Brighten Your Smile & Boost Your Confidence With These Tips

The average person smiles around 50 times a day. Despite this, 1/3 of American adults do not like their smile and will try to avoid this where possible. This is likely due to a lack of confidence in the way in which their smile looks. For example, they may feel as though their teeth are not white or straight enough.

However, we believe that there should be more smiles in the world. This is because smiling not only lifts our own mood but can also lift the spirits of those around us. With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to brighten your smile & boost your confidence! 

Brush your teeth twice a day. While this may seem a little obvious, the first step towards good oral health revolves simply around brushing your teeth twice a day. If possible, you should use an electric toothbrush, as this allows for a closer more-thorough clean. You should also use floss when brushing to ensure that your mouth is thoroughly clean. 

Be aware of the warning signs of bad dental health. Toothache is not the only sign that there may be something wrong with your teeth that you need to address. For example, bleeding and aching gums are another key sign that something may be going wrong. Sometimes, these issues are relatively straightforward to resolve. For example, bleeding gums can sometimes be caused by overbrushing. 

Visit the dentist once a year. Attending regular dentists appointments is a great way to brighten your smile while also improving your overall health. As a result, you should make the most of all dental services available to you, such as cosmetic and restorative dentistry. This is particularly important if you have noticed any major issues in your oral health, as the longer you leave them unattended, the worse they will get. 

Don’t use mouthwash right after brushing. When getting ready for the day (or for bed), you may feel tempted to reach for the mouthwash directly after brushing. However, using mouthwash straight away could actually be undoing some of the hard work you have carried out when brushing your teeth. This is because your toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps to prevent tooth decay - and you could be washing some of this away by using mouthwash directly after brushing. As a result, you should try to use mouthwash at a different time in the day - such as after each meal.

Avoid foods that stain your teeth. If your lack of confidence within your smile is based on the fact that you don’t feel as though your teeth are white enough, then there are certain steps you can take to remedy this issue. For example, you can use whitening toothpaste. However, you could also keep your smile bright by reducing your intake of food and drink that could possibly stain them. For example, this could include coffee, wine, chocolate, and sweets. This does not mean that you have to cut them out entirely, but you should ensure that you enjoy them in moderation. 


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