Black Lives Matter

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James Baldwin once said, “To be a negro in this country is really never to be looked at.” The recent murders of numerous black men have sparked protests all around the country. The leading cause is the murder of the innocent man George Floyd in which it was caught on video of a police officer kneeling on his neck for a total of 8 minutes until he died. This all took place with three other officers present. Along with George Floyd, the past few weeks have been traumatizing for the black people in America. We have lost Sean Reed, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor all in a span of one to two weeks. There might even be more that we know nothing about. Black people have had ENOUGH.

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Through this hard time, the question is why them? Is it because they are so strong, so innovative, so smart? Is it because despite anything you throw at them, they still rise to greatness? Is it because even when all odds are systematically rigged against them, they STILL find a way to prevail? Many black people feel as though the appropriation of their culture is done every day, yet their lives are unimportant to the average white police officer. The Black Lives Matter movement is a call to action.

This has happened before and if there was no video, there would barely be a case for many of these young black men. How many black men had no video? Why does there even need to be a video for the wrongfulness of these officers to be taken care of? The past few days have been historic due to the riots in Minneapolis, Washington D.C, Atlanta, and even New York City. The Black Lives Matter movement is a great cause to bring light to situations and fight for justice. Black people must be heard.

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Report: Soila M Douce


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