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Snack Time Charcuterie for Kids

Hello charcuterie lovers!

September is in full swing, and I am happy to share that our charcuterie of the month is here! It’s back to school time for many, so I figured I’d make a board for snack time. Because, honestly who doesn’t love snacks?

Let’s get into it!

The Breakdown:

Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Image and board by Kaitlin Gallagher0

Our stars of the show this go around include the Uncrustables, pretzels/carrots with hummus, and our Oreos. It was an absolute must to have Uncrustables featured in this board because these sandwiches are a kid’s go-to. The hummus and sides were the perfect healthy option for kid’s to have a good balance. Yes, it’s all about balance even on charcuterie boards! I included the Oreos as part of our “main stager’s” because it’s right where the eye goes when glancing at the board. I love the symmetry these little cookies offered, so I had to give some props where it was due.

Our fruits include apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. I went a little overboard with the fruits because no kid likes to eat their veggies, at least I don’t. 

Oh, and we have fruit snacks…duh!

Our crunchy sides include Cheez-It’s, chocolate bunnies, granola bites, Goldfish, and letter cookies. The ultimate snack board had to show off the most popular munchies, right?

I didn’t follow the standard 3 rule because this board was way too fun to listen to rules. So, when you make yours have fun with it too! See you in October! 

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

Images: Kaitlin Gallagher

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Charcuterie-July 4th Edition

July 4th is Around the Corner, and Your Board is Here to Please

Hello, hello! I’m baaack, but this time I have a special edition Charcuterie Board. Drumroll please…it’s time for the 4th of July Dessert Board! Um, YES it’s dessert time! Almost every dessert you can imagine has made its way on this board, and trust me, it is definitely a crowd pleaser.

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Look how pretty she is! I had so much fun with this board, but if I’m being honest, dessert boards may be a tad more stressful then your typical charcuterie. The careful placement of each dessert may get your heart to race, but it’s definitely worth it in the end. I mean, just look at her!

The Breakdown!

Let’s start from the top left and work our way down to the bottom right.

First Up: Smores Dip

What’s 4th of July without smores? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know! This classic had to be a part of our “America Board”. With just two ingredients, Hershey’s chocolate and mini marshmallows, you can make any party guest smile. I threw it in the oven at 350 F and let it turn golden brown. That’s it!

Next In Line: Chocolate Pretzels, Brownies, Oreos, & Rice Krispies

Four easy desserts that turn your board into the beautiful masterpiece that it has the potential to be. You can buy them or make them yourself, whatever works for you! Remember what I said, charcuteries are all about being creative, and you can’t go wrong!

Moving Our Way to: Mini Cupcakes

When dealing with delicate food, such as a delicious vanilla cupcake, you have to know where you want to place them. The icing can easily be destroyed, and we want our boards looking their best! Splitting my board in half with the cupcakes was definitely planned out, but the rest was purely a game-time decision.

Following After: Chocolate Pretzels, Brownies, Oreos, & Rice Krispies (Again)

Symmetry can be your BEST friend while making a detailed board. Don’t know where to place something? Try mirroring the same food on the opposite side and see where it takes you. Again, you can’t do a board wrong!

Finally: Chocolate Fondue With Strawberries

Like I previously said, mirroring your foods can be super beneficial while making a board, especially a large board. I knew having two dips would make it more pleasing to the eye, so I went for it. Plus, having some sort of fruit with your dessert automatically makes it healthy, right?

An Important Tip: Fillers

There will ALWAYS be gaps while making any type of board, and to make it as full as possible, always have your fillers prepared. The fillers I used to take this board from a B to an A are: Twizzlers, Sour Belts, Dove Chocolate, Raspberries, Flag Cookies, and Miniature Flags. Being over prepared with fillers is never a bad idea, and the key is to throw them around and see what makes you happy!

And that’s it ladies and gentleman. No matter who is coming over to celebrate America’s day, there will definitely be something everyone will love to eat while serving this.

Photo Credits: Kaitlin Gallagher

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

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It’s Charcuterie Time: June Board

Our June Board Is Here, And It's Time To Grill!

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This month the charcuterie theme of choice is grilling, in honor of all those wonderful dad’s out there who think they’re ~the grill master~. Didn’t think charcuterie could be more than just a cheese board? Well, I’m happy to prove you wrong! This easy, delicious, and in my eyes, beautiful board is everything you need to make your man of choice’s day special.

A charcuterie is worth the time and effort, just looking at my masterpiece makes me happy. I’m all about self care, so treating myself to a pretty dinner and bar worthy drink is all I need in life, and I highly recommend it. Maybe, that’s why I love charcuterie so much!

Anyway, here she is! THE June Charcuterie. It may look intimidating, but trust me it’s an easy dinner. The hardest part about it is cooking the actual dinner, plating is just fun!

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The Breakdown:

You have your basics that any meat eating human will love, Chicken Skewers and Sliced Steak.

My trusty sides of choice were Roasted & Grilled Potatoes, Grilled Asparagus, Grilled Corn, and an easy Garden Salad. (As you can tell I really tried to stick to the “grill” theme!)

I even included easy appetizers too! Caprese and Bruschetta are always my favorites to work with.

And that’s it! You have your apps, mains, and sides all on one plate. It can’t get much easier than that!

The best part about charcuterie is that you can be as creative as possible. You literally can’t do it wrong, so just go for it! Even if it’s a meal for one, create an Instagram worthy dinner for yourself!

Next month I may go for a sweeter board, so stay tuned!

Photo Credits: Kaitlin Gallagher

Report: Kaitlin Gallagher

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