Culture Myles Matthews Culture Myles Matthews

The Designated Targets

The repetition of our blues, and the melody of our cries has become a song we are all too familiar with.

(Via SauLopez/Instagram)

(Via SauLopez/Instagram)

This thought took a little longer than I expected to put into words. Time and time again I wanted to approach this subject matter in a perspective that was both educational and insightful. As we are trained to think on a daily basis we want our thoughts to come off as being politically correct, for the simple reason that we do not want to offend anyone in the process of expressing our feelings. I came to a conclusion that all of those standards and ideologies we are trained to believe as we navigate through this life as being black in America, more specifically a black man, need to go out the window to get my truest feelings across.

The mass majority of people outside of the black community have been vocal about how these past few weeks have been crazy, but fail to realize this is an everyday struggle for black people and that this is only a small glimpse of what it is like being a designated target. What I mean by being a designated target is something that only people who are born into this category can fully comprehend. On June 9th, 2020 I watched a  video of the New York Police union chief state, “ Our legislators abandon us. The press is vilifying us.” When I heard him say this I did not know if I felt a sense of satisfaction for a quick moment, because for once in their life they had a brief moment where they could feel what it was like to be black in America. As they pleaded for the community to understand that they are not the cops in Minneapolis, the irony of their emotions echoed the sentiments of our ancestors for hundreds of years prior. That original feeling that took over my emotions soon left as I came back to reality, and realized how I would not wish our daily trials and tribulations upon anyone.

(Photo by Todd Maisel)

(Photo by Todd Maisel)

Their press conference continued as members of their union expressed their feelings towards the events that have built up. As I listened to what they had to say I wanted to yell at the television and scream “But you have a choice, and we don’t!” At any moment in time a police officer has the ability to take off that uniform, their badge, and the target on their back will be no more. A black person does not have that luxury to walk out of their skin, or wake up and simply make the choice to say “ I don’t want to be black anymore”, it’s a forever thing. 

Television personality Emmanuel Acho sat with actor Matthew McConaughey for his segment titled “Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man” on June 9th. In this segment Emmanuel allows people to ask him anything in hopes to educate them on the black community. After their conversation Matthew McConaughey ended the segment with a quote from Langston Hughes. It went like this:


 “ O, let America be America again—

The land that never has been yet—

And yet must be—the land where every man is free.”

( Photo by Myles Matthews)

( Photo by Myles Matthews)

Ahmaud Aubery did not need to be hunted for sport in front of millions. Breonna Taylor did not need to be gunned down as she slept peacefully in the comfort of her own home. George Floyd did not need to be executed by the ones that took an oath to serve and protect us. Ending police brutality, racism, and systematic oppression should not be a debate. The fact that it is in someone’s heart to debate shows us that we are far from where our country dreams of being. The repetition of our blues, and the melody of our cries has become a song we are all too familiar with. It does not have to be this way, but it seems that the oppressors love to play this song on repeat, and we are tired of it. Now is not the time to be satisfied with the recent progress we’ve made. The protests and everyday battles behind closed doors need to continue so our children and their children can have a different tune to their life.

Report: Myles Matthews, Senior Culture and Entertainment Editor

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No Laughing Matter

Many news outlets continue to cover these events, including television journalist Christopher Cuomo who has recently taken charge of CNN to speak out about the injustice going on.

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During the recent events of the Black Lives Matter movement, protests have gone on all over the country and around the world as a means to end racial injustice black people have faced on a daily basis before and following the murder of George Floyd by police.

Many news outlets continue to cover these events, including television journalist Christopher Cuomo who has recently taken charge of CNN to speak out about the injustice going on.

Cuomo had the opportunity to interview Attorney Earl Gray who is representing Officer Thomas Lane, one of the four officers involved in Floyd’s death.

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When Gray was asked for an explanation he gave the excuse of experience on the job between the officers. Once Cuomo said how wrong the whole situation of George Floy’ds death was in order to end the interview, Attorney Earl Gray made a point to bring up a speech Christopher Cuomo’s father made 50 years ago and Cuomo explained his father would be shocked to see these events taking place today.

The attorney laughed, this understandably upset Cuomo and ended the interview. Cuomo went on to explain that the situation is no laughing matter. The actions of all four officers are unjustifiable.

It’s understandable to try to gain control of a potential threat but once that threat is contained there’s no logical, justifiable reason to use excessive force on that threat.

For Chauvin to put his full body weight with force on George Floyd’s neck with his knee for an extended period of time with multiple pleas to stop, his actions were purely intentional.

Attorney Earl Gray made a point that at a certain point the civilans that were present should’ve intervened. This statement is pointless because the history between police and black civilians shows that when a person tries to show any type of defense for themselves or another person police tactics show that they are quick to shoot and a life is lost.

For an already escalated situation with an officer’s knee with full pressure on Floy’s neck, for any one of the witnesses to take action and intervene at that moment would’ve been another arrest or struggle with police that turns into another murder.

There needs to be more accountability. Police officers need to understand that because they represent the law it is also their duty to protect others and that they are not exempt from the law.

Report: Josephine Coiscou

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Beauty, Culture Access by NKC Beauty, Culture Access by NKC

Use Sephora Points to Donate to George Floyd

There are many things you can do to fight with us, speak up for what is right and peacefully protest, educate others, make donations, and sign petitions.

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Derek Chauvin, the officer who murdered Mr. Floyd by kneeling on his neck as he begged for his life, has been charged with second degree murder. The video shows officers taking an unlawful approach that violated the protocol of Minneapolis Police Department, leaving him unable to breathe. The majority of protests over the past week have remained peaceful, with some progressing into rioting, leading to curfews being enforced in major cities.

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George was human just like you and me. His life was taken from him too quickly and we must fight not just for our country, but for him. We must not remain silent, for remaining silent is the language of the oppressor. We must have conversations even when it may be tough, and stand up for what we believe in. Our broken hearts must show us that there is still an absurd amount of change we need to make within our country. If our government won’t give us change, then we must fight for it. We out number the leaders of our country, and we must stand up for George Floyd’s life and fight for justice.

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Martin Luther King Jr. once said “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true”. There are many things you can do to fight with us, speak up for what is right and peacefully protest, educate others, make donations, and sign petitions. It’s all really that simple! One easy way you can donate is by using Sephora points. Us women rack up Sephora points fast, and you can actually use your points to make a donation. We must show them that we are one, we are all human no matter what color our skin is. They don’t want to see us smiling together as one. They don’t want to see us stand together, thus we must stand as one and change the world. It’s one love until we die!

Report: Emily Andrews

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Social Media Activism, Not Social Media Validation

Social media can be a vital tool in promoting societal change- make sure you are using it for the right reasons

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Over the past few days it has been difficult for me to put my thoughts into words. No words seem enough to express the immense anger and sadness I feel over the murder of George Floyd, and too many others, at the hands of those meant to protect us. But in order for there to be change there needs to be words. And so, I write.

This Tuesday there were over 26 million posts on Instagram for Black Out Tuesday, a campaign where one posted an all-black photo on Instagram sending the message that they would spend the day silencing their own content and promoting that of Black Lives Matter activism. The 26 million Instagram posts translated to only 12 million signatures on a petition calling for justice for George Floyd.

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While I do not wish to disregard 12 million signatures as anything small, that is less than half of the amount posted to social media. If you want to be an activist, you need to take action.

Social media is a fantastic way to use your platform to reach hundreds, thousands, millions of people. Sharing donation links, statistics, and your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences are just some of the ways to garner attention and encourage action. But if you’re using your words solely and not contributing your own action, whether that be signing a petition, providing a donation, or participating in a protest, then how is your platform really being utilized?

An activist is defined as “a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.” It’s very easy to post a black square on your Instagram and move on with your day. Doing so does not make you an activist. Seeking personal validation over your social media does not make you an activist. Using your social media to encourage and invoke your own change makes you an activist.

It’s time for all of us to do our part. Our words are powerful, but actions speak louder than words. Whether you choose to share your efforts on social media or not, your participation in efforts to reduce racism and discrimination in our society is all that matters. Signing a petition takes less than a minute, and any donation helps. Let’s be good people – not just look like good people.

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Access PR has created a gofundme to support black owned small businesses, consider donating:

Here are some more resources available for other places to donate, petitions to consider signing, and ways to get further involved:

Photo Credits: Instagram, GoFundMe, @cleowade

Report: Jordyn Kelley

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Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Resources to Support Black Bodies in America

 This is a compilation of links that people can use to donate to relief funds, black creators, and justice resources in regards to the George Floyd protests.


On May 25, George Floyd was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin. Since the incident, protests and riots have broken out in a clear and loud attempt to combat police brutality. Many arrests have been made, and the Minnesota Freedom Fund has been working hard to aid those in jail. Following the massive wave of financial support they’ve received, they’ve requested that donors shift their focus to helping other organizations and independent creators. The following is a list of donation funds, bail funds, and black owned businesses that people can support. 

Business Relief

Black Creators

Justice Resources

Further Resources, Links, and Information


This is not a complete list by any means. It is meant to be a start to the process– it is important to support as many roads as possible that aid the fight for justice. By funding those who are oppressed by the system, change becomes possible.

Report: Nicolette Schneiderman

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Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC Culture, Editor's Picks Access by NKC

Black Lives Matter

The recent murders of numerous black men have sparked protests all around the country. Black people have had ENOUGH.

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James Baldwin once said, “To be a negro in this country is really never to be looked at.” The recent murders of numerous black men have sparked protests all around the country. The leading cause is the murder of the innocent man George Floyd in which it was caught on video of a police officer kneeling on his neck for a total of 8 minutes until he died. This all took place with three other officers present. Along with George Floyd, the past few weeks have been traumatizing for the black people in America. We have lost Sean Reed, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor all in a span of one to two weeks. There might even be more that we know nothing about. Black people have had ENOUGH.

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Through this hard time, the question is why them? Is it because they are so strong, so innovative, so smart? Is it because despite anything you throw at them, they still rise to greatness? Is it because even when all odds are systematically rigged against them, they STILL find a way to prevail? Many black people feel as though the appropriation of their culture is done every day, yet their lives are unimportant to the average white police officer. The Black Lives Matter movement is a call to action.

This has happened before and if there was no video, there would barely be a case for many of these young black men. How many black men had no video? Why does there even need to be a video for the wrongfulness of these officers to be taken care of? The past few days have been historic due to the riots in Minneapolis, Washington D.C, Atlanta, and even New York City. The Black Lives Matter movement is a great cause to bring light to situations and fight for justice. Black people must be heard.

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Report: Soila M Douce

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