You Can Maintain a Healthy Brain


Although we can all expect to see some level of cognitive decline as we get older, it is far from inevitable that this decline will be significant, and there are lots of things we can all do to protect our brain health, and hopefully stave off diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Although there are no guarantees in life, if you do these X things, you will be doing your bit to maintain a healthy brain, which should help you fight off cognitive decline in later life.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your overall physical and mental health, so it is not surprising that it can help to maintain a healthy brain. Numerous studies show that regular exercisers are less likely to suffer cognitive decline and go on to develop Alzheimer’s than individuals who exercise rarely. This may be because exercise can increase blood flow to the brain which can help to maintain neural connections.

2. Take your oral health seriously

You might not think that how often your brush and floss has much to do with the health of your brain, but there are numerous studies to suggest that gum disease and other oral health issues are linked to cognitive decline, as well as various other health issues, like heart disease. So, if you want to maintain a healthy brain, not to mention a healthy body overall, you need to brush and floss regularly and schedule regular appointments with Parkway Dental Care & Orthodontic.


3. Get enough sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in the health of your brain. When we sleep, it is believed that our body is able to get rid of abnormal proteins located in the brain area, which can help to consolidate your memories and improve overall cognitive function. If you can get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, this process should have enough time to kick in and do its thing. If you struggle to get enough sleep, speaking to your doctor might be a good thing as they may be able to help you with techniques or medication that will enable you to give your brain the rest it needs.

4. Challenge your brain

From crosswords and sudoku puzzles to trying new hobbies each week, anything you can do to keep your bran active and give it a bit of a challenge will only help to improve your cognitive function and keep your brain sharp, which is exactly what you need to do as you get older.

5. Eat Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is one of the healthiest for your weight and your heart, but did you know it’s also great for your brain too? Its unique mix of healthy fats, fish whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables gives the brain exactly what it needs to thrive best.

As you can see, it really is easy to maintain a healthy brain!


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