Living Your Truth at Any Age

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Growing up we’re told not to do certain things or we’d get into trouble. We’re told not to smoke, drink, do drugs, etc. Then at a certain age, we’re supposed to have the sex talk with our parents and for most parents, this talk has always been supported by a man and a woman because that’s what they knew and for some, it can’t change.

Since most parents grew up in a time when same-sex couples were taboo, that’s what they instill in their children. Now that same-sex and multiple gender identities are more common and accepted now it can be a troubling topic for some, especially with younger children who ask questions. A lot of parents can be thrown off or displeased when these issues occur in their own home to an older child.

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Over the years many parents have become displeased to learn their own child identify with a different gender than what they’re born with or have romantic attractions for the same sex.

Television actress Gabrielle Union recently spoke about how she and her husband NBA star Dwayne Wade navigate having a ten-year-old son Zion who now identifies as a girl and goes by Zaya. Union recently went on The View and encouraged parents who have similar stages within their families to love, listen, and accept their child.

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“Reject the notion that they’re disposable if they’re not a mini version of you,” said Union.

She then goes on to express what every parent preaches to children of just being a good person and guiding them as best you can.

Every parent wants their children to be better than they were and they think that being gay or transgender means that they have failed their child in that mission.

“Creating more of you in every kind of way isn’t the solution. Allowing them to be who they are and guiding them to be loving, passionate, and open-minded.”

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Many people live their lives hidden from who they really are to please others and it doesn’t come out until after they’re gone leaving a family with regret that they didn’t fully accept it.

Every person no matter what age should be allowed to be who they are no matter what sexuality or gender identity and let it lead them to be a good person and doing more good.

Be the parent you needed at your child’s age, embrace them for who they are when they open up to you. Have open dialogue and build a stronger bond.

Report: Josephine Coiscou


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