Age of Aquarius: What's to Come in 2021
Photo Credit | Elle
2020 has been a chaotic year. From the outbreak of COVID-19 to seeing one of the biggest civil rights movements happening with Black Lives Matter due to the deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Walter Wallace Jr. and countless other innocent black lives, we have all been through alot. With so much darkness in the world right now it may be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. One may not be able to see that this year of turbulence was a way to birth a new era for us. With change comes disruption of the old to make space for the new.
On December 21, the Age of the Aquarius will come into play and set a new way of life that has been so different then what we have been living for so long. According to Bustle, the “great conjunction” will take place which will be Jupiter and Saturn aligning with the sign of Aquarius which has not happened in nearly 400 years. Many astrologers believe this will be the beginning of a new age. Aquarius being an air sign represents what is to come in the year of 2021. Air signs represent intellect and new ideas. It's all about the innovation of thought, technology and our everyday lives. The revolution of mankind and how we come together as a tribe will be an importance. It will no longer be the ways of one for all but rather all for one. The focus will be collective, well-being and growth, growth of community and growth of self.
Photo Credit | Midnight & Indigo
So, with the age of a new era coming to us this month, here are some ways to incorporate this for your own life. Be progressive in your thinking, think outside of the box and you may come up with some amazing ideas for yourself or even your business. Start building your tribe and community that you want to make long lasting bonds with. Not just be for self but for the world around you. Move away from over consumption and materialism just to be a part of the pack. If it's not a need, think about being more conscious in the things you purchase or consume. Lastly, don’t be afraid of the change. It may be uncomfortable but it will all be for the best and soon we will all see the light at the end of the tunnel.