Wellness, Lifestyle, Food Access by NKC Wellness, Lifestyle, Food Access by NKC

Kin Euphorics Offers A Nightlife Beverage with Self-Care In Mind

Jen Batchelor, founder of Kin, the world's first euphoric, non-alcoholic beverage, has managed to glamorize teetotalism in a way that has people changing the way they view nightlife. This product is not an enticement for sobriety, but rather a self-care approach to socializing.

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With the bars and restaurants temporarily closed, people have been lining up outside their local liquor store to be sure they are fully stocked for the unforeseeable future. Live stream cocktail making classes and Zoom happy hours with friends has become the new social norm thanks to Covid-19. Humans are social beings, and this quarantine has proven to be a challenge for many of us. A virtual cheers behind a computer screen just isn’t the same. And a cocktail simply tastes better when your favorite bartender shakes it up.

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So whether we like it or not we are forced to take a step away from the bars, and if you’re hoping to take this time to adopt new and healthy habits, you might be at war with yourself over what time is “acceptable” to start drinking. Brunch cocktail? Afternoon happy hour? Sometime after 5pm? It might not matter so much if you felt good about WHAT you were drinking.

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Jen Batchelor, founder of Kin, the world's first euphoric, non-alcoholic beverage, has managed to glamorize teetotalism in a way that has people changing the way they view nightlife. This product is not an enticement for sobriety, but rather a self-care approach to socializing. Kin has combined nootropics, which enhance cognitive function and adaptogens, herbs used to reduce stress into a classy, aesthetically pleasing bottle.

Several cities across the US including Los Angeles, Chicago and New York have begun stocking their shelves with Kin Euphorics. And so far, at least a dozen bars in NYC have added Kin to their cocktail menus. If this trend continues to spread we might be looking at more “rememorable” nights and clearer mornings. Kin Euphorics retails at $39 a bottle and includes free shipping. Add this tasteful bottle to your home bar and join your Zoom happy hours with peace of mind.

Photo Credits: Kin Euphorics Site

Report: Emily Casey

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Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Spend Quarantine Creating a Streamlined Closet You Feel Good About

Let's face it, we are stuck at home for the next however many weeks. We can twiddle our thumbs, make banana bread, and binge watch Tiger King and Little Fires Everywhere: done, done and done. But we could also be tackling our cluttered and outdated closet that we would organize and purge "if only we had the time"; and we may never be granted with this considerable amount of time again.

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Let's face it, we are stuck at home for the next however many weeks. We can twiddle our thumbs, make banana bread, and binge watch Tiger King and Little Fires Everywhere: done, done and done. But we could also be tackling our cluttered and outdated closet that we would organize and purge "if only we had the time"; and we may never be granted with this considerable amount of time again.

Having a messy closet creates a messy mind. Taking the time to go through items you no longer need will only make it easier to find the items that you truly love. Why keep a piece of clothing you feel average wearing? Imagine having a closet featuring only items that make you feel confident and self-assured when you put them on. Creating a streamlined closet can also make your mornings less stressful, allowing you to use your energy on something other than deciding what to wear. Just look to Steve Jobs and what all he accomplished by simply eliminating the conflict of choosing an outfit.

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One approach to condensing your closet could be to build a capsule wardrobe. This is a trending practice although the world’s idea of the capsule wardrobe has strayed far from its original design when fast fashion came walking down the runway in the early 2000’s. Susie Faux is known as the first to conjure up this simple idea in London in the 1970’s and a decade later was made popular in the United States by Donna Karan’s Seven Easy Pieces. If the capsule wardrobe is such a simple concept, why is it so challenging to put into practice? For starters, purging cherished items can be overwhelming. The simplicity of a minimalistic life remains only a concept for many when they are faced with the reality of what it actually entails; parting with some of our “old favorite’s”, “nostalgic pieces”, and of course our “I-might-wear-that-someday”’s.

So maybe you won’t have Susie Faux’s 12 piece closet, but taking advantage of this time to arrange your closet in a way that makes YOU feel good could be just as beneficial. Admit to yourself you will never again wear those ill-fitting jeans or that itchy sweater, or even that t-shirt that WAS your favorite back in 2016. You might soon realize that less is truly more. I know it can be difficult to part with clothes that hold so much sentimental value, but if you can unearth some inspiration during this time of quarantine, you may find yourself walking out of this mess, well, in less of one. I suggest bagging these items up and setting them aside and when the world opens up again consider donating these once loved items to someone who will love them once again.

Photo Credit: Vogue.com

Report: Emily Casey

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Lifestyle, Culture Access by NKC Lifestyle, Culture Access by NKC

The Meme vs The Dater

The days of old school love are gone or at least it flies under the radar. Today, dating is like quantum physics.

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The days of old school love are gone or at least it flies under the radar. Today, dating is like quantum physics. Everyone has been heartbroken at one time or another if not repeatedly. With this, we develop coping mechanisms to avoid dealing with the trauma or to make light of it. Everyone plays a game whether they realize it or not, with lack of trust, fear of rejection, and commitment issues, among many other factors we use sex as a defense and a weapon.

We use sex to get someone to be around long term and that’s all it becomes and we mask our true emotions secretly waiting for the other person to want more. Instead of relationships, we end up with situationships or a list of people we go to for different needs.

Each experience is made into a joke and becomes a meme on the internet. Meme culture has taken a large toll on the dating game as many people don’t have anyone to talk to about their situations with suitors or potential lovers and turn to social media to air out their troubles. We do this hoping to gain clarity from others beginning deep discussions and debates.

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With each situation and moment in society, we get a new meme, it becomes a phenomenon as its something that a large group of people can relate to and laugh about. Currently, we are in a time of the Coronavirus also known as COVID-19. Everyone is to keep their distance from one another as this deadly virus takes its toll on the world as we know it. With that, schools and offices have closed and everyone is now working from home. Some are home with loved ones, parents with children, couples are together, and singles are alone.

Every situation is unique. Right now, we have government and state officials telling the public if they aren’t essential workers to stay indoors. This has left a lot of single people feeling lonely as no one can travel or go out to see friends and family. Thus creating a new meme of one person trying to get another to come over despite the deadly pandemic and another meme that reads “everyone is home quarantined and they have their phone so if they wanted to talk they would.”

This time is challenging people who are interested in the dating world to take a new approach and be virtual with phone calls, texting or having virtual dates. This forces people to rely on personality rather than looks and other physical attributes. It also makes sex a minor factor. Dating has now become a virtual courtship for those who are serious enough about it. To give someone long term consideration without the ability to invite a potential suitor or lover for what the culture calls “Netflix and Chill”.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Editor's Picks, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Editor's Picks, Health Access by NKC

You Grow New York

With restrictions put into place, opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, relax, or visit the local park are limited. But what if a simple plant inside your apartment can make you feel more at ease?

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With New York being the epicenter of the Covid 19 Pandemic, people are left with nowhere to turn but the four walls of their tiny apartments. With restrictions put into place, opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, relax, or visit the local park are limited. But what if a simple plant inside your apartment can make you feel more at ease? That is the mission of Maryah Greene, the founder of Greene Piece. Maryah, otherwise dubbed as the plant doctor, provides plant-based services to customers, including indoor plant styling and space design. She believes that by having plants in one’s living space, we can nurture it, attend to it, and love it, the way we sometimes forget to do for ourselves during this stressful time. Having a plant at home not only allows us to channel our emotions into the nurturing process but also allows us to shift our focus from the difficult current situation to further developing our green thumb. There are many benefits to having a plant at home, including lower stress levels and blood pressure. With mental health being a concern for many, why not invest some tender love and care into a plant?

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Maryah's services cost between $125-175, but if you’re not ready to have your apartment furnished with plants and succulents, here are some tips for new plant parents:

 Start small. There is no need to go out and buy hundreds of dollars of plants right away. Grab a $10 plant from your local nursery or street vendor and build your way up.

 Don’t overcrowd your plant. Let it have some time to itself! Overwatering or extra enthusiasm may hinder its growth process and even cause it to die.

 Be Patient. This might not bring instant gratification. It’s a slow growth process, but once the results appear, it’s a rewarding moment.

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Actress Diane Neal Donates Handmade Masks Amidst COVID 19 Outbreak

Social distancing and shelter in place orders throughout the country have caused change for everyone. Actress Diane Neal has made the most of her self isolation by giving back to the community in the form of making and donating over 700 brightly colored face masks.

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Mid March is when the effects of the coronavirus pandemic started hitting many of us full force. We’ve all had plans cancelled and had to do things differently than we are used to. The same is true for actress Diane Neal who was sent home from filming internationally due to the spread of COVID 19. Diane has been making the most of her downtime in self isolation by giving back to the community.

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She began sewing masks in many brightly colored patterns, so far she has sewn for over 70 hours and made well over 700 masks. Diane has donated her masks to numerous friends and organizations including the National Action Network. In addition, Diane has taken to social media sharing her mask pattern as well as videos explaining each step of the process. She explained that people can make masks with many things already lying around their homes, she even used an old duvet cover to make some of her masks. Be sure to check out her instagram to learn how to make your own masks, stay healthy and safe!

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Lifestyle, Fashion, Celebrity Access by NKC Lifestyle, Fashion, Celebrity Access by NKC

The Iconic Looks of Transgender

In just the past few years trans people have revolutionized the fashion industry by making runways more inclusive spaces. Trans visibility in fashion is epitomized through the rising careers of trans models, several of whom are trailblazers in their craft.

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With the growing media representation of trans people, International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event that only increases in societal relevance with each passing year. In just the past few years trans people have revolutionized the fashion industry by making runways more inclusive spaces. Trans visibility in fashion is epitomized through the rising careers of trans models, several of whom are trailblazers in their craft.

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Male model Krow Kian’s blossoming career is deeply intertwined with his relationship with the trans community, as he regularly receives praise from inspired trans youth, and in turn he strives to remain a positive representation for them. Valentina Sampaio was the first openly transgender model to be on the cover of Vogue Paris, as well as the first transgender model for Victoria’s Secret—a company that previously refused to hire transgender models. Andreja Pejic, renowned for her androgynous look, was the first trans model to book a cosmetic campaign, and Chella Man is the first deaf, transgender man to be signed to a major modeling agency.

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While trans representation in fashion and beauty has come a long way, there is still progress to be made. Dissatisfied with the white, cisnormative images of trans people, artist Texas Isaiah had his own unique way of celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility. Collaborating with the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, Texas Isaiah created “Every Image is a Blessing”, a stylized photographic collection of 11 black transgender, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary artists, musicians, and activities.

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The project served the purpose of showcasing black trans people in as they see themselves rather than how they are perceived by others. Texas Isaiah felt that mainstream images of trans people ignore their true struggles, so he sought to create images that were more truthful while still hopeful. The aforementioned models are important contributors to positive trans representation, but portrayals of trans people’s natural beauty are just as significant.

Report: Nia Hunt

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19 Women-Owned Small Businesses to Follow

In the midst of influencers, department stores, fast fashion, and big beauty brands, it can be easy to forget how important it is to support small businesses.

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In the midst of influencers, department stores, fast fashion, and big beauty brands, it can be easy to forget how important it is to support small businesses. They help shape and support our communities, and put more focus on the quality and craftsmanship of their products. The Small Business Association states that independent businesses can help reduce unemployment rates, and estimates that “small business owners create two out of every three net new jobs in the U.S, [which could increase] if consumers shifted just 10 percent of their business to local organizations.” Next time you are about to buy something from a large corporation, take a moment to think how you could be supporting these 19 (women-owned!) small businesses instead.

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Beauty, Lifestyle Access by NKC Beauty, Lifestyle Access by NKC

5 Beauty Brands Helping People During the Coronavirus Pandemic

With the coronavirus going around and putting people’s lives at risk, beauty brands are taking the initiative to give back to people in need during the pandemic.

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With the coronavirus going around and putting people’s lives at risk, beauty brands are taking the initiative to give back to people in need during the pandemic. For the next 30 days, clean skincare brand Farmacy would be donating 10,000 meals a day to Feeding America, the nation's largest hunger relief organization. With a shortage of surgical masks in hospitals and urgent care clinics, The Crème Shop pledged to donate N95 masks to customer and hospitals running low on supplies. LVMH, which owns Dior, Fenty, and Sephora would be using their perfume factories to produce hand sanitizer. It would then be distributed to French health services and hospitals for free. The French beauty brand, L’Occitane announced that they would send their hand creams to hospital to help with dryness caused by constant cleaning for nurses and doctors. L’Oréal announced their initiative early last week. Their initiative includes using their factories to produce hand sanitizer and distributing it to the authorities. Their skincare brand, La Roche Posay will be providing hand sanitizers to partner French pharmacies, hospitals and care homes. While their haircare brand, Garnier will be supplying free hand sanitizer to European food distribution customers to help protect their employees and customers from the virus. They will also be donating 1 million euros to their non-profit partner organization, which will work to offer essential hygiene kits to social workers, volunteers and beneficiaries.

Report: Amanda Lou

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Designers, Entreprenuer, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Designers, Entreprenuer, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

How To Boost Your Productivity and Attitude With Clothing When Working At Home

We know it hasn't been easy working from home especially if you've worked full-time in an office. One way to stay productive with accomplishing work and motivating yourself for the day it to make an effort in getting dressed for the day. See how influential this simple practice is in our newest article.

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What has been the norm for businesses and employees in the past has transitioned into full work-from-home chaos due to the coronavirus. None of us fully prepared for maintaining our work life at home for what could be more than two months. Many of you who worked in an office and wished to work from home are experiencing the pros and cons of working remotely, with the biggest struggle staying proactive and completing work. It’s easy to get lazy, become unmotivated, and decide to watch TV or take a “quick” nap.

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For a quick solution to this problem, we offer you the advice of dressing for work at home. We can imagine your response: “Why should I waste clean clothes to sit in the living room and work?” It’s important to look past your wash load and realize how it can boost your personal morale. Getting dressed in the morning often motivates you to accomplish work. If you opt to wear sweats or stay in your pajamas, these casual clothing pieces can make your mood for the day lackadaisical and unmotivated. Taking the time to shower, put on your favorite top and pants, styling your hair, and applying makeup can boost your confidence, make you feel ready to take on the day, and embrace your inner boss.

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After reading this article, start small by wearing jeans or pants instead of sweatpants. Taking inspiration from the runway, Max Mara is our favorite with simplistic, but statement workwear pieces. Wear a wide leg pant with a simple top. It gives semi-casual vibes combining professional and fashionable. The second day, plan your outfit the night before giving focus and emphasis on wearing something attractive to boost your mood. Because the weather changes, a camel tone is perfect for a dull or bright day. Day by day, add more focus to how you get dressed. Not only will it make a difference in your attitude, but, also, your productivity for the day. Photo Credit: Filippo Fior/ gorunway.com

Report: Necole Jackson

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Celebrity, Lifestyle Access by NKC Celebrity, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Michelle Obama Catches Up with Ellen DeGenres Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Former First Lady Michelle Obama recently caught up with comedian and daytime talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

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Former First Lady Michelle Obama recently caught up with comedian and daytime talk show host Ellen DeGeneres! She told Ellen that she was happy to have her family home and safe amid the coronavirus outbreak. Her daughters are home taking online classes since universities and colleges have shut down. While her husband and former President Barack Obama is at home with her family.

The former First Lady said, “We can do with a lot less, and I think that's an important lesson that I want my kids to understand. Be grateful for what you have and be ready to share it when the time comes, because that's really what it's all about. We’re worried, now we’re just happy that we're together and everybody is healthy and safe — who cares about the other stuff?” Obama acknowledged the hardships that many Americans are experiencing because of the pandemic, which has affected tens of thousands of people in the world. She said, “I feel for all the folks who are going to suffer because of what's going to happen to the economy and we have to be mindful about what we're going to do to support those folks when this quarantine is over.” She admitted that it’s forced her and her family to sit down with each other to have real conversations without electronics. But she remained positive, "Be grateful for what you have and be ready to share it when the time comes. Because that's really what it's all about. Now, we're just happy that we're together and everybody is healthy and safe. Who cares about the other stuff?"

Report: Amanda Lou

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Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Fast Fashion: The Trend That Has Overtaken The Retail World

Fast Fashion Affects the Environment More Than You'd Think, So Here Are Some Tips For Making Your Clothes Last

Fast fashion is a term used to describe retailers who quickly produce inexpensive clothing to keep up with the runway’s latest trends. In theory, this process sounds flawless. You get to have the trendiest clothes as soon as styles come off the runway, without paying designer prices. Buying clothing from these stores is convenient, but it does come at a price. Fast fashion negatively impacts the environment in many ways, including carbon emissions, drying up water sources, and polluting rivers and streams. Also, according to business insider, “85% of all textiles go to the dump each year, and washing some types of clothes sends thousands of bits of plastic into the ocean.” Trends also change so quickly that consumers are buying more clothing than ever before, but only keeping the items for half as long. These kind of stores have taken over the fashion industry, making it almost impossible to buy affordable clothing from anywhere else.

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That being said, you can help make a difference by taking steps to make your clothing last longer. One step to keep your clothes in their best condition is to keep them away from dust, heat, moisture, and light. This means storing them in your closet, and not in an attic or basement. You can also prolong your clothing by maintaining your closet’s cleanliness and keeping it free of dust. Another helpful, and probably the hardest step to abide by is to hang your clothing up carefully after taking it off instead of just tossing it on the floor. The final step is to get a little more wear out of your clothing before tossing it in the washing machine, as they can be quite damaging to the textiles used in producing these clothes. Fast fashion is a trend that has overtaken the retail world, but taking these steps to lengthen the lifespan of your clothing can help make a difference.

Report: Libby Ayers

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Celebrity, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC Celebrity, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus Talk Staying Busy While Being Stuck At Home

Pop star Miley Cyrus has launched an Instagram Live Show called “Bright Minded: Live with Miley”. The show’s episode on March 17 featured an appearance from Demi Lovato, where they discussed how they’re keeping busy while at home and shared how they’re practicing self-care.

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This week, pop star Miley Cyrus has launched an Instagram Live Show called “Bright Minded: Live with Miley” which offers hope and escapism, optimism, and a way to stay connected while people are practicing social distance. The live chat will air on the singer's Instagram every day this week at 11:30 a.m. PT/2:30 p.m. ET.

The show’s episode on March 17 featured an appearance from Demi Lovato, where they discussed how they’re keeping busy while at home and shared how they’re practicing self-care. Both singers enjoy using meditation apps like Headspace and Calm, while also enjoying quality time with their pets. Cyrus has been binge-watching “Love Island” while Lovato pledged to start knitting and do home workouts. Lovato practices breathing techniques and doing virtual therapy sessions with her therapist. She logs onto a guided prayer app daily, while maintaining her body with healthy foods and supplements. Lovato gave fans a tour of her “immunity table”, which included products like rubbing alcohol, Emergen-C, Manuka honey, apple cider vinegar gummies, vitamin C, CBD and probiotics. Lovato is also trying to use this time to be creative. Cyrus has been spending most of her alone time staying comfortable, she said, “I have not gotten of these sweatpants for five days and don’t plan on changing any time soon.”. She’s also working on the improving her skills with the guitar.

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During the chat, they talked about why they rekindled their friendship. Lovato said, “It’s times like these to reconnect and realize what really matters. It’s important to stick together, especially being women in the industry. I feel like you've always been such a light and that's why we connected at 14.” Cyrus concluded their honest chat with an important for their fans to hear during the quarantine. Lovato said, “It's important not to beat ourselves up over getting nervous, over maybe not eating perfectly, not working out perfectly. These are different, very scary times. We've never been through anything like this in our lives. This is all new to everyone. Be gentle and take care of yourselves as much as possible."

Report: Amanda Lou

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Celebrity, Lifestyle, Fashion, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Celebrity, Lifestyle, Fashion, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Zoë Kravitz's Cool 90's Style in Hulu's "High Fidelity"

A new, gender-reversed Hulu adaptation of Nick Hornby's 1995 novel “High Fidelity” was aired this February.

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A new, gender-reversed Hulu adaptation of Nick Hornby's 1995 novel “High Fidelity” was aired this February. The series is about a heartbroken record shop owner, determined to revisit her five all-time greatest heartbreaks in a journey of self-discovery, and to see what went wrong in each relationship. The main character, Rob, is played by none other than the amazing Zoë Kravitz, and her style in the show mimics her unique style in real life.

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It influences it so much that Kravitz and the costume designer for the show, Colleen Atwood, actually went and shopped for the clothing at vintage stores together. Kravitz told indiewire that “a lot of the band T-shirts were [hers], too. [Also,] Colleen designed this great leather jacket that was kind of a homage to the jacket that [John] Cusack wears in the [first] film.” The costumes were a nostalgic take inspired by the 90’s, featuring high-waisted jeans, Hawaiian shirts, loose flowy pants, long jackets and sweaters, and combat boots. Band t-shirts were a big hit on the show. Kravitz was seen wearing a Bowie T-shirt, Beastie Boys, and a long Bob Marley shirt almost worn like a dress. Kravitz and Atwood paired some of these looks with high-waisted blue jeans, and a pair of loafers. The long leather trench coat was also worn frequently throughout the show, paired with a variety of different styles.

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The most memorable was with a Hawaiian shirt worn as a dress, and completed with a pair of black chunky boots. The best, and most casual look from the show was Kravitz in a basic yellow shirt, high-waisted blue jeans, and again, the chunky black boots. She threw her braids in some pigtails and called it a day. High Fidelity is turning heads not only for people who love the production, but for music and fashion lovers as well. The styles in the show are not only affordable, but are also so easily achieved that you probably already have some of it in your closet.

Watch High Fidelity on Hulu today.

Words by Libby Ayers.

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Entreprenuer, Events, Fashion, Lifestyle, Accessories Access by NKC Entreprenuer, Events, Fashion, Lifestyle, Accessories Access by NKC

Multiculturalism in the Philadelphia International Gem & Jewelry Show

Multiculturalism in the Philadelphia International Gem & Jewelry Show. The event was a vast showcase of diversity, not only in the types of gemstones used for the fashion jewelry but also in the cultural backgrounds of the vendors.

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The Philadelphia International Gem & Jewelry Show was held in the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center from March 6th to March 8th, 2020. The event was a vast showcase of diversity, not only in the types of gemstones used for the fashion jewelry but also in the cultural backgrounds of the vendors. Sellers incorporated elements and signifiers of their ethnicities into their products, thus having created truly remarkable works of art.

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The most expansive and vibrant stand in the show was that of BJ Total Fashion, a jeweler that specializes in Indian and Buddhist creations. Amidst the gold bracelets and necklaces that encompassed various sections of the BJ Total Fashion vendor were Buddhist medallions and sculptures in the shape of the religious symbol kumkum bharani. Enhancing the aura of these golden treasures was the presence of bejeweled hair accessories, some of which were flowers built entirely out of gemstones. Several other merchants sold jewelry influenced by multiple regions across Asia. Like BJ Total Fashion, both Avaniee Jewels and Taj Mahal Gems’ jewelry is styled after that of India.

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Orchid Pearl Inc’s necklaces and rings were made from fine cultured Japanese Akoya pearls, and at the Imagine Bliss, Inc. vendor there was just as much jewelry as there were silk Chinese-style jewelry bags. One last culturally diverse seller was J&J Gems, which was devoted to Native American art. This vendor was particularly unique in that it primarily sold raw crystals rather than fashion jewelry. Seeing such gemstones as rose quartzes and rainbow jaspers in their pure form dazzled audiences with their distinct beauty. To complete J&J Gems’ striking aesthetic, dream catchers and stone and wooden bear statues ornamented the scene. The Philadelphia International Gem & Jewelry will return to the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center on September 18, 2020, which undoubtedly will create more opportunities for the jewelers to further diversify culturally.

Words by Nia Hunt.

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Beauty, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Beauty, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

The Honey Pot Accused of Racism After Innocent Target Commercial Airs

Black Owned Business The Honey Pot Accused of Racism After Innocent Target Commercial Airs- And It Only Causes Sales to Soar.

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A black owned feminine hygiene business, The Honey Pot, was accused of racism after an innocent Target commercial featuring the brand first aired in February. The commercial was released for Black History Month, and was highlighted to promote and encourage black female entrepreneurs. In the commercial, founder of the company Beatrice Dixon mentions wanting The Honey Pot to do well as an example for the next young black girl who has a great business idea, just like she did. Apparently some viewers missed the point, and interpreted the ad as “racist.” They began leaving her 1-star reviews online, claiming that Dixon was saying her products were meant only for black girls. Twitter caught wind of the dispute, and the controversy quickly went viral all over the internet. Many loyal customers came to Dixon’s and her company’s defense, countering the negative reviews. Users who saw the controversy and were supporting Dixon also said they now planned on buying her products, and they did exactly that.

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According to Buzzfeed, “after a barrage of negative and racist reviews were posted on Trustpilot, Dixon said her company’s sales were up 40% to 50% higher than what they would be on a typical day.” Thankfully, the backlash from the commercial going viral ended up being a great promotional tool for the company, and the true message of the commercial was conveyed to many who are inspired by Dixon’s story. Dixon told CNN “she [also] hopes the attention will highlight the fact that only a tiny percentage of venture capital funding goes to businesses run by black women.” Help support the business by leaving a positive review, and shop The Honey Pot’s products now!

Words by Libby Ayers

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Beauty, Designers, Lifestyle Access by NKC Beauty, Designers, Lifestyle Access by NKC

BCBGeneration Launches Makeup and Skin-Care Collection, Gen Beauty

BCBGeneration Has Launched it's First Makeup and Skin-Care Collection, Gen Beauty

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BCBGeneration has just launched its first makeup and skincare collection, Gen Beauty. The brand was founded in 1989 by Max Azria, and over the years became a highly successful premiere American fashion brand called BCBGMAXAZRIA. In 2008 Azria created BCBGeneration, which made the brand more accessible and affordable for women of all generations.

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After years of keeping up with the latest fashion trends, BCBG is now releasing their first ever makeup and skincare line, Gen Beauty. As of right now, there are 22 skincare products- ranging from collagen gel masks to coconut aloe facial mists, pore strips to cleansing brushes, and even day and night creams. The makeup selection features a series of highly pigmented eyeshadow palettes, mascaras, highlighters, lip glosses and balms, and much more.

BCBGeneration is known for their affordable prices, and stays loyal to this tradition with Gen Beauty. Everything in the collection is priced between $6 and $20. Ready to shop? All Gen Beauty products are available now at bcbgeneration.com

Words by Libby Ayers.

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Designers, Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC Designers, Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC

According To The Trend: Paris Fashion Week

What walks the runway from the end of September to October will set the trends for the upcoming season.

Valentino via Vogue Runway

Valentino via Vogue Runway

For one week every year, the world lies in wait for the debut of the Spring/Summer collections shown during Paris Fashion Week. What walks the runway from the end of September to October will set the trends for the upcoming season. Everything from Haute Couture to Ready to Wear designers all over the world give us a front row seat to their creations.

This year at PFW the color pallet took on a wide variety of different hues and pastels ranging over sixteen signatures colors. Runways were flushed with Vanilla, Crème, and Sugar Almond giving a smooth and effortless vintage feel to some of our favorite silhouettes. The top color trends for Spring were Fruit Dove Pink represented by Valentino, Eden Green shown by Givenchy, and Galaxy Blue from Elie Saab.

Givenchy via Vogue Runway

Givenchy via Vogue Runway

“This is a man’s world” took on a whole new meaning this season. The latest trend in women's fashion took a page out of mens fashion by way of tailored suiting and dinner jackets. Double breasted jackets and over sized sequin tuxedo coats were featured in collections shown by designers Chloe and Saint Laurent. Ralph Russo showed a crème tailored pantsuit with embellished cutouts on the runway. Look out men of the world women are wearing the dress trousers now.

Chloe via Vogue Runway

Chloe via Vogue Runway

Ralph & Russo via Vogue Runway

Ralph & Russo via Vogue Runway

Editorial by Access PR Intern, Zech

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Event, Lifestyle, Photography Access by NKC Event, Lifestyle, Photography Access by NKC

Time to Pretend II Art Show Recap

This past weekend on Saturday, September 9th I had the pleasure of attending the second annual “Time to Pretend” art showcase which was an all female art show that exhibited a variety of artists from fashion to performances of all kinds.

This past weekend on Saturday, September 9th I had the pleasure of attending the second annual “Time to Pretend” art showcase which was an all female art show that exhibited a variety of artists from fashion to performances of all kinds.

The art show was located in South Philadelphia’s Philly Pack and was a spectacle of dancing, drinking and talented artists showcased on each wall of the room. There were many artists that were highlighted that night but some of my favorites were PhobyMo, who was the host of the event, Heidi Cannon, Allegra Gia, Freshie Juice, Madison Nuemann and Idaslis Yvette. It was such an inspiration to see so many artists, especially female artists unite under one roof to showcase their art and to be celebrated. I was able to speak with some of the artists about their work and was really intrigued to hear all of the amazing things that inspired them and even hear their art process.

That night really put into perspective the lack of credit female artists in any genre gets in the creative industries. So, when I see events championing the minority in any field I am always excited to see people unite and let them know they are an inspiration to many. Hopefully, with art shows such as Time to Pretend, we can continue to lift up woman in the creative fields and give them the applause they greatly deserve. Be sure to take a look at all of the wonderful talent that was showcased that night by these pictures below:



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Event, Celebrity, Fashion, Lifestyle, Photography, Shop Style Access by NKC Event, Celebrity, Fashion, Lifestyle, Photography, Shop Style Access by NKC

5 Stylist You Need Follow on Instagram

Deep down we all just want to know what’s in everyone else’s closet. In today’s world the inside of your favorite celebrity's closet is one follow away.  

Deep down we all just want to know what’s in everyone else’s closet. In today’s world the inside of your favorite celebrity's closet is one follow away.  Instagram is the best place to get street style inspiration, catch a glimpse of new fashion lines, and have access to all things fashion. We have gathered 5 stylists you should follow.

Maeve Reilly

Followers - 70K

Instagram - @stylememaeve

Has Styled For - Hailey Baldwin, Lala Anthony, Janelle Mona

Daniel Buezo/ Debbie Gonzales

Followers - 8,327/6,366

Instagram - @danielbuezo, @iamdebbiegonzales

Has Styled For - Kehlani

Zoe Costello

Followers - 13.8K

Instagram - @zoecostello

Has Styled For -  Sofia Richie, Priyanka Chopra, Gigi Hadid, Dudley O'Shaughness

Law Roach

Followers - 185K

Instagram - @luxurylaw

Has Styled For - Celine Dion, Zendaya , Ariana Grande, Skai Jackso

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Designers, Celebrity, Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC Designers, Celebrity, Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC

In The Industry: Mary Katranzou

All of Mary Katranzou's self named collections revolve around the filtered beauty within luxury things


Brand name: Mary Katrantzou 

Creative Director & Designer: Mary Katrantzou

Start year: 2009

Personal 411 on Mary Katrantzou:

Mary Kantrantzou's self named clothing line debuted her first ready-to-wear collection at London Fashion Week in Spring/Summer of 2009. All of Mary's self named collections revolve around the filtered beauty within luxury things; a piece from the art of a design that an everyday woman would not be able to wear if it were real. Mary uses prints of textiles designs as the main focus in all of her collections which her previous season collections displayed textiles designs such as perfume bottles, artisan blown glasses, interiors and object of art, vintage postage stamps just to name a few. Each print Mary creatives is designed around the garment and also the garment around the print. With print textiles being so visual, prints has allowed Mary to create her own world but in the visual language that she displays throughout her collections. Mary's goal into every seasonal collection she puts out is to create something new and something people will appreciate for its intelligent design aesthetic. 

Personal 411 review on Mary Katrantzou SS17 collection:

Mary's influences for this collection were in between the triply graphics of the late 60's and early 70's music posters and her Greek roots with Greek vases and plates. Mary wanted to combine "swirly prog-rock patterns with symbols of the ancient Greek world in flared trousers and stretch t-shirts" with also layering which has been a signature of Mary's collection pieces. Mary managed to use completely different range influences and mash them together to make a beautiful textiles art out of this season's garments; allowing herself to explore her creative and take risks. This collection embodies originality and are great statement pieces for women worldwide.

Rate of Mary Katrantzou SS17 collection: 10/10

Credits: Jenna G., Access Styling Intern

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