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Should You Be An Engineer

A career in engineering is a good one to choose for some people. It pays well, there is a great sense of job satisfaction, it is interesting, and there are a lot of opportunities out there to work and progress.

A career in engineering is a good one to choose for some people. It pays well, there is a great sense of job satisfaction, it is interesting, and there are a lot of opportunities out there to work and progress. However, these reasons alone are not good enough ones to make engineering the right career for you; there are many other things to consider. If you are thinking about engineering, here are some of the reasons why it will work out well for you.

You’re Curious 

Some people have a natural curiosity about the world around them, and this can mean that they make excellent engineers. To be a good engineer in whichever sector (and there are dozens) you choose to specialize in, you need to have this innate sense of curiosity; you need to always be questioning and wondering why things are the way they are rather than simply accepting them. 


If you don’t want to know more about a subject, whether that is aviation, structures, the environment, water, medicine, or anything else, then you won’t enjoy being an engineer, as this is one of the core components of such a career. An engineer’s job is to delve deeper into their area of expertise and come up with solutions to problems using their knowledge and skills. If you want to do this and it excites you, engineering might just be the ideal career to get into. 


You Want To Be Proud Of Your Work 

In some careers, the work you do might be useful and important within the company itself, but that’s where it ends. In engineering, this is far from the case; what you do as an engineer will benefit many people in the wider world. Even if they never know it was you specifically who came up with the solution to the problem they were facing, they will still be grateful that it happened. 

As an engineer, you will always be able to be proud of the work you do. Whether you are working on new medical equipment, ensuring that a bridge is going to be safe and using the correct bridge deck to build it, or working out how to clean up the oceans and remove trash that has been thrown into it, whatever you do will make the world a better place, and that is a wonderful thing to know – not many careers offer this kind of chance to have such pride in your work. 


You Don’t Want To Be Bored 

There are some jobs that pay incredibly well, but that are so boring they make those doing them miserable; it’s the same old routine, day after day, with little to no variation. Although this can be perfect for some who don’t want to have to really think about – or care about – what they are doing, for others, it is anathema, and it would make them depressed and stressed. 

 Engineering is not one of those careers. Whether you choose to work for yourself and start your own business or you go into employment with someone else, no two days are going to be the same. This variety is what makes engineering such an exciting, refreshing, and even healthy career to have. You will always be using your skills, knowledge, and experience to come up with new and innovative solutions to whichever problems you are currently working to solve. 

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How To Maintain A Set Theme On Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is one of the biggest days of your life, so it's more than likely you have found yourself planning the event in your mind many years before your hubby chose to pop the question!

Your wedding day is one of the biggest days of your life, so it's more than likely you have found yourself planning the event in your mind many years before your hubby chose to pop the question! As a result, you may already have an idea of a specific theme or style that you want to maintain during your wedding, and subsequently need to find out more about how you can turn your marriage dreams into a reality. Thankfully you have come to the right place, as this guide contains everything that you need to know to plan the perfect themed wedding in no time at all. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on!

Choose The Right Venue & Decorate Accordingly 

One of the most important features that can contribute massively towards your theme as a whole is the venue that you choose to hire for your special day, as this will either set the scene perfectly for your special event or cause your big day to fall flat on its face. A good venue is one that is similar to a blank canvas, as this way you can have the greatest opportunity to personalize the space so that you can recreate your intended theme. However, there may be dedicated venues out there that already tie in with the look you had originally wanted to go for, such as a castle or stately home for a traditional, ball-style wedding, or a more rustic farmhouse on beautiful land for a natural wedding that forfeits all of the usual prim and proper faff. So, take the opportunity to locate the best venue for your unique needs, and don't forget to add a few finishing touches in the form of extra decor! Source stylish chair covers, consider pipe and drape rental and locate or create some eye-catching centerpieces to put in the middle of your guests tables so that you can set the scene even when your loved ones sit down to eat! The more effort that you can put in to provide your guests with the best first impression as soon as they enter into your venue the better, but you can easily contact an experienced venue host to take over this responsibility for you if you don't want to face the hassle. You’ll know instantly when your venue has finally started to embody your chosen theme, so put your creative hat on and start personalizing the space to establish your own unique style. 

Identify The Best Clothing 

The clothing that you and your bridal party wear can either make or break your theme, as you will be featuring in nearly every photo and therefore contribute quite massively towards the aesthetic of your big day. Choosing the wrong dresses and suits could detract massively from the style of your wedding, causing your event to seem mismatched and jumbled without any set theme to go by. Fortunately, it can be very easy to locate the most suitable clothing for yourself and your bridal party when you have already decided on a set theme, as you can take this idea to your local dressmakers to identify what brands and styles they have in stock to meet your needs. For example, a fairytale wedding might require flowing, sparkly dresses, whereas a nature inspired day could benefit from floral prints or even use of the color green. There are bound to be limitless options online if you cannot source the right clothing from a brick and mortar clothing store, but make sure you order them well in advance to avoid disappointment. You can also choose to extend your recommendations further than your immediate bridal party if you want to take your theme to a whole level, as you can ask all of your guests to wear a certain shade or bring a particular accessory! This might mean that your male guests wear a certain kind of flower pinned to their suit, or you could suggest a certain type of hair accessories or a set makeup style for your female attendees. Just make sure you check with your family and friends beforehand, as some of them might not have the time or the creative flare to follow your recommendations. 

Maintaining a set theme for your wedding day has never been such a simple task when you can take the time to utilize some of the brilliant tips and tricks that have been carefully described above, so what are you waiting for? 

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5 Tips to Protect Yourself on the Road this Summer

Driving is littered with danger, so you should always consider how to protect yourself on the road when taking any kind of extended journey as the warmer weather begins to come through.

Driving is littered with danger, so you should always consider how to protect yourself on the road when taking any kind of extended journey as the warmer weather begins to come through.

Cover Yourself for All Eventualities

When traveling, you must take steps to protect yourself. Financial and legal protection is just as crucial as protection from unforeseen circumstances like bad weather and dangerous drivers. Additionally, whenever traveling from one country to another, you should always ensure that you have the appropriate insurance documents, driver's licenses, and permits. And whenever you are involved in an accident, you should always contact a car or truck accident lawyer. They can help with legal matters and get you out of a potentially harmful situation.

Always Use a GPS

Plan your trip so that you have as many ways of contacting someone if you get lost as possible. Despite the lack of cell reception everywhere, public emergency phones are often located near highways and dangerous locations. However, installing a GPS system can help you avoid these dangers altogether. GPS systems are very cheap these days and could save your life. The tech is vastly improved compared to when it first came out. You can even use reliable phone GPS like Google Maps for routes and traffic information while on the road.

Trust Your Car to Protect Yourself on the Road

Since over 50% of cars on the road are over 10 years old, you always need to make sure your vehicle can handle a long journey. In this case, it might only be suitable for shorter trips if it's getting older. Therefore, you should have it checked by a professional at a local garage. The last thing you want is to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a can of soda and a half-eaten sandwich for company. So check your tire tread and lights, and if your vehicle gets the OK, prepare it for the trip with new oil and water. And it's not a bad idea to get a new battery.

Take Extra Supplies

Families, groups, and individuals often get lost. Survival is usually determined by how prepared you are before embarking on your journey. Making some sound decisions about what to take with you depends on where you will be traveling. For example, you may wish to take your sun loungers for the Banff National Park trip by hitting the road in Canada. However, they really shouldn't take precedence over spare blankets, food, and water that could save your life or the life of someone you care about. Consider what you need over what you want to take.

Keep Up with the COVID Situation

The pandemic can undoubtedly ruin your road trip. In addition, a spike in infections is likely at any time because most people are taking domestic holidays. Therefore, be vigilant and take preventive measures wherever you go. Wearing a mask and distancing yourself from others is uncomfortable but necessary. And even if you've had boosters and are fully vaccinated, you still run the risk of contracting COVID. Cover your mouth in crowded areas and stay at least two meters away from anyone outside your group, and wash your hands often.


Traveling long-distance is an experience you should try at least once. However, it can be dangerous. Protect yourself by getting your car checked, using GPS, and taking supplies.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

5 Health Tips for the New Year

There are numerous things you can do to improve your health and remain on top of things. This is one of the best methods to better your life and make the most of the coming year.

There are numerous things you can do to improve your health and remain on top of things. This is one of the best methods to better your life and make the most of the coming year. You must also take care of yourself, which entails developing fantastic hacks to improve your health.

Get Moving

To stay healthy, you must consider your current health difficulties and how to improve your fitness and health in the following year. Try to figure out how to enhance this process and make better decisions in the future. Feeling and looking good is crucial for a happy and healthy life, so use these tricks to improve your life and your health right now.

Get A Health CheckUp

Getting frequent checkups is one of the most important things you can do to stay on top of any health issues you may have. Try to be as honest with yourself about your health as possible, and have frequent exams to assess your overall health. A general checkup with your GP or a more specialized checkup with a urologist is important while receiving a health checkup. It's critical to detect and address any health issues you may be having. Making sure you are aware of services such as medical malpractice attorneys is good when dealing with health care professionals.

Don't Drink

If you want to start the new year off right, one of the greatest ways to do it is to stop drinking. Sure, the holidays and the new year are fantastic times to drink, but starting 2021 sober would be a great way to start the year. Avoiding alcohol will help you save money and improve your overall health. This is one of those proactive things you can do to stay on top of your physical and emotional health in the next year.


Taking vitamins and other supplements to aid your health right now is critical, and should be done daily if possible. Consider the best strategies to improve your health and wellbeing, and start planning for the future now. Vitamins are a great way to stay healthy and give your body a boost every morning. Getting the essential vitamins and taking them daily will make your health and fitness programe much more successful.

Change Your Way Of Life

Sometimes you just have to shift your outlook on life to receive the best results in all areas. If you truly want to prioritize your health and well-being in the next year, you must modify your view on life. This can be achieved by simply changing your habits and lifestyle choices. Being healthier and happier is really important right now, and there are many factors to consider. Try to think of ways to keep a healthy lifestyle while also doing everything you want to do.

There are many methods you may use to assist you to make better health and fitness choices in the next year. It's vital to evaluate what it takes to improve your life, and there are many factors to consider. The more you work on this, the better your life will be, so focus on it. Maintaining good health is vital right now, so make the most of it. Come up with ideas to improve your life and make better choices in the future.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Why Clean Energy Companies Need to Think About Their Image

The world is changing, and it is heading in the right direction. With climate change at the forefront of a lot of people’s anxieties about the world, a lot of countries are switching to renewable, clean energy.

The world is changing, and it is heading in the right direction. With climate change at the forefront of a lot of people’s anxieties about the world, a lot of countries are switching to renewable, clean energy. As a result of this, a lot of clean energy companies are going to start sprouting up to take the charge of helping the planet. When these companies start sprouting, they need to think about their image and their branding, and here is why. 

Clean Energy Costs Money

Many people won’t go for clean energy if they think it is too expensive. This is an opportunity for clean energy companies to market themselves as being the kind of energy for all people and not just the wealthy. A lot of people won’t buy or use electric cars because the price tag is simply too high.

Solar panels are also an expense and people simply can’t work it into their budgets, however, the long term amount of money that will be saved is monumental. It might serve clean energy companies better to point this out to individuals and then offer affordable payment plans. Be a power company that is for the people and you will gain more customers. 

Keep Your Staff On the Same Page and Efficient

There is going to be a growing need for clean energy and people are not going to want to wait. Be the energy company that is fully staffed and always has someone available to do the job. People want to save the planet as soon as possible.

Coming up with a workforce scheduling solution is your first step in ensuring that you have the manpower you need. Using technology to keep track of employees’ schedules lets you know that you may need to hire more workers. When people make appointments, you will already know who is available and how long a customer will have to wait. You can use the technology to carefully plan out how often you can assist a customer and you can give that customer an honest time quote. 

People Want to Know the Facts

If people are going to be paying a good deal of money to switch to clean, renewable energy, they are going to want to know where their money is going. It may be in your best interest to have already printed and prepared pamphlets and brochures with all the most commonly asked questions that customers are going to ask. 

When customers feel they are being told the truth and the company has nothing to hide, they are going to be more likely to use your services over and over again, and they are going to refer your business to others. This is a great win for you because your honesty will bring in more money. 

Clean energy is the future, and it will have a positive impact on the world. Energy companies have technology to do good for the world. With the right image, they will be super successful. 

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What To Do After A Major Health Setback (When You Work Full Time)

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re running around, living to the full, the next, you find yourself seriously incapacitated in some way. It can be a distressing experience (and a rude awakening). You suddenly see the fragility of life and how everything is so temporary. Thus, dealing with a major health setback is hard.

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re running around, living to the full, the next, you find yourself seriously incapacitated in some way. It can be a distressing experience (and a rude awakening). You suddenly see the fragility of life and how everything is so temporary. Thus, dealing with a major health setback is hard. 

In this post, we take a look at what to do after an injury or diagnosis even if you work full time. Check out the following:

Reach Out To Others

When you’ve had a major health setback, your first instinct might be to recoil and spend all day in bed. However, this approach often leads to depression and isolation, making it even harder to recover. 

If you can, try to reach out to others. Having a strong social support network in place is one of the best ways to influence physical health outcomes. Gather your family and friends around and find ways to talk about the issues affecting you. 

Find Rituals That Soothe You

Health setbacks are rarely your fault. That’s why most people use a trustworthy personal injury law firm to find justice. But, even so, rituals can help a great deal. They are small things that you do each day as a dedication to your health. Often, they can assist your recovery substantially. 

Soothing rituals come in many different forms. Which you choose will largely depend on your personality. For some, meditating first thing in the morning is the best medicine. It helps to bring anxiety levels down and can assist your focus. For others, it is a long soak in the bath or even a cold shower.
Rituals add structure to your day and have profound physical and psychological benefits. A routine gives you structure and focus.

Write Down How You Feel

Major health setbacks can leave you feeling distressed and worried. But sometimes, just experiencing the emotions is confusing. They’re all over the place. 

Writing down how you feel can help you process what you are going through. If you can articulate your fears and concerns, it helps you adjust your approach.

You don’t have to tell anyone what you write. You can simply keep it in a private journal. Once you delve into the meanings embodied in your words, you can often get a better handle on your experience. Over time, you feel less overwhelmed. 

Use Mindfulness

When your health begins to suffer, it can be difficult to appreciate the good things in life. That’s where mindfulness can really help. Instead of allowing the mind to run wild with constant worries and agitations, you instead separate yourself from it. You observe your emotions and then allow them to pass naturally. 

Many people prone to ruminative thinking find mindfulness empowering. Research shows that it can help combat PTSD and even prevent the development of depression. 

Embrace Gratitude

Feeling grateful after a health setback is a challenge. Usually, you feel the complete opposite. After all, you’re sick: what do you have to be grateful for?

Intellectualizing the problem in this way, however, is a bad idea. Gratitude isn’t important for moral reasons. It’s valuable because it changes your brain chemistry, thereby improving your mood. 
Research shows that the mere act of being grateful for what you have in life improves your sense of wellbeing. You go from living in a state of scarcity to living in abundance. When you are grateful for the life you have, you don’t feel like you lack anything. Anything you have feels like a bonus. 
Practicing regular gratitude changes the way you relate to others too. When you are in a grateful state of mind, you are much more likely to display love and affection. The hormones those emotions produce can, in turn, make you feel even better (and may speed your recovery).

Get Your Body Moving


If you can, try to get your body moving. (This won’t always be possible with some injuries and diseases). Movement helps to build strength in the body and improve your state of mind. Simply being outside in sunlight instead of indoors all the time can make a tremendous difference. 

Do Activities That You Want To Do

Health setbacks can leave you wondering how you will continue to enjoy your life. So it is a good idea to focus on activities that you want to do. This way, you can discover new joys that you’d overlooked before. Focus less on what you “should” be doing. Taking unscheduled time for life’s pleasures is still your prerogative.

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Updating Your Spa To Wow Your Guests

Out of all businesses in the hospitality and wellness industries, spas are often those most at the mercy of changing standards. With new technology and trends in treatments and facilities comes a demanding customer base.

Out of all businesses in the hospitality and wellness industries, spas are often those most at the mercy of changing standards. With new technology and trends in treatments and facilities comes a demanding customer base. As such, if you feel like yours is starting to fall behind, here are a few changes you might need to make to ensure that you’re keeping up with the market.


Attract the best therapists

If you offer massage therapy and other similar services at your spa, then you need to make sure you’re making an effort to recruit the top talent. This can include making sure that your compensation package includes not just salaries but perks to make the job more attractive. However, it also means knowing where to look. When you’re headhunting, work with local beauty and massage schools and similar spots so that during any job fairs or networking opportunities, you’re able to get the fresh and promising talent right out of the gate.

Create a better spa pool experience

Relaxing in the spa pool or hot tub is one of the most memorable experiences in any spa. For that reason, you should make sure that the experience is as pleasant as possible. This might mean installing new pumps with teams like Davey Pumps to ensure more pleasant and efficient movement of warm water. However, the structure of the spa itself needs to be considered, as well, as installing things like armrests and comfortable and shaped seating areas can help your guests relax in there as much as they want without any complaints.

Keep up with the latest services

You shouldn’t rush to incorporate every treatment trend in your menu, but you should look closely at which of the more recent treatments out there have been sticking around for longer. Focus on the treatments that fit your niche, be it skin and body care, hair removal, makeup services or otherwise. For instance, you might want to look at installing electrolysis equipment and investing in training with electrolysis for your hair removal therapists with services like Fleming Laser if you aim to expand in that direction. If you’re going to expand your offering of services, it’s crucial to do it in a committed, long-term way that fits the rest of the spa.

Create a more comforting atmosphere

If your services, facilitates, and team are all at their very best, then the only thing that might be lacking is the atmosphere. The devil is truly in the details when it comes to creating an exemplary spa experience. It can mean things like investing in aromatherapy reeds, infusing your water with lemons or cucumbers, offering herbal teas, offering fluffy slippers when clients come in the door , and so on. The extra mile treatment goes a very long way with client satisfaction/.

Spas should feel like luxuriant spots for pampering and comfort, first and foremost. Make sure that you’re investing to fix any problems that get in the way of that experience and making the upgrades that create the best possible guest experiences.

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Is Plastic Surgery Now the Norm?

Scientists have found that people’s opinion of their own body is influenced by three factors: peers, parents, and the media.

Plastic surgery is on the rise like never before. With the influx of social media, a traditional media that is unforgiving of regular-looking bodies, and greater training of beauticians in favor of plastic surgery procedures, plastic surgery is easier to access and more normalized than ever.

 Plastic surgery is a difficult topic to talk about. While some condemn it, others believe that, as with most other body-positive issues, a person has the right to choose what to do to their body. If this is something that a person wants, they shouldn’t be shamed for it.

But looking at the statistics – at the growth in numbers of aesthetic plastic surgeries – you have to wonder if this massive change results from anything. Plus, whether the reasons behind more people flocking to plastic surgery are something we should be worried about.  


Are more people getting aesthetic plastic surgery?

This plastic surgery epidemic is felt most keenly in the US, where plastic surgery has become so popular, it has taken over first place from Asian countries. In 2020, the United States saw more plastic surgery procedures than any other country, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. The last survey they conducted in 2016 showed that 4.2 million plastic surgery procedures for aesthetic purposes were performed in 2016. When worldwide numbers are taken into account, the US contributes 17.9% of all plastic surgeries worldwide.


Peers, parents, and the media: what has caused this greater desire for plastic surgery?


Scientists have found that people’s opinion of their own body is influenced by three factors: peers, parents, and the media.

 Social media has been around for fifteen years or so, and in that time, our relationships with our peers and the media have altered drastically. Now, we can see our peers in the best light: at the best angle, with the best filter, edited to perfection. As a result, our conceptions of what people look like – especially when these are people we do not know in real life – are skewed massively.

 So, when we turn to our bodies, we have a completely false and unreachable standard to meet. When we fall short, how do we feel about our bodies?

 Then there’s the media, which has never been forgiving towards imperfect (or normal) bodies. The media overly criticizes imperfection, and now they have the entirety of social media to work with. They create an impossibly trap for people: you will be criticized for imperfection, but you will also be criticized for a poor editing job on an Instagram post. With this paradox made clear, what if left to make yourself immune to criticism, but plastic surgery?


Plastic surgery: confidence booster or unhealthy coping mechanism?


Many argue that plastic surgery is just a way for people to feel more confident in their bodies, just like non-judged procedures, like ear piercing or teeth whitening with a dentist  (

 But the spike in plastic surgeries in recent years shows that the causes behind this need for body confidence are a dark, twisted web. If we took away modern social media, would as many people feel this need for body confidence that inspires more plastic surgery?

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

It’s Time To Have Some Fresh Fun!

Have you heard about the new room escape games? This is a real-life game that offers huge amounts of fun. Read on to discover why this is an activity you should definitely consider giving a go…


Have you heard about the new room escape games? This is a real-life game that offers huge amounts of fun. Based on the online Japanese game, Takagism, escape rooms are basically a game based in a locked theme room. Individuals have to work together and complete a series of puzzles and tasks in order to escape the room within the time period that is given. Read on to discover why this is an activity you should definitely consider giving a go…

It is really fun! 

There is only one place to begin and this is with the fact that new room escape games are exceptionally fun. This is a type of entertainment that all people enjoy as well. It doesn’t matter what your interests or hobbies are, how old you are, what sex you are… it is likely that you will definitely enjoy the time you spend in an escape room! In fact, of all the people that have played so far, the majority have said they would play again. 

An unconventional way of celebrating a birthday, hen party or bachelor party

Are you tired of celebrating in the same old way? Have you had countless birthday meals? Do you want to do something a bit different for your bachelor or hen party? If so, you can give everyone an occasion to remember by enjoying the activities in an escape room. This is an activity everyone will be talking about for a long time to come. You can get some T-shirts designed for the occasion as well. Check out these patriotic t-shirts for sale as a good example! Head to the bar after to complete the party. 

Lots of fun and challenging puzzles to enjoy

Your period within the locked theme room will include a whole host of varied puzzles to enjoy. Not only does this mean that you will really get the most out of your experience, but there is assured to be something everyone finds fun. 

Themed activity

A lot of people do not realise this but escape rooms are actually themed. You are not simply placed within a room and set a lot of random challenges. You will essentially be transported back to a certain period of time. You could go back to Ancient Egypt and be set in the depths of a pyramid for example. This really enhances the overall fun of the experience.

Great for team building

Another excellent advantage associated with escape rooms is that it is a great option for a team-building activity. Not only will your employees have a lot of fun with this trend, but escape rooms encourage teamwork and using your intuition and so this is an exceptional choice for any type of business. 

It is really not difficult to see why escape rooms are so popular. If you are looking for something fun and different to do, this is definitely something you should consider giving a go. From birthdays, to team building events, to hen and bachelor parties, to get-togethers… there are so many reasons and occasions to take advantage of this fun new game.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Learning To Pick Your Poison

Throughout life, you’re going to be exposed to a number of different vices that are seemingly almost impossible to forget or break off from.

Throughout life, you’re going to be exposed to a number of different vices that are seemingly almost impossible to forget or break off from. Whether it’s smoking, drinking, video games, or even just being lazy, we all develop bad habits that can be a nuisance not just to ourselves, but to others in our life as well.

Accepting these vices is fairly common practice now. Learning to pick your poison is ultimately one of the better ways to handle your bad habits. Nobody is perfect and everyone is going to have some kind of bad habit, so we’re going to offer some tips on how you can manage them more easily.


If you’re going to smoke, learn to cut down and choose options that are less damaging

Smoking is a common vice that many people fall for. Whether it’s cigarettes, cannabis, or some other kind of substance, there are many different things that we can inhale that are ultimately bad for us. Thankfully, we’re starting to see many healthier alternatives–and in more ways than you think. A relatively recent development is Delta 8 THC, a product that offers cannabis-like highs but without damaging effects. It’s a suitable substitution for many people that can offer a similar feeling, but it’s described as being a calmer experience.

Looking for substitutes like this is a great way to lower the negative effects of a vice like smoking. While you should always aim to lower your consumption, you can aid this by searching for better alternatives to what you’re currently smoking.

Embracing your vices because of the opportunities it offers

A unique way to think about your vices is by considering the opportunities it offers. This sounds strange at first, but there are some vices that can expose you to many different people and situations. For example, smoking tends to lead to smoke breaks at work which gives you a chance to socialize with co-workers that you might otherwise never notice.

Another example of a vice like this is video games. With online games being so popular, it gives you a chance to unwind with some entertainment while making friends and meeting people that could become friends for life. Of course, not every vice offers these types of benefits, but it can be helpful to consider it now and then.

Understand the benefits of your vices and try to use them strategically

There are plenty of ways that you can use your vices to your advantage. For example, being lazy and procrastinating can actually be used to improve your focus when you’re being held down by lots of different tasks. By procrastinating, you can clear your mind before engaging in a mentally-stressful task, such as a crunch period at work or an approaching deadline. Soothing your mind by just doing nothing and being lazy can help your brain rest for a while which is essential when you’re about to start a long and difficult work session.

Learning to take breaks to procrastinate now and then can be beneficial, but it’s very easy to get carried away which is why it’s difficult to do this in moderation.

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The Importance Of Having A Good Diet

Your body is your sanctuary, which is why it’s important to look after it. There are a whole plethora of ways to look after your body, from consuming enough water, getting enough sleep, and as we continue to look into today, by consuming a good diet.

Your body is your sanctuary, which is why it’s important to look after it. There are a whole plethora of ways to look after your body, from consuming enough water, getting enough sleep, and as we continue to look into today, by consuming a good diet. The reason it’s important to eat well is that it will help reduce the chances of you getting ill as well as improve your physical performance. Below are four reasons why having a good diet is important.


Improve Your Mood 

It’s very well documented that eating a bad diet can have a direct link to how you feel. If you are constantly eating badly, you can find yourself feeling tired and waking up not feeling fresh. By eating your five a day, reducing your alcohol consumptions (If you struggle with alcohol abuse, you can look into an outpatient alcohol treatment center) you will find that your mood improves and you feel better throughout the day. 

Weight Loss 

If one of your goals is to lose weight, then improving your diet will be a key part of your success. By having a good diet you will notice that you lose weight and don’t put weight on as easily. This is because fatty foods tend to have more calories than good foods, meaning the more fatty foods you eat the higher your calorie count normally is. When improving your diet, it’s a good idea to track the foods you eat so that you know what you are consuming and how many calories you are eating a day. To lose weight it is advised you cut your calorie allowance by 500 each day

Improve Your Sleep 

Another link to having a good diet and eating well is that your sleep will improve. You’ll find that the better you eat the higher quality of sleep you will get. If you currently struggle to sleep very well, you can find improving your diet is a key change to making a big difference. If you drink alcohol or caffeine during the day this also can be a big factor in why you struggle to sleep so not only will stopping improve your diet, but it will also help you sleep. It is recommended you get around 7-9 hours of sleep a day but this can vary depending on your age. 

Reduce The Chances Of You Getting Ill 

.A major reason to improve your diet to help with your mental health and reduce the chances of you getting ill. The healthier your diet is, the healthier your heart will be and the better your gut will be. You will also find that by eating cleaner your memory is better and you help keep your bones and teeth strong. When improving your diet it’s important you drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of sugary drinks. 

Why do you think it’s important to have a good diet? Would you add anything to the above four points? Have you recently started a new diet and how is it going? Let me know in the comment box below. 

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Why Do We Neglect Our Teeth?

Oral hygiene is one of the most overlooked areas of our health. It's bizarre how we neglect our teeth so easily and yet, they provide us with the essential tasks that we need to not just enjoy life, but actually survive.

Oral hygiene is one of the most overlooked areas of our health. It's bizarre how we neglect our teeth so easily and yet, they provide us with the essential tasks that we need to not just enjoy life, but actually survive. Having a good set of teeth isn’t just so you can appear more appreciable, or look attractive on a date, but actually, so you can eat! Yet, so many of us actually forget about some basic things we can do to improve our health, strengthen our gyms and just live a better more comfortable life regarding our oral hygiene.

Flossing is a skill

The thing about flossing is, no one really wants to do it. Who would have thought that a little thread going through our teeth would be such kryptonite for some of us!? Well, it is. And the reason for it is, it's uncomfortable. When you floss for the first time, you may find that your gyms are a lot more sensitive than you previously thought. When the thread hits your gums, it can feel very sharp. You may even find that you are bleeding. But this isn’t because of flossing, it's because of your gums being so poor in health. We recommend that you learn how to floss, without touching your gums or not putting as much pressure on them.

Just set an alarm

We have to brush twice a day; that much everyone agrees with. However, when we do so is a hard question to answer. Some of us think that we could brush our teeth the second time, after dinner, no matter how late it is. But we have found that when we speak to many people, we rarely brush our teeth in the evening because we forget. So, rather than fuss about before or after a meal, we think you should just brush full stop. So set an alarm for when you should brush your teeth in the evening. We think it should be no later than 10 pm, otherwise, it will feel like a chore. 


Always visit the…

You should know by now that dentists are not something to be afraid of but some of us don’t get over the fear of metal sharp objects being used in our mouths. But there are some density brands that go the extra mile to increase patient comfort. When finding a dentist you need to look at their user reviews and ratings on Google. This dentistry especially has got a reputation for keeping you relaxed, always informing you of what is going on and not going too far too fast in their treatments. Once you are comfortable, then you can begin to receive the best kind of treatment, so you can have a good smile and most of all, a healthy smile.

We neglect our teeth because, A: we’re lazy, B: we find it a chore, and C: because we are afraid of the dentist. Make it your mission now, to no longer do any of these things.

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

Tips To Look After Yourself This Year

After the year we’ve had, it’s now more important than ever to look after ourselves. And with that being said, there are plenty of things that we can be doing to make sure that we’re taking priority over our own health and mental wellbeing this year.

After the year we’ve had, it’s now more important than ever to look after ourselves. And with that being said, there are plenty of things that we can be doing to make sure that we’re taking priority over our own health and mental wellbeing this year. Here are some tips to look after yourself this year.


Treat Yourself

Life is all about focusing on number one but not everyone makes the time for themselves. We’re often so focused on keeping everyone else happy, that we end up neglecting our own happiness as a result. With that being said, it’s important to treat yourself every so often. The more you can treat yourself, the better it can help for your our mental wellbeing but knowing that you’re also spending money on yourself every so often. Whether you’re checking out a Blue Nile Review in order to get yourself a diamond ring or necklace, to simply getting yourself a takeout coffee, anything that’s an indulgence can be good for you. So do more of it!

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Spending time with loved ones is definitely something that we often don’t do enough and with the recent pandemic, it’s helped many of us to appreciate our loved ones even more. With that being said, try to find time to spend time with your loved ones, whether it’s family, friends, or even work colleagues. Make sure that you’re getting plenty of social activity on a regular basis because it’s certainly going to help with you feeling better in yourself.

Try to make time for others as well as giving yourself some time to yourself. It’s a fine balance but it’s something that’s definitely doable.

Try To Reduce Stress Levels

Reducing stress levels is important for your health because stress can really impact your health. If you’re not careful, it can do more damage to your health than most things in life. With that being said, try to find outlets for your stress levels. It could be that you do some exercise or pamper yourself to relieve stress. For others, it might be a glass of wine in the evening or spending a couple of hours, reading a good book. 

Find ways to relieve stress because it’s guaranteed to make you feel a lot better than you might be feeling currently.

Take Life Less Seriously

Taking life too seriously is something that many of us do at times where we feel like we need to prove ourselves to something or someone. It’s good to not stress the small stuff and to try and focus on what really matters in life. A job is just a job at the end of the day and very few people are saving the world through their job. The same goes for your personal life when trying to please other people. Try not to think about it too much and you’ll feel a lot better about it.

Looking after yourself this year is certainly something that should be done actively so use these tips to help yourself this year.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Modifying The Home For Someone With Physical Disability

Whether it’s someone you’re inviting to your own home or you’re taking on the responsibility as someone’s caregiver to help them in their own, people with special needs may be able to benefit from a range of adaptations to the home. Here, we’re going to look at a few and how they can suit people with varying levels of ability.

Whether it’s someone you’re inviting to your own home or you’re taking on the responsibility as someone’s caregiver to help them in their own, people with special needs may be able to benefit from a range of adaptations to the home. Here, we’re going to look at a few and how they can suit people with varying levels of ability.


Accessing the needs of the individual

The first thing you should arrange is a sit-down with your loved one’s doctor and them to talk about the range of their physical abilities, any mobility or chronic pain issues to accommodate, as well as what they would most like to be able to do more independently. That way, you can get an idea of what changes to prioritize first.

Getting the funding

Making adjustments to your home can be costly. Depending on where you live, you may be able to apply for financial assistance to help bear the brunt of those costs. Take a look to see if there are any disability grants for home improvements that are accessible to you. Successful application for these relies on not just location, either, but also the scale of the needs of the individual and costs of the adaptations.

Improving access to the home

Most important for those with any disabilities that limit their ability to move is making the home both easier to get into and to move around in. For instance, not only might this include a wider front door and wheelchair ramps for access into the home. You should also think about changing the interior doors from ones that swing open to those that slide open to make them easier to use, as well. For any stairs, you should also naturally consider things like lifts.

Modifying the bathroom

One of the most important rooms to adapt is the bathroom, for a range of reasons. It has a higher chance of slips, trips, and falls, and it is also where your loved one might appreciate the most privacy. To that end, you should look for items like grab rails that can allow them to use this part of the home more independently.

Making things easier to use

For any parts of the home that the individual may need to operate, you should consider how much energy or effort it takes to operate normally and see if there are better alternatives. For instance, there are specialized bathroom faucets for those who might normally find them hard to use.

Adopting visual aids

Some disabilities may make it difficult for the individual to see or navigate parts of the home. This includes not only visual impairments but also special needs such as dementia. For instance, creating a dementia-friendly home might include labeling items such as storage furniture around the home, and avoiding any patterns that can be potentially disorienting. 

Which of the choices above you should use in the home should largely depend on the specific abilities of the individual. Hopefully, this has at least given you some direction to start investigating in, however.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

8 Ways To Aid Your Journey To Sobriety

There are many different paths, and almost everybody experiences setbacks. However, there are certain tools and things you can do to aid your journey.

Your journey to sobriety is not going to look like anybody else’s journey to sobriety. There are many different paths, and almost everybody experiences setbacks. However, there are certain tools and things you can do to aid your journey. 

Read on for 8 ways to aid your journey to sobriety: 

1.Understand Your Triggers and Come Up With A Helpful Plan

Understanding your triggers can help you to come up with a helpful plan so that you don’t succumb to any temptation. For example, if you know that certain friends encourage you to break your sobriety, you can either cut them off or insist on spending time with them in a healthier setting, such as a coffee shop. When you become more mindful of your triggers, you should also be able to understand your relapse warning signs. 

2.Build A Support Network You Can Count On

Building a support network you can count on can make a huge difference to your success. You can share your experiences with them, share your little wins, and resonate with one another on a deep emotional level. A peer support group is a great way to do this, especially if you have friends and family who don’t really understand what you’re going through. 

3.Find An Activity You Feel Passionately About 

Is there an activity you can spend time on that makes you feel good? This could make an adequate distraction from any addiction you are struggling with. Whether it’s painting, running,or something entirely different, try it out and see if you can immerse yourself in it. Just be aware of any unhealthy coping mechanisms - if you replace an addiction with running, make sure you don’t run an unhealthy amount.


4.Try To Build Healthy Habits 

Focusing on healthy living can help you to stay on track. Cook balanced meals, take regular exercise, and ensure you’re getting quality sleep. If you find yourself looking at dab rigs for sale, consider calling a friend or going for a walk. 

5. Develop A Structured Schedule 

A disorganized lifestyle can hinder your recovery so try to develop a structured schedule. Routine can help just about anybody who is struggling to stay on the right path. 

6. Focus On Your Finances 

When you struggle with addiction, financial problems usually come along with it. Improvements won’t happen overnight, but it can be extremely satisfying to see positive changes happening for your financial situation no matter how long it takes. 

7. Celebrate Your Milestones

Acknowledging and celebrating the hard work of recovery is helpful for keeping you motivated and reminding you why you decided to change your lifestyle in the first place. Sobriety is an ongoing journey, and you need to stay strong. You deserve rewards! Just be sure that your rewards don't involve drugs or alcohol. Focus on experiences and activities that can support your healthy lifestyle instead. 

8. Accept Your Past Behaviors 

Try not to obsess over past behavior. Feeling guilty or shameful for a past behavior or action during active addiction is normal. Apologize to people you need to apologise to, and then make peace with yourself. Guilt and shame can easily lead you back into addiction and unhealthy habits. 

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Anchor Yourself Against A Sea Of Stress

Work life can be stressful. Things can blow out of proportion when you’re feeling tired or rushed. Minor issues can accumulate and become overwhelming.

Work life can be stressful. Things can blow out of proportion when you’re feeling tired or rushed. Minor issues can accumulate and become overwhelming. While they may not be significant taken individually, once together, they feel insurmountable. In short, stress is everywhere. It is a silent and invisible enemy that can hinder your work life and career prospects. And when it’s all around you, it doesn’t only affect your work, but also your social life and your self-growth.

How can I get rid of stress? That’s the big question. Nobody can. There’s no cure that eliminates stress. But, what you can do is find the best coping mechanism to deal with the brutality of day-to-day anxieties. Coping in real-time gives you an anchor to stay grounded in the face of adversity.


The ritual sets the mood for the day

We tend to put the events that affect us and our response to these events in one huge bag called STRESS. But, in reality, they belong in different bags. You can’t always control the situations around you. However unpleasant they can get, stress doesn’t arise from them but from the way you react. Stress is the mind’s response. So, the best way to make the distinction between the events and your response is to help prepare your mind for a new day. If you don’t have a morning ritual, it’s time to think about how you want to start your day. A ritual is a soothing and caring moment to refresh your soul and keep you centered. Simple gestures can help lower your stress response, such as creating a meditation routine in the morning. You can find plenty of helpful apps to help you clear your mind and refocus.

Have some soothing treats

Not many people appreciate the value of a healthy treat as a coping mechanism. A coping strategy is a set of actions you take to release pressure when you are faced with a difficult situation. These could include talking to someone you trust, taking some time off work, etc. But, when you are in the heart of the storm, you often need to delay your response. That’s where a small gesture, such as a treat, can help defuse the stress bomb as it is about to explode. For instance, if you are prone to anxiety attacks, you could help your brain break free from the stress patterns with edible cannabinoid treats from a place such as They sell small gummy bears that can do the trick any day. Not your thing? Dark chocolate can be just as effective as it boosts the production of happiness hormones, effectively breaking through the stress cycle early.

Accept that things don’t have to make sense

Sometimes sh*t happens, and that’s life. In a world where we are desperate to control every aspect of life, it’s hard to accept that things can happen outside of our control. Life can be random, even in the workplace. It can be flawed. But that is what makes it special. The moment you accept that obstacles and challenges are part of the journey, you can face them with an open mind.

Not everything in the office goes as planned. Yet, it will only be as stressful as you allow it to become. You have a choice in how you respond to unexpected situations, from preparing your mind to accepting the randomness of work-related events.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Tips for Caring for Your Vehicle

A car can often be taken for granted. Without a second thought, one gets into the car, starts it, and drives off to their desired location. And, it's done over and over again.


A car can often be taken for granted. Without a second thought, one gets into the car, starts it, and drives off to their desired location. And, it's done over and over again. As long as the car can travel, that is all that matters to most individuals. What if a problem with the vehicle suddenly occurs? Take the time in caring for your car to do more than just drive. Be safe on your travels by caring for your car in with these easy tips.

Car Washing

Whether your car is new or not so new, please keep it clean inside and out with a wash. Car detailing the inside can rid of stains and make the seats smell like new. Not only does this increase great hygiene for the driver and passengers, but it will get you feeling great about a clean interior. As for the exterior of the car, keep the paint looking fresh. Nice soap and wax spread over can give it the protective barrier it needs against the weather. The sun can give damage to the car over time, making the paint bubble and fade. Keep your car looking its best as much as you can.

Scheduled Maintenance

Every car needs to be running great and meet the standards of the road. It's typical to get your car maintenance and checked every five thousand miles. Make sure all your lights, wipers, pedals, and windows are working. Don't forget to check your tire traction as well. Traction is what keeps you safe on slippery roads. Check everything off the car to see if any part of the vehicle needs to be replaced. Be prepared for any weather when you hit the road. Another thing, check your smog and perform oil changes to keep your car up to date. Maintenance is a huge thing to schedule to keep your vehicle running great and against lawful protocols. 

Fill Up Gas Tank

Don't forget to fill up your gas tank. This is a task that can often be forgotten about or at the very least be put aside for later. Once your gas level lights up for being close to empty or is close to hitting the empty level, it is best not to wait. Don't waste another minute without getting fuels and lubricants. Keep in mind of much money and how often your tank needs to be filled. To make it easier for yourself, set a day every week to put fuel in your car. Never get stuck on the road unprepared in the future again.

With just a few tips to get your car running smoothly and looking good, you will be a proud vehicle owner. Get in your car with peace of mind knowing your vehicle is on scheduled maintenance. Put on your seatbelt and have a safe journey. To be safer in your car, consider getting car insurance to have you and the other party safe if an accident shall happen. 

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

5 Dental Practice Business Upgrades That Will Leave You Smiling

After working as a partner at another dental practice, opening your own is a dream come true. However, nobody could’ve predicted the stresses that 2020 would bring. With some normality restored, now is the time to ensure that your business is destined for success in 2021 and beyond.


After working as a partner at another dental practice, opening your own is a dream come true. However, nobody could’ve predicted the stresses that 2020 would bring. With some normality restored, now is the time to ensure that your business is destined for success in 2021 and beyond.

Whether launching a new practice after losing your job or revamping an existing model doesn't matter. The following steps will help you gain the sweet taste of success.

1.Improve Your Web Game

The way that people interact with businesses was changing long before the pandemic. Nonetheless, the past 12 months or so have resulted in a major shift towards online interactions. Over 80% of shoppers research brands online, and those figures are a fair reflection for healthcare services too. So, developing a new website and redesigning your social media platforms will pay dividends. Perhaps most importantly, you should look to gain referrals from previous patients. This will put prospective clients at greater ease.

2. Upgrade The Interior Surroundings

Visiting the dentist can be a scary situation for many patients. Therefore, comforting surroundings may provide the key to a better patient experience. Furthermore, it has a telling influence on your mindset as well as your employees. Experts at Medifit can transform the look of your practice to give it a modern touch. Meanwhile, they can implement the adjustments needed to promote safety during the pandemic. A winning workspace will give you a far stronger platform to build upon. It should also deliver increased confidence.


3. Focus On Your Team

Assembling a great team is essential for any health service-based company. In today's climate, outsourcing can be very useful as it reduces the number of people on site. Nonetheless, you must familiarise yourself with the jobs that are best kept in-house. Moreover, it’s imperative that you cultivate a team atmosphere. Working closely with your dental assistants is the priority. Still, there should be good communication with receptionists and other workers. Patient health is on the line if you get this wrong.

4. Expand Your Financing Options

Dental procedures are expensive, which can potentially rule patients out. Missing out on custom from people that want to use your company is a major disappointment. Thankfully, the introduction of new repayment plans can change that for the better. GoCardless can allow you to accept recurring payments in an effective manner. However, you don’t want to provide treatments to patients that subsequently stop their repayment plan. As such, it’s worth running credit checks before accepting their custom. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

5. Keep Learning

Advancements in dental care continue to grow at a rapid rate. As a dental practice owner, you can use this to your advantage. Courses to freshen up your skills or learn about new products is ideal. Meanwhile, you can familiarise yourself with related products on the market. Knowing about the best toothbrushes and toothpaste for example, enables you to offer a more detailed service. Crucially, it opens the door to new partnerships with suppliers and related services, which can create new revenue streams. You will be smiling.

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Op-ed Keyonna Butler Op-ed Keyonna Butler

Three Things You Should Do in 2021

This year has been one chaotic ride that has been filled with loss and grief but also with moments that help us grow and transform into our better selves. What 2020 has done for us was to prepare us for whatever storm that may come our way. No matter what troubles may come our way we now know how to pivot and continue down the path that life has given us.

This year has been one chaotic ride that has been filled with loss and grief but also with moments that help us grow and transform into our better selves. What 2020 has done for us was to prepare us for whatever storm that may come our way. No matter what troubles may come our way we now know how to pivot and continue down the path that life has given us. With only a few days left in 2020, now is the time to reflect and plan for the new year. Whether you have your New Year resolutions, creating vision boards to manifest your goals or you just want to go with the flow, I believe we all should do five things that will make 2021 a great year.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to always create a plan B. I know this year we all had goals and plans to create a magical year full of great memories but was stopped right in our tracks at the beginning of the year. No matter what you plan to do for 2021, it's ok to create a plan B just in case you need to pivot and go down another lane to be successful with whatever venture you’re getting into whether it be business related or personal growth. So, take out that journal and write out your next steps into greatness. 

Photo Credit: Insider

Photo Credit: Insider

Let 2021 be the year you don’t hold back and just go for it. Get rid of the excuses and go after the things you have been planning to do. Rejection can be very harsh but just know that sometimes rejection can be a path to something much greater. Embrace the uncertainty of the result and let it become an adventure into your light. Trust your gut and just go after what you always dreamed of doing. You never know what will be on the other side. 

This is the time to get rid of all the toxic people in your life and surround yourself with people who genuinely love and support you. This may sound tough to do but in the end it would be good for you.  Whether celebrating an awesome achievement or going through a rough time, it’s always good to surround yourself with people who really care and not people who are only there for the good times. Defining your friendships now will lead you down a path of good times and great memories in the years to come.

Photo Credit: Popsugar

Photo Credit: Popsugar

Let 2021 be the year of full transformation and living passionately everyday. Live bravely in the space of maybe and what could be and always do what’s best for you. Now is the time to truly live.

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Food, Lifestyle David Roberts Food, Lifestyle David Roberts

2 Bourbon Cocktails for This Holiday Season

Enjoy the warm comfort of bourbon? Check out 2 bourbon cocktails you’re sure to love this holiday season.

Listen…I need a drink.  Between the holidays, working from home, and living, I need a drink --and I need one now.  I prefer bourbon, herbs, and fruit for cocktails.  These two drinks are just the thing to help mellow out your week.  I used Basil Hayden Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.  It’s smooth as hell with a clean finish.

Basil Hayden Pear Julep

Pear Julep

3 oz Bourbon Whiskey

2 oz Pear Nectar

3 Tbsp Honey simple syrup

Mint Leaves

Crushed ice

1.)    Place the mint and honey syrup into a glass and muddle.  When you’re muddling, you want to make sure to bruise the leaves, but you’re not trying to make a pulp.

2.)    Pour the crushed ice over the mixture. Then, add the bourbon and pear nectar.

3.)    Using the stem of the mint leaf, or a spoon, GENTLY swirl the julep until the glass becomes frosty on the outside. (about 20 seconds).


Bourbon Stomper

Bourbon Stomper

2 oz Bourbon Whiskey

2 oz Wegmans Black and Blue “Stomp” juice (contains: Blueberry, Apple, and Black Currant Juice)

1 oz Ginger Ale

1 pinched Sweet Basil leaf


1.)    In a cocktail shaker, mix the bourbon and juice. Pour into a glass.

2.)    Pour in ginger ale

3.)    Pinch the basil. Pinch the hell out of it. Place it on stop of your drink to float as you sip.

I loved trying this drink because of the sweet basil finish.  It is a very refreshing drink to enjoy this winter season at home.

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