewers that were desperately waiting for the shows return… there’s always binge watching each season for the mean time. Grownish is available on Freeform and Hulu.. in case you want a head start.

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Report: Juana Norales

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Brand, Celebrity, Fashion Access by NKC Brand, Celebrity, Fashion Access by NKC

Levi's Golf Wang-Inspired Anniversary

A noteworthy milestone of this year’s 501 Day has been the collaboration with Golf Wang, Tyler the Creator's fashion label.

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Having been in business for an astonishing 147 years, Levi’s Jeans celebrates each anniversary with their 501 Day, in homage of their signature 501 jeans. Each May, Levi’s hosts worldwide events and campaigns commemorating their legacy as the leading brand of jeans for over a century. A noteworthy milestone of this year’s 501 Day has been the collaboration with Golf Wang, Tyler the Creator's fashion label.

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Levi's and Golf Wang are two brands that complement each other well due to their respective mission statements. Levi’s 501 jeans embody self-expression and individuality, as their simplistic build makes them adaptable to customizations and redesign. Meanwhile, Golf Wang is a brand rooted in whimsicality, consisting of brightly colored hats, sports jerseys, and duffel bags emblazoned with random images such as chicken and waffles. Defying the hip hop fashion convention of glorifying luxury items, Tyler opts to imbue with his products with dark, absurdist humor.

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Together, Levi’s and Golf Wang have previewed a more vibrant iteration of the classic 501 jeans, one spangled with multi-colored polka dots as Golf Wang’s heart-and-flower logo adorns the back pocket. These rainbow jeans are truly a vivid, fantastical creation, and they are available for purchase on both of Levi’s and Gold Wang’s websites on now.

Photo credits:

Report: Nia Hunt

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Fashion, Entertainment, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Fashion, Entertainment, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Examining Professional Athlete Fashion

Professional athletes are focusing on their fashion choices more than ever before, a trend that may continue with future generations

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Professional athletes are not normally known for their fashion choices. They usually have assigned uniforms they have to wear while on the job, but they do get to choose how to look when the camera is still on them before and after the game. While many well-dressed male athletes opt for a simple suit and tie, some have been known to show off much more flamboyant looks. There’s also no shortage of female athletes who know how to dress off the court.

Serena Williams is the perfect example of someone whose athletic ability is complimented by their stylish drip. She recently headlined Sports Illustrated’s fourth annual Fashion 50 list, a ranking of the most fashionable professional athletes put together by a team of sports and fashion experts alike. Williams explained that her ambition to display her chic, empowering style when she isn’t playing goes hand in hand with her mentality as an athlete. “I always try to send the message of just being confident and being fierce,” she said.

There’s no shortage of male athletes who aspire to look confidence and fierce on the field and through their clothes. Many of the athletes from SI’s list play in either the NFL or NBA. Odell Beckham Jr., Russell Westbrook and James Harden are all ranked very high due to their outfits that range from vintage to latest, designer to unconventional, and masculine threads to feminine apparel. There’s also of course Cam Newton, the former Carolina Panthers quarterback and current free agent. He is most known for his headwear, showing up to his press conferences in everything from a Sunday best top hat akin to a traditional churchgoer from the Deep South to bandanas worn in the style of Rosie the Riveter.

While the bigger focus on fashion for athletes has been much more apparent in recent times than in the past, there are still some early trendsetters who loved to wear more than just a suit and tie. Broadway Joe Namath came about as the New York Jets quarterback in the late 1960s and his long hair and cocky attitude represented the cultural changes taking place in the United States at that time. He was also known for wearing fur coats while on the sidelines. Walter "Clyde" Frazier came up around the same time as Namath and appeared in multiple clothing advertisements. He’s still known for his tastes whenever he wears a unique suit during Knicks broadcasts. Then there is Dennis Rodman who frequently changed the color of his hair and even wore the occasional dress.

Still, fashion plays a much larger role for Millennial athletes than previous generations. Nearly everyone on SI’s list was born after 1980. Zoomers, such as Zion Williamson and Lamar Jackson, are just beginning to take over the sports landscape. It’ll be interesting to see how fashion trends change with the new generation and future generations to come.

Photos courtesy of Imgur and Flickr user cliff1066™

Report: Michael Rosen

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Celebrity, Culture, Fashion Access by NKC Celebrity, Culture, Fashion Access by NKC

The Ryan Murphy Series "Hollywood," and its 1940s Costumes

These actors take “Hollywood Glamour” Literally, in Netflix’s new show “Hollywood”.

Ryan Murphy's newest TV masterpiece is the Netflix show Hollywood. It centers around the TV and film industry in the 1940's, with aspiring actors and directors trying to make it big. It is almost a "what if" look at the industry, with fictionalized versions of well-known figures, like Rock Hudson.

Since the show is a period drama, the fashion and costumes were a big part of the series. Costume designers Lou Eyrich and Sarah Evelyn based the fashions on "golden age cinema". They used a color palette of golden browns, pinks, caramels, reds, greens, and purples. Evelyn and Eyrich call this palette "harvest tones". They also took references from famous 1940's icons and movies, like Woman Of The Year, Casablanca, The Red Shoes, The Killers, Gilda, and Gentleman's Agreement. "As we looked at the characters and made the tone board, we developed style icons for each of the characters", Evelyn says about their process. Evelyn and Eyrich also worked closely with the hair and makeup departments, to determine the looks. "If Ryan chose a specific hair color or wig", Evelyn said, "that would affect our work greatly".

Many of the costumes were custom made because, "1940s clothing is extremely difficult to find and generally very small", Evelyn explains. However, some of the pieces were bought from vendors who specialize in vintage clothing.

Several of the show's actors enjoyed their costumes, some even got attached to them. "We definitely had characters who got attached to their costumes and wanted to take stuff home", Evelyn says.

Report: Anna Bechtel

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