Use Sephora Points to Donate to George Floyd

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Derek Chauvin, the officer who murdered Mr. Floyd by kneeling on his neck as he begged for his life, has been charged with second degree murder. The video shows officers taking an unlawful approach that violated the protocol of Minneapolis Police Department, leaving him unable to breathe. The majority of protests over the past week have remained peaceful, with some progressing into rioting, leading to curfews being enforced in major cities.

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George was human just like you and me. His life was taken from him too quickly and we must fight not just for our country, but for him. We must not remain silent, for remaining silent is the language of the oppressor. We must have conversations even when it may be tough, and stand up for what we believe in. Our broken hearts must show us that there is still an absurd amount of change we need to make within our country. If our government won’t give us change, then we must fight for it. We out number the leaders of our country, and we must stand up for George Floyd’s life and fight for justice.

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Martin Luther King Jr. once said “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true”. There are many things you can do to fight with us, speak up for what is right and peacefully protest, educate others, make donations, and sign petitions. It’s all really that simple! One easy way you can donate is by using Sephora points. Us women rack up Sephora points fast, and you can actually use your points to make a donation. We must show them that we are one, we are all human no matter what color our skin is. They don’t want to see us smiling together as one. They don’t want to see us stand together, thus we must stand as one and change the world. It’s one love until we die!

Report: Emily Andrews


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