Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Self-Love: The Road to Happiness and Growth

In a world where we are battling the effects of racism and Covid-19, is easy to slip and fall between the cracks. Many of us are struggling and fighting with ourselves to remain positive. Making sure that you are taking care of yourself is very important. Find out why self-love is essential to your life and how it can help you grow as person.

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Self-love is regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.

Sometimes we tend to forget about ourselves and shift our focus to the ones we love most. We also lose ourselves. Death, breakups, any loss or heartbreak can sometimes to lead to carelessness which can become dangerous if action is not taken.

Self-love is essential in order to live a happy, and healthy lifestyle. Self-love comes in different forms. First there’s taking care of your appearance. Second there’s wellness or your health. Third, there’s self-reflection.

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Grooming is important because that is what usually makes you feel good. For women, think about when you finally get your hair and nails done. Think about when you wear a nice outfit or your makeup is done. How does that makes you feel? For men, think about when you get a haircut, line-up or even shave. Think about when your wearing your best outfit and fresh scent of cologne. Men know one way to a woman’s heart is that smell of cologne. Then there’s also pampering yourself. This can be going to get a massage, maybe taking a bath with some bath bombs in your tub, or going on a vacation or to a spa.

Health is top priority. When you look good, it is important to feel good too. Healthy eating and exercising requires consistency that can be hard but is possible. Even mental health is important because this is part of your well-being. Going to a gym, working out at home, even yoga or meditation can help when it comes to your body. A safe and relaxing space is needed in order to have a peace of mind. Once you’re at peace with yourself, you will handle stressful situations effectively. Self-reflection is important when it comes to self-love and growth. You need to be able to think about your actions, motives and character. You must question yourself and your past. Maybe you had a pass situation that you did not handle too well. You ask yourself “What could I have done differently?” Maybe there are things about yourself that you never came to terms with but someone close to you has. They’ve told you things that they notice about you that hasn’t changed for the better. You ask yourself “What steps do I need to take in order to change?”

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Self-reflection starts with you and it is when you make startling and surprising realizations about yourself that you never even knew. Maybe in this process you realize new things about yourself based on the situations and experiences that you have encountered. Self-reflection is the key to growth.

Self-love starts with ourselves. Always remember that you have to love and take care of yourself as best as you can because if you don’t, who else is going to? Find peace and happiness within yourself, don’t settle for less and be open to change.

Report: Juana Norales

Instagram: @juana.n_

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Taking Care of Black Mental Health

With videos and posts surfacing online of police harming protestors, looting of black owned businesses and even President Trump’s inhuman tweets, black people may feel the need to take a break from the media. Mental health is crucial at this moment and there are resources out there if needed.

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George Floyd.

A 46-year old black man who died in Minneapolis, Minnesota after officer Derek Chauvin, a white man, knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd laid lifeless and handcuffed face down into the street.

Ahmaud Arbery.

A 25-year old black man who was shot by a white man while jogging.

Breonna Taylor.

A 26-year old black woman who was shot and killed by Louisville Metro Police Department Officers inside her home.

These black lives, along with many others have been lost and has sparked outraged around the world. As people continuously protest and plead for change, others are also using social media and are looting from certain businesses to get their point across.

Whether if its through rioting, looting, protesting and even posting onto social media accounts, people are demanding justice for all of the black lives that have been lost in the hands of police and white supremacy.

Although many people are choosing to use their voice to speak up on issues of race, police brutality, black lives and white privilege, others are choosing to stay silent. Today it is clear that these topics can no longer be swept under the rug.

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However with videos surfacing of these brutal killings, and media outlets portraying black people in a negative light, some people cannot handle this all, especially African-Americans who have been alive since the Jim Crow Era. Some may feel as if their relieving those dark moments again.

While African-Americans normally face hardships, struggles and constant barriers, mental health comes into play especially during times like this. Sometimes there is a need to isolate and disconnect from social media and even the media as a whole. This is important so that you can recuperate and relax your mind.

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It is also important to create a safe space for yourself. Even though someone may feel like they need to take a break or disconnect from social media, it is not safe to disconnect from people. If you are overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, whatever it is that you are feeling, talk to someone. Find a relaxing and safe way to let that anger and frustration out. Although it may sound impossible, there is always a way.

As black people we must stand together, help each other and create safe spaces for each other to express our feelings. Our health is a priority. I have listed some black mental health resources down below:

1. Therapy for Black Girls

2. Therapy for Black Men

3. Melanin and Mental Health

4. Open Path Collective

5. Ethel’s Club

Report: Juana Norales

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Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

The Path of Betterment

For Better or Worse

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When you go through a traumatic experience that tries to break your spirit, typically you want to rid your mind of that negativity and do something good for yourself.

Sometimes these traumatic moments can happen with people in your life you considered a best friend or family. This is when a force in life shows you that a person isn’t meant to be in your life anymore. Over conflicting differences or a deep betrayal, that bridge is burned.

What do you do after this trauma becomes critical to who you are as a person? Either you have to reevaluate your surroundings in life and push yourself forward to do better and be better or you’ll remain in the toxicity of your environment because of its familiarity and not seeing a way out that doesn’t include discomfort.

This is what has currently evolved between Khloe Kardashian and Jordyn Woods. After Khloe’s drama with Tristian Thompson and Jordyn Woods, it seemed that Khloe was set against defaming Jodyn’s character in anger once Jordyn was exiled from the family circle.

Jordyn took the separation from the Kardashian/Jenner clan to speak her truth and live her life for herself and has continued to do so. While Khloe continued to deal with Tristian’s playboy antics, recently she took to social media to post her new look and she is unrecognizable having others question plastic surgery.

Jordyn as another black woman who was vilified chose a path of wellness. She has chosen to focus on herself and her career while surrounding herself with friends that chose to elevate her with love and positivity. Jordyn has continued on this path and she has prospered through the self-care and love she shows herself.

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She chose the wellness of not letting a negative situation derail her life. When living in wellness and self-care it is important to treat yourself with care, to be kind to yourself while doing what makes you happy. Sometimes in being attached to others it can be easy to lose sight of what you’re meant for in life.

To reject manipulation is choosing to put yourself first. The self-love and self-care you adopt are creating a forcefield of positive energy again the toxic words and actions of others. In that space of positivity, you embrace those who embrace you. When you allow room for growth you manifest a new perspective on life and you react differently to negative energy. Commit to yourself the way you commit to others.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts

So, What Does It Really Mean To Eat In Season

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.


On March 12th, 2020 I received a call from my supervisor that our offices were to be closed until further notice. I knew that it meant change was to come; I expected life to look different. This is all uncharted territory for everyone. In just 2 weeks, toilet paper became the hottest commodity.  Media outlets covered countless stories about the decline of toilet paper supply.  However, there was another commodity that eventually became even harder to come by, meat. 

Walking the aisles of the local supermarkets, I couldn’t help to notice the absence of meat and abundance of fresh produce. Along with meat, canned and frozen produce are becoming hard finds.  While completing my weekly rounds through the grocery circuit, I’ve overheard several conversations about produce that all lead to these three conclusions:

  1. Unfamiliar produce is scary to most

  2. Consumers are unaware of what it means to eat in season

  3. Many people do not know how to properly store produce

There were murmurs of “that’s going to spoil in 2 days” and “I don’t even know what to do with that”, which were quickly followed by a bee line to the barren canned foods aisle. Although canned and frozen produce contain the same nutritional value as their fresh counterparts, the taste isn’t comparable.  But what does a meat shortage actually mean for us? 

For starters, the empty shelves at supermarkets are the first indicator that something strange is happening. However, as supply returns to stores, the variety of meat is expected to decline.  Some finer cuts may no longer be as available and high demand items, like bacon, will see an increase in price. This doesn’t mean that you should go and stockpile meat in your deep freezer. By making simple adjustments to your food habits, you can explore the world of food and reduce your impact on your environment. Trust me, the latter is better than engorging in freezer burned ribeyes this summer season. 

A simple way to combat food fatigue is to embark on an adventure with your food, and this can be done by eating in season from the comfort of your kitchen.


So, what does it mean to eat in season?

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.  Not all produce blooms the same…at the same time.  Foods reach peak flavor and nutritional value seasonally.  This means, in order to enjoy fresh produce at its fullest potential, it’s better to eat it in the season it would normally grow.  Eating in season is not only for your enjoyment and health, but it is also beneficial for the earth.

Before you sit down to take a bite of your lunch or Sunday dinner, think about the journey each individual ingredient took to reach your plate.  How much gas did it  take to transport the onions and garlic from the ground to your plate? About how much electricity was required to keep your milk and cheese safe enough to consume? About how many pesticides were used to keep your fruit safe from predators during a season it does not normally grow?  These questions are things to think about as you are purchasing your food.

Eating in season helps reduce your carbon footprint or your impact on the natural environment.  Foods that are cultivated in season, require less protection and less fortification to make them satisfiable for the consumer.  The different types of produce each have specific characteristics that indicate ripeness.  

Picking your produce

I can tell you one hundred times to try different produce, but if you do not know how to pick your produce, then all the energy would be wasted.  If you did not major in horticulture, here are 3 simple things to look for when picking fresh produce:

  1. Color- food should be vibrant and colorful.  

  2. Smell- you can smell when produce is ripened; especially, fruits.  They will give off a sweet faint aroma near the blossom end.

  3. Sound- this applies largely to melons.  You should hear a deep solid “thump” when you pluck the fruit.  If it sounds high and shallow, then the fruit is not ripe.  


Spring/Summer Produce

Here’s a color-coded list of summer produce to be on the lookout for as you make your grocery store runs:


Red indicates foods that are good sources of vitamin A (Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic Acid). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (absorbed by fat in the body) that is essential to immune system functions, vision, and human growth/development.  Vitamin A not only helps the body fight of infections, but helps you see in low light!











Vitamin C, probably the most famous vitamin to hit the streets, is your ride or die vitamin.  This water-soluble vitamin boosts your immune and repairs damages to the body.  From your skin to your heart, this vitamin plays a major role in maintaining your health.








Vitamin B6 can be found in starchy produce, this produce also tends to be yellow.  B6 is important for breaking down proteins (protein metabolism), immune functions, energy, and the formation of red blood cells. 




Summer Squash



Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is essential to cell growth and function.  This vitamin can be found in green veggies. Major factor in your body being able to break down drugs, fats, and steroids.  

Fun Fact: Your body can actually produce a decent amount of riboflavin on its own, by simply eating more plant-based foods.




Green Beans



Lima Beans





Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, or vitamin E, can be found abundantly and in blueish purple produce. This vitamin is known for its antioxidizing properties.  This is a great vitamin that helps fight heart disease and cancer.





As we phase through this pandemic and beyond, I want to explore food with you! The shortage in meat will not be the first change we see in our food culture.  However, it is my goal to empower you during these lifestyle changes to take ownership of your life, both in and out of the kitchen. 

Be on the lookout for produce storage tips and more!

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC

At Home Therapy

Every home has a distinct scent, what is yours?

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Essential Oil Diffusers have become a hot topic in today’s day and age. With so many different oils, every room in your house can give off a different aroma. At CAMPO Modern Aromatherapy, you can choose from up to 16 different blends of oils. If you are looking to keep alert throughout the day, their ENERGY Blend does just the trick. This blend is 100% pure essential oils with Orange Blossom, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, and a hint of Australian Sandalwood to give you the perfect balance of vitality and energy.

This scent is perfect for an office or work space being that it gives off a sensual, warm, and woodsy scent. If you are having trouble getting to bed at night, their SLEEP Blend can be the answer to your prayers. With a hint of lavender, palmarosa, roman chamomile, and valerian root, you will find yourself relaxed and calmed when it’s time to hit the hay for the day. This oil is perfect for the bedroom, hence the name, with its floral scent and balsamic undertones. If you’ve never used a diffuser with essential oils before, you can’t go wrong with lavender.

Lavender is one of the most common essential oils that people use in their diffusers. It has the ability to alleviate many feelings, such as stress, anxiety, and soreness. With so many oils with so many different scents, each room in your house can do a different thing: put you to sleep, wake you up, calm you down, or excite you. All at the same time.

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Culture, Editor's Picks, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Living Your Truth at Any Age

“Reject the notion that they’re disposable if they’re not a mini version of you,” said Union.

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Growing up we’re told not to do certain things or we’d get into trouble. We’re told not to smoke, drink, do drugs, etc. Then at a certain age, we’re supposed to have the sex talk with our parents and for most parents, this talk has always been supported by a man and a woman because that’s what they knew and for some, it can’t change.

Since most parents grew up in a time when same-sex couples were taboo, that’s what they instill in their children. Now that same-sex and multiple gender identities are more common and accepted now it can be a troubling topic for some, especially with younger children who ask questions. A lot of parents can be thrown off or displeased when these issues occur in their own home to an older child.

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Over the years many parents have become displeased to learn their own child identify with a different gender than what they’re born with or have romantic attractions for the same sex.

Television actress Gabrielle Union recently spoke about how she and her husband NBA star Dwayne Wade navigate having a ten-year-old son Zion who now identifies as a girl and goes by Zaya. Union recently went on The View and encouraged parents who have similar stages within their families to love, listen, and accept their child.

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“Reject the notion that they’re disposable if they’re not a mini version of you,” said Union.

She then goes on to express what every parent preaches to children of just being a good person and guiding them as best you can.

Every parent wants their children to be better than they were and they think that being gay or transgender means that they have failed their child in that mission.

“Creating more of you in every kind of way isn’t the solution. Allowing them to be who they are and guiding them to be loving, passionate, and open-minded.”

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Many people live their lives hidden from who they really are to please others and it doesn’t come out until after they’re gone leaving a family with regret that they didn’t fully accept it.

Every person no matter what age should be allowed to be who they are no matter what sexuality or gender identity and let it lead them to be a good person and doing more good.

Be the parent you needed at your child’s age, embrace them for who they are when they open up to you. Have open dialogue and build a stronger bond.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

What Do the Cards Say?: A Journey Down the Youtube Tarot Rabbit Hole

I watched 5 tarot card readings on YouTube and wrote all about what is in the cards for me. Watch them and let me know what is going on in your future.

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Did you know there are tarot card readings on YouTube? They have quickly become a guilty pleasure of mine. In these uncertain times, a peek into the future can be relieving. For those who have poured over their birth charts, this is for you. The categories and topics of each reading is endless: money, soulmates, what the next month holds in store for you.

I watched 5 tarot readings and thought I’d share what my future is looking like. But, first let me give you a little background on the readings and how they typically go. Some are pretty lengthy going over 2 hours for all readings and others are around 45 minutes. The longer the video means the more detailed the reading is. Throughout all of the tarot channels, they all begin in the same fashion.

- Typical YouTube intro: “Hey, guys!”

- Camera paneled down to four cards or crystals

- Overview of what the reading is about

- Choose whatever card or crystal resonates the most with you

- Go to the time jump for your selection and enjoy your reading

Okay, let’s get started. The YouTube algorithms are already hip to this guilty pleasure so I will be going from the first 7 videos recommended to me. Along with each video I will give you 5 highlights of my reading and how in tune the reader was. I have my essential oil diffuser going and a drink in my hand, I am ready, Miss. Cleo.

First up: “*PICK A CARD* (May Prediction 2020)” by Shonnetta’s Divine Tarot (@shonnettasintuition)

First off, love her energy. There is something about a fellow natural hair black woman that makes me feel instantly connected. Now on to my reading. I chose pile #3 to tell me all about what May has in store for me. And here are the highlights:

- Birds. Be on the lookout for birds and feathers, cool cool cool.

- All about the Benjamins. Owww, May is all about the pay. Apparently I should be on the lookout for a pay day this month. Second round of stimulus check, perhaps?

- Important message and wisdom coming my way. An epiphany. I need to meditate to truly get my answers.

- Move away from things that do not serve me. Yes. Finding out what is best for my soul should be my mission for May. This is when I will yield the best results.

- Don’t miss my blessings. Noted.

That was an okay reading. Feel it wasn’t spot on or as specific as I was hoping, but what she had to say was nice to hear. Will I be going back for more readings from Shonnetta? Sure, why not? She has a positive energy that you can’t help but contract.

Second: “Your Life in Three Years From Now (PICK A CARD)” by The Gem Goddess (@thegoddessgem)

I have watched readings on this channel before and I have liked what was in the cards. Three years from now I will be 28, and I pray for better times than this. Please let this reading reflect that. So what does pile #4 say?

- The first card is sun in Virgo and my sun sign is Virgo, hello connection. With the 8 of pentacles, she tells me three years from now I will be going through big changes.

- Renovation of self and environment, letting things go.

- Oh, no. A significant relationship will be ending. Friendship or a romantic relationship, I like my good friends, a boyfriend is whatever. The relationship wasn’t fair or balanced, it did not serve me.

- Fully focused on my career. Stability, security and delight in my future. Finding my feet and myself. Really liking the sounds of that. And more money coming in.

- Moving to a different place?? But, I will be going through the emotions...sick.

- Ultimate highlight: 9 months after purging what doesn’t work for me, I will attract the love of my life. I can get jiggy with that.

This was such a good reading. So detailed in all of the explanations. It really made me look forward to the future. Although, there will be hardships and ended relationships, it will all be for the good and better.

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Third: “CHANNELING YOUR DIVINE COUNTERPART-What are they like? What kind of lover are they?” By Gossamery Dreams (@gossamery_dreams)

This video comes with a 18+ warning. How detailed will this be? I have never watched a reading from this channel, so my curiosity sure peaked. I chose pile #3, let’s see.

- My counterpart is very successful, currently going through a divorce/break up, and is highly desired by women. A catch. Okay. And he is older.

- This guy sure knows how to pick ‘em. Apparently my “counterpart” has been choosing the wrong women, the reader in the video describes them as “gold-diggers.”

- We will be eachothers awakening.

- Third reading in a row telling me to let go of things that do not serve me. When I purge, then will come the greatness of success and love. Wowzers. I hear you, universe.

- My counterpart will be alll about me..hmm I would like to see that.

This was my favorite reading, not because of the 18+, but the reader was having so much fun. Her energy and dedication was palpable. I totally recommend y’all going to her channel.

Four: “(Pick A Card) Who is YOUR SOULMATE?!?” by The Tarot Priest (@thetarotpriest)

After the previous reading, this was bound to pop up. This will not be the first “soulmate” reading I’ve seen, these are the ones I like watching to compare them all. Previously I have gotten a creative, successful man who is older than me and is into music/plays an instrument. Along with many other lengthy details, but I’ll spare you. Now, I felt compelled to go with the red pile.

-They are going through it, right now. Changes, growing, overcoming. And possibly a psychic or an empath. Interesting.

- We will always have fun. Playful and spiritual connections.

- He is not materialistic, but working towards accomplishing more.

- Is not open to go on their spiritual journey right now.

- We are on the same path to each other. Just different backgrounds.

This was the shortest reading and the least thrilling. Good video and the reader was informative, but I will probably hesitate watching another reading from this channel.

Five: “*(PICK A CARD)* Everything About Your Immediate Future! *PSYCHIC READING* by Vanessa Somuayina (@build_a_beaulife)

Last video is a short one. Never saw a video about my immediate future, it’s a little too “The Ring” for me. But, let’s see what she is hitting on. The Blue Quartz spoke to me.

- Things are moving into a better spot for me financially. With the lockdown, I am not sure how that's going to work, but never block your blessings!

- What is meant to be mine, will be mine.

- Watch what I say because I tend to be a little too forward and it sometimes comes off as harsh. Noted. I will try.

- Take a time out. Easy. Quarantine has never made that so easy.

- A new romance or platonic connection could be coming my way.

Well, in this video I got some good insight. Not sure what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. A lot to keep in mind for the foreseeable future.

Many may find this tarot card reading on youtube a bit cheesy, and it kind of is. But, in times where there is so much negativity going on this is a spark of joy and fun. Not taking anything too seriously and speculating about what our future holds. So go ahead, sit back and watch these videos for yourself or the bevvy of others out there. Find out about your sexy soulmate or when will be your next big pay day or what is going on in your career.

Report: Bria Ward

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How To Stay Sane During Quarantine

Very few of us have experienced a pandemic before. There is no rule book to teach us how to cope, how to take care of our parents from afar, or how to prevent any meltdowns or anxiety attacks.

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Very few of us have experienced a pandemic before. There is no rule book to teach us how to cope, how to take care of our parents from afar, or how to prevent any meltdowns or anxiety attacks. But since were staying home, it is important to practice taking care of ourselves and our mental health. The following tips discuss how you can continue being productive and stay sane during isolation.

#1- Get Outside. Social distancing does not mean to force yourself to stay inside at all times. It’s important to get some fresh air to clear your mind. Take small breaks throughout work to “reset” your brain and try meditating. A good app for this is called the Meditation app. It evaluates your mental and emotional state and provides exercises to practice mindfulness.

#2-Keep a routine. Act as if school or work is still in session. Take a shower, get fully dressed in the morning and set wake up and sleep times. This is important because it makes us feel as if there is some normalcy in the world. Use the Streaks app to track and manage your daily habits, including the little things, like eating breakfast!

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#3- Pick up a new skill. With all the extra time on our hands, we can use this time to do something we’ve always wanted to do, such as learn a new language or workout. You can even pick up a new book and set a goal for yourself. For language learning, try the free application called Duolingo. There are 35 languages to choose from and endless possibilities!

#4-Phone a friend- FaceTime your grandparents, or use the Nextdoor app to connect with the neighbors living around you. You can also set up a Zoom call with your friends, which has fun features such as customizing your background or reacting with emojis while someone is talking. Whichever form of contact you choose, it’s important to reach out to the people you love and check in on them. You never know whose day you could be making!

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Culture, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Culture, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

What Kind Of Detox Do We Really Need?

Brain Detox. Peace of Mind. Inner Harmony. Healthy Thoughts. Happy Mind.

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We live in a toxic world. It seems that humanity has managed to destroy everything that once was valuable: tuna now has more mercury than protein, vegetables are full of pesticides, and you can kill a horse with the air in metropolis. It is believed that all these troubles come from a person’s selfish desire to live in comfort.

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For the first time in history, new types of toxicity have arisen. Voila, three modern inventions that poison our lives:

1. Gadgets. Digital dependency is a neurotic need for new information and gadgets. It is promised to be entered in the register of the International Classification of Diseases. First of all, doctors are concerned that smartphones and other members of electronic family have a bad effect on the psyche. Anxiety about having to be in touch 24/7, depressing states that life on Instagram is not like reality are just the most obvious problems that we have while abusing digital world.

2. Information Age. The regime in which billions of people now exist is called information satiety. Like any satiety, it is fraught with health. Too much information causes cognitive overload and strains the nervous system. Anxiety and mental disorders are other symptoms of universal informatization.

3. Confined personal space. According to estimates by the UN Population Fund, by 2024, 8 billion people will simultaneously live on the planet, most of them in capitals and large cities. Unfortunately, living surrounded by millions is not as fun as it might seem. Crowding is associated with a high risk of nervous and mental illness, an increased risk of infection, and problems such as physical inactivity and sleep disorders due to noise and light.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Wellness, Lifestyle, Food Access by NKC Wellness, Lifestyle, Food Access by NKC

Kin Euphorics Offers A Nightlife Beverage with Self-Care In Mind

Jen Batchelor, founder of Kin, the world's first euphoric, non-alcoholic beverage, has managed to glamorize teetotalism in a way that has people changing the way they view nightlife. This product is not an enticement for sobriety, but rather a self-care approach to socializing.

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With the bars and restaurants temporarily closed, people have been lining up outside their local liquor store to be sure they are fully stocked for the unforeseeable future. Live stream cocktail making classes and Zoom happy hours with friends has become the new social norm thanks to Covid-19. Humans are social beings, and this quarantine has proven to be a challenge for many of us. A virtual cheers behind a computer screen just isn’t the same. And a cocktail simply tastes better when your favorite bartender shakes it up.

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So whether we like it or not we are forced to take a step away from the bars, and if you’re hoping to take this time to adopt new and healthy habits, you might be at war with yourself over what time is “acceptable” to start drinking. Brunch cocktail? Afternoon happy hour? Sometime after 5pm? It might not matter so much if you felt good about WHAT you were drinking.

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Jen Batchelor, founder of Kin, the world's first euphoric, non-alcoholic beverage, has managed to glamorize teetotalism in a way that has people changing the way they view nightlife. This product is not an enticement for sobriety, but rather a self-care approach to socializing. Kin has combined nootropics, which enhance cognitive function and adaptogens, herbs used to reduce stress into a classy, aesthetically pleasing bottle.

Several cities across the US including Los Angeles, Chicago and New York have begun stocking their shelves with Kin Euphorics. And so far, at least a dozen bars in NYC have added Kin to their cocktail menus. If this trend continues to spread we might be looking at more “rememorable” nights and clearer mornings. Kin Euphorics retails at $39 a bottle and includes free shipping. Add this tasteful bottle to your home bar and join your Zoom happy hours with peace of mind.

Photo Credits: Kin Euphorics Site

Report: Emily Casey

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Editor's Picks, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Editor's Picks, Health Access by NKC

You Grow New York

With restrictions put into place, opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, relax, or visit the local park are limited. But what if a simple plant inside your apartment can make you feel more at ease?

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With New York being the epicenter of the Covid 19 Pandemic, people are left with nowhere to turn but the four walls of their tiny apartments. With restrictions put into place, opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, relax, or visit the local park are limited. But what if a simple plant inside your apartment can make you feel more at ease? That is the mission of Maryah Greene, the founder of Greene Piece. Maryah, otherwise dubbed as the plant doctor, provides plant-based services to customers, including indoor plant styling and space design. She believes that by having plants in one’s living space, we can nurture it, attend to it, and love it, the way we sometimes forget to do for ourselves during this stressful time. Having a plant at home not only allows us to channel our emotions into the nurturing process but also allows us to shift our focus from the difficult current situation to further developing our green thumb. There are many benefits to having a plant at home, including lower stress levels and blood pressure. With mental health being a concern for many, why not invest some tender love and care into a plant?

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Maryah's services cost between $125-175, but if you’re not ready to have your apartment furnished with plants and succulents, here are some tips for new plant parents:

 Start small. There is no need to go out and buy hundreds of dollars of plants right away. Grab a $10 plant from your local nursery or street vendor and build your way up.

 Don’t overcrowd your plant. Let it have some time to itself! Overwatering or extra enthusiasm may hinder its growth process and even cause it to die.

 Be Patient. This might not bring instant gratification. It’s a slow growth process, but once the results appear, it’s a rewarding moment.

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Actress Diane Neal Donates Handmade Masks Amidst COVID 19 Outbreak

Social distancing and shelter in place orders throughout the country have caused change for everyone. Actress Diane Neal has made the most of her self isolation by giving back to the community in the form of making and donating over 700 brightly colored face masks.

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Mid March is when the effects of the coronavirus pandemic started hitting many of us full force. We’ve all had plans cancelled and had to do things differently than we are used to. The same is true for actress Diane Neal who was sent home from filming internationally due to the spread of COVID 19. Diane has been making the most of her downtime in self isolation by giving back to the community.

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She began sewing masks in many brightly colored patterns, so far she has sewn for over 70 hours and made well over 700 masks. Diane has donated her masks to numerous friends and organizations including the National Action Network. In addition, Diane has taken to social media sharing her mask pattern as well as videos explaining each step of the process. She explained that people can make masks with many things already lying around their homes, she even used an old duvet cover to make some of her masks. Be sure to check out her instagram to learn how to make your own masks, stay healthy and safe!

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Beauty, Brand, Entreprenuer, Health, Travel, Wellness Access by NKC Beauty, Brand, Entreprenuer, Health, Travel, Wellness Access by NKC

Look for BlackGirlSunscreen on Your Next Trip to Target!

BlackGirlSunscreen has now become the first black indie sun care brand to have full time placement in a major retailer, Target.

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BlackGirlSunscreen was created in 2016 for the “need of melanin women to have a sunscreen brand that caters exclusively to them.” Many people falsely believe that people and women of color don’t need the extra protection from the sun that sunscreen provides, but there is still a major risk for burns, sun damage, and skin cancer for people of all skin types.

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The creator, Shontay Lundy, wanted to be able to go into a major retail store and find a sunscreen product made specifically for her, as well as other black and brown women. After years of dedication and hard work, BlackGirlSunscreen has now become the first black indie sun care brand to have full time placement in a major retailer. You can pick it up at your local Target today! The formula is cruelty free, vegan, reef safe, and contains a high SPF of 30. It is also infused with natural ingredients such as avocado, jojoba, cacao, carrot juice, and sun flower oil that make it perfect for everyday use. BlackGirlSunscreen provides protection from the sun while simultaneously moisturizing, and doesn’t leave the aggravating white residue on the skin that is common with most sunscreens.

Shop today to not only protect and nourish your skin, but to also support a black-owned beauty brand!

Report: Libby Ayers

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"If you are planning a trip to England or about to study abroad in London, the following must-have items may come in handy!" - Aliza M. 

Everyone travels and explores a new location in their own way, but practical advice from someone that has “been there and done that” is always worth considering. If you are planning a trip to England or about to study abroad in London, the following must-have items may come in handy!

A Good Rain Jacket

Depending on where you’re from, you may not be used to constant rain. Well, in London there is always a chance of rain! Carrying around an umbrella can be bulky and annoying, so I recommend a rain jacket as your best bet. I studied abroad in London during early summer, and a rain jacket was totally necessary.

Believe me, you won’t regret the convenience of a rain jacket when you are caught in a sudden rain shower as you are out and about exploring this amazing city. Find a rain jacket in a style that you like that can be carried or easily stashed away when you don’t need it. I found one that I was able to put in my backpack or purse when I didn’t need it, and trust me, it was the best thing ever to have that on hand to pull out in a sudden downpour.

An Oyster Card

This probably sounds super weird to someone that hasn’t visited London, but an Oyster card is a pass to ride the tube (what they call the subway in London). You may be given one by AIFS depending on your program — if not, absolutely buy one.

The tube is the main form of transportation in London and is very convenient. The class I took included many museum visits, and the easiest way to travel to and from museums was by way of the tube.

Also, all the fun tourist destinations you’ll want to see are only a tube stop away. On the weekends, we would take the Piccadilly Line down to Covent Garden to shop and eat. You could also hop on another line and go to Camden, which is a great place to grab a bite and hang out.

Pocket Change

Make sure to keep your change. Bathrooms in London are not always free (usually under 1 euro), so keep your spare change in case you need to run to the restroom. Also, never pass up a free restroom. It may seem like a strange suggestion now, but when you’re up and on the go, you never know when you’ll run into a bathroom next.

Also, they don’t use dollar bills in England. The one-pound currency is a coin, so you can expect to carry around a lot of change. I strongly advise carrying a wallet or purse for pocket change, so you’ll always have coins when you need them.

A Good Camera

London is a beautiful city, and you never know when you might want to snap a shot. I’m sure most people have smartphones so this is not a huge issue, but if you have a digital camera, I would advise you bring it.

I personally brought along a Polaroid camera, and the shots came out amazing. Pictures are a great way to share what you’re doing with family and friends back home, and you’ll love looking back at photos from your time abroad to reminisce in the future.

Plenty of Patience

While this is obviously an English speaking country, there are many differences between the way English people and Americans speak and communicate with each other. Although you may have been speaking English all of your life, it might not be as easy as you’re expecting to make yourself understood as an American in London.

You shouldn’t hesitate to get out and speak to Londoners to learn about the city and make new friends, but remember to be patient when you encounter travel frustrations. If you stay relaxed and friendly, you’ll find it easier to make the most out of your visit!

Credits: Aliza M., Access Public Relations Intern

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Lovello Elizabeth Sits Down with ETalksOnline

Lovello Elizabeth stopped by Etalksonline Radio!

Lovello Elizabeth stopped by Etalksonline Radio to tell us how she got started, her vision, and how Hip-Hop artist Dej Loaf got a hold of her pieces


Browse & Shop Lovello Elizabeth's Pre-Fall Collection

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Refresh: 5 Celebrity Snapchats To Follow

In all the Snapchat craze, here's a few accounts we think you'd like to follow.

With over 100 million users daily, Snapchat is always the perfect source for entertain. Don't worry it's our guilty pleasure too, that's why we've picked 5 Snapchat accounts we know you'll love!

Deepica Mutyala - YouTube Beauty Guru


Reigning from Texas, Deepica grew up in a South Asian community with her parents, who dreamed of her becoming a doctor. But her passion for beauty and living in NYC was bigger than her parents dream for her. She filmed multiple makeup tutorials for Birchbox then ended up starting her own channel. She became a huge success after her  “How to Cover Dark Under Eye Circles” video went viral. She now lives in NYC and continues to update her YouTube channel while working as an on air beauty expert on the TODAY show. 

Her Snapchat includes hilarious videos of her adventures in New York and L.A. as well as exclusive interviews with celebrities like Gigi Hadid! She also features giveaways, behind the scenes looks at her videos, and sometimes a quick beauty tutorial on her Snapchat. So go ahead and add Deepica if you are a fellow makeup lover!


Hannah Bronfman: Founder of Enthusiast/DJ


This 28-year-old has done it all. From creating the app “Beautified” to being a DJ, Bronfman is a well accomplished woman all while staying in tip-top shape. She recently created, which includes workout inspirations and healthy recipes. Bronfman is the definition of #fitspo. On top of everything, she recently got engaged to Canadian DJ, Brendan Fallis *swoon*. 

Bronfman’s snaps include her hardcore workouts at the gym and videos of her DJing at major parties. She keeps it exciting and real 100% of the time. Go ahead and follow if you’re the do it all type of girl (or wish you were). Follow her through her journey in life while staying fit, fashionable and fun. 

DJ Khaled - Record Producer/Musician


If you haven’t already added DJ Khaled on Snapchat already, then you are missing out. His “keys to success” are supposedly inspirational but tend to be hilarious. You will frequently catch him either popping open a bottle of Ciroc or giving inspirational talks while working out on the elliptical. 

FYI this is for the type of person that is looking for a pick me up after a long day of work. 

If you’re that person that sits in a corner and laughs at their phone, then DJ Khaled is someone you need to follow ASAP. Some benefits of adding him are that you get to be apart of his concerts and sometimes get to meet some fellow famous rappers. So go ahead, grab your phone and bottle of Ciroc so you can gain some inspiration from DJ Khaled. 

Mimi Ikonn - YouTuber/Co-founder of Luxy Hair


Mimi Ikonn is like coming up for fresh air. She’s beautiful, sophisticated and funny all while being down to earth and real. Years ago she started off doing makeup and hair tutorials on YouTube. Ikonn ended up marrying her business partner, Alex Ikonn, and they started Luxy Hair, the hair extension company, together. They now live in London and travel the world all while living a completely healthy lifestyle. Life is what they dreamed of right now! In fact, Mimi is currently 6 months pregnant! 

Ikonn’s Snapchat is nothing short of amazing. This couple travels so much and documents it all. You feel as though you are traveling to Italy and Greece with them! Not only does she literally show you the world through her eyes, but she also snaps amazing pictures of her adventurous lifestyle. You get to experience the food she eats which is  full of fresh fruits and vegetables with no artificial ingredients whatsoever. On top of it all, her fashion sense (and of course makeup) is always on point. Following Ikonn will open your eyes up to the beautiful world we have around us. 

Lena Dunham - Actress/Co-creator of Lenny Letter


If you haven’t heard of Lena Dunham yet, you’re doing something very wrong. Not only is she featured as Hannah on the HBO comedy-drama series, “Girls”, but she may possibly be the funniest human. She is the realest person and perhaps that is due to her ability to flaunt her not-so-typical Hollywood bod. Whatever it is, Dunham is one of the most successful women. Not only is she a published author, but she also recently created the online feminist newsletter, Lenny Letter. She is passionate about her beliefs in this world and isn’t afraid to speak up. 

Her Snapchat is definitely one to be reckoned with. Her sense of humor and vibrant personality definitely come out on camera. She discusses important life topics in order to keep our young generation educated. She is using social media to spread the word on issues that should be talked about more. Go ahead and follow Lenny Letter if you  have a great sense of humor, but also want to learn more about our world. 

Credits - 

Curated by: Megana, Access Intern

Hello, World!

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Delve Deep into Culture Of & Carley Simone's World

Vintage fabrics, health & wellness and a forever-giving culture: welcome to Carley Simone's world.

I’m a true advocate for health & wellness. You need to take care of yourself. That’s what I want my life’s work to be.
— Carley Simone

I took a break from behind the scenes to sit down with Carley Simone, founder of Culture Of: Bodega. Culture Of is a creative online bodega located in Philadelphia, PA. The name stemmed from Carley's studies in college, influenced by the culture of people. Culture Of: Bodega meant to suggest it could be the culture of anything; a store that could be the culture of anything. I was immediately intrigued by the concept of the name alone. Many times, especially in today's fashion you catch people trying to push clothes with no story or meaning. Those easily convinced latch on without question, making it harder for true creatives. The grand scheme of Culture Of will eventually branch out into health & wellness, possibly even food. Carley hopes to create a hub for all things life and creativity with the help of her business partner, Trey; an artist as well.

Typically considering herself a school girl, Carley Simone didn't feel the same connection at college.  Since the 5th grade she has always known she'll complete school and go on to a university. She felt like a failure without the connection, but realizing that wasn't true she moved to the next step. "I don't believe black excellence is limited to a degree." Taking a break from college, Carley figured this was the perfect opportunity to get to know herself better and pursue her dreams. Using the time to focus on her health and regaining confidence, Carley had the chance to step back and take life in.

The next step was quitting her job, Carley took a leap of faith. She decided that now was as good a time as any to conquer her dreams of owning a store. (A very new store, one month old.) Yet despite the small space of time the brand has already had a very positive response. "It's overwhelming, you want a positive response and everything just happened so fast." At the moment, she even has trouble keeping an inventory due to the high interest. Majority of the site items come from other thrift stores, closet close outs and her grandma's closet. This helps keep the authenticity of the vintage clothing. The brand plans to accept donations to help open up the inventory as well. Carley's dream is to have a thrift store on Baltimore Avenue. Culture Of  hopes to one day become much more accessible to the community. With a store front or studio space, she wants to create a place for young creatives to have photoshoots, parties or a general hang-out. 

Once a definition fashionista, Carley used to devote time to piecing together outfits. Her style has since changed to much more relaxed and comfortable. Her new mantra advocates for being comfortable in your own skin, she no longer feels the need to dress for others. Her latest project, a T-Shirt Dress Line stems from this. The new line is set to debut at an upcoming fashion show she's co-hosting with the brand Minkless (Handmade Jewelry). When asked about designing for a celebrity, she said creating a bad ass t-shirt dress for Solange Knowles is definitely a goal. 

After learning about her aspirations, we changed lanes to speak about where she manifest inspiration. The honesty was overwhelming. Carley Simone didn't hesitate to share that much of her inspirations comes from being poor. "I don't live in poverty, but I'm definitely a lower class citizen." She explains that not being able to afford things, pushed her to create them herself. It even gives her a sense of accomplishment. Other inspirations comes from youth culture and the dynamic voices that aren't afraid to demand more. The boldness the everyday life gives off much to explore. "I live for that. I might make some jeans that are wild and crazy. Or I might make something that's super chic and simplistic. It all comes from watching people do whatever they want to do." 

A word of inspiration from Carley Simone:  "I had someone tell me the art community is too competitive, you can never make it. I think everybody has their own lane, the world is built in such a way that you are designed in the imagine of other people. Me and you might not be carbon copies, but we both like chokers. So we're a creative hub from chokers; it's very small. But in big numbers you can create your own lane for anything, you just have to be yourself. Trust that the universe will reveal other people and a path for you to follow. I truly believe that. I believe that I'm going to be successful in what I do. Judge your success by your own standards." 

In her free time, she gets into painting, stencil work and occasionally graphic design. "I model. Haha, I'll put that in quote. But I mostly just style now." She has her hands in many different things. She also has passion for the creative direction, the details and angles of things sparks interest for her. 

Transparency. I can truly say that Carley Simone opened up and was unapologetically herself. I enjoy face to face interviews for this exact reason. People feel that in interviews they have to convey a rehearsed image of themselves to look good for others or that professionalism needs to be over the top. In all honesty for lifestyle interviews, the more unedited, the better. If I wanted to find out about a more toned down version of somebody, then chances are I can visit their social media profiles. In these, interviews I'm looking to learn about a person the world might not know. 

As for Culture Of, the brand has a lot of photo shoots planned and as their schedule clears up they plan to become involved with more events.

Follow Culture Of: Bodega on Instagram for more information. 

Curated by: NKC, Creative Director

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Designers, Events, Fashion, Lifestyle, Wellness, Photography Access by NKC Designers, Events, Fashion, Lifestyle, Wellness, Photography Access by NKC

Mary Jane's Closet is Making Your Vintage Dreams Come True

Jasmine Anderson does vintage differentyl... and we love it.

Run with your ideas, you never know where they will take you.
— Jasmine Anderson

Based in Philly, Jasmine Anderson is set to showcase her vintage fashion line, Mary Jane’s Closet at Wildefire: The Series. The event, taking place April 30th, is aimed at providing a platform for emerging creatives and artists to showcase their designs and talents.

A recent college graduate, Jasmine started Mary Jane’s Closet (MJC) in 2015. MJC is a clothing brand that specializes in vintage and contemporary styles for women. What makes MJC distinct amongst other vintage or thrift style clothing brands is that everything is $25 or less!

It's no secret that being an entrepreneur is no easy feat. In the beginning stages, Jasmine hesitated with the thought of starting a company. She was unsure of her target audience and if she would be able to maintain them. She pushed through with the idea anyways and quickly fell in love with her business. Like many other entrepreneurs, parts of her success can be credited to an amazing support system. Jasmine draws much of her inspiration from the women in her life, particularly her Mother, Grandmother and Godmother. "Those are some of the strongest, hardworking, yet most stylish women I know!" She also finds inspiration in other 'boss babes' she associates with and admires.

On where she finds vintage and contemporary pieces:

"I originally started finding vintage pieces in thrift stores in Indiana, PA (where I attended college). When I returned to Philly for holiday breaks, I would spend so much time at different thrift stores and spending hours browsing. I had a few favorites where I would always go to for gems, many of which I still rely on."

In the upcoming year, Mary Jane's Closet projects brand exposure all over the U.S. MJC recently found brand ambassadors in over 6 different cities and states that will be assisting with promotions and events.

Expect to see Jasmine’s custom styles on April 30th, 2016 at the Wildfire: The Series pop-up shop, hosted by Access by NKC. The day long event is aimed at giving  emerging designers and performers a platform to showcase their designs and talent. 

Quick Q & A with Jasmine Anderson

Where do you find inspiration for new clothing design?
I use a combination of Pinterest and magazines to create visions for photoshoot concepts. I am subscribed to just about every fashion magazine, so I am constantly trying to stay in the know.

Are there any celebrities you would love to see wear your product? Why?
I would absolutely love to style Rihanna. Her style is admirable and very similar to the versatility that MJC goes for.

If there was one fashion house you could work with who would it be and why?
I would have to save Moschino, simply because their concepts are always so dope and vibrant.

Shop Mary Jane's Closet


Curated by Niani Patterson (

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Event, Food, Lifestyle, Health, Wellness Access by NKC Event, Food, Lifestyle, Health, Wellness Access by NKC

Keep Breakfast Simple - Quick & Delicious Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't skip it! 15 minute recipes or less.

Don't have much time to spare for morning meals?  Check out these recipes to quickly satisfy the most important meal of the day!

Mushroom and Egg White Omelet

Peach-Mango Smoothie

Banana and Almond Butter Pancakes

Easy Breakfast Burrito

Share you favorite recipes in the comments below or send them to

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