Lifestyle For Those Still In Quarantine

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While places are starting to open up again, some people are still hesitant to go out for their own reasons. The problem with that, is it can have some effect on your mental health and overall lifestyle; making one feel isolated and not be their best self. So here are some things you can do to make time pass in a positive way to help you stay inspired and creative, while learning in the process.

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Not wearing fashionable items? Clean the closet out.

Still being in quarantine means you are probably still in sweats, T-shirts and messy buns. That can make one feel quite dull for not wearing your normal fashionable outfits while others are. Best thing to do about that? Clean your closet out if you have not done so. Play dress up, see what outfits you could see yourself wear when you do get out of quarantine. It's a great chance to get rid of some old pieces of clothing too.

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Spark a new hobby

Being isolated in quarantine can teach you a lot about what you enjoy to do and will bring you peace. Candle making is a great start and it’s super easy. There are numerous kits that you can buy online that come with the wax, candle holders and amazing scents you could use. They can be used as a great gift to someone or light one up for yourself and make your home smell like you're walking through a meadow of flowers. You could also paint! You don't have to be Picasso to enjoy painting. Just like candle making, there are great kits for it. Paint by numbers is a great tool to help you make some beautiful masterpieces that are really easy. - Melissa Adragna.jpg

Stay Fit

Covid-19 was a wake up call for us all. We must make sure we are washing our hands, maintaining good hygiene and of course keeping our immune system strong. Drinking tons of water throughout your day as well as working out must be added to the list of things to do everyday. Going for walks/runs are a great way to do that while making sure you are also getting some Vitamin D. Maybe even create your own gym set up in your home.

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Lastly, quarantine has made many of us become lazy and more hungry. So, why not start your own cookbook of old family recipes as well as create some new recipes of your own. It's a fun way to create something for yourself that you can share with friends, family, and pass it down to your children one day.

There are so many things we can do to make sure we are staying busy and keeping a positive mindset. Remember to make the most out of your life. The beauty of it is that we get to wake up each day and try something new, something that excites us and allows you to learn more about yourself while doing it. Be smart and be safe.

Photo Credits: Vogue, Pinterest, Etsy

Report: Melissa Adragna (melissa_adragna)


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