Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

The Path of Betterment

For Better or Worse

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When you go through a traumatic experience that tries to break your spirit, typically you want to rid your mind of that negativity and do something good for yourself.

Sometimes these traumatic moments can happen with people in your life you considered a best friend or family. This is when a force in life shows you that a person isn’t meant to be in your life anymore. Over conflicting differences or a deep betrayal, that bridge is burned.

What do you do after this trauma becomes critical to who you are as a person? Either you have to reevaluate your surroundings in life and push yourself forward to do better and be better or you’ll remain in the toxicity of your environment because of its familiarity and not seeing a way out that doesn’t include discomfort.

This is what has currently evolved between Khloe Kardashian and Jordyn Woods. After Khloe’s drama with Tristian Thompson and Jordyn Woods, it seemed that Khloe was set against defaming Jodyn’s character in anger once Jordyn was exiled from the family circle.

Jordyn took the separation from the Kardashian/Jenner clan to speak her truth and live her life for herself and has continued to do so. While Khloe continued to deal with Tristian’s playboy antics, recently she took to social media to post her new look and she is unrecognizable having others question plastic surgery.

Jordyn as another black woman who was vilified chose a path of wellness. She has chosen to focus on herself and her career while surrounding herself with friends that chose to elevate her with love and positivity. Jordyn has continued on this path and she has prospered through the self-care and love she shows herself.

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She chose the wellness of not letting a negative situation derail her life. When living in wellness and self-care it is important to treat yourself with care, to be kind to yourself while doing what makes you happy. Sometimes in being attached to others it can be easy to lose sight of what you’re meant for in life.

To reject manipulation is choosing to put yourself first. The self-love and self-care you adopt are creating a forcefield of positive energy again the toxic words and actions of others. In that space of positivity, you embrace those who embrace you. When you allow room for growth you manifest a new perspective on life and you react differently to negative energy. Commit to yourself the way you commit to others.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts Health, Lifestyle, Wellness David Roberts

So, What Does It Really Mean To Eat In Season

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.


On March 12th, 2020 I received a call from my supervisor that our offices were to be closed until further notice. I knew that it meant change was to come; I expected life to look different. This is all uncharted territory for everyone. In just 2 weeks, toilet paper became the hottest commodity.  Media outlets covered countless stories about the decline of toilet paper supply.  However, there was another commodity that eventually became even harder to come by, meat. 

Walking the aisles of the local supermarkets, I couldn’t help to notice the absence of meat and abundance of fresh produce. Along with meat, canned and frozen produce are becoming hard finds.  While completing my weekly rounds through the grocery circuit, I’ve overheard several conversations about produce that all lead to these three conclusions:

  1. Unfamiliar produce is scary to most

  2. Consumers are unaware of what it means to eat in season

  3. Many people do not know how to properly store produce

There were murmurs of “that’s going to spoil in 2 days” and “I don’t even know what to do with that”, which were quickly followed by a bee line to the barren canned foods aisle. Although canned and frozen produce contain the same nutritional value as their fresh counterparts, the taste isn’t comparable.  But what does a meat shortage actually mean for us? 

For starters, the empty shelves at supermarkets are the first indicator that something strange is happening. However, as supply returns to stores, the variety of meat is expected to decline.  Some finer cuts may no longer be as available and high demand items, like bacon, will see an increase in price. This doesn’t mean that you should go and stockpile meat in your deep freezer. By making simple adjustments to your food habits, you can explore the world of food and reduce your impact on your environment. Trust me, the latter is better than engorging in freezer burned ribeyes this summer season. 

A simple way to combat food fatigue is to embark on an adventure with your food, and this can be done by eating in season from the comfort of your kitchen.


So, what does it mean to eat in season?

Eating in season is all about taking advantage of what the Earth provides while remaining conscious of your impact on the environment.  Not all produce blooms the same…at the same time.  Foods reach peak flavor and nutritional value seasonally.  This means, in order to enjoy fresh produce at its fullest potential, it’s better to eat it in the season it would normally grow.  Eating in season is not only for your enjoyment and health, but it is also beneficial for the earth.

Before you sit down to take a bite of your lunch or Sunday dinner, think about the journey each individual ingredient took to reach your plate.  How much gas did it  take to transport the onions and garlic from the ground to your plate? About how much electricity was required to keep your milk and cheese safe enough to consume? About how many pesticides were used to keep your fruit safe from predators during a season it does not normally grow?  These questions are things to think about as you are purchasing your food.

Eating in season helps reduce your carbon footprint or your impact on the natural environment.  Foods that are cultivated in season, require less protection and less fortification to make them satisfiable for the consumer.  The different types of produce each have specific characteristics that indicate ripeness.  

Picking your produce

I can tell you one hundred times to try different produce, but if you do not know how to pick your produce, then all the energy would be wasted.  If you did not major in horticulture, here are 3 simple things to look for when picking fresh produce:

  1. Color- food should be vibrant and colorful.  

  2. Smell- you can smell when produce is ripened; especially, fruits.  They will give off a sweet faint aroma near the blossom end.

  3. Sound- this applies largely to melons.  You should hear a deep solid “thump” when you pluck the fruit.  If it sounds high and shallow, then the fruit is not ripe.  


Spring/Summer Produce

Here’s a color-coded list of summer produce to be on the lookout for as you make your grocery store runs:


Red indicates foods that are good sources of vitamin A (Retinol, Retinal, Retinoic Acid). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (absorbed by fat in the body) that is essential to immune system functions, vision, and human growth/development.  Vitamin A not only helps the body fight of infections, but helps you see in low light!











Vitamin C, probably the most famous vitamin to hit the streets, is your ride or die vitamin.  This water-soluble vitamin boosts your immune and repairs damages to the body.  From your skin to your heart, this vitamin plays a major role in maintaining your health.








Vitamin B6 can be found in starchy produce, this produce also tends to be yellow.  B6 is important for breaking down proteins (protein metabolism), immune functions, energy, and the formation of red blood cells. 




Summer Squash



Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is essential to cell growth and function.  This vitamin can be found in green veggies. Major factor in your body being able to break down drugs, fats, and steroids.  

Fun Fact: Your body can actually produce a decent amount of riboflavin on its own, by simply eating more plant-based foods.




Green Beans



Lima Beans





Tocopherol and Tocotrienol, or vitamin E, can be found abundantly and in blueish purple produce. This vitamin is known for its antioxidizing properties.  This is a great vitamin that helps fight heart disease and cancer.





As we phase through this pandemic and beyond, I want to explore food with you! The shortage in meat will not be the first change we see in our food culture.  However, it is my goal to empower you during these lifestyle changes to take ownership of your life, both in and out of the kitchen. 

Be on the lookout for produce storage tips and more!

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Health Access by NKC

At Home Therapy

Every home has a distinct scent, what is yours?

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Essential Oil Diffusers have become a hot topic in today’s day and age. With so many different oils, every room in your house can give off a different aroma. At CAMPO Modern Aromatherapy, you can choose from up to 16 different blends of oils. If you are looking to keep alert throughout the day, their ENERGY Blend does just the trick. This blend is 100% pure essential oils with Orange Blossom, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Bitter Orange, and a hint of Australian Sandalwood to give you the perfect balance of vitality and energy.

This scent is perfect for an office or work space being that it gives off a sensual, warm, and woodsy scent. If you are having trouble getting to bed at night, their SLEEP Blend can be the answer to your prayers. With a hint of lavender, palmarosa, roman chamomile, and valerian root, you will find yourself relaxed and calmed when it’s time to hit the hay for the day. This oil is perfect for the bedroom, hence the name, with its floral scent and balsamic undertones. If you’ve never used a diffuser with essential oils before, you can’t go wrong with lavender.

Lavender is one of the most common essential oils that people use in their diffusers. It has the ability to alleviate many feelings, such as stress, anxiety, and soreness. With so many oils with so many different scents, each room in your house can do a different thing: put you to sleep, wake you up, calm you down, or excite you. All at the same time.

Report: Hannah Zaremba

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Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

To Drink or Not to Drink: How to Ingest Celery and Why

Celery Juice. Morning Rituals. Pressed Juice.

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The popularity of these green stems is reaching a new level, when celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Gwyneth Paltrow and Miranda Kerr drink celery juice in large quantities, not forgetting to share their habit on Instagram. In fact, the hashtag #celeryjuice has more than 170,000 posts, and there are no millennials left in the world who would not be interested in the benefits of the miracle vegetable. So, is celery really so useful or is it just another marketing trend?

Celery is a high-water vegetable, which makes it a pretty moisturizing product. It is also a source of fiber, which our intestines love. Add here vitamins (K, A, C), potassium and folic acid, which are found in celery, plus a whole group of antioxidants, and you get a pretty healthy snack. When the benefits of celery are obvious, another question arises – why do we turn it into juice?

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Celebrities and health activists shared with public strict instructions for consuming celery! Stems should not be eaten for nothing; celery should have a juice consistency and should be drunk on an empty stomach. Organic celery is considered an obvious plus, and it needs to be cooked fresh and taken immediately.

Regardless of your position, eating celery in small portions will not harm you. But the high-profile statements that it can cure diseases and help digestion are one-sided, because there is no real evidence other than vivid photos on Instagram.

Report: Olha Dzharyha

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Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Forget A Smile, You’re Never Fully Dressed AT ALL!

Remember what it felt like to actually get fully dressed? Being that we’re following quarantine and social distancing guidelines, virtual meetings have become our new livelihood

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Remember what it felt like to actually get fully dressed? Being that we’re following quarantine and social distancing guidelines, virtual meetings have become our new livelihood. Whether we’re on Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, or FaceTime, it’s no secret that most of us have been getting dressed only from the waist up for our virtual meetings. Even celebrities such as Mindy Kaling and Molly Sims have shared their half-dressed video conference call looks that were strictly business on top and cozy pajamas on the bottom. Still, if you want to give the illusion of high fashion when you really just rolled out of bed here are a few tips. Since we’re relying solely on the top half of our body to make a statement, accessories are going to be our key to success. You can be more playful by adding a colorful statement necklace. Or you could go for a more sophisticated look with stylish glasses. Now is also a great time to test the waters with prints and bold colors that you might have shied away from in the past. By incorporating these concepts you would also be paying homage to the current season, Spring! Spring is all about being open to new ideas and new beginnings. Each of us has had to keep an open mind in regards to the uncertainty of our current situation and maintaining high-spirits can be challenging. Making these small adjustments to our virtual meeting outfits could help make our lives feel a little more normal, increase productivity, and most importantly help us adapt a more positive mindset.

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Photo Credits: @mollybsims @isthisfate @evssofficial

Report: Corine Gauthier

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Lifestyle, Wellness, Editor's Picks, Health Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness, Editor's Picks, Health Access by NKC

You Grow New York

With restrictions put into place, opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, relax, or visit the local park are limited. But what if a simple plant inside your apartment can make you feel more at ease?

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With New York being the epicenter of the Covid 19 Pandemic, people are left with nowhere to turn but the four walls of their tiny apartments. With restrictions put into place, opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, relax, or visit the local park are limited. But what if a simple plant inside your apartment can make you feel more at ease? That is the mission of Maryah Greene, the founder of Greene Piece. Maryah, otherwise dubbed as the plant doctor, provides plant-based services to customers, including indoor plant styling and space design. She believes that by having plants in one’s living space, we can nurture it, attend to it, and love it, the way we sometimes forget to do for ourselves during this stressful time. Having a plant at home not only allows us to channel our emotions into the nurturing process but also allows us to shift our focus from the difficult current situation to further developing our green thumb. There are many benefits to having a plant at home, including lower stress levels and blood pressure. With mental health being a concern for many, why not invest some tender love and care into a plant?

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Maryah's services cost between $125-175, but if you’re not ready to have your apartment furnished with plants and succulents, here are some tips for new plant parents:

 Start small. There is no need to go out and buy hundreds of dollars of plants right away. Grab a $10 plant from your local nursery or street vendor and build your way up.

 Don’t overcrowd your plant. Let it have some time to itself! Overwatering or extra enthusiasm may hinder its growth process and even cause it to die.

 Be Patient. This might not bring instant gratification. It’s a slow growth process, but once the results appear, it’s a rewarding moment.

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Designers, Entreprenuer, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Designers, Entreprenuer, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

How To Boost Your Productivity and Attitude With Clothing When Working At Home

We know it hasn't been easy working from home especially if you've worked full-time in an office. One way to stay productive with accomplishing work and motivating yourself for the day it to make an effort in getting dressed for the day. See how influential this simple practice is in our newest article.

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What has been the norm for businesses and employees in the past has transitioned into full work-from-home chaos due to the coronavirus. None of us fully prepared for maintaining our work life at home for what could be more than two months. Many of you who worked in an office and wished to work from home are experiencing the pros and cons of working remotely, with the biggest struggle staying proactive and completing work. It’s easy to get lazy, become unmotivated, and decide to watch TV or take a “quick” nap.

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For a quick solution to this problem, we offer you the advice of dressing for work at home. We can imagine your response: “Why should I waste clean clothes to sit in the living room and work?” It’s important to look past your wash load and realize how it can boost your personal morale. Getting dressed in the morning often motivates you to accomplish work. If you opt to wear sweats or stay in your pajamas, these casual clothing pieces can make your mood for the day lackadaisical and unmotivated. Taking the time to shower, put on your favorite top and pants, styling your hair, and applying makeup can boost your confidence, make you feel ready to take on the day, and embrace your inner boss.

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After reading this article, start small by wearing jeans or pants instead of sweatpants. Taking inspiration from the runway, Max Mara is our favorite with simplistic, but statement workwear pieces. Wear a wide leg pant with a simple top. It gives semi-casual vibes combining professional and fashionable. The second day, plan your outfit the night before giving focus and emphasis on wearing something attractive to boost your mood. Because the weather changes, a camel tone is perfect for a dull or bright day. Day by day, add more focus to how you get dressed. Not only will it make a difference in your attitude, but, also, your productivity for the day. Photo Credit: Filippo Fior/

Report: Necole Jackson

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Celebrity, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC Celebrity, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle Access by NKC

Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus Talk Staying Busy While Being Stuck At Home

Pop star Miley Cyrus has launched an Instagram Live Show called “Bright Minded: Live with Miley”. The show’s episode on March 17 featured an appearance from Demi Lovato, where they discussed how they’re keeping busy while at home and shared how they’re practicing self-care.

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This week, pop star Miley Cyrus has launched an Instagram Live Show called “Bright Minded: Live with Miley” which offers hope and escapism, optimism, and a way to stay connected while people are practicing social distance. The live chat will air on the singer's Instagram every day this week at 11:30 a.m. PT/2:30 p.m. ET.

The show’s episode on March 17 featured an appearance from Demi Lovato, where they discussed how they’re keeping busy while at home and shared how they’re practicing self-care. Both singers enjoy using meditation apps like Headspace and Calm, while also enjoying quality time with their pets. Cyrus has been binge-watching “Love Island” while Lovato pledged to start knitting and do home workouts. Lovato practices breathing techniques and doing virtual therapy sessions with her therapist. She logs onto a guided prayer app daily, while maintaining her body with healthy foods and supplements. Lovato gave fans a tour of her “immunity table”, which included products like rubbing alcohol, Emergen-C, Manuka honey, apple cider vinegar gummies, vitamin C, CBD and probiotics. Lovato is also trying to use this time to be creative. Cyrus has been spending most of her alone time staying comfortable, she said, “I have not gotten of these sweatpants for five days and don’t plan on changing any time soon.”. She’s also working on the improving her skills with the guitar.

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During the chat, they talked about why they rekindled their friendship. Lovato said, “It’s times like these to reconnect and realize what really matters. It’s important to stick together, especially being women in the industry. I feel like you've always been such a light and that's why we connected at 14.” Cyrus concluded their honest chat with an important for their fans to hear during the quarantine. Lovato said, “It's important not to beat ourselves up over getting nervous, over maybe not eating perfectly, not working out perfectly. These are different, very scary times. We've never been through anything like this in our lives. This is all new to everyone. Be gentle and take care of yourselves as much as possible."

Report: Amanda Lou

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Beauty, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC Beauty, Lifestyle, Health Access by NKC

The Honey Pot Accused of Racism After Innocent Target Commercial Airs

Black Owned Business The Honey Pot Accused of Racism After Innocent Target Commercial Airs- And It Only Causes Sales to Soar.

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A black owned feminine hygiene business, The Honey Pot, was accused of racism after an innocent Target commercial featuring the brand first aired in February. The commercial was released for Black History Month, and was highlighted to promote and encourage black female entrepreneurs. In the commercial, founder of the company Beatrice Dixon mentions wanting The Honey Pot to do well as an example for the next young black girl who has a great business idea, just like she did. Apparently some viewers missed the point, and interpreted the ad as “racist.” They began leaving her 1-star reviews online, claiming that Dixon was saying her products were meant only for black girls. Twitter caught wind of the dispute, and the controversy quickly went viral all over the internet. Many loyal customers came to Dixon’s and her company’s defense, countering the negative reviews. Users who saw the controversy and were supporting Dixon also said they now planned on buying her products, and they did exactly that.

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According to Buzzfeed, “after a barrage of negative and racist reviews were posted on Trustpilot, Dixon said her company’s sales were up 40% to 50% higher than what they would be on a typical day.” Thankfully, the backlash from the commercial going viral ended up being a great promotional tool for the company, and the true message of the commercial was conveyed to many who are inspired by Dixon’s story. Dixon told CNN “she [also] hopes the attention will highlight the fact that only a tiny percentage of venture capital funding goes to businesses run by black women.” Help support the business by leaving a positive review, and shop The Honey Pot’s products now!

Words by Libby Ayers

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Beauty, Brand, Entreprenuer, Health, Travel, Wellness Access by NKC Beauty, Brand, Entreprenuer, Health, Travel, Wellness Access by NKC

Look for BlackGirlSunscreen on Your Next Trip to Target!

BlackGirlSunscreen has now become the first black indie sun care brand to have full time placement in a major retailer, Target.

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BlackGirlSunscreen was created in 2016 for the “need of melanin women to have a sunscreen brand that caters exclusively to them.” Many people falsely believe that people and women of color don’t need the extra protection from the sun that sunscreen provides, but there is still a major risk for burns, sun damage, and skin cancer for people of all skin types.

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The creator, Shontay Lundy, wanted to be able to go into a major retail store and find a sunscreen product made specifically for her, as well as other black and brown women. After years of dedication and hard work, BlackGirlSunscreen has now become the first black indie sun care brand to have full time placement in a major retailer. You can pick it up at your local Target today! The formula is cruelty free, vegan, reef safe, and contains a high SPF of 30. It is also infused with natural ingredients such as avocado, jojoba, cacao, carrot juice, and sun flower oil that make it perfect for everyday use. BlackGirlSunscreen provides protection from the sun while simultaneously moisturizing, and doesn’t leave the aggravating white residue on the skin that is common with most sunscreens.

Shop today to not only protect and nourish your skin, but to also support a black-owned beauty brand!

Report: Libby Ayers

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Refresh: 5 Celebrity Snapchats To Follow

In all the Snapchat craze, here's a few accounts we think you'd like to follow.

With over 100 million users daily, Snapchat is always the perfect source for entertain. Don't worry it's our guilty pleasure too, that's why we've picked 5 Snapchat accounts we know you'll love!

Deepica Mutyala - YouTube Beauty Guru


Reigning from Texas, Deepica grew up in a South Asian community with her parents, who dreamed of her becoming a doctor. But her passion for beauty and living in NYC was bigger than her parents dream for her. She filmed multiple makeup tutorials for Birchbox then ended up starting her own channel. She became a huge success after her  “How to Cover Dark Under Eye Circles” video went viral. She now lives in NYC and continues to update her YouTube channel while working as an on air beauty expert on the TODAY show. 

Her Snapchat includes hilarious videos of her adventures in New York and L.A. as well as exclusive interviews with celebrities like Gigi Hadid! She also features giveaways, behind the scenes looks at her videos, and sometimes a quick beauty tutorial on her Snapchat. So go ahead and add Deepica if you are a fellow makeup lover!


Hannah Bronfman: Founder of Enthusiast/DJ


This 28-year-old has done it all. From creating the app “Beautified” to being a DJ, Bronfman is a well accomplished woman all while staying in tip-top shape. She recently created, which includes workout inspirations and healthy recipes. Bronfman is the definition of #fitspo. On top of everything, she recently got engaged to Canadian DJ, Brendan Fallis *swoon*. 

Bronfman’s snaps include her hardcore workouts at the gym and videos of her DJing at major parties. She keeps it exciting and real 100% of the time. Go ahead and follow if you’re the do it all type of girl (or wish you were). Follow her through her journey in life while staying fit, fashionable and fun. 

DJ Khaled - Record Producer/Musician


If you haven’t already added DJ Khaled on Snapchat already, then you are missing out. His “keys to success” are supposedly inspirational but tend to be hilarious. You will frequently catch him either popping open a bottle of Ciroc or giving inspirational talks while working out on the elliptical. 

FYI this is for the type of person that is looking for a pick me up after a long day of work. 

If you’re that person that sits in a corner and laughs at their phone, then DJ Khaled is someone you need to follow ASAP. Some benefits of adding him are that you get to be apart of his concerts and sometimes get to meet some fellow famous rappers. So go ahead, grab your phone and bottle of Ciroc so you can gain some inspiration from DJ Khaled. 

Mimi Ikonn - YouTuber/Co-founder of Luxy Hair


Mimi Ikonn is like coming up for fresh air. She’s beautiful, sophisticated and funny all while being down to earth and real. Years ago she started off doing makeup and hair tutorials on YouTube. Ikonn ended up marrying her business partner, Alex Ikonn, and they started Luxy Hair, the hair extension company, together. They now live in London and travel the world all while living a completely healthy lifestyle. Life is what they dreamed of right now! In fact, Mimi is currently 6 months pregnant! 

Ikonn’s Snapchat is nothing short of amazing. This couple travels so much and documents it all. You feel as though you are traveling to Italy and Greece with them! Not only does she literally show you the world through her eyes, but she also snaps amazing pictures of her adventurous lifestyle. You get to experience the food she eats which is  full of fresh fruits and vegetables with no artificial ingredients whatsoever. On top of it all, her fashion sense (and of course makeup) is always on point. Following Ikonn will open your eyes up to the beautiful world we have around us. 

Lena Dunham - Actress/Co-creator of Lenny Letter


If you haven’t heard of Lena Dunham yet, you’re doing something very wrong. Not only is she featured as Hannah on the HBO comedy-drama series, “Girls”, but she may possibly be the funniest human. She is the realest person and perhaps that is due to her ability to flaunt her not-so-typical Hollywood bod. Whatever it is, Dunham is one of the most successful women. Not only is she a published author, but she also recently created the online feminist newsletter, Lenny Letter. She is passionate about her beliefs in this world and isn’t afraid to speak up. 

Her Snapchat is definitely one to be reckoned with. Her sense of humor and vibrant personality definitely come out on camera. She discusses important life topics in order to keep our young generation educated. She is using social media to spread the word on issues that should be talked about more. Go ahead and follow Lenny Letter if you  have a great sense of humor, but also want to learn more about our world. 

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Curated by: Megana, Access Intern

Hello, World!

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Delve Deep into Culture Of & Carley Simone's World

Vintage fabrics, health & wellness and a forever-giving culture: welcome to Carley Simone's world.

I’m a true advocate for health & wellness. You need to take care of yourself. That’s what I want my life’s work to be.
— Carley Simone

I took a break from behind the scenes to sit down with Carley Simone, founder of Culture Of: Bodega. Culture Of is a creative online bodega located in Philadelphia, PA. The name stemmed from Carley's studies in college, influenced by the culture of people. Culture Of: Bodega meant to suggest it could be the culture of anything; a store that could be the culture of anything. I was immediately intrigued by the concept of the name alone. Many times, especially in today's fashion you catch people trying to push clothes with no story or meaning. Those easily convinced latch on without question, making it harder for true creatives. The grand scheme of Culture Of will eventually branch out into health & wellness, possibly even food. Carley hopes to create a hub for all things life and creativity with the help of her business partner, Trey; an artist as well.

Typically considering herself a school girl, Carley Simone didn't feel the same connection at college.  Since the 5th grade she has always known she'll complete school and go on to a university. She felt like a failure without the connection, but realizing that wasn't true she moved to the next step. "I don't believe black excellence is limited to a degree." Taking a break from college, Carley figured this was the perfect opportunity to get to know herself better and pursue her dreams. Using the time to focus on her health and regaining confidence, Carley had the chance to step back and take life in.

The next step was quitting her job, Carley took a leap of faith. She decided that now was as good a time as any to conquer her dreams of owning a store. (A very new store, one month old.) Yet despite the small space of time the brand has already had a very positive response. "It's overwhelming, you want a positive response and everything just happened so fast." At the moment, she even has trouble keeping an inventory due to the high interest. Majority of the site items come from other thrift stores, closet close outs and her grandma's closet. This helps keep the authenticity of the vintage clothing. The brand plans to accept donations to help open up the inventory as well. Carley's dream is to have a thrift store on Baltimore Avenue. Culture Of  hopes to one day become much more accessible to the community. With a store front or studio space, she wants to create a place for young creatives to have photoshoots, parties or a general hang-out. 

Once a definition fashionista, Carley used to devote time to piecing together outfits. Her style has since changed to much more relaxed and comfortable. Her new mantra advocates for being comfortable in your own skin, she no longer feels the need to dress for others. Her latest project, a T-Shirt Dress Line stems from this. The new line is set to debut at an upcoming fashion show she's co-hosting with the brand Minkless (Handmade Jewelry). When asked about designing for a celebrity, she said creating a bad ass t-shirt dress for Solange Knowles is definitely a goal. 

After learning about her aspirations, we changed lanes to speak about where she manifest inspiration. The honesty was overwhelming. Carley Simone didn't hesitate to share that much of her inspirations comes from being poor. "I don't live in poverty, but I'm definitely a lower class citizen." She explains that not being able to afford things, pushed her to create them herself. It even gives her a sense of accomplishment. Other inspirations comes from youth culture and the dynamic voices that aren't afraid to demand more. The boldness the everyday life gives off much to explore. "I live for that. I might make some jeans that are wild and crazy. Or I might make something that's super chic and simplistic. It all comes from watching people do whatever they want to do." 

A word of inspiration from Carley Simone:  "I had someone tell me the art community is too competitive, you can never make it. I think everybody has their own lane, the world is built in such a way that you are designed in the imagine of other people. Me and you might not be carbon copies, but we both like chokers. So we're a creative hub from chokers; it's very small. But in big numbers you can create your own lane for anything, you just have to be yourself. Trust that the universe will reveal other people and a path for you to follow. I truly believe that. I believe that I'm going to be successful in what I do. Judge your success by your own standards." 

In her free time, she gets into painting, stencil work and occasionally graphic design. "I model. Haha, I'll put that in quote. But I mostly just style now." She has her hands in many different things. She also has passion for the creative direction, the details and angles of things sparks interest for her. 

Transparency. I can truly say that Carley Simone opened up and was unapologetically herself. I enjoy face to face interviews for this exact reason. People feel that in interviews they have to convey a rehearsed image of themselves to look good for others or that professionalism needs to be over the top. In all honesty for lifestyle interviews, the more unedited, the better. If I wanted to find out about a more toned down version of somebody, then chances are I can visit their social media profiles. In these, interviews I'm looking to learn about a person the world might not know. 

As for Culture Of, the brand has a lot of photo shoots planned and as their schedule clears up they plan to become involved with more events.

Follow Culture Of: Bodega on Instagram for more information. 

Curated by: NKC, Creative Director

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Keep Breakfast Simple - Quick & Delicious Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don't skip it! 15 minute recipes or less.

Don't have much time to spare for morning meals?  Check out these recipes to quickly satisfy the most important meal of the day!

Mushroom and Egg White Omelet

Peach-Mango Smoothie

Banana and Almond Butter Pancakes

Easy Breakfast Burrito

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