Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Why Clean Energy Companies Need to Think About Their Image

The world is changing, and it is heading in the right direction. With climate change at the forefront of a lot of people’s anxieties about the world, a lot of countries are switching to renewable, clean energy.

The world is changing, and it is heading in the right direction. With climate change at the forefront of a lot of people’s anxieties about the world, a lot of countries are switching to renewable, clean energy. As a result of this, a lot of clean energy companies are going to start sprouting up to take the charge of helping the planet. When these companies start sprouting, they need to think about their image and their branding, and here is why. 

Clean Energy Costs Money

Many people won’t go for clean energy if they think it is too expensive. This is an opportunity for clean energy companies to market themselves as being the kind of energy for all people and not just the wealthy. A lot of people won’t buy or use electric cars because the price tag is simply too high.

Solar panels are also an expense and people simply can’t work it into their budgets, however, the long term amount of money that will be saved is monumental. It might serve clean energy companies better to point this out to individuals and then offer affordable payment plans. Be a power company that is for the people and you will gain more customers. 

Keep Your Staff On the Same Page and Efficient

There is going to be a growing need for clean energy and people are not going to want to wait. Be the energy company that is fully staffed and always has someone available to do the job. People want to save the planet as soon as possible.

Coming up with a workforce scheduling solution is your first step in ensuring that you have the manpower you need. Using technology to keep track of employees’ schedules lets you know that you may need to hire more workers. When people make appointments, you will already know who is available and how long a customer will have to wait. You can use the technology to carefully plan out how often you can assist a customer and you can give that customer an honest time quote. 

People Want to Know the Facts

If people are going to be paying a good deal of money to switch to clean, renewable energy, they are going to want to know where their money is going. It may be in your best interest to have already printed and prepared pamphlets and brochures with all the most commonly asked questions that customers are going to ask. 

When customers feel they are being told the truth and the company has nothing to hide, they are going to be more likely to use your services over and over again, and they are going to refer your business to others. This is a great win for you because your honesty will bring in more money. 

Clean energy is the future, and it will have a positive impact on the world. Energy companies have technology to do good for the world. With the right image, they will be super successful. 

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

How Waste Affects Our Lives

How much waste do you throw out day by day? It’s probably quite a lot, isn’t it? Especially if you’ve got more than one or two people living with you!

How much waste do you throw out day by day? It’s probably quite a lot, isn’t it? Especially if you’ve got more than one or two people living with you! And it’s because of this seemingly unstoppable tide of waste that we’ve all started to think a lot more about the climate around us. 

More and more people are looking to live a zero waste lifestyle, simply because of how much damage household waste can do to both ourselves and the environment around us. And because of this fact, it’s a good idea to delve a little more into the details; why is waste such a dangerous concept? And if left unchecked, how would it change our lives? 


Contaminates Our Air

Some waste we chuck out puts gases and all other kinds of particles into the air. Even just leaving the trash for longer than a day causes it to smell worse than anything else in the house, so just imagine what’s really whirling around your head! 

Plus, the more waste we have, the worse the local pollution is going to be - it leads to mismanagement, and if you’ve got a lot of other responsibilities on your plate, you’re probably going to forget to take that bag of junk out to be taken away. 

So, there could be some toxic substances lingering in the air; rotting food, for example, can release a lot of methane, which is one of the worst greenhouse gases currently affecting our climate. 

Contaminates Our Water

Water pollution is rampant; runoff from fields, sewage, oil, and of course, plastic. About 12.7 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into water around the world every year, mostly into oceans, which harms both marine and ground animal life. However, taking pollution out of the water is not a lost cause, and you can easily give up plastic in your own household too. 

Indeed, many companies out there make use of an OWS System, to refine wastewater into water that can be released into sewers and other non-usable water supplies. It’s much better to put it back out there, with as few chemicals and toxic substances in it as possible, than just releasing it as is. And being able to implement such a system isn’t hard either, as more and more companies are taking up the mantle. 

Contaminates Our Soil

And finally, waste amounts lead to contamination of the earth around us as well, namely, the soil in our gardens and under our houses. Soil gets the worst of waste contamination, simply because it absorbs everything, and it’s everywhere! 

Now, maybe you find it hard to get your vegetable garden going during the spring? It could be because the soil is damaged. Dealing with contaminated soil can be done via flushing it, burning, or using bugs such as worms

So, waste affects our lives in many ways. Make sure you’re aware of how it can ruin these three essential parts of the earth around us.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

How To Dramatically Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life?

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How much better would the world be if everyone focused on reducing their carbon footprint? Don’t worry about other people, what if we all focused on ourselves and our habits and lowered our carbon footprints? You don’t have to be an environmental expert to realize the world would be in a much better place. 

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more eco-conscious life? It’s easy to believe that this is an outrageously difficult thing to do and you have to live off the grid on your own self sustaining farm. Realistically, it’s very simple, and you only need to follow a few steps:

Try to recycle as much as possible

Reusing things and recycling packaging is the easiest way to drastically lower your carbon footprint. When you buy something, check to see if the packaging can be recycled once you’ve used the product. You’ll be amazed at how many things can actually be recycled these days. Not only that, but there’s almost always a recyclable alternative to something that can’t be recycled. Even drums of fuel have an alternative in fuel in a box that has recyclable packaging. Minimize the amount of waste you produce, and you will minimize your negative impact on the environment. 

Use your car less

Stop using your car for every single journey you take. Walk places, get a bike and cycle, then keep your car for essential journeys. We’re talking long-distance journeys or instances where walking or cycling aren’t possible. Even if you don’t drive for one day a week, that adds up! Gradually decrease your driving time, and you lower the carbon emissions put into the atmosphere. It’s really not that hard - or you could trade in our current car for an electric one. Granted, this is a more dramatic change, but it will 100% be worth it in the long run.

Be more energy-conscious

Be honest, do you think about your energy usage? Do you ever look at your house and consider whether or not you’re wasting energy? Most of you probably don’t think about it, but you should. That’s not a criticism, it’s just a fact. We always leave appliances on or do little things that mean we use more energy than required. During the winter, if you close your windows and put on some thick clothing, you can afford to keep your heating off for longer or put it at a lower temperature. In the summer, you can open your windows wide to let fresh air in, negating the need for your air-con to be on. Make subtle changes to your energy habits - like turning lights off - and you will see an instant change. Start today, then check your energy bill next month. The difference between it and your previous bills will be staggering. 

In conclusion, reducing your carbon footprint is hardly a challenge. All you have to do is reduce waste and recycle more, cut down on your driving time, and be more energy-efficient. Three very simple changes that make you a greener person. 

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Fashion Access by NKC Fashion Access by NKC

Converse Gets Eco Friendly

Converse takes a more environment friendly approach via applying more resourceful manufacturing strategies.

If you're trying to find ways to live a more eco friendly life, looking at what you're wearing is a great place to start. Converse is making that more accessible for the public, releasing a new collection of sneakers that displays a line of faded, contrasted designs in Hi and Ox cuts, formulated by a combination of recycled cotton and recycled plastic bottles. Converse takes a more environment friendly approach via applying more resourceful manufacturing strategies. This isn’t unfamiliar to us, as they first released the Renew Tri-Panel Chuck 70 collection to the public last Spring. They decided to follow up with the collection and provide additional colors and styles for consumers to buy.

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Converse have been around for decades and we still continue to show them love, they’re durable, laid-back, super comfy, and can match essentially anything. The Chuck 70 took inspiration from Earthy tones, in colors like branded melon, noble grey, prairie sande, and mellow rose. These sneakers are unlike any, giving off a laid-back retro kind of feel, and fabfrivated by dye free yarn.

Buying these shoes will support conserving the Earth while also wearing one of your favorite shoes. Creating a line of recycled shoes is a step in the right path and other companies should follow in their footsteps. Make sure you get your hands on a pair of these sneakers, starting May 15th on

Report: Emily Andrews

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Labels, Stigmas, and Hornets in the Time of COVID-19

In the last few months, the global Asian community has been fighting a battle against the rise of racist jokes and Coronavirus related assaults. Labels, stigmatised language, and unfortunately named hornets have led to this recent normalisation of their suffering.

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Recently, American beekeepers woke up and found some of their bee colonies beheaded. The perpetrator? Asian giant hornets (also known as “murder hornets”). Originating in Asia, these large bugs have recently made their way over to America. There have been a handful of different sightings, with most of them from concerned bee farmers who worry about the safety of their hives. The hornet’s appearance has also sparked concern en masse though because of their size, sting, and foreignness.

On March 16, President Trump posted a tweet calling the Coronavirus the “Chinese Virus”. This label has been something that has haunted the global Asian community since the WHO named the Coronavirus a global pandemic. The start of 2020 has seen a drastic uptick of race-based attacks. In London, a Chinese young man was publicly assaulted because of his ethnicity and sustained multiple facial injuries. An Asian New York City college student was punched by a passerby who yelled at her about the Coronavirus. Asians can’t walk the streets without getting called slurs. The community fears that there will be an increased surge of racism and violent hate crimes with the President having officially coined the virus as “Chinese”.

The Asian giant hornet’s appearance and name have struck at an inopportune time. Despite first being spotted in 2019, the headlines about them have only surfaced within the last month. Many believe that this timing only works to fan the flames of anti-Asian racism. Sites such as twitter have seen a resurgence of old stereotypes and harmful language surrounding the “murder hornets”.

All of this points to a chilling development in the American conversational sphere– the normalisation of Asian jokes in an everyday setting. People across the country are spouting out jokes about how the continent of Asia is trying to kill Americans with diseases and bugs. They are becoming desensitised to the suffering that Asian bodies go through because of this stigmatised language. While many see it as just another joke, those in the community see it as a callousness that will serve to injure themselves, their families, and friends.

It is greatly important to remember that language has an effect on both people’s emotions and their actions. Refusing to perpetrate and actively calling out stigmatised language helps those who are being unjustly labelled so that they don’t have to fear being assaulted. At a time like this, it is vital to be open-minded, understanding, and kind.

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Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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