How Waste Affects Our Lives

How much waste do you throw out day by day? It’s probably quite a lot, isn’t it? Especially if you’ve got more than one or two people living with you! And it’s because of this seemingly unstoppable tide of waste that we’ve all started to think a lot more about the climate around us. 

More and more people are looking to live a zero waste lifestyle, simply because of how much damage household waste can do to both ourselves and the environment around us. And because of this fact, it’s a good idea to delve a little more into the details; why is waste such a dangerous concept? And if left unchecked, how would it change our lives? 


Contaminates Our Air

Some waste we chuck out puts gases and all other kinds of particles into the air. Even just leaving the trash for longer than a day causes it to smell worse than anything else in the house, so just imagine what’s really whirling around your head! 

Plus, the more waste we have, the worse the local pollution is going to be - it leads to mismanagement, and if you’ve got a lot of other responsibilities on your plate, you’re probably going to forget to take that bag of junk out to be taken away. 

So, there could be some toxic substances lingering in the air; rotting food, for example, can release a lot of methane, which is one of the worst greenhouse gases currently affecting our climate. 

Contaminates Our Water

Water pollution is rampant; runoff from fields, sewage, oil, and of course, plastic. About 12.7 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into water around the world every year, mostly into oceans, which harms both marine and ground animal life. However, taking pollution out of the water is not a lost cause, and you can easily give up plastic in your own household too. 

Indeed, many companies out there make use of an OWS System, to refine wastewater into water that can be released into sewers and other non-usable water supplies. It’s much better to put it back out there, with as few chemicals and toxic substances in it as possible, than just releasing it as is. And being able to implement such a system isn’t hard either, as more and more companies are taking up the mantle. 

Contaminates Our Soil

And finally, waste amounts lead to contamination of the earth around us as well, namely, the soil in our gardens and under our houses. Soil gets the worst of waste contamination, simply because it absorbs everything, and it’s everywhere! 

Now, maybe you find it hard to get your vegetable garden going during the spring? It could be because the soil is damaged. Dealing with contaminated soil can be done via flushing it, burning, or using bugs such as worms

So, waste affects our lives in many ways. Make sure you’re aware of how it can ruin these three essential parts of the earth around us.


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