5 Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the winter blues, is a common problem. The change in weather at certain times of year can have a negative effect on your mood. In fact, many people find this occurs in the winter or after the holiday period. The weather is cold and dark, but you’ve still got to get back to work. Some of the symptoms include depression, fatigue, and a general lack of motivation. There are a few things you can do to get the spring back in your step, however. Here are five ways to combat seasonal affective disorder.

Get more exercise

Exercise has been found to be beneficial for your mental health. It can help combat stress, mood swings, and anxiety. If you’re bored of your current exercise routine, why not try something new? If the weather is cold where you are you could switch to an indoor activity, such as yoga, HIIT workouts, or other online classes. Exercise helps to fight that feeling of sluggishness and will give you an energy boost.

Light therapy

Seasonal affective disorder is associated with the lack of light during the winter months. One treatment used to combat SAD is light therapy. A light emitting device helps replace the sunlight you’ve been lacking. It’s also a good idea to go out on sunnier days, even just for a short walk to boost your vitamin D. This will also help to brighten up your mood.

Speak to your doctor

If you’re going to try a new therapy you should always speak to your doctor first. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for you. If they prescribe you with any medication to help combat depressive symptoms, it’s important to ensure your medical insurance covers this, so you can avoid Part D penalty. Your doctor will provide you with all the help and information you need.

Organize social activities

There are many proven benefits of social interaction for your mental wellbeing. Even though it’s difficult to socialize at the moment, you could try meeting a friend for walks or even organizing meetups online. If you’re feeling low one evening, give a friend or family member a call to see how they’re doing. You might find this lifts your mood and gives you more motivation. 

Try out a new hobby

Sometimes a change is as good as a rest and new hobbies can help beat depression. It’s easy to fall into a rut and lose motivation because you’re simply bored. Try something new whether it’s a sport, hobby, or online class. It’s important to challenge yourself from time to time. It can be very rewarding to learn something new. It’s also a great way to clear your mind. If you’re the creative type, you could try arts and crafts at home. You could also learn a new recipe, or do some DIY around the house, whatever appeals most to your interests. A new activity will help you focus your mind and feel motivated.


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