How to Take the Best Care of Your Feet


Despite being one of the hardest working parts of the body, feet are often neglected. Every day, feet are subjected to a range of conditions that can harm their health, yet most people do not think about their feet until they start to see problems arising. When you develop a foot problem, this can be particularly noticeable, and you may experience discomfort. To avoid the pain and suffering of foot issues, it is wise to start taking care of your feet to get them as healthy as possible. Here are some helpful tips for taking the best care of your feet:

Get Problems Treated Early

If you spot an issue with your feet, you may be tempted to ignore it and hope it goes away on its own. Unfortunately, whatever problem you have seen may become worse, not better, if you ignore it. Ignoring a foot issue for a long time can cause you to develop further problems, which potentially may require more extensive treatment. The best solution is to see a professional podiatrist such as Thomas Podiatry & Associates. They will be able to advise on the right treatment for your needs. Once you have your diagnosis, you will know precisely what you are dealing with, and the appropriate treatment can begin.

Choose the Right Footwear

Your footwear choices play a significant role in the health of your feet. Wearing shoes that are the wrong size can create a range of issues and feel incredibly uncomfortable to wear. If you regularly squeeze your feet into narrow high heels, you may find that you develop bunions and corns over time, not to mention plenty of blisters. These foot issues can cause a lot of pain and require a trip to the podiatrist to resolve them. 

Another common issue that is created by footwear is heel pain. Heel pain, such as plantar fasciitis, affects many people. Plantar fasciitis can be particularly painful, especially when you get out of bed in the morning and attempt to walk for the first time. Plantar fasciitis can be caused by wearing shoes that offer no or little support for the arches of your feet. If you have been at home wearing slippers each day during the COVID-19 quarantine, you may discover that you have heel pain due to your foot arches being unsupported.

Maintain Your Feet

Maintaining your feet and taking great care of them is an effective way to keep them as healthy as possible. Keeping your toenails carefully trimmed should help prevent ingrown toenails from forming. Taking care to dry your feet thoroughly after getting them wet is also crucial to keeping them in their best shape. Athlete’s foot can develop if you do not dry your feet completely. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection, so it thrives on damp skin. If you develop athlete’s foot, your feet will feel itchy and uncomfortable; flaky scales will also form. Taking care of your feet and carefully drying them will help prevent athlete’s foot from forming.


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