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Anchor Yourself Against A Sea Of Stress

Work life can be stressful. Things can blow out of proportion when you’re feeling tired or rushed. Minor issues can accumulate and become overwhelming.

Work life can be stressful. Things can blow out of proportion when you’re feeling tired or rushed. Minor issues can accumulate and become overwhelming. While they may not be significant taken individually, once together, they feel insurmountable. In short, stress is everywhere. It is a silent and invisible enemy that can hinder your work life and career prospects. And when it’s all around you, it doesn’t only affect your work, but also your social life and your self-growth.

How can I get rid of stress? That’s the big question. Nobody can. There’s no cure that eliminates stress. But, what you can do is find the best coping mechanism to deal with the brutality of day-to-day anxieties. Coping in real-time gives you an anchor to stay grounded in the face of adversity.


The ritual sets the mood for the day

We tend to put the events that affect us and our response to these events in one huge bag called STRESS. But, in reality, they belong in different bags. You can’t always control the situations around you. However unpleasant they can get, stress doesn’t arise from them but from the way you react. Stress is the mind’s response. So, the best way to make the distinction between the events and your response is to help prepare your mind for a new day. If you don’t have a morning ritual, it’s time to think about how you want to start your day. A ritual is a soothing and caring moment to refresh your soul and keep you centered. Simple gestures can help lower your stress response, such as creating a meditation routine in the morning. You can find plenty of helpful apps to help you clear your mind and refocus.

Have some soothing treats

Not many people appreciate the value of a healthy treat as a coping mechanism. A coping strategy is a set of actions you take to release pressure when you are faced with a difficult situation. These could include talking to someone you trust, taking some time off work, etc. But, when you are in the heart of the storm, you often need to delay your response. That’s where a small gesture, such as a treat, can help defuse the stress bomb as it is about to explode. For instance, if you are prone to anxiety attacks, you could help your brain break free from the stress patterns with edible cannabinoid treats from a place such as baysmokes.com. They sell small gummy bears that can do the trick any day. Not your thing? Dark chocolate can be just as effective as it boosts the production of happiness hormones, effectively breaking through the stress cycle early.

Accept that things don’t have to make sense

Sometimes sh*t happens, and that’s life. In a world where we are desperate to control every aspect of life, it’s hard to accept that things can happen outside of our control. Life can be random, even in the workplace. It can be flawed. But that is what makes it special. The moment you accept that obstacles and challenges are part of the journey, you can face them with an open mind.

Not everything in the office goes as planned. Yet, it will only be as stressful as you allow it to become. You have a choice in how you respond to unexpected situations, from preparing your mind to accepting the randomness of work-related events.

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Helpful Advice: Don't Let Niggling Pains Stop You In Your Tracks

As people, we tend to have issues here and there that we tend to ignore. Why do you think that is? More often than not we will complain about the pain we feel in certain areas but yet do nothing to resolve the issue. A lot of the time it might be because we think it isn’t a big deal, but sometimes in these areas they can be underlying problems that need addressing.

As people, we tend to have issues here and there that we tend to ignore. Why do you think that is? More often than not we will complain about the pain we feel in certain areas but yet do nothing to resolve the issue. A lot of the time it might be because we think it isn’t a big deal, but sometimes in these areas they can be underlying problems that need addressing. With that in mind, With that in mind, here are some of those most common things that cause us pain. With a few helpful tips on how you can combat them should you be suffering from them.


The pain of a toothache

Many people will comment that a toothache is one of those annoying things that you put up. It can be an awful process to go through and one of which that not only causes pain in your teeth but can spread to your ear and head. A toothache can be something of nothing; it can be nothing major. But there can be times when a toothache can be much more than that. When things like cracked teeth or tooth decay, all of which need work on. Sometimes you may need particular procedures to rectify the problem. 

Suffering from headaches

Headaches are one of those things we all put up with. This is because a headache can be caused by something self-inflicted. Not drinking enough water or being tired are two of the most common causes of general headaches. But regular headaches could be something more than just feeling tired or being dehydrated. Which is why if they are happening more often it is worth speaking to your doctor. They can offer strong painkillers, recommend lifestyle changes or refer you for further checks. 

Agonizing chest pain

Chest pain is one of those things we can be a little afraid of. Mostly because this type of pain is associated with more serious problems, specifically heart attack. Which is why I guess we tend to not investigate chest pain as much as we should. Through fear or feeling like we are wasting time for the medical staff. But chest pain can be to do with asthma and infections. So it is always worth checking it out to make sure it isn’t something sinister. 

Ignoring muscle injuries

We tend to get muscle injuries through many different ways. It could be regularly playing a sport or even just sleeping in a funny position. As they are so common, we tend to just ignore them and hope they repair themselves over time.but you could visit an orthopedic center to help ease the aches and spins you feel in certain areas of your body. However, with rest you can speed up the process. 

If your muscle injury was caused by an accident then it might be worth speaking to a lawyer to see if you can get any compensation. This could be put towards physical therapy to help heal faster. You can learn more about what they can do here.

Annoying earache

Finally, another niggling problem is an earache. It can be caused by common colds or could be more like an infection. We don’t tend to get it checked out, but a lot of the time earache can be solved quite easily. A great way to solve ear issues could be to have your ears syringed. It can keep your ears in good health. 

Let’s hope this helps you treat those more common pains more quickly. 

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Origins Of Social Anxiety To Learn From

Social anxiety and shyness are the kind of problems that challenge very large numbers of people and interfere with the most important and enjoyable moments and situations of life. The situations we are in society and with other people.

Social anxiety and shyness are the kind of problems that challenge very large numbers of people and interfere with the most important and enjoyable moments and situations of life. The situations we are in society and with other people. A person suffering from social anxiety or shyness can sometimes suffer for years, but the truth is that suffering is completely free, as there are proven methods to overcome anxiety and shyness. Sometimes though, it all boils down to relaxing and taking time for yourself. If you use bongs, you could look at winding down that way.

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When a person suffers from social anxiety, the degree of shyness and anxiety is disproportionate to the real danger facing him, because even if they criticize us, laugh at us or reject us, what will happen? In the vast majority of cases, nothing. So why do people still react with anxiety? There are several explanations. The first argues that because man is a social animal and that his evolutionary advantage was the ability to live in a group, if a particular person was rejected from the group and tribe, he could not survive and in fact unlike us, that rejected person would be doomed to death, so social fear software was effective for survival. But, in the modern age fear is no longer relevant, because even if a certain group rejects us, we still have countless ways to communicate and connect with new people.

Studies show that the brain activates very similar areas when we see a picture in reality through the eyes and when we imagine the same picture. The same is true of hearing and feeling. So when we imagine a social situation, our brain produces an experience very similar to what would have happened if we had been there in reality. We can take advantage of this simple work to completely get rid of social anxiety. The eyes recognize a social situation and even before the input even reaches the area that decodes the image, it has already been sent to the "amygdala" and elicits an anxiety response as if we had seen a grizzly bear. And once it is activated, it is very difficult to get out of the stress, it is difficult to calm ourselves, because the mind enters a state of fight or flight and the front and rational part works on a half clutch.

Developmental explanation of social anxiety and shyness

Of course this is not only the evolution and history of the human race, but also the personal history of each individual. The degree of our anxiety or confidence very much depends on our childhood and how much we received unconditional appreciation from the parents, how much they gave us confidence at home and strengthened us, how much we were allowed to accumulate social skills and express ourselves. Also, what is very influential is traumatic and painful events. Some people at a young age experience difficult social events that other children laugh at, silence or even boycott. Such events have a crucial impact on the level of social anxiety, but it is certainly possible to treat these memories and release the emotional charges that created the anxiety.

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7 Helpful Tips To Get Out Of This COVID Era With A Stronger Mentality

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true.

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Over the past year or so, the pandemic has been the most prevalent thought in most people’s minds. Sure, there are places on this planet where the inhabitants dealt with the virus quickly and efficiently. They are now living life pretty much exactly the same as how it was before the spread. The same cannot be said for many other areas of the world, though, unfortunately. For a lot of people still, there are lockdown measures and millions are having to stay within the confines of their home. It’s nice to have a warm home that keeps us safe each night, but we need to be able to get out a little more – it’s in our nature.

The fact is that we’re stuck in for a while and things need to do what we can to save the lives of so many different people around the world. If that means isolating for a while, then so be it. The greater good outweighs most immediate wants and needs. It’s just a case of making sure we stay healthy while isolated. If we can exit this pandemic era healthier and stronger than when we entered it, then that’s going to a big achievement on its own.

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true. Sure, you may be a little awkward in some areas, but you can absolutely improve yourself and your life in general. It’s just a case of taking care of a few things and adopting certain mindsets. Here are some ideas for you to follow!

Stay Positive Throughout Everything

This is a lot easier to say than it is to do, but it’s certainly something that should be tried. People in life who are positive and optimistic will typically end up happier. When you’re positive all the time, you can take bad instances and come out content. Those with a negative viewpoint will never really enjoy things because they’ll always look for bad points. Even at their happiest, they’ll still have an overwhelming sense of dread or be uninterested.

So, if you’re going to be locked in your home for a while, then you may as well adopt a happier mindset. Look to pick out the good in most things you do or see. This is a habit and one that can be formed quite quickly, so do what you can to be a little more optimistic regarding most things. If you moan and everything that happens during this time, then you’re going to be more miserable than you think – avoid this poisonous way of thinking. If you live with others that are negative and will bring you down, then it’s wise to have a little chat with them and let them know about the effect they’re having on those around them.

Use Lockdown Times To Learn All Kinds Of Things

A lot of people have the idea that this lockdown time is keeping us from really doing what we want. While there are certain places we cannot go to and particular instances that cannot happen, this doesn’t mean that we’re completely useless and stuck in a rut. We can learn so many different things and become adept at so many different skills. If you have the internet, then you have an encyclopedia to learn from. Just pick a topic and get going. During free time over the past few years, you can probably spend the majority of it with friends and relaxing/having fun. You’re stuck in your home on your own now, so you may as well use the time you have to become a more improved version of yourself ready for when everything opens up once again!

Focus On Yourself And Take Good Care

Take care of your body and your mind. Actively look to become a happier version of yourself. We’ve just mentioned that you should look to learn and improve as a person, and this applies to the way in which you treat yourself, too. Eat the right stuff and drink lots of water. Take care of your skin with the likes of Natural Skin Care Made With Organic Ingredients, too. Don’t forget to take care of your home, too. Just because fewer people will be in and around it, that doesn’t mean you should let it turn into a pigsty!

Keep In Touch With Your Loved Ones Regularly

Social life is very important in general. We’re not going to be around our loved ones as much, of course, so we need to make sure that we’re with them virtually or from a safe distance! Don’t let yourself turn into a hermit because we’re going to get out of this someday and you’re going to need to keep your social skills! Speak to people online or through dating apps if you must – if that’s what it takes to keep some of that confidence and competence.

Stay Active And On The Move

If you have a lot going on in terms of workouts, then you’re going to be a lot happier in your mind as well as physically. Sitting around or too long can make you feel so useless – even though you’re not and have a lot going for you. Being stuck in a cramped area with little going on can make you think that there’s little need to be active or to work out. The endorphin release from a good bit of exercise will make your day go from lethargic to energized very quickly.

Make Plans For When Restrictions Are Lifted

As we’ve mentioned a few times already, restrictions will be lifted and this lifestyle won’t be around forever! If you have things to look forward to, then it motivated you to get more done in preparation. So, create plans with friends and family so that you won’t be completely bored when things go back to normal. Be reasonable, though, of course. If your plans might still endanger others in terms of the virus, then pick something a little more sensible.

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4 Tips for Protecting Your Well-Being during Lockdown

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.


When the COVID-19 pandemic first kicked off approximately a year ago, few would have predicted that lockdowns would still be ongoing in many places 12 months later – but, unfortunately, that is the situation we find ourselves in.

In addition to the devastating effects of the virus itself, the ongoing knockdowns have also been deeply detrimental to many people’s well-being, in a variety of different ways, ranging from uncertainty over the future, to immediate physical consequences.

During times like these, it’s important to be able to accept that many things are not under our direct control, and to look for ways to safeguard and protect our individual well-being, and to focus on the things we can directly influence, instead.

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.

Step back from your future goals for the time being, and focus on day-to-day habits, instead

It can be devastating to have your future goals and aspirations trampled by external circumstances that you are helpless to influence. But in a time of such uncertainty as the present moment, it might be that one of the best things you can do for your well-being is to step back from thinking about long-term future goals, altogether. 

Just for the time being, at any rate.

Of course, just because you’re taking a break from setting goals for the future, or working out your “free of plans,” does mean that you should just give in to despair and become totally passive.

Instead, the best approach is likely to be to shift your focus on future goals to day-to-day habits, instead.

As Scott Adams, James Clear and others have pointed out – if you have good daily habits that keep you moving “in the right direction,” it is very likely that good things will happen to you over time, and that you will achieve a lot – even in the absence of a clearly defined “SMART goal.”

In fact, there is an argument to be made that having those kinds of clearly defined goals, and fixating on them, is often counter-productive.

For one thing, it often makes people focus myopically on the goal itself, without being able to enjoy the journey or notice the opportunities that arise in day-to-day life.

For another thing, goals put you in a mindset of “lack.” You always feel like you’re not where you want to be, until and unless you’ve achieved your next goal.

Then, there’s the obvious fact that whether or not you achieve a particular goal isn’t entirely up to you, and will have a lot to do with things that are outside of your direct control, that happen in the wider world. Like a pandemic.

If you want to be a novelist, for example, setting up a daily writing habit is as likely to lead you in that direction as anything else. It may be significantly more likely, in fact, to get you there than actually fixating on the goal of being a novelist.

Your daily habits are things that you can always shape and influence, and that help you to feel self-contained and empowered.

So, for the sake of your well-being, pay attention to your daily habits during lockdown.

Get outside for at least a few minutes each day, if possible

If you live in an area where stringent social distancing restrictions are in place, and social hubs and venues are shut down, it can easily end up feeling like there’s very little motivation at all for actually leaving the house other than for the essentials.

Getting outside, however, can be an extremely important and powerful requirement for an individual's sense of well-being.

Remaining indoors too much can lead to a growing sense of complete detachment from the world at large, and can fuel harmful and excessive rumination and morbid introspection.

Getting outside – especially to somewhere with a bit of greenery – can really help you to feel more grounded and connected to the world at large, and can give you a much-needed dose of perspective and stress relief.

If at all possible according to your local restrictions, try to get outside for at least a few minutes a day, even if you’re just pacing around for a while a short distance from your home, while listening to a podcast or audiobook.

Keep in contact with your loved ones with the magic of video calls

While there are many potential downsides to the ways in which social media shapes our interactions, modern digital services such as FaceTime, Skype, and WhatsApp can be a real game changer when it comes to helping us stay connected with our loved ones, from a distance.

Psychological research indicates that the vast majority of human communication actually occurs through non-verbal means – such as by body language, facial expressions, and the town of our voices.

Social alienation is a devastating thing, and can take a real detrimental toll on anyone's sense of well-being.

Make an extra effort to keep in contact with your loved ones during lockdown, but don’t let yourself fall into the habit of just texting back and forth. Set up video calls, and get as close as possible to the experience of a real face-to-face social interaction.

Reach out to mental health experts if needed

When all is said and done, no individual is an island, and we all need support and companionship from other people, from time to time.

If you’re struggling with your mental health during lockdown, it may be that reaching out to a psychologist or other experts in mood disorders could be a godsend with regards to getting you back on your feet and helping you to regain a sense of balance and wellness.

Even if you aren’t quite comfortable with reaching out to mental health experts as things stand, there are books and courses available for teaching yourself well-vetted psychological practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, that may really prove helpful.

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Tips To Look After Your Loved Ones During A Pandemic

It’s unprecedented and unique times that we live in, it’s important to take care of yourself and your loved ones. With that said, here are some tips to look after your loved ones during a pandemic.

This pandemic has gone on for longer than any of us could have ever imagined, and the pandemic itself is something that has never happened to the generations currently existing on this earth! With that being said, as it’s unprecedented and unique times that we live in, it’s important to take care of yourself and your loved ones. With that said, here are some tips to look after your loved ones during a pandemic.


Keep Up Communications

Firstly, keep up with communications at all times. Despite us being in this pandemic, there are still many ways to talk with your loved ones even if you can be with them physically. One way is to set up some weekly facetime or zoom sessions to help catch up with the people you love. Of course, there might not be a lot going on in anyone’s lives right now but it can be nice to simply talk through that mutual situation that we’re all in. If talking on the phone is something you’d rather do, then give a loved one a call every so often, even if it’s just a five minute phone call to ask them about their day. It’s something that they will certainly come to appreciate and it’s likely something that you would appreciate too.

As we go through the emotional rollercoaster of a pandemic, you’re likely going to have days where you don’t feel great and so getting that random call can feel like it came at the right moment.

Manage What You’re Able To 

We’re only able to manage what we’re able to manage. Some people are good at managing more and some can’t deal with as much as you’re able to. If you’re having to help out loved ones when it comes to doing the shopping or offering caregiving services of any kind, it’s important to know your limits. If you have your own life and family to look after too, then it’s important to balance these out. There’s only so much you can do and if there are other people around that can help out too, then that should also be considered. 

Consider what you can deal with and manage before taking on everything for your loved ones. You can only do so much.

Consider Getting Assistance

There are going to be loved ones who need extra care and that might not be possible for you to cope with alone. With that said, it’s worth considering getting extra assistance in the form of professional care or support services. Seniors helping seniors is a great place to start and there’s plenty of other places out there that can help depending on what situation your loved one is in.

Like it’s been mentioned above, you can only take on so much yourself and if you have family and your work life to juggle too, it might not be possible. Not everyone can do that full-time caring for others and so it’s good to work with those services that are out there and can help you.

Take Care Of Yourself

It’s important to always take care of yourself because there are going to be times where you are feeling the struggle yourself and need a break. Looking after yourself is a priority and should always be your number one focus. How can you expect to be there for others when it’s not something that you can provide for yourself?

Look at how you can take more care of yourself and of your mental wellbeing too. This pandemic is hard enough to deal with physically as well as emotionally.

Find Ways To Boost Everyone’s Mood

Finding those mood boosters is important when you’re not having a good week or day. Usually, if that was the case, then there are so many lovely experiences that you can have socially whether it’s meeting a friend for dinner or popping out for a drink or two. That’s not something that everyone can do and so it’s a good idea to find a way of boosting everyone moods by organizing some zoom evenings where you might do a party over zoom or maybe a movie night with some friends. Just because you cant meet up physically, you can still do a lot virtually that wouldn’t have been possible before the internet’s creation.

Look after yourself and your loved ones throughout this pandemic and beyond it, we’re all going to need to heal after this. It’s tough but we’ll all get through it and out of the other side if we continue to support one another.

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Making Life Easier For An Elderly Relative And What You Can Do

Many of us will have elderly relatives in our lives, and often we can be left with the responsibility to help them out and enable them to continue living independently. However, a lot of us can be unsure on how to do this effectively. After all, it can be easier to just do things, but yet an eldelry person may still be able minded or bodied to do things for themselves.

Many of us will have elderly relatives in our lives, and often we can be left with the responsibility to help them out and enable them to continue living independently. However, a lot of us can be unsure on how to do this effectively. After all, it can be easier to just do things, but yet an eldelry person may still be able minded or bodied to do things for themselves. 

There is a fine line, as your intentions will only be good. However, only you will know what is best for your loved one. Helping them out every no and again is going to be fine, but if you can find ways to help things be easier without infringing on their lives too much then that is always going to be a great result. So how can you do this? Here are some of the ways that you can make life easier for any eldelry relatives that you care for.


Adapt their home

One of the first things that you could consider doing would be to adapt their home to make things easier for them moving forward. This might be things like handrails to help them in the bathroom or to get off seats in the living room. It could be specially designed beds that have options to raise the head or feet or chairs that can lift to help someone stand. When you start looking into this you will see that there are so many options that could make life easier at home. Often the small changes can help an elderly person stay in their home for longer, which will ultimately make them happier. 

Making mobility easier for them

Another thing to think about would be to make mobility easier for them and it can often be a great way to help them stay mobile and give them some independence. For example, scooters and wheelchairs can make it easier for people to head out to the shops and be outside to enjoy fresh air. Often poor mobility can really alienate elderly people, so giving them the option of alternative can help them to enjoy a quality of life greater than what they experience now. Again a quick look online will give you plenty of options. It doesn’t even have to be a wheelchair or scooter, it could be something as simple as an aid to help them walk like a walking stick or a frame for extra support. Discussing the options with your loved one could give you an idea on what they may need. 

Buy in the food shopping or seek out the help of a meal service

Food can often be a big thing when it comes to an older person. Handling food, buying it and also preparing it may become much more difficult for them when it comes to old age. So making this part easy would be very helpful. You could meal plan, batch cook and create meals for them so it just requires one simple act of putting something in a microwave or an oven. Or even think about things such as meal service which will deliver meals to their doors. 

What about alternative living accommodation?

Sometimes it isn’t possible to stay at home. While that might be the option they want, it could be that they live far away from others, perhaps in an isolated area or even adaptations won’t make things easier. This is when looking at alternative options could help. You could find a place that has the same age as the people in the complex. Great facilities where they can be sociable while still loving close at hand to care that might be needed. Places like La Posada could be an option to consider. You could also look for care homes or facilities if they may need extra care that can be provided. Some of these places can dramatically change their lifestyles for the better. 

Allow things to be accessible

Another thing to think about would be to make things accessible. So you could look into low level storage, or having things at eye height to make it a little easier for them to find items in their home. Storage cupboards with high sleeves may no longer be suitable, so coming up with alternative storage options could be the way forward. 

Keep the memories alive

Finally, try and keep the memories alive as much as you can. You can do this by regularly talking to your relatives and older members of the family. Go through pictures, indulge their stories and generally enjoy communicating. It can make a huge difference to their day and how they feel. 

Let’s hope these tips help you when it comes to making life easier for your elderly relatives.

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5 Dental Practice Business Upgrades That Will Leave You Smiling

After working as a partner at another dental practice, opening your own is a dream come true. However, nobody could’ve predicted the stresses that 2020 would bring. With some normality restored, now is the time to ensure that your business is destined for success in 2021 and beyond.


After working as a partner at another dental practice, opening your own is a dream come true. However, nobody could’ve predicted the stresses that 2020 would bring. With some normality restored, now is the time to ensure that your business is destined for success in 2021 and beyond.

Whether launching a new practice after losing your job or revamping an existing model doesn't matter. The following steps will help you gain the sweet taste of success.

1.Improve Your Web Game

The way that people interact with businesses was changing long before the pandemic. Nonetheless, the past 12 months or so have resulted in a major shift towards online interactions. Over 80% of shoppers research brands online, and those figures are a fair reflection for healthcare services too. So, developing a new website and redesigning your social media platforms will pay dividends. Perhaps most importantly, you should look to gain referrals from previous patients. This will put prospective clients at greater ease.

2. Upgrade The Interior Surroundings

Visiting the dentist can be a scary situation for many patients. Therefore, comforting surroundings may provide the key to a better patient experience. Furthermore, it has a telling influence on your mindset as well as your employees. Experts at Medifit can transform the look of your practice to give it a modern touch. Meanwhile, they can implement the adjustments needed to promote safety during the pandemic. A winning workspace will give you a far stronger platform to build upon. It should also deliver increased confidence.


3. Focus On Your Team

Assembling a great team is essential for any health service-based company. In today's climate, outsourcing can be very useful as it reduces the number of people on site. Nonetheless, you must familiarise yourself with the jobs that are best kept in-house. Moreover, it’s imperative that you cultivate a team atmosphere. Working closely with your dental assistants is the priority. Still, there should be good communication with receptionists and other workers. Patient health is on the line if you get this wrong.

4. Expand Your Financing Options

Dental procedures are expensive, which can potentially rule patients out. Missing out on custom from people that want to use your company is a major disappointment. Thankfully, the introduction of new repayment plans can change that for the better. GoCardless can allow you to accept recurring payments in an effective manner. However, you don’t want to provide treatments to patients that subsequently stop their repayment plan. As such, it’s worth running credit checks before accepting their custom. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

5. Keep Learning

Advancements in dental care continue to grow at a rapid rate. As a dental practice owner, you can use this to your advantage. Courses to freshen up your skills or learn about new products is ideal. Meanwhile, you can familiarise yourself with related products on the market. Knowing about the best toothbrushes and toothpaste for example, enables you to offer a more detailed service. Crucially, it opens the door to new partnerships with suppliers and related services, which can create new revenue streams. You will be smiling.

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Focusing On Your Mental Health Is Key For Your Future

Your mental health is very important. In our culture there is a lot of pressure on us: a huge role load, pressures to build careers and work while preserving traditional roles.

Your mental health is very important. In our culture there is a lot of pressure on us: a huge role load, pressures to build careers and work while preserving traditional roles. As a woman we are led to believe that we should care for our families and as men we are led to believe that work is key. Among all these, though, there is a special importance in caring for your mental health.


Take time to appreciate yourself

Women and girls internalize the socio-cultural messages that encourage a critical look at women and blame women and mothers. Therefore, it is important that you learn to value yourself, love yourself and your body and get rid of guilt and over-judgment.  Men tend to hide their feelings more and often are led to feeling isolated. Addiction can also play a part in hindering mental health and therefore it is important to get help early. Any type of addiction can be helped. Whether it’s a drug addition or pornography addiction recovery - it is possible. 

If you can treat yourself with compassion and respect, avoid self-criticism, find time for hobbies and pursuits that you love and most importantly - treat yourself with acceptance and understanding, as you would hope others would treat you, you will inevitably improve your mental health.

Take care of your body, always

Mental and physical health are intertwined. Taking care of your body can improve your mental health and therefore:

  • Maintain a proper diet. 

  • Stop the moth. 

  • Plenty of water. 

Cultivate positive relationships 

It is important for anyone to be sure to choose friendships that benefit you. It's time to take out smiling people who are doing you harm and take care to surround yourself with positive, loving and supportive people, the kind who really do you good. 

Events in daily life, like stress at work or in the family can play a really pivotal role in making you feel bad. But it is important that your mind is full of positive thoughts as often as humanly possible. Your mental and physical health depends on them. Common symptoms of stress include: headaches, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, irritability, upset stomach, depression, anxiety and the like. No matter how busy you are, you can always find time to relax and reduce stress through relaxing activities like walking in nature, a fragrant foam bath, meditation, mindfulness, phone to company, hobby and the like. Think of it as a recommendation from a doctor. 

Take a rest, it is OK

We work endless jobs, career chores and household and family chores do not allow them enough time to rest and refresh. The endless worries for the needs of others and guilt do not allow for mental rest so it is important to find ways to rest, refresh and calm the mind. Pay attention to the present moment. How? Feel the sun on your face, the wind, and breathe deeply. Practice mindfulness by focusing on this moment. A conscious effort to be attentive to your inner and outer world is essential for mental health.

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How To Take Care of Your Teeth And Maintain Good Dental Hygiene

When it comes to taking care of our bodies, our minds instantly think about how much we exercise and the nutritional value of the food we consume. More recently, we have begun to stress the importance of taking care of our mental health and making sure to take some time out to relax and recharge. However, we tend to forget about the health of our teeth.


When it comes to taking care of our bodies, our minds instantly think about how much we exercise and the nutritional value of the food we consume. More recently, we have begun to stress the importance of taking care of our mental health and making sure to take some time out to relax and recharge. However, we tend to forget about the health of our teeth, and this can lead to serious problems such as toothache, tooth loss, and requiring fillings from the dentist. So, how do you take care of your teeth and prevent needing treatment in the future.

Brush Your Teeth

This may sound obvious, but many people forget to brush their teeth twice a day due to busy lifestyles. It is paramount to brush twice daily as this removes any plaque on teeth before it can harden into tartar, which can make your teeth look less white and will have to be removed by your dental hygienist. Brushing does not just help prevent gum disease and other nasty problems, but also helps to keep your teeth looking pearly white, as brushing removes the pigments that would otherwise build up and make your teeth look yellow. If you want to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your brushing, it may be worth thinking about investing in an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are meant to be much better for your teeth than manual ones, as they are more effective at removing plaque and have built-in timers to ensure that you brush for the full two minutes that you are supposed to. These can be expensive to buy, but they will last for years and are therefore worth the investment if you are really dedicated to looking after your teeth.

Visit The Dentist 


It would help if you remembered to go to your local dentist for a check-up every six months. Going to the dentist regularly means that any problems with your teeth will be detected early on, and this will make them more manageable to treat. If you currently are not registered at a dentist, maybe you should look at David Robertson, DDS. Many people find going to the dentist a daunting prospect, but there really is nothing to fear. Your dentist will talk you through everything that they are going to do and put you at ease. Your dentist may also refer you to a dental hygienist. If they do, it is worth going to see the hygienist. A dental hygienist will remove any difficult plaque and tartar from your teeth. They may also perform a clean and polish to remove any stains on the surface of your teeth. These regular appointments at both the dentist and the hygienist will help make sure your teeth and gums are as healthy as they can be. 

Cut Down On Sugar In Your Diet

Whilst it is not something we think about a lot in relation to our teeth, an unhealthy diet can damage our teeth; sugar, in particular, is particularly bad for our teeth.This is why you should only eat small amounts of high sugars and fat, as a diet with less sugar in it can help reduce your chances of tooth decay. Sweets and sugary drinks are particularly bad for having high levels of sugar in them, but so are some fruit juices, so it is important always to know how much sugar is in your food and drink to manage the level of sugar in your diet appropriately. Smoothies can be particularly bad for having high sugar levels as when the fruit is blended, the natural sugars they contain are released, so it is recommended that you only have one smoothie a day and drink it with a meal. 

Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking has disastrous consequences for people. It can lead to lung cancer and increase your risk of having a stroke or experiencing brain damage. However, smoking also stains your teeth and increases your risk of gum disease. Therefore, it is imperative that if you do smoke, try to quit, or if you do not already smoke, not take up the habit as it will help keep your teeth healthy, but it will keep the rest of your body healthy too. 

Taking care of your teeth now will help you avoid unnecessary treatments and problems in the future, so it is really important that you implement these steps now to look after your teeth to keep them healthy and where they belong.

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the winter blues, is a common problem. The change in weather at certain times of year can have a negative effect on your mood. In fact, many people find this occurs in the winter or after the holiday period.


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the winter blues, is a common problem. The change in weather at certain times of year can have a negative effect on your mood. In fact, many people find this occurs in the winter or after the holiday period. The weather is cold and dark, but you’ve still got to get back to work. Some of the symptoms include depression, fatigue, and a general lack of motivation. There are a few things you can do to get the spring back in your step, however. Here are five ways to combat seasonal affective disorder.

Get more exercise

Exercise has been found to be beneficial for your mental health. It can help combat stress, mood swings, and anxiety. If you’re bored of your current exercise routine, why not try something new? If the weather is cold where you are you could switch to an indoor activity, such as yoga, HIIT workouts, or other online classes. Exercise helps to fight that feeling of sluggishness and will give you an energy boost.

Light therapy

Seasonal affective disorder is associated with the lack of light during the winter months. One treatment used to combat SAD is light therapy. A light emitting device helps replace the sunlight you’ve been lacking. It’s also a good idea to go out on sunnier days, even just for a short walk to boost your vitamin D. This will also help to brighten up your mood.

Speak to your doctor

If you’re going to try a new therapy you should always speak to your doctor first. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for you. If they prescribe you with any medication to help combat depressive symptoms, it’s important to ensure your medical insurance covers this, so you can avoid Part D penalty. Your doctor will provide you with all the help and information you need.

Organize social activities

There are many proven benefits of social interaction for your mental wellbeing. Even though it’s difficult to socialize at the moment, you could try meeting a friend for walks or even organizing meetups online. If you’re feeling low one evening, give a friend or family member a call to see how they’re doing. You might find this lifts your mood and gives you more motivation. 

Try out a new hobby

Sometimes a change is as good as a rest and new hobbies can help beat depression. It’s easy to fall into a rut and lose motivation because you’re simply bored. Try something new whether it’s a sport, hobby, or online class. It’s important to challenge yourself from time to time. It can be very rewarding to learn something new. It’s also a great way to clear your mind. If you’re the creative type, you could try arts and crafts at home. You could also learn a new recipe, or do some DIY around the house, whatever appeals most to your interests. A new activity will help you focus your mind and feel motivated.

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4 Common Reasons You Keep Experiencing Mood Swings

Let's begin by making one thing perfectly clear; 'mood swings' refers to slight shifts and changes in your mood. One moment you're happy and energized, then you're feeling lethargic and sad. That's the type of thing this post will look at, not anything to do with severe personality disorders, etc.


Let's begin by making one thing perfectly clear; 'mood swings' refers to slight shifts and changes in your mood. One moment you're happy and energized, then you're feeling lethargic and sad. That's the type of thing this post will look at, not anything to do with severe personality disorders, etc. 

No, it's all about little shifts in your mood that might worry or annoy you. Why do they keep happening?

Hormonal imbalances

An imbalance in hormones can easily trigger mood swings. After all, hormones are basically the messengers in our body that tell us to feel certain ways. When we feel happy, it's because a certain hormone has been released. Many men and women have sex hormone imbalances, which can cause mood swings. Or, more commonly, a condition known as hypothyroidism. This is where the thyroid doesn't produce the right hormones, throwing your mood out of whack. 

Reactions to contraception

For women, your mood swings can be brought around by a reaction to contraception. Many girls that take the pill will experience mood swings within the first few months. They might go away, but a lot of people say that their mood swings are crazy while on it. Therefore, it might be worth visiting a clinic like Marie Stopes, where you can discuss other contraceptive options. Once you're off the pill, you may see an immediate change in your mood swings. If you do, then you know what caused them!


Yes, you may suffer from PMS in the weeks leading up to your period. Mood swings are a very common symptom of this condition, along with chronic fatigue, bloating, and a change in appetite. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about this - other than realizing it's happening. Ironically, that can be enough to make it easier to deal with. Mood swings are much worse when you're clueless as to why you feel a certain way. 

Post-workout blues

The post-workout blues (also known as the post-workout comedown) relate to exhaustion and fatigue feelings after exercising. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a normal reaction to working out. Most people will actually feel more active after exercising because you activate the sympathetic nervous system. This is the part of your CNS that makes you feel alert and energised. If you feel quite lethargic and down after exercising, it's probably because you're activating the parasympathetic system instead. This will make you feel more relaxed and mellowed out, which can be a massive shift from how you felt during your workout. 

If this is the case, you should incorporate more fast and energetic movements towards the end of your workouts. This triggers your sympathetic nervous system, meaning you leave the gym feeling happy and alert. 

Which one of these reasons is causing your mood swings? The best way to find out is to test each theory. Think about when you experience mood swings - is it before your period or after working out? Have they only just started since you've been on the pill? If you get no answers from these questions, it could be a hormonal imbalance, which will require a visit to your doctor. Anyway, I hope this article has given you things to think about and helped you figure out the cause of your mood shifts.

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

3 Signs You Aren't Taking Care Of Yourself

It is no secret that it has been a challenging year. With so many different things to think about - from losing out on work to ensuring you can pay the bills, you've likely put self-care on the back burner. Unfortunately, this happens all too often, even without the extra stress that 2020 has brought along.

It is no secret that it has been a challenging year. With so many different things to think about - from losing out on work to ensuring you can pay the bills, you've likely put self-care on the back burner. Unfortunately, this happens all too often, even without the extra stress that 2020 has brought along. 

As a result, you must develop healthy habits to take care of yourself. Remember, if you don't look after yourself - you can't look after others.

With that in mind, here are three signs you aren't taking care of yourself.


You're always tired

It's okay to feel tired from time to time, especially if you're reaching the end of a long week. However, if you are exhausted continuously - it is a clear sign that you aren't taking care of yourself properly. When you are tired, you are less productive, irritable and can even make yourself sick. Therefore, you must begin to prioritize rest and relaxation over being always on the go.

Here are some things you can do to combat fatigue. 

  • Go to bed earlier.

  • Turn off your phone an hour before you sleep, giving you time to wind down. 

  • Avoid caffeine in the evenings, helping you drift into sleep.

  • Don't overexert yourself. 

  • Consult with a doctor to find out if you have an iron deficiency

  • Meditate 

  • Take part in some light exercise that can improve your energy levels


You're often sick

Getting sick is often unavoidable - and we all have a terrible cold now and then. However, if you find that you are always sick - be that coughing or sneezing - you need to try and find ways to boost your immune system and better protect yourself from illness. Here's how!

  • Get enough rest, as this can weaken your immune system.

  • Exercise regularly, at least three times a week.

  • Prioritise self-care, don't let stress consume you

  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet  healthy, balanced diet that can boost your immunity 

  • Cut down on unhealthy snacks and alcohol 

  • Take vitamin supplements when necessary


You don't seek help when you need it. 

Many of us chose to avoid our problem for as long as possible. Say you have fallen over at work and hurt your wrist. You may shrug off the initial pain and hope for it to go away over time, ignoring the fact that you could have sustained a severe injury. This avoidance is a clear sign that you aren't taking good care of yourself, and you should always ensure you seek help or additional treatment after an injury such as this. Then, if you want to make a claim, you can get in touch with professional injury lawyers, such as Prince Law Firm, who can use the medical evidence and records to support your claim. 

Though many of us are quick to ignore physical injuries, emotional pain is disregarded even quicker. However, if you are bottling up feelings of anxiety, depression or stress, they will only build up over time. You cannot merely box them away and forget about them - they'll find a way out. Therefore, you must reach out when you need help - whether you talk to a friend or a professional - it will make a huge difference.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Access by NKC Wellness, Lifestyle Access by NKC

The Introduction To Holistic Healing You've Been Looking For

What are your thoughts on holistic medicine? If you’re looking to live a little more natural, and seek to take an all round view on dealing with any illnesses or injuries, it’s certainly going to be an interesting concept for you

What are your thoughts on holistic medicine? If you’re looking to live a little more natural, and seek to take an all round view on dealing with any illnesses or injuries, it’s certainly going to be an interesting concept for you. But maybe you’ve been left a little confused on the details, because there’s so much information out there and you’re just not sure where to start. 

Maybe you’ve been considering using holistic healing because you’ve been turned away by traditional medicine. Maybe you’ve been curious about holistic healing because of your low moods or self esteem. No matter what brought you to consult a guide like this, here’s what you need to know to get started on your holistic healing journey.

Holistic Healing

How Holistic Healing Works

By its very name, holistic healing takes a person and considers them as a whole, in order to improve their health and treat any ailments they have. It’s all about balance, and trying to achieve this in life, in order to keep a person healthy in the long term. Via this method, an optimal form of health can be reached. 

Holistically, the body is a system, and it all works in tandem. Because of this, if one part of the body isn’t working properly, the whole system is going to go down too. Let’s say you have some negative thoughts that inform your behavior - this could affect your health in a variety of areas simply because one link in the chain has gotten weaker. 

In all, holistic healing believes every single person out there has the power to heal themselves. However, if help is needed, people can be there, and focusing on the root cause of a condition is always going to be better than simply addressing and swiping away the symptoms. 

The Types of Treatments

There are many types of treatments in the world of holistic healing; they can be both alternative and traditional in the way they’re administered and how they work. Indeed, most of the healing powers of holistic treatment have been around for thousands of years, and as a result, have been thoroughly tried and tested. Let’s go through a couple of the main examples: 

Functional Medicine takes a scientific approach to the world of holistic healing. If someone has sought treatment via typical doctors and had no success, using Functional Medicine could be a great next step. Taking biological results, and the patient’s history, a diagnosis is attempted by considering the person’s root issues and what they may lead to. Of course, this is very simplistic, but you can do more in depth research here

Then, you also have Crystal Healing, which a lot of people swear by. Depending on the kind of crystals you want to invest in, you’re going to bring home different energetic properties that can be used to promote a similar kind of energy in your own life. 

But before you can use them, you have to program your chosen crystals first of all, in order to infuse them with the kind of healing energy you need. Then place them around your house. Indeed, even EMF shielding stones and crystals exist out there - using these to soak up the negative waves in your house that could otherwise cause damage is a very viable solution to modern problems often caused by the tech we keep in our homes. 

What You Should Do Next

So, now you know what holistic healing is at its basic level, what do you do next? If you’re interested in how holistic healing might actually help you, it’s key to seek help from a licensed practitioner. All kinds of holistic practitioners, otherwise known as ‘therapists’ can work in a variety of areas, so it doesn’t matter what your issue may be. You have a lot of options to reach out to here. 

Of course, if you do a bit more research, and you’re confident in your skills, there are some treatments you can administer yourself, such as the crystal healing mentioned above, or even a bit of acupuncture. Maybe pay a visit to a holistic therapist first, or take a course in order to learn the basic ropes, and see how you like the world of holistic healing. After all, you’re here to take healing powers into your own hands. 

Holistic healing is something a lot of people don’t understand. But if you’re curious about this world of alternative healing, this is a very good place to start. 

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A Present for Yourself: 6 Tips to Get Healthier and Stronger This Winter

It can be challenging to keep up with your fitness and health goals throughout the year, but it all becomes even more complicated during the winter months.


It can be challenging to keep up with your fitness and health goals throughout the year, but it all becomes even more complicated during the winter months. As the holiday season approaches, it is only normal to feel sluggish and dream of afternoons spent cuddles up on the sofa. 

However, if there is something that this year has taught us is that looking after our health is crucial. Indeed, whether you are dreaming of getting your small business off the ground or meeting your career goals, it all starts from looking after yourself. Start from the tips below. 

Incorporate Some Kind of Resistance Training

Resistance training might not be loved by everybody in the same way, but it is crucial to look after the health of our bones and joints. Indeed, after the age of 30, we all lose just under 10% of our muscle mass every ten years. 

Resistance training is the only activity that can help you keep your muscles developed, flexible, and healthy. In turn, such a powerful system can offer the right support for your bone and skeletal structure. These muscles can reduce the incidence of injuries and medical conditions. 

Don’t Forget to Stretch After Your Workouts.

Stretching should always be an important aspect of any of your workouts. Whether you prefer to run, joining a yoga class, or pick up weights at the gym, don’t forget to spend a considerable section of your time stretching. 

During this part of the workout, you can truly focus on the importance of ensuring that your muscles are long, elastic, and strong. While stretching is not one of the aspects we consider the most during our training, it is an essential one to keep in mind if you wish to live a truly healthy lifestyle for longer. 

Use Yoga to Improve Your Balance and Flexibility

Not all types of gym training and exercises are equally suitable for everybody. So, finding the right type for your personal preferences and fitness goals is crucial. While running and lifting weights are undoubtedly excellent ways to keep fit, they might not represent the best idea of training for everybody. 

So, you might decide to try different but just as helpful disciplines. For example, yoga, pilates, and calisthenics can help you focus on flexibility, balance, and stability while improving your strength.

Additionally, these types of mindful practices allow you to get a deeper understanding and awareness of how your body works; this can be extremely useful if you are trying to stimulate smaller muscles or strengthen certain aspects. 

Be Mindful About Your Nutrition

Your nutrition and lifestyle have an incredible impact on your wellbeing and muscle mass. Therefore, if you are trying to meet your fitness goals, it is also crucial to pay special attention to what ends up on your plate. 

While filling your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables is relatively easy in summer, during the winter months, it can represent a significant challenge. Indeed, it is easy to give in and opt for ready-made comfort foods and recipes. 

Comfort foods are part of the holiday tradition, and saying no to them all together can be impossible. However, instead of opting for overly restrictive choices, ensure that they only make up a small percentage of the food you eat. 

The rest of your diet should be made of natural, not processed, seasonal, and fresh produce. These ingredients will help you consume all the nutrients needed to look after your health in the best way. 

Embrace a Lifestyle Change

Sometimes, a change in your lifestyle and habits is all you need to start feeling healthier and stronger. Indeed, many of the issues we all deal with today are related to how we live our daily lives. For example, a sedentary lifestyle is at the core of endless health conditions, including stress, depression, and obesity.

Instead, introducing small changes in your lifestyle might just be everything you need. For example, you might consider swapping your current desk for a standing desk. Standing desks allow you to stand up during the majority of the day, improving your posture, creativity, and morale. You might also think about asking about top widex hearing aids if you are finding that you are struggling to follow conversations or are having to turn the TV up more often. It’s better to get the help you need than struggle.

Speak To A Professional

Sometimes, you might just need to find the right guidance that can help you navigate the path ahead. Indeed, a change of habits and lifestyle does not always come easy, and it will require you to be consistent and work with persistence. 

Looking after your health, exercising on a regular basis, and paying special attention to the ingredients in your plates might be challenging to adapt to. However, the results that will follow will be the best motivation to keep going. 

In some cases, you might need professional guidance to help you identify the recovery path more suitable to your needs. Clinics such as the Southwest Scoliosis Institute are there to support you on this journey.

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Take Good Care of Your Health This Winter

As Wintertime draws near, it’s important to think about how you’re going to protect your health this season. If you’ve ever noticed that you seem to get more colds in Winter or you’re more at risk from the flu, you’re not alone.


As Wintertime draws near, it’s important to think about how you’re going to protect your health this season. If you’ve ever noticed that you seem to get more colds in Winter or you’re more at risk from the flu, you’re not alone. Of course, the added worry of COVID-19 means that people are even more motivated to protect their health this Winter. With this in mind, take a look at these top tips for taking good care of yourself and protecting your health this season:

Boost Your Immune System

A good immune system will help you to fight off bugs and viruses, so you should, in theory anyway, get sick less often when your immunity is high. What’s more – when your immune system is functioning well, any illnesses you do experience should be less severe and pass more quickly.

Luckily, you can boost your immune system simply by eating the right foods. Garlic, red bell peppers, ginger, citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, green tea, and live yogurt at all great immunity-boosting foods, so try to incorporate them into your diet if you want to optimize your health this Winter.

Check Your Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that our bodies need to keep bones, muscles, and teeth healthy. However, we get the majority of our vitamin D from the sun, which means it’s easy to become deficient in wintertime when there are fewer hours of sunlight.

You can supplement your vitamin D levels with supplements but it’s important to ensure you’re not taking too much. A quick blood test can tell you what your current levels are, which makes it easier to determine how many supplements you need to take. If getting to your doctor’s office is a hassle, why not learn more about at-home blood draw services? With experienced phlebotomists, fast processing times, and accurate results, this can be the most convenient way to have any type of blood test.


Spend Time Outdoors

When it’s cold, wet, and windy, going outside may not seem like a great idea to most people reading this. In fact, many people assume that spending time outdoors in bad weather can actually increase your chances of getting sick. Providing you wear the right clothing, however, spending time outdoors during Winter can be beneficial for your health.

Although illnesses can spread more easily during Winter, this is often because we spend more time indoors with other people, where it’s easier for illnesses to be passed from one person to another. By spending more time outdoors, you can continue to be active every day, enjoy nature, and breathe in the fresh air.

Use a Light Box

If you notice you feel a little low during wintertime, it could be down to the reduced natural light you’re exposed to. Known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, symptoms can range from low mood or heightened anxiety to feelings of despair and a lack of interest in day-to-day activities.

It’s believed that natural light helps to increase serotonin levels, so, when we’re exposed to less light in the Winter, our serotonin levels drop which has an impact on our emotional well-being. Fortunately, you can rectify this using a SAD lamp or lightbox. These use at least 10,000 lux of light to mimic natural sunlight, which can help to eradicate the symptoms you’re experiencing. Most people use them for around 20-60 minutes a day, although individual needs do vary.

Protect Your Skin

The colder temperatures and increased moisture in the air can cause your skin to dry out, which means it’s important to maintain a regular skincare routine. Switching from a light moisturizing lotion to a heavier cream may also be a good idea.

Your face and hands may be most prone to dry or dehydrated skin in the Winter, as these areas are most exposed to the elements. By wearing gloves and moisturizing your skin frequently throughout the day, you can keep it soft and supple, regardless of how bad the weather is.

Ventilate Indoor Space

Germs can spread more easily in the Winter because we spend more time indoors. If indoor space isn’t properly ventilated, it’s easier for one person to inadvertently transmit an illness to someone else. In highly populated areas, like offices or schools, it’s not surprising that germs can spread so easily when indoor spaces aren’t properly ventilated.

Although keeping a window open on a cold day may not seem like a great idea, it can be an effective way to increase ventilation and reduce the risk of getting sick. In addition to this, you may want to use an air purifier to help keep indoor spaces, such as your office, well-ventilated. A dehumidifier can also be a good idea, as this will help to extract excess moisture from the air, which can help to reduce allergy symptoms.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Taking A Step In The Right Health Direction

If you feel you need some time to relax, to understand and get your bearings, or to be a little kinder to yourself as you aim to progress - well, taking a step in the right direction could be a wonderful idea.


Often, we can think in ‘all or nothing’ therms. That is, if you’re failing to make the progress you wish to make, you might find yourself completely lapsing and avoiding any forward-future progress as a result. For instance, if you cheat on your diet, you might find yourself binging on food and sugary drinks as a means of enjoying yourself, because you know that you’ve taken a step back. This sounds contrary to good wisdom, but as beings that evolved in times of scarcity, it’s not hard to see how self-restraint is our biggest problem in the modern-day. It’s not something we’re particularly well-adapted to.

But taking a step in the right direction, especially where health is concerned, can be a fantastic alternative if you’re not interested in winning every battle in one swoop. If you feel you need some time to relax, to understand and get your bearings, or to be a little kinder to yourself as you aim to progress - well, taking a step in the right direction could be a wonderful idea. Here’s how you might be able to do that:

Investing In The Habit

From time to time, it might take a financial commitment to help you get started. If you hope to start yoga or go running, for example, you’ll likely feel much more encouraged if you purchase fitting running shoes or elastic stretching apparel. This way, a financial and intellectual investment in your chosen practice will make it much more likely that you stay committed. After all, we all wish to get our money’s worth. This may also help us build discipline, and stay on the right path.

Finding The Help You Need

It’s not always the case that our best health is under our control. In fact, it rarely is all of the time, despite our best intentions having a profound effect on how well we encourage our health. For instance, utilizing the services of a pedorthist can quite literally be a step in the right health direction, as healing or nurturing your physical requirements with a range of combined therapies can help you understand how to move forward, and what practices or habits to avoid. Through this effort you’re more likely to feel as though there’s a path forward, and that can be affirming enough.

Being Kind To Yourself

Be kind to yourself if you can manage it. It takes time to overcome bad habits or bad experiences, particularly if the past wasn’t your fault. Those who have suffered a bad injury, for instance, can often find themselves struggling to truly live wth abandon as they might have without that trauma. Being kind to yourself is certainly the first step in the right direction. It might help you grow and feel more confident. It might be a gentle voice telling you that it’s okay to have bad or less-productive days. No matter what, kindness is the key.

With this advice, we hope you can take a step in the right health direction, and feel empowered as a result.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Looking After Your Body And Mind For Winter

Winter can be a crazy and fun season. With so many activities such as family dinners, social gatherings, and plans for gift exchanging, we have plenty of things to distract us and keep us from focusing on our physical and mental health and wellbeing as we would typically do.

Winter can be a crazy and fun season. With so many activities such as family dinners, social gatherings, and plans for gift exchanging, we have plenty of things to distract us and keep us from focusing on our physical and mental health and wellbeing as we would typically do. 

However, once the holiday season is over, and we return to our everyday routines, many people find their motivation to stay healthy and active dips. Some people find that they struggle with low moods - perhaps anxiety over the holidays’ financial cost, or maybe Seasonal Affective Disorder because of the lack of sunlight. Other people let diet and healthy eating habits slip. We swap healthy food and physical activity for comfort and junk food and snuggling up on the couch. 

This, combined with the shorter days and colder weather, can mean that we become quite unhealthy. In turn, this leads to a weakened immune system, leaving us more susceptible to illness, which can make us feel even more down in the dumps. It is little wonder it is called the winter blues.

You don’t have to feel that way, though. You can do things to keep your mood, physical activity levels, and diet up at a safe and healthy level during the long winter months. Read on to find out more.


Chill out with the carbs

In winter, we often crave carbs. They are the ultimate comfort food - creamy mashed sweet potato, lots of delicious gluten-free bread toast, or big steaming plates of gluten-free pasta. This causes your serotonin to rise, making you feel happy and relaxed. This, in turn, leads to craving them and eating more and more.  Inherently, carbs are not bad. They give you energy, which during the winter when you are feeling particularly lethargic is important. However, too many carbs can cause your blood levels to spike, sending you on a crash (and making you feel worse) and leading to weight gain and putting you at risk of conditions such as diabetes.

To overcome the carb cravings, ditch them for breakfast and replace them with protein-packed meals. Try silken tofu, scrambled, or chia seeds in coconut milk for a breakfast that tastes delicious and will keep you full until lunchtime.

Have some healthy and delicious snacks to hand for the afternoon when the carb cravings kick in and look for alternative ways of getting that serotonin hit.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables - especially green and orange ones!

Opting for fruit and vegetables that are primarily dark green and orange can mean that you are getting plenty of healthy nutrients and vitamins, including the all vital vitamin A. Kale, spinach, swiss chard, carrots, squash, and oranges are all perfect for winter. Cook up hearty butternut squash stew or add some spinach to your scrambled tofu for a healthy breakfast.

Add in omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are found naturally in many foods. Most people think of oily fish when they think about omega 3, but if you lead a plant-based diet, you can also find it in fish, seeds, pulses, and nuts. They help to reduce joint pain and stiffness, which many people suffer from in the winter, thanks to their natural anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also shown that omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce the incidence of depression, again, something which is much more common during the dark winter months.

Plan your physical activity

It can be so hard to get motivated to do exercise in winter, but if you don’t, you risk undoing all of the hard work you have done over the year. Try to plan and stick to a regular exercise or fitness routine. Once a week, sit down and schedule it out. Take a look at the weather forecast and plan around that - if it is terrible weather, prepare for something indoors. If it is cold but sunny, a brisk jog can warm you up and leave you feeling great. Having a plan makes it much more likely that you are to stick to it. You could also consider having an exercise buddy - someone who can hold you accountable. If you know that you would be letting someone else down, if you don’t get your running shoes on is a great motivator.

Stick to indoor exercise

If the thought of going out for a run or even leaving the house to go for a swim or to the gym feels you with dread, don’t do it. There are plenty of home workouts you can do in the comfort of your lounge, whether you fancy yoga, pilates, weight training, or even cardio. Have a look on YouTube or Pinterest for some free tutorials for all fitness levels and abilities.

Wash your hands

With Coronavirus still hanging about, you are probably fed up with hearing this one, but it really is one of the most significant ways to protect yourself against illnesses. Make sure you wash your hands after using the bathroom, before eating, when you come in from being out, and after handling money. 

Make sure that you get plenty of sleep

Sleep - preferably around eight hours or so every night - gives your body the chance to rest and recuperate. Lack of sleep lowers your immune system and can lead to poor mental health. Try to avoid using screens in the hour before bedtime, go to bed at the same time every night even if you don’t have to get up the next morning, and make sure your bedroom is dark and at a comfortable temperature. Lavender is said to aid sleep, so if you are struggling, indulge in some lavender soap for your bath or a pillow spray.

Most of these tips are easy to put into practice and do not involve expensive or drastic lifestyle changes. They will help to keep both your mind and your body healthy throughout the winter so you can move into spring in the best possible way. 

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Tips To Look After Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic health conditions can affect anyone and everyone of all ages. With that being said, here are some tips to look after chronic health conditions.

A chronic health condition is something that can be hard to explain to those who’ve never experienced it. And for that reason alone, it can be hard to appreciate just how much invisible pain is a condition that needs to be focused on. Chronic health conditions can affect anyone and everyone of all ages. With that being said, here are some tips to look after chronic health conditions.


Forgive Yourself When You Have Tough Days

We all have tough days, and when it comes to getting through those days, it’s important to acknowledge the pain and to forgive yourself for, however, you feel or react. You should feel guilty for having reacted a certain way towards others as long as they’re aware of your condition. It’s something that cannot be helped, and the last thing you want to be doing is guilt-tripping yourself when there may be enough of that already out in the world. Be a positive influence for yourself and try to find that forgiveness when it comes to your own body. Don’t be down-heartened and accept that this a day that wasn’t fantastic. You’ll have tomorrow and the day after that. Focus on the future and projecting positive thoughts into your life

Get Professional Help

For any type of medical treatment, whether visible or not, it’s essential to get to professional help you need when it’s required. For chronic health, there are not as many helpful resources out there in comparison to other traditional conditions. However, that’s something that’s changing, especially as more research goes into exploring chronic conditions and how to fix them or relieve the pain somewhat. It’s worth looking at helpful companies like the Stradtman Family Wellness who is finding ways to help clients in overcoming their chronic health conditions but in a natural way.

Keep Yourself As Healthy As Possible

In order to look after yourself, it’s important to keep your body and mind as healthy as possible. Although it’s not a cure or solution that works for everyone, reducing stress can be helpful. Eating well and doing exercise regularly can also be a good way of getting your body fit and helping your body feel it’s best at all times. The more time you can commit to looking after your body, the better.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an important thing to practice when it comes to your health, and it’s one that we don’t really do enough of. When practicing self-care, do things that make you feel good. Make sure these are things you do for yourself and on your own, rather than with other people. Spending time along to do what you love can certainly give you a greater quality of life. Chronic health conditions could certainly benefit from some self-love every now and then, right?

When treating a chronic health condition, it’s going to be different for everyone. Use what you know and research other ways that might be able to help with your condition in making it more manageable.

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What Can A Dentist Do For You?

Read on for our guide on what to expect when it comes to dental practices.


A dentist is probably something you’ve done a search for online. It’s likely that you want to find a good dentist who can provide you and your family with great service at a good price. Thankfully, you’re in the right place to get some answers. Read on for our guide on what to expect when it comes to dental practices.

The Different Types of Treatment Offered By Dentists 

When it comes to looking for private dentists, you want to be sure that you’re taking on a dental practice that offers a wide variety of services. Due to the specialisation often offered by private dental practices, and the wide variety of dentists, nurses, and therapists employed by private practices, it allows people to feel comfortable in knowing that they are paying for a renowned dentist who knows what they are doing. 

Also, many people want to find emergency dentists too. Private practice dentists will often be there for their patients in a time of crisis and strive to create relationships with people who regularly come through their doors. This versatility and reliability are what often attracts more and more people to turn to private dental practices. But, what kind of services can you expect from a private practice? Well, there are many services to help make your smile as bright as it can be. We’re going to detail some of these services and treatments in this article and tell you where you can find such services.

Restorative Treatments 

One subset of treatments offered by a private dentist will come under the title of ‘restorative’. This relates to improving your damaged teeth and your smile to restore it to a level that makes you feel more confident and at ease with yourself. One of these treatments relates to broken teeth. While teeth are strong, they can chip, break, and fracture from biting down on something, receiving a hit to the face, by falling, or through the weakening of your teeth via cavities. Treatment can involve smoothing out the areas surrounding the minor cracks and chips to make your smile-line more visibly appealing and less noticeable when eating and drinking. There are also the likes of ‘bridges’, which can be used to replace missing teeth, providing neighboring teeth are strong enough to hold a new laboratory-made tooth in place. Then there are dentures, commonly known as ‘false teeth.’ These are used to either partially or fully replace missing teeth, allowing people to eat, function, and speak in a more comfortable manner. They can also boost someone’s appearance and make them feel more confident. And, then there is ‘root canal’ treatment. This often involves a tooth that has been infected, leading to abscesses. This treatment can stop the spread of infection.

Receiving Orthodontic and Preventative Treatments

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that is concerned with the diagnosis and improvement of jaw or teeth that are out-of-position. This can also include preventive measures before any malposition has taken place. If you’re looking for a dentist who concentrates on orthodontics, then it is likely that you are looking for braces or implants. Conventional braces generally cement or bond teeth to get them to hold together using thin metal wires that ever so gently push your teeth back into position. This is a process that will take approximately 18 months and will require a number of visits to a dentist. However, some people feel self-conscious about braces. Thankfully, there are practices that also offer invisible braces. Most people won’t even notice these braces, they won’t disrupt your lifestyle, and there are no wires to irritate your mouth. Moreover, there is always additional help to prevent tooth problems too. Such treatments can include checks for gum disease, mouth cancer, general dental hygiene, and even the sealing of fissures to stop cavities from forming. 

Cosmetic Treatments From Dentists

One of the main reasons though that people want to switch dentists is to find someone who can help improve the look of their teeth. To many of us, having teeth that look good to others and ourselves is just as important as teeth that are healthy and fully functioning. Some techniques available include teeth whitening, which helps remove strains via chemical means within a safe environment. There are also ‘veneers’, which are small, custom-made tooth-like materials made to cover the front side of a tooth and can help enhance the overall appearance of your teeth. Usually, they are made from thin porcelain or plastic resin. There are also white fillings, which are, for many people, much better than silver fillings. When people laugh or open their mouth, they may worry about their fillings being visible. White fillings can help remove that need to be self-conscious. Then there is ‘bonding’, in which tooth-colored plastic resin is applied to individual teeth to restore, and also improve, someone’s smile.

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