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The Fashion of the AIDS Crisis

The current devastation that the coronavirus has wreaked upon the world harkens back to the tumult inflicted by the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. Nearly four decades ago, communities and industries alike were torn asunder by another epidemic that claimed the lives of society’s most vulnerable members. One particular field that was forever changed by

The current devastation that the coronavirus has wreaked upon the world harkens back to the tumult inflicted by the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. Nearly four decades ago, communities and industries alike were torn asunder by another epidemic that claimed the lives of society’s most vulnerable members. One particular field that was forever changed by the AIDS crisis was fashion, in which the mourning of those lost to the disease inspired philanthropic collaborations that would become proud traditions.


The fashion world initially succumbed to the stigmatization of AIDS as “the gay plague”, especially since the prevalence of gay designers was an open secret that began to instill mistrust among heterosexual professionals. However, these misgivings were significantly dwarfed by the tragedy of witnessing AIDS debilitating cherished creatives before ultimately killing them. The deaths of renowned figures like model Joe McDonald and designer Halston were tragic, colossal losses that propelled the fashion industry to take action to support future victims.


Fashion had been intrinsic to the battle against AIDS since the inception of the gay community's ACT UP, or AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power. Avram Finkelstein was the visionary who designed the “Silence=Death” signs, which consisted of the slogan emblazoned across a black background and beneath a pink triangle. The terse but powerful statement was soon printed on t-shirts worn by protestors, and more nightclub patrons in New York City began wearing black and fuchsia in reference to the symbol’s color scheme.


The “Silence=Death” emblem elicited sympathy from a multitude of high-fashion brands that made various contributions to the cause. Barneys New York became the first store to host an AIDS fundraiser, which consisted of a fashion show attended by artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol. The Love Ball was made possible by Donna Karan, Armani and other fashion houses allying with New York City’s underground ballroom culture, and its success with raising $3 million for AIDS research spawned a Parisian variant titled “The Balade de L’Amour”. The Seventh on Sale was an even bigger success upon its launch in 1984, and has since become a recurring event hosted by Vogue’s Anna Wintour.

Photo Credits: Getty Images

Report: Nia Hunt

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Fashion, Shop Style Keyonna Butler Fashion, Shop Style Keyonna Butler

Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2021

Fashion lovers and style enthusiasts rejoice. The Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2021 is here and not only did they announce one color but two! The two colors selected will be Ultimate Gray (PANTONE 17-5104) and Illuminating (PANTONE 13-0647) as the shades for Pantone's Color of the Year 2021. According to Teen Vogue, the last time Pantone announced two colors for color of the year was back in 2016.

Fashion lovers and style enthusiasts rejoice. The Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2021 is here and not only did they announce one color but two! The two colors selected will be Ultimate Gray (PANTONE 17-5104) and Illuminating (PANTONE 13-0647) as the shades for Pantone's Color of the Year 2021. According to Teen Vogue, the last time Pantone announced two colors for color of the year was back in 2016. Now, that you know what the colors of the year are I’m sure you’ll be rushing to your wardrobe and finding ways to match up your yellow and grey hues in your closet. Before you rush out to get that fancy looking yellow dress or some grey stylish joggers, let’s take a look on what these two colors actually represent.

Photo Credit: The Inquirer

Photo Credit: The Inquirer

After doing a little digging, I was able to do some color theory research to see what these colors actually represent and what message you will be sending with adding these colors to your signature style. My first color to do a little research on was yellow. Not just because it's one of my favorite colors but visually it's  appeasing and welcoming. Thanks to 99design, I was able to find that yellow is for happiness, hope and spontaneity. After the year we’ve had, wearing this color to uplift your spirits and give you some hope for the future of 2021 is not a bad idea. With your wardrobe you will let everyone know you are ready for positivity and good vibes which may invite new relationships and opportunities to come your way. 

For grey, the first thing I thought of was dull and boredom. But after doing some research my thoughts on the color changed. With my research I saw that grey can represent professionalism, formality and conventionality. With the color grey, you can give off the message of being grounded, trustworthy and even being ready for business. Adding this color to your wardrobe will definitely give your closet a more mature feel which can be a good thing. It sends the message you are ready for anything that comes your way and you are truly a boss. 

Photo Credit: Vogue

Photo Credit: Vogue

With the combination of these colors, your style can definitely elevate to new heights. Even if you want to add these colors as accents with accessories, jewelry or shoes. You definitely will be telling the world you are ready for whatever 2021 will throw at you with style and grace.

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Designers, Fashion Access by NKC Designers, Fashion Access by NKC

A Fusion of Math and Art by Diarra Bousso

Diarra Bousso’s experiences as a mathematician, artisan and former Wall Street Trader have led to the creation of Diarrablu - her lifestyle brand. Her designs showcase her culture with every detail and piece - it tells a story.

Diarra Bousso’s experiences as a mathematician, artisan and former Wall Street Trader have led to the creation of Diarrablu - her lifestyle brand. Her designs showcase her culture with every detail and piece - it tells a story.

“I grew up in Senegal, and I wanted to be the perfect student…. I was never a cool girl or an ‘It girl’, I was a nerd,” Bousso told POPSUGAR. Bousso comes from a family of artisans. “In the summers when I would go to my dad’s village, I’d see that work and it’s so rich and beautiful”, she said. Between splitting her time visiting her dad’s village and attending a private French school in the city, Bousso explained she wasn’t sure how to connect between the two worlds. “I always knew that I was going to do something at the intersection of those two worlds, but I didn’t know how to do it”.


She moved to the United States where she attended graduate school at Stanford University, graduating with a degree in math and education research. Bousso didn’t want to go down either path and found herself stuck trying to figure out how to blend her background in math with her love of fashion. She started doodling during her spare time and realized, “ I can doodle, and I can also write a math code to do the doodles for me”. While it isn’t common for designers to code their designs, Bousso was creating her own rules.

“Once you write a couple of equations, by just changing a few numbers, you can create a new print very quickly. So it makes the process of drawing now very efficient because you can draw one thing, then actually create thousands by just changing the numbers”, she explained.

The equation that Bousso writes creates Afrocentric shapes and prints that also tells stories, centering on the diversity of Africa. She described the process as empowering. Bousso owns the production of the prints and no longer has to attend markets or trade shows for fabrics. Also, she has an approach that allows her to save money without washing fabric. “Algorithms allow me to solve a very important problem in fashion in terms of sustainability. They also allow me to really explore creativity beyond what’s available, because there are no limits to what you can make”.

This new technique has not only allowed her to engage with her audience but, to also create polls to find out which designs they prefer. “We produce what people want. There’s no excess inventory”, she said. Once she has the pattern in fabric form, she cuts it to maximize the amount of pieces produced; creating a dress, a necklace, shoes and a face mask from three yards of fabric. “We keep it iterating until there is nothing left”, she explained.

Bousso’s designs are made for both luxury and comfort. Her collections are endless and each design takes you to a place of peace, freedom and stillness.

Photo Credits: POPSUGAR

Report: Juana Norales

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Fashion Access by NKC Fashion Access by NKC

How to Forget Fashion and Find Comfort in Your Own Style

Developing your sense of style is an essential part of expressing yourself through your clothing.


How many times have you squeezed your feet into a pair of shoes or spent an evening feeling constricted by uncomfortable shapewear? Everyone likes to look good, but this is often at the expense of feeling comfortable. There are probably plenty of times when you have been out and not enjoyed yourself as much as you could, simply because your feet were sore from wearing high heels, or you didn’t dance because your dress felt too tight. So often, the pressure to look good comes before being comfortable and enjoying the moment. But, it doesn’t need to be this way; feeling comfortable and confident in your skin is a much better option than forcing yourself to dress in the same way as everyone else. No one stands out when they simply follow the crowd and dress the same as everyone else, so why not forget about what you think you should be wearing and start dressing in a way that makes you happy?

Developing your sense of style is an essential part of expressing yourself through your clothing. How you dress has a significant impact on how you feel and how you present yourself to others. So, why not embrace your uniqueness and feel comfortable at the same time? 

Here are some tips to help you embrace your style and feel comfortable at all times:

Start with Your Feet

If you hate wearing heels and can’t wait to kick them off as soon as you get through the door, then why not skip having sore feet and choose footwear that helps you to enjoy yourself instead? Swap your killer heels for a pair of awesome flats and see how much more you can enjoy yourself when you go on a night out with your girlfriends. 

Get the Basics Right

Your underwear acts as the foundation for every outfit you wear, so getting it right is essential. Underwear that feels tight and constrictive can get extremely uncomfortable very quickly, so comfort wins every time. It is possible to find underwear that is both comfortable and looks great, you just need to know where to look. Check out for reviews and recommendations to help you find the right undies for you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

If you have gotten used to dressing in a certain way and have just put up with feeling uncomfortable, it may take a little while to develop your style. Experimenting with different looks and figuring out what you do like and don’t like is the best way to develop a look that helps you feel like yourself. 

Bringing more of your personality into your fashion choices and dressing for yourself and not other people is a liberating experience. Feeling comfortable in your own skin and channeling your own style is a great way to feel more confident and true to yourself. Letting go of other people’s expectations of what you should be wearing and feeling comfortable dressing for yourself is always the best option.

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Fashion, Designers Access by NKC Fashion, Designers Access by NKC

Cushnie's Goodbye

The effects of a nationwide quarantine have devastated the fashion label Cushnie to the point at which its closure was made official in late October. The tragic end to one of the rare high-fashion brands in America helmed by a black woman brings into question the industry's promises to employ more racially diverse talent.


The effects of a nationwide quarantine have devastated the fashion label Cushnie to the point at which its closure was made official in late October. The tragic end to one of the rare high-fashion brands in America helmed by a black woman brings into question the industry's promises to employ more racially diverse talent.

Even eponymous owner Carly Cushnie herself began as a co-founder alongside Michelle Ochs before the latter’s departure in 2018. As her solo career flourished, she remained vocal about how influential positions in the fashion industry are almost entirely occupied by white men. Devoted to her morals to the very end, Cushnie vowed to continue fighting for racial equity in the next stage of her profession.

The dissolution of Cushnie begs the question of when the next black female designer will rise to such eminence, if at all. Major fashion labels have implemented programs that will provide more opportunities for creators of color, and the efficacy of these changes will be determined in part by the success of future black female designers.

Photo Credits: Vogue

Report: Nia Hunt

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Op-ed, Lifestyle Keyonna Butler Op-ed, Lifestyle Keyonna Butler

Age of Aquarius: What's to Come in 2021

2020 has been a chaotic year. From the outbreak of COVID-19 to seeing one of the biggest civil rights movements happening with Black Lives Matter due to the deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Walter Wallace Jr. and countless other innocent black lives, we have all been through alot. With so much darkness in the world right now it may be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Photo Credit | Elle

Photo Credit | Elle

2020 has been a chaotic year. From the outbreak of COVID-19 to seeing one of the biggest civil rights movements happening with Black Lives Matter due to the deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Walter Wallace Jr.  and countless other innocent black lives, we have all been through alot. With so much darkness in the world right now it may be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. One may not be able to see that this year of turbulence was a way to birth a new era for us. With change comes disruption of the old to make space for the new. 

On December 21, the Age of the Aquarius will come into play and set a new way of life that has been so different then what we have been living for so long. According to Bustle, the “great conjunction” will take place which will be Jupiter and Saturn aligning with the sign of Aquarius which has not happened in nearly 400 years. Many astrologers believe this will be the beginning of a new age. Aquarius being an air sign represents what is to come in the year of 2021. Air signs represent intellect and new ideas. It's all about the innovation of thought, technology and our everyday lives. The revolution of mankind and how we come together as a tribe will be an importance. It will no longer be the ways of one for all but rather all for one. The focus will be collective, well-being and growth, growth of community and growth of self. 

Photo Credit | Midnight & Indigo

Photo Credit | Midnight & Indigo

So, with the age of a new era coming to us this month, here are some ways to incorporate this for your own life. Be progressive in your thinking, think outside of the box and you may come up with some amazing ideas for yourself or even your business. Start building your tribe and community that you want to make long lasting bonds with. Not just be for self but for the world around you. Move away from over consumption and materialism just to be a part of the pack. If it's not a need, think about being more conscious in the things you purchase or consume. Lastly, don’t be afraid of the change. It may be uncomfortable but it will all be for the best and soon we will all see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

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Food, Lifestyle David Roberts Food, Lifestyle David Roberts

2 Bourbon Cocktails for This Holiday Season

Enjoy the warm comfort of bourbon? Check out 2 bourbon cocktails you’re sure to love this holiday season.

Listen…I need a drink.  Between the holidays, working from home, and living, I need a drink --and I need one now.  I prefer bourbon, herbs, and fruit for cocktails.  These two drinks are just the thing to help mellow out your week.  I used Basil Hayden Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.  It’s smooth as hell with a clean finish.

Basil Hayden Pear Julep

Pear Julep

3 oz Bourbon Whiskey

2 oz Pear Nectar

3 Tbsp Honey simple syrup

Mint Leaves

Crushed ice

1.)    Place the mint and honey syrup into a glass and muddle.  When you’re muddling, you want to make sure to bruise the leaves, but you’re not trying to make a pulp.

2.)    Pour the crushed ice over the mixture. Then, add the bourbon and pear nectar.

3.)    Using the stem of the mint leaf, or a spoon, GENTLY swirl the julep until the glass becomes frosty on the outside. (about 20 seconds).


Bourbon Stomper

Bourbon Stomper

2 oz Bourbon Whiskey

2 oz Wegmans Black and Blue “Stomp” juice (contains: Blueberry, Apple, and Black Currant Juice)

1 oz Ginger Ale

1 pinched Sweet Basil leaf


1.)    In a cocktail shaker, mix the bourbon and juice. Pour into a glass.

2.)    Pour in ginger ale

3.)    Pinch the basil. Pinch the hell out of it. Place it on stop of your drink to float as you sip.

I loved trying this drink because of the sweet basil finish.  It is a very refreshing drink to enjoy this winter season at home.

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Celebrity, Op-ed Keyonna Butler Celebrity, Op-ed Keyonna Butler

What Teyana Taylor's Retirement Teaches Us About Supporting Creatives

Teyana Taylor recently announced her retirement from music and it took the world by surprise. After just releasing her critically acclaimed album, ‘The Album’ that even made legends such as Elton John join in on the praise, it's hard to see why Teyana Taylor has decided to give up her role in the music industry.

Teyana Taylor recently announced her retirement from music and it took the world by surprise. After just releasing her critically acclaimed album, ‘The Album’ that even made legends such as Elton John join in on the praise, it's hard to see why Teyana Taylor has decided to give up her role in the music industry. According to Taylor herself, she expressed she felt  “super unappreciated as an artist, receiving little to no real push from the ‘machine,’ constantly getting the shorter end of the stick, being overlooked.” With this announcement, Teyana Taylor got major love from fans and even fellow peers in the music industry such as Swiss Beatz, The Game and Janet Jackson. 

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With the retirement of Teyana Taylor, can this teach us how to appreciate creatives and artists as a unit. How can we be more supportive of creatives in the industry that may not be pushed by a major record label, agency or brand? Even those who are pushed by a major machine such as Teyana Taylor or Tinashe during her time with RCA records have felt how lonely it can be in the creative industry. It's a hard spot to be as a creative to constantly showcase your talents and be vulnerable enough to let people into your creative process only for them to shut you down or not give you the proper support you need.

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This begs the question, is it better to be a creative and work independently? Once Tinashe was released from her label, that gave her more room to grow and release amazing music projects and even collaborate with other artists that were more aligned with her brand. Seeing Teyana Taylor’s retirement playout only made me realize that many of the talented artists not only in the music industry but in many sectors of the creative industries are not supported financially or even emotionally. By just posting someone's artwork or commenting on their process on social media is a big boost to help them get one step closer to their goals. Even checking in on their wellbeing can be a big help and give them the tools to keep going. Be sure to check in on your creative friends even if everything looks good from the outside, you never know how your support can help them to continue to succeed and grow. 

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Entertainment, Fashion Access by NKC Entertainment, Fashion Access by NKC

I Am Not Wearing Your Letterman Jacket

In these months of solitude, the bored masses have switched on to Netflix to help them escape the mundane feeling of the lockdown. This constant tuning in is no new feeling to teenagers, whose viewership has created an entirely new genre of melodramatic “teen” shows and movies. While I binged (and rebinged) these shows, I became increasingly interested in the patterns of dress. As a fashion zealot, I tend to fixate on styling within any form of media - I get excited by fresh perspectives in fashion. Especially when it is portrayed through a young character’s style. Sadly,

In these months of solitude, the bored masses have switched on to Netflix to help them escape the mundane feeling of the lockdown. This constant tuning in is no new feeling to teenagers, whose viewership has created an entirely new genre of melodramatic “teen” shows and movies. While I binged (and rebinged) these shows, I became increasingly interested in the patterns of dress. As a fashion zealot, I tend to fixate on styling within any form of media - I get excited by fresh perspectives in fashion. Especially when it is portrayed through a young character’s style. Sadly, as I binge hop from Riverdale to Love Victor, I am underwhelmed by the lack of originality in the costume designer’s styling choices. It leaves me to question if there is a dress code for every mainstream teen-oriented TV show and if this rulebook accurately depicts the taste of the current generation.


Throughout these teen melodramas, one-dimensional characters are condemned to insipid styling. Costume designers should use their fashion expertise to amplify the characters’ voices, creating dimension to these teens through clothing but many designers fall flat. However, the issues with costumes is not entirely the costume department’s fault. Hollywood costume designers have to answer to showrunners and the network to ensure that each garment they choose is on brand for the series and the channel.

The aesthetic issues of a show fall on the shoulder of its creator and writing team; the vigor in which they describe each character paints the picture of who the character is, therefore hinting at these character’s style. This causes a hindrance in the creativity for a designer making it hard for them to push boundaries, delivering stimulating costume concepts that their bosses can approve. Here lies the real root of the problem, aside from the basic network TV character breakdowns, a designer’s creativity is dwindled based on what network heads think their audience wants to see. Yet heads of networks (like seventy year old Mark Pedowitz from The CW) are typically the jobs of older white males who have not been in high school since the sixties. So, what do they really know about what our generation likes to wear? 

Consider their most popular show, Riverdale. This hit teen drama centers around five main characters that exemplify every single high school movie character trope ever. The All-American jock (who is ironically played by the New Zealand actor KJ Apa), the girl-next-door (Lili Reinhart), the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks (Cole Sprouse), the rich daddy's girl (Camilla Mendes) and the mean popular head cheerleader (Madelaine Petsch). The Riverdale cast is dressed in tropes: the staple “bad boy” leather jacket is paired with all of Sprouse’s outfits, while rich girl Mendes always adorns her fit with a pearl necklace and Apa constantly sports his football letterman jacket. 


Although some of these costume pieces do hold weight for some characters (like Mendes’ pearl necklace was a gift from her father before he went to prison), numerous costume choices simply promote these outdated tropes. Every week we tune in to watch Petsch, the prettiest popular (twenty-six year old) high-school girl, do a slow-motion strut down the halls in her mini-skirt, crop top and heels. She evokes the sense that, “Every girl wants to be her and every guy wants to do her” (F*&% the Prom- another teen flick starring Madelaine Petsch as the mean popular head cheerleader). It is baffling to watch the different shows replicate these tropes (sometimes with the same actor) with the costume design only emphasizing these stereotypes, confirming how superficial screenwriters think teenagers are.

Generation Z is a lot more than the silly high school tropes that are portrayed on TV and we show it by how we dress. We play and experiment with gender norms, always pushing the boundaries of fashion, asking the fashion industry to give us more: more inclusive sizes, more dynamic silhouettes, more comfortable clothing. Most shows don’t represent the dynamic tastes for this generation but, recently one show redefined the style of teen melodramas. HBO’s Euphoria pushes the boundaries of young adult fashion. The show’s characters and costumes embody everything Gen Z is: fun, bold, unique and unapologetic. Euphoria’s make-up artist Doniella Davy was informed and inspired by teen influencers who she researched for the show. Davy wanted to immerse herself in a younger generation’s fashion choices so that she can authentically create looks for young characters, paying off in her first Emmy for Outstanding Contemporary Make-up. This show loves to rebel against the norms of teen show costume design - throughout the series, a transgender character wears non-gender conforming undergarments. “There is a lot of power seeing a young trans girl not really trying to conform to a cis-gender standard” Hunter Schafer (Euphoria actress) stated regarding her character’s costumes. This series recognizes young adults and how we use clothing to express all aspects of ourself.


As Shakespeare’s once said, “Theatre holds a mirror up to society” (Hamlet); although, film is not exactly the same as theatre, it is a mass form of storytelling. People stare at these screens hoping to escape while wanting to find themselves. From the character development to the fashion styling, the lack of genuine adolescent depictions can be disheartening causing one to believe that their story doesn’t matter. As an impressionable teenager, when you watch a show that is supposedly made for you, you should be able to connect to real characters rather than clichés. Hopefully, with Euphoria unveiling what it looks like to be a teenager in today’s society (and receiving accolades for their honest work) there will be a paradigm shift in major studios; causing them to create characters that resemble this generation versus propelling old-fashioned Hollywood ideals.

Photo Credits: Pinterest

Report: Taylor McKenzie

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Accessories, Celebrity, Music Access by NKC Accessories, Celebrity, Music Access by NKC

7 Rings

Megan Thee Stallion has encapsulated her fiery, world-conquering boldness in a symbol most befitting her extraordinariness: her “f**k you” rings. The hip hop superstar proudly flaunts seven brilliant diamond rings, upon which each letter of the brashly worded “f**k you” is affixed. Valued at $200,000 and encompassing 126 carats,

Megan Thee Stallion has encapsulated her fiery, world-conquering boldness in a symbol most befitting her extraordinariness: her “f**k you” rings. The hip hop superstar proudly flaunts seven brilliant diamond rings, upon which each letter of the brashly worded “f**k you” is affixed. Valued at $200,000 and encompassing 126 carats, Megan’s fans have embraced the crystallized catchphrase as a welcome addition to her signature looks.


The ostentatious ring set not only signifies Megan’s unceasing confidence, but is also an emblem of her triumphs against adversity. In defiance of the public’s lack of sympathy for her suffering from gunshot wounds allegedly inflicted upon her by singer Tory Lanez, she debuted her rings on Instagram with the caption “Dear haters” alongside middle finger emojis. The “f**k you” rings then made a reappearance at the American Music Awards, where “WAP,” Megan’s provocative duet with Cardi B, was deemed “Favorite Rap/Hip Hop Song.”

The reemergence of the rings was received with overwhelming praise on social media, solidifying them as integral to the rapper’s wardrobe. While Megan admitted to being surprised by people encouraging her to wear such profane jewelry regularly, she will nonetheless gladly indulge in her popular fashion statement.

Photo Credits: Blavity, Page Six

Report: Nia Hunt

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Access by NKC Access by NKC

7 Most Popular Nose Piercing Styles

If you're wondering how many varieties of nose piercings there are, here are seven major kinds of nose piercings, with some jewelry types that suit them.

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Nose piercing has a rich history and dates back hundreds of years to different civilizations. With their intriguing aesthetics and varying roots, nose piercings require a tolerance for pain, dedication, and they have more significance than meets the eye.

If you're wondering how many varieties of nose piercings there are, here are seven major kinds of nose piercings, with some jewelry types that suit them.

High Nostril

The high nostril is a nostril piercing variation and exactly as the name implies. It's a more unique and great way to layer or combine nose piercings for more striking effects. The position of the piercing limits the jewelry selection. While high nostril piercing isn't well suited for hoops and rings, it's perfect for L-shaped pins, nostril screws, and studs.


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Nostril piercing is the most common and traditional nose piercing. Mostly situated above your crease where the nostril curves away from the cheek (although the position varies in individuals, depending on aesthetic appeal, nose structure, and nerve structure), nose piercing can be on either side of your nose.

Of all nose piercings, nostril piercing allows the widest variety of jewelry, as you will see at Wholesale Sparkle, and is the simplest. Due to its easily accessible location, nostril piercing allows you to insert nose rings, captive ball rings, L-shaped rings, nostril screws, or your favorite gold nose stud.


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Septum piercing is kind of the VIP nose piercings, especially in the fashion world.

It's versatile, can be gauged, and can even be flipped out of view with ease (using a horseshoe). You can adorn septum piercings with captive bead rings, circular, and for dedicated people, gauges.

Vertical Tip

This nose piercing gives a rhino appearance. As the name implies, the vertical tip piercing runs vertically, from a point above the nose tip to just under the nose tip. The only recognized jewelry for this kind of piercing is a curved barbell due to the nose structure.


Bridge piercings are technically categorized as surface piercings as they don't puncture your bone or cartilage. They also have higher chances of migration, a process that involves pushing a piercing closer to your skin's surface and healing it away.

You can adorn bridge piercings with beautiful jewelry, such as circular barbells and curved barbells. Straight barbells will increase the susceptibility of migration.


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Nasallang piercings are pretty intense internally. It looks similar to two uniformly placed nose piercings. However, the nasallang piercing is tri-nasal, penetrating low on the two nostrils. In most cases, it's done at once with a needle. A straight barbell is the most suited jewelry for nasallang piercings.


Septril is a combination between half a vertical Tip and a gauged septum. While it appears to be delicate externally, the process requires years of commitment to achieve internally. Gauging a septum is time-intensive and can be very painful, depending on the structure and position of your septal cartilage.

 Feeling inspired? The nose piercing realm is clearly an interesting one. Imagine all the possible combinations when you begin to layer, Double, or triple the listed piercings. It's probably the reason why nose piercings are gradually becoming a global thing.


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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

4 Common Reasons You Keep Experiencing Mood Swings

Let's begin by making one thing perfectly clear; 'mood swings' refers to slight shifts and changes in your mood. One moment you're happy and energized, then you're feeling lethargic and sad. That's the type of thing this post will look at, not anything to do with severe personality disorders, etc.


Let's begin by making one thing perfectly clear; 'mood swings' refers to slight shifts and changes in your mood. One moment you're happy and energized, then you're feeling lethargic and sad. That's the type of thing this post will look at, not anything to do with severe personality disorders, etc. 

No, it's all about little shifts in your mood that might worry or annoy you. Why do they keep happening?

Hormonal imbalances

An imbalance in hormones can easily trigger mood swings. After all, hormones are basically the messengers in our body that tell us to feel certain ways. When we feel happy, it's because a certain hormone has been released. Many men and women have sex hormone imbalances, which can cause mood swings. Or, more commonly, a condition known as hypothyroidism. This is where the thyroid doesn't produce the right hormones, throwing your mood out of whack. 

Reactions to contraception

For women, your mood swings can be brought around by a reaction to contraception. Many girls that take the pill will experience mood swings within the first few months. They might go away, but a lot of people say that their mood swings are crazy while on it. Therefore, it might be worth visiting a clinic like Marie Stopes, where you can discuss other contraceptive options. Once you're off the pill, you may see an immediate change in your mood swings. If you do, then you know what caused them!


Yes, you may suffer from PMS in the weeks leading up to your period. Mood swings are a very common symptom of this condition, along with chronic fatigue, bloating, and a change in appetite. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about this - other than realizing it's happening. Ironically, that can be enough to make it easier to deal with. Mood swings are much worse when you're clueless as to why you feel a certain way. 

Post-workout blues

The post-workout blues (also known as the post-workout comedown) relate to exhaustion and fatigue feelings after exercising. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a normal reaction to working out. Most people will actually feel more active after exercising because you activate the sympathetic nervous system. This is the part of your CNS that makes you feel alert and energised. If you feel quite lethargic and down after exercising, it's probably because you're activating the parasympathetic system instead. This will make you feel more relaxed and mellowed out, which can be a massive shift from how you felt during your workout. 

If this is the case, you should incorporate more fast and energetic movements towards the end of your workouts. This triggers your sympathetic nervous system, meaning you leave the gym feeling happy and alert. 

Which one of these reasons is causing your mood swings? The best way to find out is to test each theory. Think about when you experience mood swings - is it before your period or after working out? Have they only just started since you've been on the pill? If you get no answers from these questions, it could be a hormonal imbalance, which will require a visit to your doctor. Anyway, I hope this article has given you things to think about and helped you figure out the cause of your mood shifts.

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Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC Lifestyle, Wellness Access by NKC

3 Signs You Aren't Taking Care Of Yourself

It is no secret that it has been a challenging year. With so many different things to think about - from losing out on work to ensuring you can pay the bills, you've likely put self-care on the back burner. Unfortunately, this happens all too often, even without the extra stress that 2020 has brought along.

It is no secret that it has been a challenging year. With so many different things to think about - from losing out on work to ensuring you can pay the bills, you've likely put self-care on the back burner. Unfortunately, this happens all too often, even without the extra stress that 2020 has brought along. 

As a result, you must develop healthy habits to take care of yourself. Remember, if you don't look after yourself - you can't look after others.

With that in mind, here are three signs you aren't taking care of yourself.


You're always tired

It's okay to feel tired from time to time, especially if you're reaching the end of a long week. However, if you are exhausted continuously - it is a clear sign that you aren't taking care of yourself properly. When you are tired, you are less productive, irritable and can even make yourself sick. Therefore, you must begin to prioritize rest and relaxation over being always on the go.

Here are some things you can do to combat fatigue. 

  • Go to bed earlier.

  • Turn off your phone an hour before you sleep, giving you time to wind down. 

  • Avoid caffeine in the evenings, helping you drift into sleep.

  • Don't overexert yourself. 

  • Consult with a doctor to find out if you have an iron deficiency

  • Meditate 

  • Take part in some light exercise that can improve your energy levels


You're often sick

Getting sick is often unavoidable - and we all have a terrible cold now and then. However, if you find that you are always sick - be that coughing or sneezing - you need to try and find ways to boost your immune system and better protect yourself from illness. Here's how!

  • Get enough rest, as this can weaken your immune system.

  • Exercise regularly, at least three times a week.

  • Prioritise self-care, don't let stress consume you

  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet  healthy, balanced diet that can boost your immunity 

  • Cut down on unhealthy snacks and alcohol 

  • Take vitamin supplements when necessary


You don't seek help when you need it. 

Many of us chose to avoid our problem for as long as possible. Say you have fallen over at work and hurt your wrist. You may shrug off the initial pain and hope for it to go away over time, ignoring the fact that you could have sustained a severe injury. This avoidance is a clear sign that you aren't taking good care of yourself, and you should always ensure you seek help or additional treatment after an injury such as this. Then, if you want to make a claim, you can get in touch with professional injury lawyers, such as Prince Law Firm, who can use the medical evidence and records to support your claim. 

Though many of us are quick to ignore physical injuries, emotional pain is disregarded even quicker. However, if you are bottling up feelings of anxiety, depression or stress, they will only build up over time. You cannot merely box them away and forget about them - they'll find a way out. Therefore, you must reach out when you need help - whether you talk to a friend or a professional - it will make a huge difference.

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Keyonna Butler Keyonna Butler

Holiday 2020 Lookbook - What to Wear this Holiday Season

The holiday season may look a little different this year. Instead of grand parties and dinners, we have to do smaller gatherings with a limited amount of people. We might not be able to go big for our events but we can definitely go big with what we wear.

The holiday season may look a little different this year. Instead of grand parties and dinners, we have to do smaller gatherings with a limited amount of people. We might not be able to go big for our events but we can definitely go big with what we wear.

Even if you are just visiting your aunt’s house for her famous mac and cheese, who says you still can’t show up in style. Whether you are going for cute and comfy or something totally glamorous, these designers will have you laced up looking absolutely your best (did I mention they were all black owned businesses?!). 


If you’re going for the cute and comfy vibe this holiday season, why not shop Lovello Elizabeth? This leisure wear brand is perfect for those days of hanging with your family during game night or hanging with friends for Friendsgiving. This is a unisex brand so anyone can look stylish in their hoodies, shorts, hats and sweats that come in a variety of colors. Plus, the price point is affordable enough to grab something yourself and even a loved one too. 


If you’re looking for something that is a little more luxurious I have just the brand in mind. Nuova by AVNU is an amazing collection by designer Nareasha Willis who is the creative mind behind “Ghetto Until Proven Fashionable” apparel that took storm in 2018 and 2019. She is now back with a sleek and sophisticated collection of blazers, button ups and even a sexy tracksuit to give leisure and fashion all at the same time.  This collection would be great for Christmas festivities no matter how small the occasion may be. 


Damari Savile is the perfect boutique to shop for both men and women. This unisex custome suting boutique is located in Washington Spuare Park in Philadelphia and was founded by NFL player Malcolm Jenkins. Not only do they have fabulous suiting for both men and women but they also offer services such as personal styling and tailoring. 


Another pick for the fellas is Xavi Row Bespoke, a bespoke boutique that creates the custom experience by creating a suit for you by scratch. Not only can you don their stunning suits but they also offer footwear, outerwear and accessories for any special occasion. 


Lastly, if you’re looking to stand out this holiday season, RM67 Raw Morie is the perfect brand to do so with. Book your consultation to get the perfect outfit for NYE (yes you should totally think ahead for this!!). This brand creates beautiful gowns and dresses for any occasion. If you want something a little more simple to lounge in, they also have cute sweatshirts, sweatpants and t-shirts too. 

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Wellness, Lifestyle Access by NKC Wellness, Lifestyle Access by NKC

The Introduction To Holistic Healing You've Been Looking For

What are your thoughts on holistic medicine? If you’re looking to live a little more natural, and seek to take an all round view on dealing with any illnesses or injuries, it’s certainly going to be an interesting concept for you

What are your thoughts on holistic medicine? If you’re looking to live a little more natural, and seek to take an all round view on dealing with any illnesses or injuries, it’s certainly going to be an interesting concept for you. But maybe you’ve been left a little confused on the details, because there’s so much information out there and you’re just not sure where to start. 

Maybe you’ve been considering using holistic healing because you’ve been turned away by traditional medicine. Maybe you’ve been curious about holistic healing because of your low moods or self esteem. No matter what brought you to consult a guide like this, here’s what you need to know to get started on your holistic healing journey.

Holistic Healing

How Holistic Healing Works

By its very name, holistic healing takes a person and considers them as a whole, in order to improve their health and treat any ailments they have. It’s all about balance, and trying to achieve this in life, in order to keep a person healthy in the long term. Via this method, an optimal form of health can be reached. 

Holistically, the body is a system, and it all works in tandem. Because of this, if one part of the body isn’t working properly, the whole system is going to go down too. Let’s say you have some negative thoughts that inform your behavior - this could affect your health in a variety of areas simply because one link in the chain has gotten weaker. 

In all, holistic healing believes every single person out there has the power to heal themselves. However, if help is needed, people can be there, and focusing on the root cause of a condition is always going to be better than simply addressing and swiping away the symptoms. 

The Types of Treatments

There are many types of treatments in the world of holistic healing; they can be both alternative and traditional in the way they’re administered and how they work. Indeed, most of the healing powers of holistic treatment have been around for thousands of years, and as a result, have been thoroughly tried and tested. Let’s go through a couple of the main examples: 

Functional Medicine takes a scientific approach to the world of holistic healing. If someone has sought treatment via typical doctors and had no success, using Functional Medicine could be a great next step. Taking biological results, and the patient’s history, a diagnosis is attempted by considering the person’s root issues and what they may lead to. Of course, this is very simplistic, but you can do more in depth research here

Then, you also have Crystal Healing, which a lot of people swear by. Depending on the kind of crystals you want to invest in, you’re going to bring home different energetic properties that can be used to promote a similar kind of energy in your own life. 

But before you can use them, you have to program your chosen crystals first of all, in order to infuse them with the kind of healing energy you need. Then place them around your house. Indeed, even EMF shielding stones and crystals exist out there - using these to soak up the negative waves in your house that could otherwise cause damage is a very viable solution to modern problems often caused by the tech we keep in our homes. 

What You Should Do Next

So, now you know what holistic healing is at its basic level, what do you do next? If you’re interested in how holistic healing might actually help you, it’s key to seek help from a licensed practitioner. All kinds of holistic practitioners, otherwise known as ‘therapists’ can work in a variety of areas, so it doesn’t matter what your issue may be. You have a lot of options to reach out to here. 

Of course, if you do a bit more research, and you’re confident in your skills, there are some treatments you can administer yourself, such as the crystal healing mentioned above, or even a bit of acupuncture. Maybe pay a visit to a holistic therapist first, or take a course in order to learn the basic ropes, and see how you like the world of holistic healing. After all, you’re here to take healing powers into your own hands. 

Holistic healing is something a lot of people don’t understand. But if you’re curious about this world of alternative healing, this is a very good place to start. 

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

3 Changes You Can Make To Your Home Before 2021

2021 is fast approaching. As a result, the world seems to be breathing a collective sigh of relief as we can finally say goodbye to 2020 and start anew. Here’s a few changes you can make to your home.

2021 is fast approaching. As a result, the world seems to be breathing a collective sigh of relief as we can finally say goodbye to 2020 and start anew. However, you don't have to wait until January to start making changes - in fact, it's often better to get a head start on them. This is particularly true when it comes to making changes in your home. Here are three things you can do THIS MONTH that will have a significant change on not only your home but how you feel!


A deep clean

When we are busy, we often settle for 'light' home cleaning - this means we wash our dishes and brush the floors, but we often don't set aside the time to do a full clean. However, you'd be surprised about how different your home will look once you commit to one. Here are some things you should do: 

  • Brush and sweep floors

  • Organize your cupboards - throw away what you don't use

  • Remove clutter from surfaces

  • Reorganize your belongings 

  • Clean windows (interior and exterior)

  • Clean skirting boards

  • Clean your bathroom until it shines

  • Put curtains in the washing machine 

  • Clean your attic/basement

When you are doing a deep clean, you will also be able to check your home for any signs of damage, giving you insight onto any renovations you may need to do in the future. If you are planning any major renovations - ensure you know everything there is to know before your home. 

For example, if built before the 1980s, your pipes may be lined with asbestos - and you must proceed with caution. Asbestos exposure can lead to extreme sickness - and it is crucial you take care of yourself and those around you. If you get sick as a result of asbestos, ensure you contact mesothelioma attorneys who can help you receive compensation. 


Stick on wallpaper

You've probably spent more time in your home this year than ever before. As a result, you've likely got fed up with looking at the same four walls over and over again. Introduce some change into your home with vibrant, stick on wallpaper. As it can easily be peeled on and off, you aren't committing to a long term change - and can even choose seasonal patterns. There is a wide range of fantastic patterns on offer - not only can they add a splash of color to an otherwise dull room, but they also make an excellent background for selfies!

You can also use wallpaper to line your wardrobes and bookshelves for a sophisticated and unique finish.


Change your lighting 

Lighting can really change the way a room looks; therefore, getting some new lights can make a real difference to your home. If you want to maximize your space, opt for bright, white lighting that mimics natural light - this will make it look as though a room is bigger than it is. However, if you want a room to feel warm and cosy, opt for lights that are more golden in color.

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Editor's Picks Keyonna Butler Editor's Picks Keyonna Butler

Holiday 2020 Gift Guide

The most wonderful time of the year is right around the corner and now is the time to find the best gifts for your family and friends. Even though we have been through a wild ride of a year, we shouldn’t let that stop us from celebrating the holidays and treating your loved ones (or yourself) to some amazing gifts. Check out some of our favorite brands to shop this holiday season!

The most wonderful time of the year is right around the corner and now is the time to find the best gifts for your family and friends. Even though we have been through a wild ride of a year, we shouldn’t let that stop us from celebrating the holidays and treating your loved ones (or yourself) to some amazing gifts. Check out some of our favorite brands to shop this holiday season!

Brand: SBShades/ Stevie Boi 

What do they sell?: Luxury eyewear and accessories

Price range: $60 - $600

Known for: Designed eyewear for celebrities such as Madonna, Beyonce and Kesha


Brand: Lovello Elizabeth

What do they sell?: Unisex leisurewear

Price range: $34 - $140

Known for: Featured in Essence Magazine & FashionBomb Daily


Brand: Yowie

What do they sell?: Small curated collection of home and lifestyle gifts. 

Price range: $2 - $230

Known for: Yowie has been featured in Teen Vogue, House Beautiful and Philadelphia Magazine


Brand: Common Ground

What do they sell?: Footwear, streetwear and vintage

Price range: Prices varies depending on item

Known for: Been featured on Philadelphia Magazine for “Best of Philly”


Brand: Black Soul Vintage

What do they sell?: Vintage books, artwork and collectibles from black history

Price range: Prices varies depending on item

Known for: Been featured on


Brand: Flourishing Beauty and Wellness

What do they sell?: Beauty, skincare and wellness products

Price range: $13- $32

Known for: Been featured on Visit Philadelphia 


Brand: Haus of Khendar

What do they sell?: fashion apparel and accessories

Price range: $25 - $200 (custom handmade pieces rates vary depending on project)

Known for: Featured in Paper Magazine and LadyGunn Magazine. Worn by Kelly Rowland, Azealia Banks and Melli.


Brand: Stylaga

What do they sell?: Crystal bluetooth earrings

Price range: $60 -$160

Known for: Seen on Amazon and Walmart 


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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

A Present for Yourself: 6 Tips to Get Healthier and Stronger This Winter

It can be challenging to keep up with your fitness and health goals throughout the year, but it all becomes even more complicated during the winter months.


It can be challenging to keep up with your fitness and health goals throughout the year, but it all becomes even more complicated during the winter months. As the holiday season approaches, it is only normal to feel sluggish and dream of afternoons spent cuddles up on the sofa. 

However, if there is something that this year has taught us is that looking after our health is crucial. Indeed, whether you are dreaming of getting your small business off the ground or meeting your career goals, it all starts from looking after yourself. Start from the tips below. 

Incorporate Some Kind of Resistance Training

Resistance training might not be loved by everybody in the same way, but it is crucial to look after the health of our bones and joints. Indeed, after the age of 30, we all lose just under 10% of our muscle mass every ten years. 

Resistance training is the only activity that can help you keep your muscles developed, flexible, and healthy. In turn, such a powerful system can offer the right support for your bone and skeletal structure. These muscles can reduce the incidence of injuries and medical conditions. 

Don’t Forget to Stretch After Your Workouts.

Stretching should always be an important aspect of any of your workouts. Whether you prefer to run, joining a yoga class, or pick up weights at the gym, don’t forget to spend a considerable section of your time stretching. 

During this part of the workout, you can truly focus on the importance of ensuring that your muscles are long, elastic, and strong. While stretching is not one of the aspects we consider the most during our training, it is an essential one to keep in mind if you wish to live a truly healthy lifestyle for longer. 

Use Yoga to Improve Your Balance and Flexibility

Not all types of gym training and exercises are equally suitable for everybody. So, finding the right type for your personal preferences and fitness goals is crucial. While running and lifting weights are undoubtedly excellent ways to keep fit, they might not represent the best idea of training for everybody. 

So, you might decide to try different but just as helpful disciplines. For example, yoga, pilates, and calisthenics can help you focus on flexibility, balance, and stability while improving your strength.

Additionally, these types of mindful practices allow you to get a deeper understanding and awareness of how your body works; this can be extremely useful if you are trying to stimulate smaller muscles or strengthen certain aspects. 

Be Mindful About Your Nutrition

Your nutrition and lifestyle have an incredible impact on your wellbeing and muscle mass. Therefore, if you are trying to meet your fitness goals, it is also crucial to pay special attention to what ends up on your plate. 

While filling your plate with fresh fruits and vegetables is relatively easy in summer, during the winter months, it can represent a significant challenge. Indeed, it is easy to give in and opt for ready-made comfort foods and recipes. 

Comfort foods are part of the holiday tradition, and saying no to them all together can be impossible. However, instead of opting for overly restrictive choices, ensure that they only make up a small percentage of the food you eat. 

The rest of your diet should be made of natural, not processed, seasonal, and fresh produce. These ingredients will help you consume all the nutrients needed to look after your health in the best way. 

Embrace a Lifestyle Change

Sometimes, a change in your lifestyle and habits is all you need to start feeling healthier and stronger. Indeed, many of the issues we all deal with today are related to how we live our daily lives. For example, a sedentary lifestyle is at the core of endless health conditions, including stress, depression, and obesity.

Instead, introducing small changes in your lifestyle might just be everything you need. For example, you might consider swapping your current desk for a standing desk. Standing desks allow you to stand up during the majority of the day, improving your posture, creativity, and morale. You might also think about asking about top widex hearing aids if you are finding that you are struggling to follow conversations or are having to turn the TV up more often. It’s better to get the help you need than struggle.

Speak To A Professional

Sometimes, you might just need to find the right guidance that can help you navigate the path ahead. Indeed, a change of habits and lifestyle does not always come easy, and it will require you to be consistent and work with persistence. 

Looking after your health, exercising on a regular basis, and paying special attention to the ingredients in your plates might be challenging to adapt to. However, the results that will follow will be the best motivation to keep going. 

In some cases, you might need professional guidance to help you identify the recovery path more suitable to your needs. Clinics such as the Southwest Scoliosis Institute are there to support you on this journey.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Business Guide To Vacuums

If you have taken a quick look on the Internet, you will no doubt have noticed that there are many different UHV vacuum gauges to choose from.


An ultra-high vacuum gauge is an extremely important component for any vacuum, as it will measure the pressure of the vacuum chamber. However, if you have taken a quick look on the Internet, you will no doubt have noticed that there are many different UHV vacuum gauges to choose from. This can make it very difficult if you are making this type of purchase for the first time. What are the differences between each gauge? How do you decide which one is right for your vacuum? Don’t worry, as we have all of the answers you require below.

The Different UHV Gauges Available 

Over the past 100 years or so, we have seen the development of a number of new high vacuum gauges . However, it has not always been this way. In fact, for roughly 350 years, starting from 1644, the Torricelli tube was the only instrument that had the ability to measure the pressure of a vacuum. This early barometer was based on an air column’s gravitational force counterbalanced against a pressure divergence in two volumes, separated by liquid mercury. 

Today, we have a number of different options to choose from when businesses are looking for an ultra-high vacuum gauge. The McLeod gauge was long one of the most popular and accurate, yet it is no longer available on the commercial market because of the hazard presented by mercury. Aside from this, there are piston gauges, mechanical gauges, and direct gauges with electrical output. You then have indirect measuring vacuum gauges, which include the likes of thermal conductivity gauges, spinning rotor gauges, and ionisation gauges, which are ideal for fine vacuums. 

In the past, there have also been a number of optical methods used, although these attempts did not have any lasting impact. Today, two of the most popular gauges are undoubtedly the Pirani gauge and the ion gauge. As mentioned, the latter is particularly beneficial in ultra-high vacuum chambers. And, for those who are unaware, the Pirani gauge is a form of thermal conductivity gauge, which operates via the detection of the cooling impact of residual gas molecules on a heated filament. You can also delve deeper into the other components, for example, you can use a rotary sliding vane compressor as a compressor or vacuum pump, and you have gauge controllers and feed-throughs too. 

What To Consider When Choosing A High Vacuum Gauge

Now you know about the different options you have at your disposal when selecting a high vacuum gauge, so we are going to take a look at how you can narrow down your search to choose the best one. The first thing you need to consider is the type of pressure range you are looking for. Most people may say ‘the entire range’, but this will be extremely expensive, and so you should really think about the process that is being measured and what you are actually going to need. For example, a cold cathode Pirani combination may be ideal if the process is not a dirty one. Atmosphere plays a considerable role. You must also consider what accuracy level is vital to you, with a percentage typically being used to express absolute vacuum sensory accuracy. If you need to control and regulate, as well as measuring the pressure, this will mean you need a gauge with more capability than a standard measurement component. Aside from this, consider what kind of power you need and what form factor you are looking for. It is also important to make sure you purchase your gauge and air compressor from a reputable manufacturer, and never simply choose the cheapest you can find.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Take Good Care of Your Health This Winter

As Wintertime draws near, it’s important to think about how you’re going to protect your health this season. If you’ve ever noticed that you seem to get more colds in Winter or you’re more at risk from the flu, you’re not alone.


As Wintertime draws near, it’s important to think about how you’re going to protect your health this season. If you’ve ever noticed that you seem to get more colds in Winter or you’re more at risk from the flu, you’re not alone. Of course, the added worry of COVID-19 means that people are even more motivated to protect their health this Winter. With this in mind, take a look at these top tips for taking good care of yourself and protecting your health this season:

Boost Your Immune System

A good immune system will help you to fight off bugs and viruses, so you should, in theory anyway, get sick less often when your immunity is high. What’s more – when your immune system is functioning well, any illnesses you do experience should be less severe and pass more quickly.

Luckily, you can boost your immune system simply by eating the right foods. Garlic, red bell peppers, ginger, citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, green tea, and live yogurt at all great immunity-boosting foods, so try to incorporate them into your diet if you want to optimize your health this Winter.

Check Your Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that our bodies need to keep bones, muscles, and teeth healthy. However, we get the majority of our vitamin D from the sun, which means it’s easy to become deficient in wintertime when there are fewer hours of sunlight.

You can supplement your vitamin D levels with supplements but it’s important to ensure you’re not taking too much. A quick blood test can tell you what your current levels are, which makes it easier to determine how many supplements you need to take. If getting to your doctor’s office is a hassle, why not learn more about at-home blood draw services? With experienced phlebotomists, fast processing times, and accurate results, this can be the most convenient way to have any type of blood test.


Spend Time Outdoors

When it’s cold, wet, and windy, going outside may not seem like a great idea to most people reading this. In fact, many people assume that spending time outdoors in bad weather can actually increase your chances of getting sick. Providing you wear the right clothing, however, spending time outdoors during Winter can be beneficial for your health.

Although illnesses can spread more easily during Winter, this is often because we spend more time indoors with other people, where it’s easier for illnesses to be passed from one person to another. By spending more time outdoors, you can continue to be active every day, enjoy nature, and breathe in the fresh air.

Use a Light Box

If you notice you feel a little low during wintertime, it could be down to the reduced natural light you’re exposed to. Known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, symptoms can range from low mood or heightened anxiety to feelings of despair and a lack of interest in day-to-day activities.

It’s believed that natural light helps to increase serotonin levels, so, when we’re exposed to less light in the Winter, our serotonin levels drop which has an impact on our emotional well-being. Fortunately, you can rectify this using a SAD lamp or lightbox. These use at least 10,000 lux of light to mimic natural sunlight, which can help to eradicate the symptoms you’re experiencing. Most people use them for around 20-60 minutes a day, although individual needs do vary.

Protect Your Skin

The colder temperatures and increased moisture in the air can cause your skin to dry out, which means it’s important to maintain a regular skincare routine. Switching from a light moisturizing lotion to a heavier cream may also be a good idea.

Your face and hands may be most prone to dry or dehydrated skin in the Winter, as these areas are most exposed to the elements. By wearing gloves and moisturizing your skin frequently throughout the day, you can keep it soft and supple, regardless of how bad the weather is.

Ventilate Indoor Space

Germs can spread more easily in the Winter because we spend more time indoors. If indoor space isn’t properly ventilated, it’s easier for one person to inadvertently transmit an illness to someone else. In highly populated areas, like offices or schools, it’s not surprising that germs can spread so easily when indoor spaces aren’t properly ventilated.

Although keeping a window open on a cold day may not seem like a great idea, it can be an effective way to increase ventilation and reduce the risk of getting sick. In addition to this, you may want to use an air purifier to help keep indoor spaces, such as your office, well-ventilated. A dehumidifier can also be a good idea, as this will help to extract excess moisture from the air, which can help to reduce allergy symptoms.

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