Summer To-Do List for College Students

With the college semester ending and active quarantine restrictions, students have found themselves in a place that refrains from doing the usual summer activities. Nonetheless, there are still things you can do while riding out the coronavirus.


-Start a document logging everything you have done in your career so far. From job experience, education, certifications, skills, etc. this will be a crucial tool in creating resumes and future interviews. Pick the right details to craft the perfect document and show future employers you are the right person for the job.

-Acquire new skills. Summer is a great time to learn or brush up on your Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Excel, and so on. Programs like Coursera provide classes for free, and Masterclass gives students the ability to work with professionals such as Anna Wintour, Annie Leibovitz, and Serena Williams.

-Do a (virtual/remote) internship. Although many summer internships have been cancelled, there are still companies providing internship opportunities online. Indeed, Chegg Internship, and Glassdoor are great sources for finding the right internship for you.

-Polish your LinkedIn page, or if you haven’t done so yet, create one. LinkedIn can play a huge part in getting hired for a job. Make it professional and include a clean headshot.

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-Create a (sustainable) budget. Get a head-start for the next semester and start to keep track of spending. Things that can be covered include rent, food, entertainment, transportation, school supplies, etc.

-Let the endorphins flow and exercise. Although gyms and fitness classes are shut down for the moment, you can still workout from home. You can find ways to workout via Youtube, Instagram, and with workouts ranging from yoga, to strength training and boxing.

-Brush up on your cooking skills and learn how to make something new. Prominent chefs from the food industry have started to teach online classes on how to make virtually anything. Antoni Porowski, one of the stars of “Queer Eye,” has started a mini cooking series on Instagram to create food that is both enriching and uses household ingredients.

-Clean out your social media accounts. Now, more than ever, is the time to get rid of unwanted negativity on social media. This detox can also extend to cleaning out old files and programs on your laptop, deleting old pictures, and simply emptying out your email inbox.


-Rewatch your favorite TV series all over again.

-Sell unwanted clothes on Depop for extra cash.

-Pamper yourself with a face mask, bubble bath, manicure, etc.

-Virtually visit an art museum or national park (through Google Art & Cultures).

-Experiment and dye your hair. -FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom with long-distance friends.

-TAKE A BREAK. Although it is great to stay busy during the summer, it’s also important to know it’s okay to not be productive. We are all experiencing something life-changing. It’s up to you to know how to take care of yourself.

Photo Credits: Ayana Lage, Hive Life, and Sphere Agency.

Report: Charlene Piccio




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