Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts

So, What Does It Really Mean To Eat In Season

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.


On March 12th, 2020 I received a call from my supervisor that our offices were to be closed until further notice. I knew that it meant change was to come; I expected life to look different. This is all uncharted territory for everyone. In just 2 weeks, toilet paper became the hottest commodity.  Media outlets covered countless stories about the decline of toilet paper supply.  However, there was another commodity that eventually became even harder to come by, meat. 

Walking the aisles of the local supermarkets, I couldn’t help to notice the absence of meat and abundance of fresh produce. Along with meat, canned and frozen produce are becoming hard finds.  While completing my weekly rounds through the grocery circuit, I’ve overheard several conversations about produce that all lead to these three conclusions:

  1. Unfamiliar produce is scary to most

  2. Consumers are unaware of what it means to eat in season

  3. Many people do not know how to properly store produce

There were murmurs of “that’s going to spoil in 2 days” and “I don’t even know what to do with that”, which were quickly followed by a bee line to the barren canned foods aisle. Although canned and frozen produce contain the same nutritional value as their fresh counterparts, the taste isn’t comparable.  But what does a meat shortage actually mean for us? 

For starters, the empty shelves at supermarkets are the first indicator that something strange is happening. However, as supply returns to stores, the variety of meat is expected to decline.  Some finer cuts may no longer be as available and high demand items, like bacon, will see an increase in price. This doesn’t mean that you should go and stockpile meat in your deep freezer. By making simple adjustments to your food habits, you can explore the world of food and reduce your impact on your environment. Trust me, the latter is better than engorging in freezer burned ribeyes this summer season. 

A simple way to combat food fatigue is to embark on an adventure with your food, and this can be done by eating in season from the comfort of your kitchen.


So, what does it mean to eat in season?

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.  Not all produce blooms the same…at the same time.  Foods reach peak flavor and nutritional value seasonally.  This means, in order to enjoy fresh produce at its fullest potential, it’s better to eat it in the season it would normally grow.  Eating in season is not only for your enjoyment and health, but it is also beneficial for the earth.

Before you sit down to take a bite of your lunch or Sunday dinner, think about the journey each individual ingredient took to reach your plate.  How much gas did it  take to transport the onions and garlic from the ground to your plate? About how much electricity was required to keep your milk and cheese safe enough to consume? About how many pesticides were used to keep your fruit safe from predators during a season it does not normally grow?  These questions are things to think about as you are purchasing your food.

Eating in season helps reduce your carbon footprint or your impact on the natural environment.  Foods that are cultivated in season, require less protection and less fortification to make them satisfiable for the consumer.  The different types of produce each have specific characteristics that indicate ripeness.  

Picking your produce

I can tell you one hundred times to try different produce, but if you do not know how to pick your produce, then all the energy would be wasted.  If you did not major in horticulture, here are 3 simple things to look for when picking fresh produce:

  1. Color- food should be vibrant and colorful.  

  2. Smell- you can smell when produce is ripened; especially, fruits.  They will give off a sweet faint aroma near the blossom end.

  3. Sound- this applies largely to melons.  You should hear a deep solid “thump” when you pluck the fruit.  If it sounds high and shallow, then the fruit is not ripe.  


Spring/Summer Produce

Here’s a color-coded list of summer produce to be on the lookout for as you make your grocery store runs:


Red indicates foods that are good sources of vitamin A (Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic Acid). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (absorbed by fat in the body) that is essential to immune system functions, vision, and human growth/development.  Vitamin A not only helps the body fight of infections, but helps you see in low light!











Vitamin C, probably the most famous vitamin to hit the streets, is your ride or die vitamin.  This water-soluble vitamin boosts your immune and repairs damages to the body.  From your skin to your heart, this vitamin plays a major role in maintaining your health.








Vitamin B6 can be found in starchy produce, this produce also tends to be yellow.  B6 is important for breaking down proteins (protein metabolism), immune functions, energy, and the formation of red blood cells. 




Summer Squash



Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is essential to cell growth and function.  This vitamin can be found in green veggies. Major factor in your body being able to break down drugs, fats, and steroids.  

Fun Fact: Your body can actually produce a decent amount of riboflavin on its own, by simply eating more plant-based foods.




Green Beans



Lima Beans





Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, or vitamin E, can be found abundantly and in blueish purple produce. This vitamin is known for its antioxidizing properties.  This is a great vitamin that helps fight heart disease and cancer.





As we phase through this pandemic and beyond, I want to explore food with you! The shortage in meat will not be the first change we see in our food culture.  However, it is my goal to empower you during these lifestyle changes to take ownership of your life, both in and out of the kitchen. 

Be on the lookout for produce storage tips and more!

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Beauty, Brand, Lifestyle Access by NKC Beauty, Brand, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Influencers Hold Over the Marketing World

In world influencers are the next versions of celebrities. From nano-influencers to mega-influencers, they each build a brand and a loyal following that is being used by all industries but mainly fashion. When it comes to the industry, many companies heavily rely on influencer reviews to reach the social media generation. Most consumers are more likely to purchase an item from a word of mouth review than an advertisement.

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In today’s world influencers are the next versions of celebrities. From nano-influencers to mega-influencers, they each build a brand and a loyal following that is being used by all industries but mainly fashion. When it comes to the industry, many companies heavily rely on influencer reviews to reach the social media generation. Most consumers are more likely to purchase an item from a word of mouth review than an advertisement.About 86% of companies are going to dedicate a portion of their budget to influencers.

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Example Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty line. Rhianna is a big named celebrity yet many wouldn’t be so likely to just go and buy her product. So her public relations team will send out boxes of the products to select beauty influencers to get them to do a review on the products. The consumer would then tune into their favorite influencers and would get to have an idea of what it would look like on someone that looks like them. See influencers became a big part of the marketing system because of the allure of relatability. When it comes to the use of social media, B2B businesses mainly use Facebook by 89%, Twitter by 75% and LinkedIn by 81% and Instagram is only used at only 33%. When you see someone like you trying something and liking it you are most likely going to want to buy the product as well. Many influencers also decided to purchase the products themselves so that they can keep that trust between them and their audience. When it comes to which social media platform is important, 79% find Instagram important for their influence marketing campaigns. Authentcity is what is selling these products.

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Jackie Ania Review -

Report: Maya Howard

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC

At Home Therapy

Every home has a distinct scent, what is yours?

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Essential Oil Diffusers have become a hot topic in today’s day and age. With so many different oils, every room in your house can give off a different aroma. At CAMPO Modern Aromatherapy, you can choose from up to 16 different blends of oils. If you are looking to keep alert throughout the day, their ENERGY Blend does just the trick. This blend is 100% pure essential oils with Orange Blossom, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, and a hint of Australian Sandalwood to give you the perfect balance of vitality and energy.

This scent is perfect for an office or work space being that it gives off a sensual, warm, and woodsy scent. If you are having trouble getting to bed at night, their SLEEP Blend can be the answer to your prayers. With a hint of lavender, palmarosa, roman chamomile, and valerian root, you will find yourself relaxed and calmed when it’s time to hit the hay for the day. This oil is perfect for the bedroom, hence the name, with its floral scent and balsamic undertones. If you’ve never used a diffuser with essential oils before, you can’t go wrong with lavender.

Lavender is one of the most common essential oils that people use in their diffusers. It has the ability to alleviate many feelings, such as stress, anxiety, and soreness. With so many oils with so many different scents, each room in your house can do a different thing: put you to sleep, wake you up, calm you down, or excite you. All at the same time.

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Editor's Picks, Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC Editor's Picks, Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Fashion and Stocks: Everything To Know Before Investing

As investors plan their next move when it comes to either buying or selling their stocks, the thought of buying a share towards a fashion company is often not considered.

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As investors plan their next move when it comes to either buying or selling their stocks, the thought of buying a share towards a fashion company is often not considered. For those not familiar with the stock market, it is indexes of investments towards sharing ownership in a company. Technology companies and big brands such as Amazon, Tesla, Apple, Paypal, Shopify and more are all what these investors normally strive towards. But what about the fashion market and the constant growing of consumers everyday who rely on these companies? Some of the most successful fashion brands such as LuLuLemon is not only an expensive stock but it is at the top of the list for several fashion stocks. Ranging from yoga, loungewear, lifestyle and fitness, this stock has continued to grow to about 90% since last year. Another strong stock in this industry is Nike. Being such a popular and valuable apparel company, there is no doubt that they continue to sky-rocket every year when it comes to sales and revenue. Despite not being a cheap stock being priced at almost $100, it is inevitable that even the highest priced stocks will continue to dip in the midst of the pandemic.

Even luxury brands such as Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and more continue to remain steady in their sales and profit. The most important question regarding all of these brands is, are fashion stocks worth the price? It can be a risky investment due to the fact that a lot of people have been switching their shopping habits from fast fashion to more sustainable and ethical ways. It is okay to invest in a brand you know a lot about and consistently shop at but you need to be aware of the risks that you are taking when doing so. Some of the essential tips you should know is doing deep research on the brand itself. Look at their quality, how much people shop there, how much they make, gross margin, sales data, growth rates, earnings, and their competition.

If you invest into a fashion brand but then there is a competitor that can slide your stock off the market, then it will affect how much you’ve put into the stock. Once figuring out the research of the brand and their success, it is based on personal judgement whether you should make this investment or find another company.

Photo Sources:,,

Report: Pamela Valdez

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Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

To Drink or Not to Drink: How to Ingest Celery and Why

Celery Juice. Morning Rituals. Pressed Juice.

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The popularity of these green stems is reaching a new level, when celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Miranda Kerr drink celery juice in large quantities, not forgetting to share their habit on Instagram. In fact, the hashtag #celeryjuice has more than 170,000 posts, and there are no millennials left in the world who would not be interested in the benefits of the miracle vegetable. So, is celery really so useful or is it just another marketing trend?

Celery is a high-water vegetable, which makes it a pretty moisturizing product. It is also a source of fiber, which our intestines love. Add here vitamins (K, A, C), potassium and folic acid, which are found in celery, plus a whole group of antioxidants, and you get a pretty healthy snack. When the benefits of celery are obvious, another question arises – why do we turn it into juice?

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Celebrities and health activists shared with public strict instructions for consuming celery! Stems should not be eaten for nothing; celery should have a juice consistency and should be drunk on an empty stomach. Organic celery is considered an obvious plus, and it needs to be cooked fresh and taken immediately.

Regardless of your position, eating celery in small portions will not harm you. But the high-profile statements that it can cure diseases and help digestion are one-sided, because there is no real evidence other than vivid photos on Instagram.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Fashion, Lifestyle, Entertainment Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle, Entertainment Access by NKC

Killing Eve Star, Sandra Oh Killing Fashion in her Latest Photo Shoot

The June cover of Elle Canada features Sandra Oh clad in sequined Gucci.

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Sandra Oh has been a household name for years, known in the industry for many roles. Most notably, for playing Dr. Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy for 10 seasons and now rogue agent, Eve Polastri, on the cat and mouse spy thriller, Killing Eve. Sandra brings a depth of talent, dedication and rawness to each character that makes her captivating to anyone lucky enough to watch her.

Sandra Oh Elle Magazine

Killing Eve is known for its amazing fashion, especially in terms of career assassin, Villanelle, strutting her stuff in Chloé suits and J.W. Anderson jackets. Her outfits boast bright colors, unique textures, and all the latest in fashion. Sandra’s character, however, sticks to more earthy tones, baggy clothing, and turtlenecks. There is a definite clothing discrepancy between Eve and Villanelle, one of intention of course. Sandra joked, “It kills me...I go into wardrobe and see that bitch’s clothing, and I’m just like, ‘Can I get something above Uniqlo? No?” Sandra had a chance to display her own fashion brilliance in a photo shoot for Elle, Canada which will be featured in June’s issue. Sandra graces the cover in sequined Gucci, and inside there is an interview in which Sandra talks about everything from Killing Eve, to social media, and Hollywood representation. Also featured are numerous jaw dropping looks from the Elle photo shoot.

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Gucci is definitely a highlight of the shoot, both the cover as well as one of the looks inside boast gorgeous sequined Gucci looks. Another look was made complete with a satin dress from Christopher Kane and heels from Versace. Still another boasts a billowing taffeta dress by Valentino. Possibly my favorite look of all is the silk shirt and leather skirt from Louis Vuitton.

Sandra Oh Elle Magazine

Sandra Oh is an immensely talented actress, she’s genuine, enthusiastic, charismatic, and has classy fashion sense to boot. Read more about it in the Elle Canada June issue,

Report: Rebecca Vanderkool

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Summer To-Do List for College Students

The coronavirus has made a huge impact on college students, especially in regards to their summer. Luckily, there are still a few things they are able to do, in quarantine and safe at home.

With the college semester ending and active quarantine restrictions, students have found themselves in a place that refrains from doing the usual summer activities. Nonetheless, there are still things you can do while riding out the coronavirus.


-Start a document logging everything you have done in your career so far. From job experience, education, certifications, skills, etc. this will be a crucial tool in creating resumes and future interviews. Pick the right details to craft the perfect document and show future employers you are the right person for the job.

-Acquire new skills. Summer is a great time to learn or brush up on your Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Excel, and so on. Programs like Coursera provide classes for free, and Masterclass gives students the ability to work with professionals such as Anna Wintour, Annie Leibovitz, and Serena Williams.

-Do a (virtual/remote) internship. Although many summer internships have been cancelled, there are still companies providing internship opportunities online. Indeed, Chegg Internship, and Glassdoor are great sources for finding the right internship for you.

-Polish your LinkedIn page, or if you haven’t done so yet, create one. LinkedIn can play a huge part in getting hired for a job. Make it professional and include a clean headshot.

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-Create a (sustainable) budget. Get a head-start for the next semester and start to keep track of spending. Things that can be covered include rent, food, entertainment, transportation, school supplies, etc.

-Let the endorphins flow and exercise. Although gyms and fitness classes are shut down for the moment, you can still workout from home. You can find ways to workout via Youtube, Instagram, and with workouts ranging from yoga, to strength training and boxing.

-Brush up on your cooking skills and learn how to make something new. Prominent chefs from the food industry have started to teach online classes on how to make virtually anything. Antoni Porowski, one of the stars of “Queer Eye,” has started a mini cooking series on Instagram to create food that is both enriching and uses household ingredients.

-Clean out your social media accounts. Now, more than ever, is the time to get rid of unwanted negativity on social media. This detox can also extend to cleaning out old files and programs on your laptop, deleting old pictures, and simply emptying out your email inbox.


-Rewatch your favorite TV series all over again.

-Sell unwanted clothes on Depop for extra cash.

-Pamper yourself with a face mask, bubble bath, manicure, etc.

-Virtually visit an art museum or national park (through Google Art & Cultures).

-Experiment and dye your hair. -FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom with long-distance friends.

-TAKE A BREAK. Although it is great to stay busy during the summer, it’s also important to know it’s okay to not be productive. We are all experiencing something life-changing. It’s up to you to know how to take care of yourself.

Photo Credits: Ayana Lage, Hive Life, and Sphere Agency.

Report: Charlene Piccio

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Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Forget A Smile, You’re Never Fully Dressed AT ALL!

Remember what it felt like to actually get fully dressed? Being that we’re following quarantine and social distancing guidelines, virtual meetings have become our new livelihood

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Remember what it felt like to actually get fully dressed? Being that we’re following quarantine and social distancing guidelines, virtual meetings have become our new livelihood. Whether we’re on Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, or FaceTime, it’s no secret that most of us have been getting dressed only from the waist up for our virtual meetings. Even celebrities such as Mindy Kaling and Molly Sims have shared their half-dressed video conference call looks that were strictly business on top and cozy pajamas on the bottom. Still, if you want to give the illusion of high fashion when you really just rolled out of bed here are a few tips. Since we’re relying solely on the top half of our body to make a statement, accessories are going to be our key to success. You can be more playful by adding a colorful statement necklace. Or you could go for a more sophisticated look with stylish glasses. Now is also a great time to test the waters with prints and bold colors that you might have shied away from in the past. By incorporating these concepts you would also be paying homage to the current season, Spring! Spring is all about being open to new ideas and new beginnings. Each of us has had to keep an open mind in regards to the uncertainty of our current situation and maintaining high-spirits can be challenging. Making these small adjustments to our virtual meeting outfits could help make our lives feel a little more normal, increase productivity, and most importantly help us adapt a more positive mindset.

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Photo Credits: @mollybsims @isthisfate @evssofficial

Report: Corine Gauthier

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Want to Keep Your Followers Interested? Here's How:

As social media use continues to uptake, here are some easy ideas on how to keep your followers interested!

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As everyone is spending more and more time on social media it’s important to keep your followers engaged and communicating. Here are a few tips on how to improve your social media presence by connecting with your followers.

Live Streams

Something that people have really loved through their time in quarantine is Instagram lives or live streams on other social media: Twitter, TikTok, Facebook etc. These live streams give followers the opportunity to interact virtually with celebrities and companies, making them more personable and interesting. In these lives you can talk about anything or offer up questions to your viewers, to make it as if you are having a face to face conversation. Miley Cyrus used her platform to host her own kind of talk show named Bright Minded. Each day on Instagram she would go live with a schedule of various other celebrities and interesting people to talk and provide entertainment for hours. Mike Stud and Post Malone hosted a celebrity beer pong tournament via instagram live, with thousands tuning in each day. Founder of Barstool Sports, Dave Portnoy, has capitalized on the livestream movement, hosting various lives each night just on him opening up strange packages that get sent to him. Even the most mundane things can be interesting to any given demographic- try out different ideas and gauge the reaction!

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Polls and Q&A’s

Sometimes live streaming can be more challenging as it necessitates an on camera personality to keep your audience interested. Another way to utilize Instagram or Twitter to engage your audience is by asking for their input! Quick polls or more in depth questions allow your followers to have a direct view into how your account operates. You can try the questions featured in a different way by allowing a Q&A with your account, where your followers can ask you anything! This is a great way to see what questions people might have about your product or company, as well as acknowledge areas that are performing greatly and some that may be underperforming.

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Contests and Giveaways

There are so many ways to get your followers involved through a giveaway or contest. Consider a design contest, this is an awesome way to get new ideas for your brand and simultaneously head hunt for potential great hires! These giveaways can also serve as a fantastic way to get involved philanthropically. Donations to a certain cause (coronavirus relief for example), can get a follower entered in a chance to win a certain product or discount code. Celebrities, influencers, and athletes have all teamed up on the All-In Challenge to entice the public with various experiences in exchange for donations to organizations that provide coronavirus relief. They have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars so far. In an effort to provide follower engagement, definitely consider any kind of interactive giveaway.

Photo Credits: Ariana Grande / All In Challenge, Miley Cyrus for @wsjmag

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Culture, Editor's Picks, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Living Your Truth at Any Age

“Reject the notion that they’re disposable if they’re not a mini version of you,” said Union.

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Growing up we’re told not to do certain things or we’d get into trouble. We’re told not to smoke, drink, do drugs, etc. Then at a certain age, we’re supposed to have the sex talk with our parents and for most parents, this talk has always been supported by a man and a woman because that’s what they knew and for some, it can’t change.

Since most parents grew up in a time when same-sex couples were taboo, that’s what they instill in their children. Now that same-sex and multiple gender identities are more common and accepted now it can be a troubling topic for some, especially with younger children who ask questions. A lot of parents can be thrown off or displeased when these issues occur in their own home to an older child.

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Over the years many parents have become displeased to learn their own child identify with a different gender than what they’re born with or have romantic attractions for the same sex.

Television actress Gabrielle Union recently spoke about how she and her husband NBA star Dwayne Wade navigate having a ten-year-old son Zion who now identifies as a girl and goes by Zaya. Union recently went on The View and encouraged parents who have similar stages within their families to love, listen, and accept their child.

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“Reject the notion that they’re disposable if they’re not a mini version of you,” said Union.

She then goes on to express what every parent preaches to children of just being a good person and guiding them as best you can.

Every parent wants their children to be better than they were and they think that being gay or transgender means that they have failed their child in that mission.

“Creating more of you in every kind of way isn’t the solution. Allowing them to be who they are and guiding them to be loving, passionate, and open-minded.”

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Many people live their lives hidden from who they really are to please others and it doesn’t come out until after they’re gone leaving a family with regret that they didn’t fully accept it.

Every person no matter what age should be allowed to be who they are no matter what sexuality or gender identity and let it lead them to be a good person and doing more good.

Be the parent you needed at your child’s age, embrace them for who they are when they open up to you. Have open dialogue and build a stronger bond.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle Access by NKC

James Cordon Hosts a Pet Gala, and its far from Boring

James Cordon Hosts a Pet Gala, and its far from Boring

Although the Met Gala was cancelled this year, that didn’t stop late-night host James Cordon from creating his own Met Gala, but with a twist. The comedian hosted a Pet Gala, which displayed an array of adorable pets wearing bedazzled ensembles and their best red-carpet outfits. Participants were asked to send the late-night show host photos of their pets dressed to this year’s Met Gala theme, “About Time: Fashion and Duration.” The submissions ranged from dogs, to lizards, and even guinea pigs.

On the first Monday of May, Cordon was joined by Brad Goreski, an E! Red Carpet host, to discuss the submissions through a YouTube Clip. One dog named Coco rolled up in a dramatic gown with an extra-long-train, while one dog named Brutus wore a blue tulle gown, which Goreski joked was a “custom bark Jacobs” since it was so similar to Marc Jacobs 2020 spring selection. One lizard, named Phillip Arthur Norrington, stole the show when he came dressed in a snazzy top hat and tuxedo in a Jurassic limo, which granted him the title of “best-dressed man” of the night.

As difficult as quarantine has been for many, James created an outlet for audiences at home to be creative and bring out their inner fashion interpretations to the show.

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

What Do the Cards Say?: A Journey Down the Youtube Tarot Rabbit Hole

I watched 5 tarot card readings on YouTube and wrote all about what is in the cards for me. Watch them and let me know what is going on in your future.

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Did you know there are tarot card readings on YouTube? They have quickly become a guilty pleasure of mine. In these uncertain times, a peek into the future can be relieving. For those who have poured over their birth charts, this is for you. The categories and topics of each reading is endless: money, soulmates, what the next month holds in store for you.

I watched 5 tarot readings and thought I’d share what my future is looking like. But, first let me give you a little background on the readings and how they typically go. Some are pretty lengthy going over 2 hours for all readings and others are around 45 minutes. The longer the video means the more detailed the reading is. Throughout all of the tarot channels, they all begin in the same fashion.

- Typical YouTube intro: “Hey, guys!”

- Camera paneled down to four cards or crystals

- Overview of what the reading is about

- Choose whatever card or crystal resonates the most with you

- Go to the time jump for your selection and enjoy your reading

Okay, let’s get started. The YouTube algorithms are already hip to this guilty pleasure so I will be going from the first 7 videos recommended to me. Along with each video I will give you 5 highlights of my reading and how in tune the reader was. I have my essential oil diffuser going and a drink in my hand, I am ready, Miss. Cleo.

First up: “*PICK A CARD* (May Prediction 2020)” by Shonnetta’s Divine Tarot (@shonnettasintuition)

First off, love her energy. There is something about a fellow natural hair black woman that makes me feel instantly connected. Now on to my reading. I chose pile #3 to tell me all about what May has in store for me. And here are the highlights:

- Birds. Be on the lookout for birds and feathers, cool cool cool.

- All about the Benjamins. Owww, May is all about the pay. Apparently I should be on the lookout for a pay day this month. Second round of stimulus check, perhaps?

- Important message and wisdom coming my way. An epiphany. I need to meditate to truly get my answers.

- Move away from things that do not serve me. Yes. Finding out what is best for my soul should be my mission for May. This is when I will yield the best results.

- Don’t miss my blessings. Noted.

That was an okay reading. Feel it wasn’t spot on or as specific as I was hoping, but what she had to say was nice to hear. Will I be going back for more readings from Shonnetta? Sure, why not? She has a positive energy that you can’t help but contract.

Second: “Your Life in Three Years From Now (PICK A CARD)” by The Gem Goddess (@thegoddessgem)

I have watched readings on this channel before and I have liked what was in the cards. Three years from now I will be 28, and I pray for better times than this. Please let this reading reflect that. So what does pile #4 say?

- The first card is sun in Virgo and my sun sign is Virgo, hello connection. With the 8 of pentacles, she tells me three years from now I will be going through big changes.

- Renovation of self and environment, letting things go.

- Oh, no. A significant relationship will be ending. Friendship or a romantic relationship, I like my good friends, a boyfriend is whatever. The relationship wasn’t fair or balanced, it did not serve me.

- Fully focused on my career. Stability, security and delight in my future. Finding my feet and myself. Really liking the sounds of that. And more money coming in.

- Moving to a different place?? But, I will be going through the emotions...sick.

- Ultimate highlight: 9 months after purging what doesn’t work for me, I will attract the love of my life. I can get jiggy with that.

This was such a good reading. So detailed in all of the explanations. It really made me look forward to the future. Although, there will be hardships and ended relationships, it will all be for the good and better.

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Third: “CHANNELING YOUR DIVINE COUNTERPART-What are they like? What kind of lover are they?” By Gossamery Dreams (@gossamery_dreams)

This video comes with a 18+ warning. How detailed will this be? I have never watched a reading from this channel, so my curiosity sure peaked. I chose pile #3, let’s see.

- My counterpart is very successful, currently going through a divorce/break up, and is highly desired by women. A catch. Okay. And he is older.

- This guy sure knows how to pick ‘em. Apparently my “counterpart” has been choosing the wrong women, the reader in the video describes them as “gold-diggers.”

- We will be eachothers awakening.

- Third reading in a row telling me to let go of things that do not serve me. When I purge, then will come the greatness of success and love. Wowzers. I hear you, universe.

- My counterpart will be alll about me..hmm I would like to see that.

This was my favorite reading, not because of the 18+, but the reader was having so much fun. Her energy and dedication was palpable. I totally recommend y’all going to her channel.

Four: “(Pick A Card) Who is YOUR SOULMATE?!?” by The Tarot Priest (@thetarotpriest)

After the previous reading, this was bound to pop up. This will not be the first “soulmate” reading I’ve seen, these are the ones I like watching to compare them all. Previously I have gotten a creative, successful man who is older than me and is into music/plays an instrument. Along with many other lengthy details, but I’ll spare you. Now, I felt compelled to go with the red pile.

-They are going through it, right now. Changes, growing, overcoming. And possibly a psychic or an empath. Interesting.

- We will always have fun. Playful and spiritual connections.

- He is not materialistic, but working towards accomplishing more.

- Is not open to go on their spiritual journey right now.

- We are on the same path to each other. Just different backgrounds.

This was the shortest reading and the least thrilling. Good video and the reader was informative, but I will probably hesitate watching another reading from this channel.

Five: “*(PICK A CARD)* Everything About Your Immediate Future! *PSYCHIC READING* by Vanessa Somuayina (@build_a_beaulife)

Last video is a short one. Never saw a video about my immediate future, it’s a little too “The Ring” for me. But, let’s see what she is hitting on. The Blue Quartz spoke to me.

- Things are moving into a better spot for me financially. With the lockdown, I am not sure how that's going to work, but never block your blessings!

- What is meant to be mine, will be mine.

- Watch what I say because I tend to be a little too forward and it sometimes comes off as harsh. Noted. I will try.

- Take a time out. Easy. Quarantine has never made that so easy.

- A new romance or platonic connection could be coming my way.

Well, in this video I got some good insight. Not sure what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. A lot to keep in mind for the foreseeable future.

Many may find this tarot card reading on youtube a bit cheesy, and it kind of is. But, in times where there is so much negativity going on this is a spark of joy and fun. Not taking anything too seriously and speculating about what our future holds. So go ahead, sit back and watch these videos for yourself or the bevvy of others out there. Find out about your sexy soulmate or when will be your next big pay day or what is going on in your career.

Report: Bria Ward

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Green Thumb: Easiest Plants to Take Care of At Home

Houseplants are a great way to keep your home colorful and fresh. But without the proper care some can wither away rather quickly. Here is a list of easy plants to care for at home!

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Houseplants are a great decoration to have in your home to add a bit more personality and life to your home. But without the proper care, many wither away quickly. Some plants are practical and multifunctional without us even knowing it! Here are a few easy plants to take care of at home!

Aloe Plant

This long pointed succulent is popular for its medicinal properties. It can grow up to 3 feet high, easily filling up any empty spaces in your home. A smaller variety , like the aloe vera, works well in small, sunny indoor space. Aloe grows well in room temperatures and in a lot of sunlight. Because it is a succulent, the plant needs dry soil, so avoid over watering for optimal results. As a bonus this plant is great to incorporate into your skincare for hydration and for treating sunburns.

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Herbs like basil, mint, rosemary, and oregano are easy to grow and can freshen up the overall vibe of your kitchen area. The fragrances are welcoming and warm. The herbs add a touch of color and are practical in a time when we shouldn’t be going out much! For the best results, give each herb their own pot so you can provide care accordingly.


This plant is perfect for hanging because the long stems hang beautifully. Perfect for a pop of freshness and color on top of a table, bookshelf, cabinet etc. And these only need optimal light, so the corners of homes are perfect too! There are many different varieties that grow in different colors, vibrantly green with specks of whites, yellows, or greys. Better yet this plant can purify the air, removing toxins from the air around us. It’s affordable, easy to care for, to propagate, and lasts for a long time.

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Snake Plant

A Snake plant is a versatile plant to have at home. They thrive in a dry environment, watering every 2-4 weeks is enough and they prefer medium light but out of direct sunlight. They make a great statement piece in any household. Its long green and yellow leaves can add some life in the shadows or corners of your home.

Succulents and Cactus

These two types of plants are adaptable, varied, and strong. There are a bunch of different types to fill your home. Both big and small, they can decorate themselves into your home easily. They are perfect in terrariums or alone. To care just plant them and leave them alone, watering them just a bit in a few days in between.

Report: Katie Mok

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Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

“The Chiffon Trenches,” A Memoir By Andre L Talley, is Set to Release On May 19

“The Chiffon Trenches,” a memoir by @andreltalley is set to release on May 19. Mr. Talley’s book will discuss his experience in the fashion industry, working at Vogue and his tumultuous relationship with high-powered editor in chief at Vogue, Anna Wintour.

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SCAD

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images for SCAD

Former creative director and contributing editor at Vogue Magazine, Andre Leon Talley, is releasing his memoir entitled The Chiffon Trenches on May 19, 2020. Talley recently interviewed with Daniel Bates at, discussing the details of the book along with some very detailed information regarding his friendship with Vogue’s editor in chief, Anna Wintour. Prior to this interview, Mr. Talley had mainly spoken positively about his experience at Vogue and as Anna Wintour’s dear friend. Nonetheless, several sources have noted that Talley’s time working in high fashion consisted of many brutal, unjust and cruel moments.

In order to fully understand his experience in the fashion industry, it’s important to know his background. The former editor was raised primarily by his grandmother, in North Carolina where he attended the historically black North Carolina Central University and graduated with a degree in French Literature. He then received a Master of Arts in French Literature from Brown University, which he notes as being one of the most liberating times of his life. Prior to attending Brown, Talley had already been obsessing over the glossy pages of French Vogue, read a lot of literature surrounding fashion history and was set to become an editor once realizing he could have success in fashion journalism. After graduating with his master’s degree, he moved to NYC and worked a series of jobs until he worked his way up, becoming the first black male creative director at a Conde Nast publication.

Photo: AFP/Bryan Bedder

Photo: AFP/Bryan Bedder

When Wintour appointed Talley as creative director at Vogue, the two started developing a very close relationship. According to, Anna even expressed concerns about Andre Leon Talley’s health to the extent of scheduling an intervention for his weight. However, in the interview, the former editor notes that Anna Wintour is “not capable of simple human kindness.,” and that their “decades-long friendship ended because he was too old, overweight, and uncool.” Andre Leon Talley hasn’t been the only person speaking out on his experience at Conde Nast. Other industry sources within the industry, such as Ralph Rucci, recently made an Instagram post stating that he too had emotional scars from his interactions with the Ice Queen. All of the recent news surrounding Mrs. Wintour and her relational dynamics with those she was once very close with raises questions about if The Devil Wears Prada, a film whose main character is intended to emulate the role of Anna Wintour, is an accurate reflection of high fashion work culture. In Talley’s interview with, he states that although there was no distasteful tossing of coats to assistants, many of the staff were met with great trepidation while working with Wintour.

But Talley’s relationship with her is only a portion of what will be highlighted in The Chiffon Trenches. The memoir will also discuss how he’s essentially been blacklisted from the who’s who of high fashion because he made the decision to leave Vogue due after hitting a “glass ceiling.” Talley saw that there was no room for him to grow and has gone on to pursue other curatorial and journalistic endeavors. He currently lives in Westchester Country, where he lives what he describes as a fairly lonely life. One of the benefits of Andre Leon Talley speaking openly about his relationship with Wintour and the industry at large is that people who otherwise wouldn’t be involved in the conversation, are now involved. It’s further democratizing the industry and I’m curious to see how it responds.

Report: Julian Randall

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

An Ex Best Ultimate Betrayal

An Ex Best Ultimate Betrayal. Friends come and go, but best friends are supposed to be for life. So when your best friend betrays you. Levels of vulnerability are strong. Mentally, how do you get through that and can you forgive them? Always remember forgiving is not for them it's for you.

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Through time friendship develops into a deep connection where they develop into best friends. Best friends know everything about you, hell they may know you better than you know yourself. Your best friend is your confidant and yes you get into fights here and there but you never betray them. No matter how big the fight is. Sadly, that's not always reality. What would you do if you and your best friend get into a fight where ultimately you end the friendship and they decide to spread all your personal business. In a time like this, those who are around us mean more to us than anything but at the end of the day that is a different level of betrayal. It makes you vulnerable because everyone now knows your deepest darkest secret.

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So can you bounce back from that? And the answer is yes, but it will take time. It will take time for you to heal but you will. Forgiving may take time or it may never happen but that’s up to you. Forgiveness is not for the person, it is for you. In order to be happy you have to forgive and let go of all past hurts but can choose to remember that it happened. You will get through it with time.

Report: Maya Howard

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Day 35824: I Need A Drink? Do You Need One? 5 Cocktails To Try Out Right Now.

As many of us get gussied up in our gloves and face masks in the least sexiest manor, to visit the hottest spot in any town...the grocery store, why not make a pit stop at the liquor store?

As many of us get gussied up in our gloves and face masks in the least sexiest manor, to visit the hottest spot in any town...the grocery store, why not make a pit stop at the liquor store? Days somehow feel like seconds and months simultaneously. So how about we all raise a glass to pass time? Here are 5 fun cocktail recipes I have made during this trying time. Try them out anytime of day, because there are no longer any rules about when you can start drinking. And of course please drink responsibly...just because you are home it does not mean to exceed your limits. There are many benefits of quitting drinking; a clearer head in the morning and less regrets the next day are definite advantages. 

Shirley Temple Mimosas

5 Stars Recipe from Delish



What a refreshing way to bring out my inner child. Shirley Temple’s were my staple as a kid, made 7 year old me feel grown up. Use your favorite champs in this pairing of two classics: mimosas and Shirley Temples.

Hulk Smash? No, Whiskey Smash

4 Stars Recipe from



4 ingredients. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy. This simple minty cocktail was super easy to make. Tastes like a mint lemonade with the comfort of whiskey.

Hennessy Side-Car:

5 Stars Recipe from Hennessy

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A friend of mine introduced this to me two years ago. The moment I took my first sip from the sugar lined rim, I was hooked. Please try this, you will not regret this classic cocktail.

Sparkling Pineapple Ginger Infinite Stars

Recipe from Real Simple



Okay, now. This is MY drink, my go to. Whiskey already goes so well with ginger ale, but with a splash of fresh pineapple juice… *chef’s kiss*. I sub ginger ale for ginger beer for a bit of a stronger less sweet taste. Overall 10/10 would recommend.

Southern Spiked Peach Tea

4 ½ Stars Recipe from A Simple Pantry



Talk about a summer cocktail. This is a perfect drink for a sunny day indoors. Or any weather. Now, this recipe calls for more ingredients than the ones prior, but you should still try it out. This cocktail is like me: sweet, light and a southern belle. Okay, I’m not really all that sweet, light, or southern, but it made me feel that way. Try this on a nice afternoon snuggled up with your dog watching a murder program.

Report: Bria Ward

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Culture, Lifestyle Noah Love Culture, Lifestyle Noah Love

Editor's Note - Noah Love

Although we want to be optimistic and find the silver lining amongst all of this—how exactly are we to do so with the constant uncertainty of being able to get back to our lives as providers, creators and so much more?

Noah Love, Senior Editor

Noah Love, Senior Editor

I initially wanted to introduce The Access Report with a full story on the evaluation of black owned businesses and the current state of the Fashion world in the midst of COVID-19. However, after a few conversations with colleagues and friends, all of which are dealing with the aftermath of our cities shutting down, it’s clear that analyzing business and strategizing next moves are stressors we did not anticipate at this capacity. 

Instead, I have decided to take this moment to level set with those of us facing the harsh reality of what’s actually happening. Our income has either stopped, paused, or remains in limbo and we have no answers on a clear way forward without easily obtainable capital. Although we want to be optimistic and find the silver lining amongst all of this—how exactly are we to do so with the constant uncertainty of being able to get back to our lives as providers, creators and so much more? 

What I can say is this: It is under pressure that many of us have found our most impactful solutions. I first discovered I wanted to be an entrepreneur when I realized I could be fired at any time (i.e., Termination Without Cause - a clause in most agreements for companies).  After being laid off from my first job due to staffing changes, it was clear to me that job security would be of my own creation. 

COVID-19 laid out a simple truth so many of us often disregard by choice or ignorance—there are no certainties in life. There are no fail-safe systems and we can’t depend on the government nor the economy we contribute to to save us. If I’m being totally straight forward, we can’t guarantee that we can save ourselves. 

What does this all mean?  What does it mean for our careers? Our families? Our communities? 

It means we wake up and we fight. We don’t allow ourselves to become complacent, comfortable or so successful that we forget to pivot with innovation and collaboration in mind.  It means that we begin working together more often and commit to more efforts within our communities. 

During this time it is my suggestion, which has already been taken by my team, to evaluate the table of ideas. Those implemented plans, strategies to scale, projects, partnerships, etc.; revisit these ideas and adjust them. Consider the impact of COVID-19 thus far and how it has isolated you and your business. How can you provide your consumer access and support during this time? Not just right now particularly, but also in the future.  How will you take measures to ensure your consumer is always capable of accessing and benefiting from your products and/or services without diluting the quality or limiting the experience?

These are some of the questions many fashion lovers are facing—specifically during New York’s most coveted time of year, New York Fashion Week. With the dreaded question of if it’ll even happen, designers and production companies (myself included) are struggling to come to terms with this.  That struggle will happen for the foreseeable future as our governor has announced that the stay-at-home order has been extended to the middle of May. Our only option at this very moment is to evaluate and take note of how people are coping—how the world is changing on the outside.  We are also given a moment to recognize that being forced to exercise social distancing has given us the very break some of us so desperately needed. 

It has given mother earth the break she needed. 

My prayer is that you find the good in this. Use this time to heal, find new purpose, learn a new trade, connect with old friends, and start new relationships. 

This doesn’t have to be a negative. It doesn’t have to result in loss nor does it have to be scary. 

Choose to come out of this better. Whatever better looks like for you, come out of this with more than you had when it all started.

Report: Noah Love

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

How To Stay Sane During Quarantine

Very few of us have experienced a pandemic before. There is no rule book to teach us how to cope, how to take care of our parents from afar, or how to prevent any meltdowns or anxiety attacks.

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Very few of us have experienced a pandemic before. There is no rule book to teach us how to cope, how to take care of our parents from afar, or how to prevent any meltdowns or anxiety attacks. But since were staying home, it is important to practice taking care of ourselves and our mental health. The following tips discuss how you can continue being productive and stay sane during isolation.

#1- Get Outside. Social distancing does not mean to force yourself to stay inside at all times. It’s important to get some fresh air to clear your mind. Take small breaks throughout work to “reset” your brain and try meditating. A good app for this is called the Meditation app. It evaluates your mental and emotional state and provides exercises to practice mindfulness.

#2-Keep a routine. Act as if school or work is still in session. Take a shower, get fully dressed in the morning and set wake up and sleep times. This is important because it makes us feel as if there is some normalcy in the world. Use the Streaks app to track and manage your daily habits, including the little things, like eating breakfast!

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#3- Pick up a new skill. With all the extra time on our hands, we can use this time to do something we’ve always wanted to do, such as learn a new language or workout. You can even pick up a new book and set a goal for yourself. For language learning, try the free application called Duolingo. There are 35 languages to choose from and endless possibilities!

#4-Phone a friend- FaceTime your grandparents, or use the Nextdoor app to connect with the neighbors living around you. You can also set up a Zoom call with your friends, which has fun features such as customizing your background or reacting with emojis while someone is talking. Whichever form of contact you choose, it’s important to reach out to the people you love and check in on them. You never know whose day you could be making!

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

The History behind Vogue Portugal and the Brand

Despite there being a lot of controversy with this idea of exploiting a pandemic, there is still an agreement a lot of people can come to which is what Vogue Portugal does take their covers to the next level.

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Vogue Magazine launched its first issue on December 17th, 1892 for 10 cents each. Originally being an upscale and luxury lifestyle journal capturing the lives of the elite in New York City, Condé Nast purchased Vogue. Completely transforming it into a women’s fashion, lifestyle and beauty magazine, it has grown into a monthly publication read by millions around the world. Establishing its first international magazine in 1916, Vogue has continued to spread its impact to the fashion industry by creating over 20 more international magazines including Vogue Portugal.

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Prior to its initial launching in October 2002, Vogue Portugal began its licensing a year before under Cofina Media — a Portugese Media conglomerate. There was a preview issue presented to Condé Nast during the process of its creation. When being published as a magazine, Condé Nast assists in the modeling of the first issues due to publishing houses distribution of the titles as a licensee. Paula Mateus overtook the role as Editor-in-Chief for 15 years, along with her committed team at the magazine. This is not only an accomplishment, but an impressive and talented skill as being the head of one of the most popular fashion magazines in the world, isn’t so easy. After doing so, Condé Nast moved Vogue Portugal from its publications under Cofina Media to LightHouse Publishing which was already under the issuing of GQ Portugal for a year and a half. As a result of this change, there was a brand new establishment of a team which included Editor-in-Chief. José Santana and Sofia Lucas, two very close artistic and talented friends for over 20 years, both worked under Cofina Media. Lucas was the Art Director for the magazines being produced, and Santana began as a designer. Remaining alongside each other in the industry, Santana was given the position as the Art Director for Vogue Portugal and GQ Portugal, which was very well deserved. Having such a special friendship allowed them to combine their own strengths and expertise into launching the creation of LightHouse Publishing together. Having years of knowledge, being so experienced in the field of publishing, and already having previously worked with Condé Nast, they were more than the perfect fit for taking on the role.

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It should be noted that Mateus, Santana, Lucas, and their team have brought personality, life, and creativity over the years to every page flipped through in Vogue Portugal. Despite Vogue being known as one of the top fashion magazines in the world, this brings the idea to people that their magazine should not reflect the current issues in the world today. The cover of the April 2020 magazine for Vogue Portugal captured by Branislav Simoncik, is of a man and a woman, Bibiana Baltovicova and Adam Bardy, kissing through their surgical masks. While this reached a topic of controversy among some, a fashion magazine is not just a report on the latest trends and runway reviews. There are other issues facing the world, people, and the economy. Vogue Portugal released a “Planet Earth is the Trend” cover in September 2019 to highlight sustainability and bring awareness. In April 2020, there was also the “Freedom On Hold. COVID-19, fear will not stop us.” Haters will always misjudge and have their opinions towards people, brands, or companies that derail the idea of being conventional and sticking to a specific stereotype. Going beyond the traditional cover everyone normally expects, Vogue Portugal brings the importance to trends and news not just on the runway, but off of it as well.

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In addition to being such a dominating force in the fashion industry, Vogue Portugal’s charm is more than what people see on the cover. Behind every photo is a team that works to curate an emotion and reflect a form of art. Anybody can take a picture, format a layout, upload it, and call it their magazine, but Vogue Portugal views their work with heart, pride, and motivation to never settle for mediocre ideas. Compared to other international Vogue magazines, each and everyone one of them have their own style that reflect their identity and character. Soon after the line up, set up of photoshoots, and pages are laid out and settled within 3 weeks, the printing process begins. Once sent to the printer, copies and prints are then dispersed to the distributor and subscribers. This is the moment that all subscribers to the magazine have been waiting for the most. Once distributors receive this, they are brought to be displayed in newsstands. Although all Vogue magazines have continued to stay true to their original physical forms, they all have digital versions to their editions, which began several years ago for Vogue Portugal.

Photo Credit: Vogue Portugal

Report: Pamela Valdez

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Continuing to remain diverse, influential, and relevant, it is important to listen to readers, critics, haters, and fans. Vogue Portugal delivers content in response to always evolving themselves and leaving behind the idea that they must focus on physical fashion such as clothes, shoes, and accessories, but instead to incorporate that and issues around the world into a form of art to surpass the expectation of readers. Being a monthly magazine means that the team is not only putting full energy and ambition towards their work, but making sure that every cover, word, and page leaves them just as proud as the last month. 

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Culture, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Culture, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

What Kind Of Detox Do We Really Need?

Brain Detox. Peace of Mind. Inner Harmony. Healthy Thoughts. Happy Mind.

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We live in a toxic world. It seems that humanity has managed to destroy everything that once was valuable: tuna now has more mercury than protein, vegetables are full of pesticides, and you can kill a horse with the air in metropolis. It is believed that all these troubles come from a person’s selfish desire to live in comfort.

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For the first time in history, new types of toxicity have arisen. Voila, three modern inventions that poison our lives:

1. Gadgets. Digital dependency is a neurotic need for new information and gadgets. It is promised to be entered in the register of the International Classification of Diseases. First of all, doctors are concerned that smartphones and other members of electronic family have a bad effect on the psyche. Anxiety about having to be in touch 24/7, depressing states that life on Instagram is not like reality are just the most obvious problems that we have while abusing digital world.

2. Information Age. The regime in which billions of people now exist is called information satiety. Like any satiety, it is fraught with health. Too much information causes cognitive overload and strains the nervous system. Anxiety and mental disorders are other symptoms of universal informatization.

3. Confined personal space. According to estimates by the UN Population Fund, by 2024, 8 billion people will simultaneously live on the planet, most of them in capitals and large cities. Unfortunately, living surrounded by millions is not as fun as it might seem. Crowding is associated with a high risk of nervous and mental illness, an increased risk of infection, and problems such as physical inactivity and sleep disorders due to noise and light.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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