Influencers Hold Over the Marketing World

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In today’s world influencers are the next versions of celebrities. From nano-influencers to mega-influencers, they each build a brand and a loyal following that is being used by all industries but mainly fashion. When it comes to the industry, many companies heavily rely on influencer reviews to reach the social media generation. Most consumers are more likely to purchase an item from a word of mouth review than an advertisement.About 86% of companies are going to dedicate a portion of their budget to influencers.

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Example Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line. Rhianna is a big named celebrity yet many wouldn’t be so likely to just go and buy her product. So her public relations team will send out boxes of the products to select beauty influencers to get them to do a review on the products. The consumer would then tune into their favorite influencers and would get to have an idea of what it would look like on someone that looks like them. See influencers became a big part of the marketing system because of the allure of relatability. When it comes to the use of social media, B2B businesses mainly use Facebook by 89%, Twitter by 75% and LinkedIn by 81% and Instagram is only used at only 33%. When you see someone like you trying something and liking it you are most likely going to want to buy the product as well. Many influencers also decided to purchase the products themselves so that they can keep that trust between them and their audience. When it comes to which social media platform is important, 79% find Instagram important for their influence marketing campaigns. Authentcity is what is selling these products.

Fenty Beauty PR Box - Pintrest

Jackie Ania Review -

Report: Maya Howard


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