Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

4 Tips for Protecting Your Well-Being during Lockdown

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.


When the COVID-19 pandemic first kicked off approximately a year ago, few would have predicted that lockdowns would still be ongoing in many places 12 months later – but, unfortunately, that is the situation we find ourselves in.

In addition to the devastating effects of the virus itself, the ongoing knockdowns have also been deeply detrimental to many people’s well-being, in a variety of different ways, ranging from uncertainty over the future, to immediate physical consequences.

During times like these, it’s important to be able to accept that many things are not under our direct control, and to look for ways to safeguard and protect our individual well-being, and to focus on the things we can directly influence, instead.

Here are a handful of practical tips that might help you to effectively protect your well-being during lockdown and all the challenges that come along with it.

Step back from your future goals for the time being, and focus on day-to-day habits, instead

It can be devastating to have your future goals and aspirations trampled by external circumstances that you are helpless to influence. But in a time of such uncertainty as the present moment, it might be that one of the best things you can do for your well-being is to step back from thinking about long-term future goals, altogether. 

Just for the time being, at any rate.

Of course, just because you’re taking a break from setting goals for the future, or working out your “free of plans,” does mean that you should just give in to despair and become totally passive.

Instead, the best approach is likely to be to shift your focus on future goals to day-to-day habits, instead.

As Scott Adams, James Clear and others have pointed out – if you have good daily habits that keep you moving “in the right direction,” it is very likely that good things will happen to you over time, and that you will achieve a lot – even in the absence of a clearly defined “SMART goal.”

In fact, there is an argument to be made that having those kinds of clearly defined goals, and fixating on them, is often counter-productive.

For one thing, it often makes people focus myopically on the goal itself, without being able to enjoy the journey or notice the opportunities that arise in day-to-day life.

For another thing, goals put you in a mindset of “lack.” You always feel like you’re not where you want to be, until and unless you’ve achieved your next goal.

Then, there’s the obvious fact that whether or not you achieve a particular goal isn’t entirely up to you, and will have a lot to do with things that are outside of your direct control, that happen in the wider world. Like a pandemic.

If you want to be a novelist, for example, setting up a daily writing habit is as likely to lead you in that direction as anything else. It may be significantly more likely, in fact, to get you there than actually fixating on the goal of being a novelist.

Your daily habits are things that you can always shape and influence, and that help you to feel self-contained and empowered.

So, for the sake of your well-being, pay attention to your daily habits during lockdown.

Get outside for at least a few minutes each day, if possible

If you live in an area where stringent social distancing restrictions are in place, and social hubs and venues are shut down, it can easily end up feeling like there’s very little motivation at all for actually leaving the house other than for the essentials.

Getting outside, however, can be an extremely important and powerful requirement for an individual's sense of well-being.

Remaining indoors too much can lead to a growing sense of complete detachment from the world at large, and can fuel harmful and excessive rumination and morbid introspection.

Getting outside – especially to somewhere with a bit of greenery – can really help you to feel more grounded and connected to the world at large, and can give you a much-needed dose of perspective and stress relief.

If at all possible according to your local restrictions, try to get outside for at least a few minutes a day, even if you’re just pacing around for a while a short distance from your home, while listening to a podcast or audiobook.

Keep in contact with your loved ones with the magic of video calls

While there are many potential downsides to the ways in which social media shapes our interactions, modern digital services such as FaceTime, Skype, and WhatsApp can be a real game changer when it comes to helping us stay connected with our loved ones, from a distance.

Psychological research indicates that the vast majority of human communication actually occurs through non-verbal means – such as by body language, facial expressions, and the town of our voices.

Social alienation is a devastating thing, and can take a real detrimental toll on anyone's sense of well-being.

Make an extra effort to keep in contact with your loved ones during lockdown, but don’t let yourself fall into the habit of just texting back and forth. Set up video calls, and get as close as possible to the experience of a real face-to-face social interaction.

Reach out to mental health experts if needed

When all is said and done, no individual is an island, and we all need support and companionship from other people, from time to time.

If you’re struggling with your mental health during lockdown, it may be that reaching out to a psychologist or other experts in mood disorders could be a godsend with regards to getting you back on your feet and helping you to regain a sense of balance and wellness.

Even if you aren’t quite comfortable with reaching out to mental health experts as things stand, there are books and courses available for teaching yourself well-vetted psychological practices such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, that may really prove helpful.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Poetry in a Time of Isolation and Panic

In difficult times, art and poetry have been a tether that keeps us bound together. It helps us remember our humanity and our connections.

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Right now, we are stuck at home trying to find ways to fill the ever passing hours. The outside world feels as though it is changing at an alarming pace into some kind of untouchable realm beyond anything we could have ever predicted. In times like this, it is too easy to feel isolated and lost within your head– it can be an incredibly lonely feeling.

In difficult times, art and poetry have been a tether that keeps us bound together. It helps us remember our humanity and our connections. Wartime poets recorded the horrors they lived through. Harlem Renaissance poets immortalized the suffering of black bodies through the written word. Female poets have pressed their assaults and wounds into the inked pages of journals. Poetry serves to tell the truth for those alive now and for those who live in the future.

Catharsis can be found in words. The links below are sites with extensive poetic resources; listening to live readings, learning about the lives of past poets, and potentially finding inspiration to write your poems can help pass the time spent in lockdown. Through art, we can find other voices out there that echo our own.

Where to read and listen to poetry online:










Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Stay at Home, Even In The Summer.

While the EU is expected to reanalyze the list of banned countries every two weeks, that doesn't mean European vacations are back on.

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On July 1, the European Union officially re-opened their external borders to nonessential, non-EU passport holders. The borders have been closed since mid-March, when lockdown procedures were officially being enacted. Europe was not the only country to do so. 27 other countries have announced that they will be opening up their borders as well. However, not everyone will be allowed in. Only residents from 15 countries, all of which have the coronavirus under control, will be allowed entry. This means that residents from the US, which currently has the highest amount of cases, Russia, and Brazil, will have to continue staying at home. While the EU is expected to reanalyze the list of banned countries every two weeks, that doesn't mean European vacations are back on.

According to a CNN report, two EU ambassadors said that the US would need to have "a dramatic turnaround" in cases before their residents would be allowed entry. All the current countries who's residents are allowed into Europe have the same, or fewer, average new cases as the EU has had in the past 14 days. The EU has reported 16 per 100,000 cases in mid-June. In the US, the average in mid-June was 107 new cases per 100,000 people, so it's safe to say we might not be going to Europe this summer. While tourism is likely to suffer, as the US brings in a lot of vacationers annually, this is a serious matter, and the benefits are not worth the risk on both ends.

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Abstinence in Wellness: Quarantine Edition

For single people, it can take a toll on the mind not being able to be around friends or potential lovers.

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This time in quarantine has caused a great deal of stress for a lot of us, from being able to stay employed, getting settled into a new routine, and being able to properly social distance from others.

For single people, it can take a toll on the mind not being able to be around friends or potential lovers. Some who may have enjoyed themselves a more promiscuous lifestyle while being single, have had a sudden change in sex and dating.

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Being that a person’s mental health is most at high risk now than ever it can be easy to slip into depression or grow anxiety from being taken out of a daily routine of socializing including intimacy. During the quarantine, some of us have been forced into a state of abstinence. Not allowing any physical sexual activity with others for health concerns may cause some to keep their sexual relationships virtual. Others who have been in this situation may have grown tired of casual sex.

Not everyone enjoys casual sex on a longterm basis as some prefer to be in a relationship. It can make someone take a step back and reevaluate their single life. When focusing on wellness and improving mental health, many typically decided to eat better, start fitness, and get more sleep. However, abstinence and spiritual well being can also be an effective change.

Abstinence contributes to mental health and wellness during a pandemic in the same way consistent casual sex can. The difference is knowing when to hit the reset button and move forward into taking a different approach.

The benefit of abstinence during this pandemic is being able to open yourself up to being vulnerable mentally with yourself and trying to make the necessary changes based on what your end goal is. While there is nothing wrong with casual sex, its also important to not get stuck in the habit when trying to date someone seriously. When we talk about making a change a lot of times its just talk until we make a big change to alter our outcomes and how it betters us. Being able to make changes that improve your mental health is part of living in wellness.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Lifestyle For Those Still In Quarantine

Still in quarantine? You’re not alone. There are still many people out there that are hesitant to go out for their own reasons. With that being said, there are tons of ways to keep busy while doing some neat things.

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While places are starting to open up again, some people are still hesitant to go out for their own reasons. The problem with that, is it can have some effect on your mental health and overall lifestyle; making one feel isolated and not be their best self. So here are some things you can do to make time pass in a positive way to help you stay inspired and creative, while learning in the process.

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Not wearing fashionable items? Clean the closet out.

Still being in quarantine means you are probably still in sweats, T-shirts and messy buns. That can make one feel quite dull for not wearing your normal fashionable outfits while others are. Best thing to do about that? Clean your closet out if you have not done so. Play dress up, see what outfits you could see yourself wear when you do get out of quarantine. It's a great chance to get rid of some old pieces of clothing too.

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Spark a new hobby

Being isolated in quarantine can teach you a lot about what you enjoy to do and will bring you peace. Candle making is a great start and it’s super easy. There are numerous kits that you can buy online that come with the wax, candle holders and amazing scents you could use. They can be used as a great gift to someone or light one up for yourself and make your home smell like you're walking through a meadow of flowers. You could also paint! You don't have to be Picasso to enjoy painting. Just like candle making, there are great kits for it. Paint by numbers is a great tool to help you make some beautiful masterpieces that are really easy.

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Stay Fit

Covid-19 was a wake up call for us all. We must make sure we are washing our hands, maintaining good hygiene and of course keeping our immune system strong. Drinking tons of water throughout your day as well as working out must be added to the list of things to do everyday. Going for walks/runs are a great way to do that while making sure you are also getting some Vitamin D. Maybe even create your own gym set up in your home.

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Lastly, quarantine has made many of us become lazy and more hungry. So, why not start your own cookbook of old family recipes as well as create some new recipes of your own. It's a fun way to create something for yourself that you can share with friends, family, and pass it down to your children one day.

There are so many things we can do to make sure we are staying busy and keeping a positive mindset. Remember to make the most out of your life. The beauty of it is that we get to wake up each day and try something new, something that excites us and allows you to learn more about yourself while doing it. Be smart and be safe.

Photo Credits: Vogue, Pinterest, Etsy

Report: Melissa Adragna (melissa_adragna)

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Health, Wellness Access by NKC Health, Wellness Access by NKC

A Post-Lockdown Personal Tuneup Guide

Now that lockdown is starting to slow, and things are beginning to return to however we’re supposed to define normal right now, it can be helpful to develop your own post-lockdown treatment plan.


After a global pandemic and sweeping political upheaval you can be forgiven for feeling a little worn out from this year already. However, while lockdown was a vital measure for many understandable reasons, it’s important to note that you needn’t have to feel that sense of weariness and fatigue for longer than necessary. Now that lockdown is starting to slow, and things are beginning to return to however we’re supposed to define normal right now, it can be helpful to develop your own post-lockdown treatment plan.

But how does this work, and what might it look like? It can be very worth asking these questions, because otherwise we may stumble in the dark trying to feel like our past selves but struggling from the effort.

So, where do we begin? Well, let us start off by first suggesting that you are enough, and that you’re merely restoring your beauty through the following guides, not adding to it. Furthermore, doing what feels good and having fun with this process should be mandatory. If you feel put-out by this process, something is wrong! With that being said, let’s consider the following advice:

Great Dental Work

Great dental work can be a great starting point, as deep cleaning teeth can help you enjoy a whiter smile, feel more confident, and also uncover other dental issues you may wish to have worked on. Great dental work also allows us to start feeling more confident in our style, as when issues with our teeth cause us pain or a lack of confidence, it can be hard to feel your usual radiant self.

Stretching & Yoga

Stretching and yoga can not only help remove some of your physical cobwebs that grow in lockdown, but you’ll remove some of your mental fatigue, too. It’s a meditative act to engage in either one of these practices regularly, and if you can do that you’re much more likely to feel confident, and peaceful in a given day. This will also help you feel a little less culture shock returning back to normality, as you’ll have given your body the practiced warm up it needs every day to function well. As far as that’s concerned, you’ll be on the right track.

Massages & Spa Experiences

A good massage and spa experience can help you remove all of your stress from your shoulders, take a little time for you, and for some people, enjoy some peace and quiet at long last! This is not an overly indulgent treat to invest in, we’d say you deserve it after many months in lockdown. Relaxing and spending time with a friend in these surroundings, or simply going solo, can help you take stock of your life, reflect a little, feel more comfortable in your physical body, and generally feel renewed and refreshed. You could do much worse than this.

With this advice, we hope you can go through the best post-lockdown tuneup guide.

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Virtual Concerts & Fundraisers & Events, Oh my!

We are living in unprecedented times, as the coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the globe. This greatly changed how entertainment, concerts and other events are being held. Many of us can no longer go to a Broadway show, a movie theater, a benefit dinner or a concert. Events that were already scheduled to happen in person had to be transitioned to online events, many of which are free. Check out this article for highlights from past events as well as a few exciting events to look forward to in the coming weeks.

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We are living in unprecedented times, as the coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping the globe. For many of us in the United States mid March is when changes started happening and lock downs began being implemented. This greatly changed how entertainment, concerts and other events are being held. Many of us can no longer go to a Broadway show, a movie theater, a benefit dinner or a concert. Events that were already scheduled to happen in person had to be transitioned to online events, many of which are free.

There have been numerous online events. On April 26th GLAAD, the world's largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group hosted “Together in Pride: You Are Not Alone.” This event featured performances from Kesha, the cast of Broadway's “Jagged Little Pill,” among many others. Throughout the night over $225,000 was raised for Centerlink and other local LGBTQ+ centers. Another event this April was, “Take Me To The World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration.” It was put on by Raul Esparza and featured numerous Broadway stars including an iconic performance via zoom of, “Ladies Who Lunch,” by Audra McDonald, Meryl Streep and Christine Baranski. Yet another event was a virtual benefit via instagram live for Say called “Under One Moon.” Say is a nonprofit organization that benefits those who stutter. The highlight of the night was an appearance by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay and her husband Peter Hermann.

Looking forward there are numerous exciting online events in the upcoming weeks. On June 27th Josh Groban is holding a virtual concert to sing his numerous hits throughout his career. Tickets will be on sale June 1st, the ticket will include an online access code as well as a T-Shirt for an extra $5. June 7th there will be a free Broadway Tony Awards celebration. Although the awards themselves have been rescheduled this event will be hosted by Tony nominee Lonny Price and will raise money for the American Theater Wing and The Broadway League. On June 6th Barack Obama, Lady Gaga and BTS will be a part of a 2020 Youtube virtual commencement ceremony for graduates. A quick google search reveals even more amazing events, some from local places like orchestras as well as some nationwide events. So please check that out. Stay safe, stay connected and stay entertained.

Report: Rebecca Vanderkooi

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Culture, Fashion Access by NKC Culture, Fashion Access by NKC

Keeping up with Quarantine Trends

As we are in the middle of a pandemic, how does one still dress "trendy?"

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As we are in the middle of a pandemic, how does one still dress "trendy?" It's tricky since everyone is stuck at home for the time being. However, even with quarantine going on, people are still finding ways to keep up with different fashion trends. Here's a couple for you so that you can keep in the loop!

One popular one that I've noticed is quite obvious. I've been shopping for nothing but comfort wear since being home. Doesn't everyone want to relax in their pajamas all day? I know since I have a bunch of zoom calls and facetime with friends that I still want to look cute. Matching sets with oversized sweatshirts and sweatpants are so in and incredibly cozy. What makes them even trendier is that people have started a bunch of DIYs and tie-dying or bleaching. It is all over my Instagram and TikTok feed. If you're looking to buy some, I'd recommend Etsy where you can support small businesses.

Another trend fits this period perfectly and that's face masks. I've seen people in supermarkets and walking on the streets wearing not just plain boring ones. I saw one girl wearing a cheetah print mask and another wearing one with bright colors on it. These fun masks make wearing them a lot easier for some people. It allows you to be safe while still being fashionable. People are making them themselves or ordering them online.

Where could you get some cute ones? Kim Kardashian has a fashion line of undergarments called SKIMS, where she has now included a collection of non-medical face masks. It comes in 5 different skin tone colors of Sand, Clay, Sienna, Cocoa, and Onyx. They are all one size fits all. SKIMS is additionally donating 10,000 Seamless Face Masks to charities. The masks became so popular that they sold out in less than 30 minutes! They will be more coming soon if you're interested!

*Photo Credits to @SKIMS Instagram account*

Report: Anna Levitus

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Entertainment, Music Access by NKC Entertainment, Music Access by NKC

Quarantine Playlist

Quarantining and social distancing is definitely starting to get everyone a bit stir crazy. But how do you unwind and really sink into your moods? Music. Here’s a quick playlist to get you through the day and all the different vibes you may be feeling.

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Quarantining and social distancing during this pandemic is definitely starting to get everyone a bit stir crazy. Jumping from Zoom calls to another, meeting your boss or talking to your professors about the final or project has got everyone crazy. But how do you unwind and really sink into your moods? Music. Here’s a quick playlist to get you through the day and all the different vibes you may be feeling.

For the quick workout:

Cardio, yoga, and those 15- pounds are all we can do at home since we can’t go to the gym anymore. So we’re going to compensate. Hold that pose a bit longer, run that extra half mile, or just one more rep. Here are some songs to get that heartbeat jumping.

Instructions- Jax Jone (feat. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don)

Stayin’ Alive- The Bee Gees

Work R3HAB Remix- Rihanna, Drake, R3HAB

Blueberry Faygo- Lil Mosey

Bali- Rich Brian (feat. Guapdad 4000)

Lo-fi Work Zone:

Though we’re social distancing, we still have to work. Some of us have finals, projects, presentations, dissertations, and such to finish up. These are great to listen to when you just need some chill background noise to work to.

Unfaithful- H E R B

We Used to Talk Every Night - Elijah Who

Cruzin’ - Orca Vibe

Bossa- Soulwanderer

Black Coffee - Nicobox

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When we just need to cry a bit:

Never bottle up your emotions, and plus we’re home we can let it out. Grab a box of tissues with these heartbreakers. Let it all out, cause that's just how it is sometimes.

Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi

When The Party’s Over - Billie Eilish

When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars

Fall Apart - Post Malone

Who Hurt You? - Daniel Caesar

Songs that released in 2020:

2020 has definitely been a whirlwind, but also had some hot releases. And there’s more to come for this year. Look out for Lady Gaga’s new album coming May 29, which was delayed due to the current pandemic. The album is rumored to feature Ariana Grande, BLACKPINK, and Elton John.

Intentions - Justin Bieber

Blinding Lights - The Weeknd

Old Me - 5 Seconds of Summer

ON - BTS Stupid

Love - Lady Gaga

Silly Watch - Lil Uzi Vert

Boss B*itch - Doja Cat

Hangout with your friends over Zoom:

Here are some party hits to have with your friends during that weekly Zoom call, FaceTime, whichever you use. Party it up, virtually of course.

The Box- Roddy Ricch

Gimme Love- Joji

Savage Remix - Megan Thee Stallion (feat. Beyonce)

Rockstar - Post Malone (feat. 21 Savage)


Album covers from the respective artists.

Report: Katie Mok

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Day 35824: I Need A Drink? Do You Need One? 5 Cocktails To Try Out Right Now.

As many of us get gussied up in our gloves and face masks in the least sexiest manor, to visit the hottest spot in any town...the grocery store, why not make a pit stop at the liquor store?

As many of us get gussied up in our gloves and face masks in the least sexiest manor, to visit the hottest spot in any town...the grocery store, why not make a pit stop at the liquor store? Days somehow feel like seconds and months simultaneously. So how about we all raise a glass to pass time? Here are 5 fun cocktail recipes I have made during this trying time. Try them out anytime of day, because there are no longer any rules about when you can start drinking. And of course please drink responsibly...just because you are home it does not mean to exceed your limits. There are many benefits of quitting drinking; a clearer head in the morning and less regrets the next day are definite advantages. 

Shirley Temple Mimosas

5 Stars Recipe from Delish



What a refreshing way to bring out my inner child. Shirley Temple’s were my staple as a kid, made 7 year old me feel grown up. Use your favorite champs in this pairing of two classics: mimosas and Shirley Temples.

Hulk Smash? No, Whiskey Smash

4 Stars Recipe from Liqour.com



4 ingredients. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy. This simple minty cocktail was super easy to make. Tastes like a mint lemonade with the comfort of whiskey. https://www.liquor.com/recipes/whiskey-smash/

Hennessy Side-Car:

5 Stars Recipe from Hennessy

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A friend of mine introduced this to me two years ago. The moment I took my first sip from the sugar lined rim, I was hooked. Please try this, you will not regret this classic cocktail.

Sparkling Pineapple Ginger Infinite Stars

Recipe from Real Simple



Okay, now. This is MY drink, my go to. Whiskey already goes so well with ginger ale, but with a splash of fresh pineapple juice… *chef’s kiss*. I sub ginger ale for ginger beer for a bit of a stronger less sweet taste. Overall 10/10 would recommend.

Southern Spiked Peach Tea

4 ½ Stars Recipe from A Simple Pantry



Talk about a summer cocktail. This is a perfect drink for a sunny day indoors. Or any weather. Now, this recipe calls for more ingredients than the ones prior, but you should still try it out. This cocktail is like me: sweet, light and a southern belle. Okay, I’m not really all that sweet, light, or southern, but it made me feel that way. Try this on a nice afternoon snuggled up with your dog watching a murder program.

Report: Bria Ward

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

How To Stay Sane During Quarantine

Very few of us have experienced a pandemic before. There is no rule book to teach us how to cope, how to take care of our parents from afar, or how to prevent any meltdowns or anxiety attacks.

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Very few of us have experienced a pandemic before. There is no rule book to teach us how to cope, how to take care of our parents from afar, or how to prevent any meltdowns or anxiety attacks. But since were staying home, it is important to practice taking care of ourselves and our mental health. The following tips discuss how you can continue being productive and stay sane during isolation.

#1- Get Outside. Social distancing does not mean to force yourself to stay inside at all times. It’s important to get some fresh air to clear your mind. Take small breaks throughout work to “reset” your brain and try meditating. A good app for this is called the Meditation app. It evaluates your mental and emotional state and provides exercises to practice mindfulness.

#2-Keep a routine. Act as if school or work is still in session. Take a shower, get fully dressed in the morning and set wake up and sleep times. This is important because it makes us feel as if there is some normalcy in the world. Use the Streaks app to track and manage your daily habits, including the little things, like eating breakfast!

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#3- Pick up a new skill. With all the extra time on our hands, we can use this time to do something we’ve always wanted to do, such as learn a new language or workout. You can even pick up a new book and set a goal for yourself. For language learning, try the free application called Duolingo. There are 35 languages to choose from and endless possibilities!

#4-Phone a friend- FaceTime your grandparents, or use the Nextdoor app to connect with the neighbors living around you. You can also set up a Zoom call with your friends, which has fun features such as customizing your background or reacting with emojis while someone is talking. Whichever form of contact you choose, it’s important to reach out to the people you love and check in on them. You never know whose day you could be making!

Report: Woo Jong Kim

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Wellness, Lifestyle, Food Access by NKC Wellness, Lifestyle, Food Access by NKC

Kin Euphorics Offers A Nightlife Beverage with Self-Care In Mind

Jen Batchelor, founder of Kin, the world's first euphoric, non-alcoholic beverage, has managed to glamorize teetotalism in a way that has people changing the way they view nightlife. This product is not an enticement for sobriety, but rather a self-care approach to socializing.

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With the bars and restaurants temporarily closed, people have been lining up outside their local liquor store to be sure they are fully stocked for the unforeseeable future. Live stream cocktail making classes and Zoom happy hours with friends has become the new social norm thanks to Covid-19. Humans are social beings, and this quarantine has proven to be a challenge for many of us. A virtual cheers behind a computer screen just isn’t the same. And a cocktail simply tastes better when your favorite bartender shakes it up.

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So whether we like it or not we are forced to take a step away from the bars, and if you’re hoping to take this time to adopt new and healthy habits, you might be at war with yourself over what time is “acceptable” to start drinking. Brunch cocktail? Afternoon happy hour? Sometime after 5pm? It might not matter so much if you felt good about WHAT you were drinking.

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Jen Batchelor, founder of Kin, the world's first euphoric, non-alcoholic beverage, has managed to glamorize teetotalism in a way that has people changing the way they view nightlife. This product is not an enticement for sobriety, but rather a self-care approach to socializing. Kin has combined nootropics, which enhance cognitive function and adaptogens, herbs used to reduce stress into a classy, aesthetically pleasing bottle.

Several cities across the US including Los Angeles, Chicago and New York have begun stocking their shelves with Kin Euphorics. And so far, at least a dozen bars in NYC have added Kin to their cocktail menus. If this trend continues to spread we might be looking at more “rememorable” nights and clearer mornings. Kin Euphorics retails at $39 a bottle and includes free shipping. Add this tasteful bottle to your home bar and join your Zoom happy hours with peace of mind.

Photo Credits: Kin Euphorics Site

Report: Emily Casey

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Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Fashion, Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Spend Quarantine Creating a Streamlined Closet You Feel Good About

Let's face it, we are stuck at home for the next however many weeks. We can twiddle our thumbs, make banana bread, and binge watch Tiger King and Little Fires Everywhere: done, done and done. But we could also be tackling our cluttered and outdated closet that we would organize and purge "if only we had the time"; and we may never be granted with this considerable amount of time again.

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Let's face it, we are stuck at home for the next however many weeks. We can twiddle our thumbs, make banana bread, and binge watch Tiger King and Little Fires Everywhere: done, done and done. But we could also be tackling our cluttered and outdated closet that we would organize and purge "if only we had the time"; and we may never be granted with this considerable amount of time again.

Having a messy closet creates a messy mind. Taking the time to go through items you no longer need will only make it easier to find the items that you truly love. Why keep a piece of clothing you feel average wearing? Imagine having a closet featuring only items that make you feel confident and self-assured when you put them on. Creating a streamlined closet can also make your mornings less stressful, allowing you to use your energy on something other than deciding what to wear. Just look to Steve Jobs and what all he accomplished by simply eliminating the conflict of choosing an outfit.

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One approach to condensing your closet could be to build a capsule wardrobe. This is a trending practice although the world’s idea of the capsule wardrobe has strayed far from its original design when fast fashion came walking down the runway in the early 2000’s. Susie Faux is known as the first to conjure up this simple idea in London in the 1970’s and a decade later was made popular in the United States by Donna Karan’s Seven Easy Pieces. If the capsule wardrobe is such a simple concept, why is it so challenging to put into practice? For starters, purging cherished items can be overwhelming. The simplicity of a minimalistic life remains only a concept for many when they are faced with the reality of what it actually entails; parting with some of our “old favorite’s”, “nostalgic pieces”, and of course our “I-might-wear-that-someday”’s.

So maybe you won’t have Susie Faux’s 12 piece closet, but taking advantage of this time to arrange your closet in a way that makes YOU feel good could be just as beneficial. Admit to yourself you will never again wear those ill-fitting jeans or that itchy sweater, or even that t-shirt that WAS your favorite back in 2016. You might soon realize that less is truly more. I know it can be difficult to part with clothes that hold so much sentimental value, but if you can unearth some inspiration during this time of quarantine, you may find yourself walking out of this mess, well, in less of one. I suggest bagging these items up and setting them aside and when the world opens up again consider donating these once loved items to someone who will love them once again.

Photo Credit: Vogue.com

Report: Emily Casey

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