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Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

Take some time to tackle a few tasks as a form of preventative maintenance and stress reduction to achieve balance in your life.

There are far too many stressors thrown at you every day. They range from the minutiae in your personal life to the business of a professional persona. Ultimately, regardless of where those stressors lie, you are still one person who has to handle them all. Take some time to tackle a few tasks as a form of preventative maintenance and stress reduction to achieve balance in your life.


Prioritize Your Dental Health

If you have not had a dental visit over the past year due to the pandemic - make one now. You should schedule routine care with a trusted dentist at least annually. Most dentists will recommend you visit twice per year or quarterly, depending upon your specific dental needs. Having a healthy smile goes deeper than showing off a gleaming set of teeth. When your teeth receive frequent inspections and cleanings from a trusted professional, it will benefit your overall health by eliminating dangerous bacteria and plaque from your body.

Of course, you should do your part at home, as well. Make it a routine to brush and floss after every meal if possible. Try making the ritual more exciting by playing your favorite playlist or listening to a new podcast. Carry a travel toothpaste and toothbrush for when you are out of the house to keep your teeth and body healthy.

Find Ways To Reduce Stress

Be proactive in your personal life to reduce stressors. If you find yourself under too many obligations daily, seek out assistance. Should you have a partner or responsible family member who can assist you in care-taking, grocery shopping, or general housekeeping, do not hesitate to ask. Consider trading services with a like-minded friend or neighbor for lawn care or childcare. Sometimes, all you need are a few hours to yourself each week to accomplish tasks, take care of the finances, or relax with a good book. Ask for help when you need it and accept it when it is available. Focusing on your needs will give you a refreshing new perspective to take into the next day.

Reducing stress is imperative in the workplace, as well. If you feel overwhelmed by new technology or processes - ask for help. There is a tutorial for most work-related tasks. If a manual or guide does not exist, consider spearheading an initiative to create one. This will show your supervisors and colleagues that you have initiative and drive. Additionally, you can learn the processes in every step while you detail them for others to gain a greater understanding. 

When your workload is too great and you are unable to handle it all, speak to whomever you report to. Before going in, gather your projects and determine which ones you can complete and by what date. Be prepared to present yourself as an asset who can deliver on time, every time, when you have enough time to do so. Sometimes finding a mentor is beneficial in that they have had similar experiences to what you are currently going through. They will be able to relate to your situation and offer their wisdom and encouragement.

Here are a few tips for finding a mentor.


In life, there will always be a responsibility, a stress-inducing situation, or a deadline. Stay on top of routine healthcare by making dental appointments and annual exams. Take time out of each day to accept and offer help. Take care of yourself to take care of your future.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

Red Flag Symptoms You Should Never Ignore For A Healthy Smile

Health has dominated the headlines for the last year, but many people are still putting their oral health on the back-burner. Prevention is always better than cure. In this guide, we’ll explore some red flags you should never ignore for a healthy smile.

Health has dominated the headlines for the last year, but many people are still putting their oral health on the back-burner. There are several reasons why it’s essential to take good care of your teeth and gums, including enjoying confidence when you smile and reducing the risk of oral and general health conditions. Looking after your smile can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as gum disease and decay. Prevention is always better than cure. In this guide, we’ll explore some red flags you should never ignore for a healthy smile.


Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums is one of the most significant symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease is a common oral health problem. Severe gum disease affects almost 50% of US adults, according to the CDC. There are two main forms of gum disease. Gingivitis is a mild type of gum disease, which causes swelling and tenderness. If you spot traces of blood when you brush your teeth, it’s crucial to seek advice from your dentist. Gingivitis can be treated and managed effectively, preventing symptoms from getting worse. If gingivitis is left untreated, there is a risk of developing more advanced gum disease. Periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, causes more severe symptoms, such as redness, inflammation and pain. Periodontal disease results in irreversible damage to the bone tissue, which supports the teeth. Eventually, the teeth will come loose in the socket. Gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults. 

It is normal to experience bleeding gums if you are using a new toothbrush for the first time or you haven’t flossed for a long time but if symptoms persist, always see your dentist. It is best to get the gums checked out as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage. 

Dental pain

Most of us will have to deal with a toothache at some point in our lives. There are many reasons why dental pain can occur and some are more serious than others. Injuries and infections are common causes of tooth pain and discomfort. In many cases, pain is mild and it subsides without the need for intensive or long-term treatment. If you experience pain regularly or your symptoms get worse, it’s critical to consult a dental expert. Prolonged periods of pain or sudden, intense discomfort may be symptomatic of a dental infection, an abscess or extensive decay. Additional signs of infections to look out for include a fever and soreness and tenderness to the touch around the affected tooth.

The most effective way to prevent dental pain is to adopt and maintain a good daily oral hygiene routine, which includes brushing and flossing. Use dental products that actively remove plaque and clean and polish the teeth, taking care to cover every individual surface of each tooth and to clean the tongue. Brushing the tongue is an excellent way to achieve thorough cleaning and lower the risk of bad breath. When brushing, move the brush gently around the mouth avoiding applying too much pressure to the teeth. If you brush too hard, you could damage the enamel, which will increase the risk of sensitivity and caries.

Bad breath

Bad breath is a common dental issue. Most people experience bouts of bad breath in the morning or after certain foods but some people have persistent symptoms. If you are prone to bad breath, it’s wise to try and identify triggers and to see your dentist. You may be able to control symptoms by changing your diet or cutting specific foods or drinks out but there could also be underlying causes. The most common cause of bad breath, also known as halitosis, is poor oral hygiene. When bacteria feed, they release odorous gases, which cause the unpleasant smell we associate with bad breath. Brushing the teeth and tongue and flossing are designed to eliminate harmful bacteria and keep the mouth clean and fresh. If you are susceptible to bad breath, it’s particularly beneficial to clean the tongue after brushing. This is because bacteria collect at the base of the tongue. Chewing sugar-free gum can also be beneficial to prevent odors after eating and stimulate saliva production to cleanse the mouth. 

It is possible for bad breath to be linked to other causes, including taking certain types of medication. If you still have symptoms after changing your diet or you have excellent oral hygiene but you experience bad breath frequently, make an appointment with your dentist. 

Slow-healing mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are small sores, which usually form inside the cheeks or lips. In most cases, ulcers develop after accidentally biting the soft tissue or catching it while eating, for example. Ulcers usually disappear after 7-10 days without the need for treatment. Although they can be painful, mouth ulcers are often harmless. You can use over the counter products to ease discomfort. Ulcers can be a red flag if you keep getting them or they take a long time to heal. Recurrent ulcers can result from hormonal changes in the body and they may also be linked to stress.

Slow-healing mouth ulcers, which take longer than 2 weeks to disappear, can be symptomatic of mouth cancer. Oral cancer has become more prevalent in the last decade but many people are still unaware of the symptoms. In the US alone, it is estimated that over 54,000 people will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer in 2021. In addition to slow-healing mouth sores, signs to look out for include red or white patches in the mouth, abnormal lumps or swelling in the mouth or throat, persistent hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. Oral cancer checks are carried out as part of routine dental assessments so it’s vital to keep up to date with appointments. If you notice any changes in your mouth, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 


We all want to feel confident when we look in the mirror. Taking good care of your teeth and gums is essential for a healthy smile. One of the most important steps to take is to keep an eye on your mouth and seek advice if you notice any changes or you experience symptoms like pain, swelling or bleeding gums. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist if you’re worried about your oral health or you need help with brushing, planning menus or tackling common problems like tooth pain or bad breath.

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Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

Modifying The Home For Someone With Physical Disability

Whether it’s someone you’re inviting to your own home or you’re taking on the responsibility as someone’s caregiver to help them in their own, people with special needs may be able to benefit from a range of adaptations to the home. Here, we’re going to look at a few and how they can suit people with varying levels of ability.

Whether it’s someone you’re inviting to your own home or you’re taking on the responsibility as someone’s caregiver to help them in their own, people with special needs may be able to benefit from a range of adaptations to the home. Here, we’re going to look at a few and how they can suit people with varying levels of ability.


Accessing the needs of the individual

The first thing you should arrange is a sit-down with your loved one’s doctor and them to talk about the range of their physical abilities, any mobility or chronic pain issues to accommodate, as well as what they would most like to be able to do more independently. That way, you can get an idea of what changes to prioritize first.

Getting the funding

Making adjustments to your home can be costly. Depending on where you live, you may be able to apply for financial assistance to help bear the brunt of those costs. Take a look to see if there are any disability grants for home improvements that are accessible to you. Successful application for these relies on not just location, either, but also the scale of the needs of the individual and costs of the adaptations.

Improving access to the home

Most important for those with any disabilities that limit their ability to move is making the home both easier to get into and to move around in. For instance, not only might this include a wider front door and wheelchair ramps for access into the home. You should also think about changing the interior doors from ones that swing open to those that slide open to make them easier to use, as well. For any stairs, you should also naturally consider things like lifts.

Modifying the bathroom

One of the most important rooms to adapt is the bathroom, for a range of reasons. It has a higher chance of slips, trips, and falls, and it is also where your loved one might appreciate the most privacy. To that end, you should look for items like grab rails that can allow them to use this part of the home more independently.

Making things easier to use

For any parts of the home that the individual may need to operate, you should consider how much energy or effort it takes to operate normally and see if there are better alternatives. For instance, there are specialized bathroom faucets for those who might normally find them hard to use.

Adopting visual aids

Some disabilities may make it difficult for the individual to see or navigate parts of the home. This includes not only visual impairments but also special needs such as dementia. For instance, creating a dementia-friendly home might include labeling items such as storage furniture around the home, and avoiding any patterns that can be potentially disorienting. 

Which of the choices above you should use in the home should largely depend on the specific abilities of the individual. Hopefully, this has at least given you some direction to start investigating in, however.

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Wellness Access by NKC Wellness Access by NKC

7 Helpful Tips To Get Out Of This COVID Era With A Stronger Mentality

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true.

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Over the past year or so, the pandemic has been the most prevalent thought in most people’s minds. Sure, there are places on this planet where the inhabitants dealt with the virus quickly and efficiently. They are now living life pretty much exactly the same as how it was before the spread. The same cannot be said for many other areas of the world, though, unfortunately. For a lot of people still, there are lockdown measures and millions are having to stay within the confines of their home. It’s nice to have a warm home that keeps us safe each night, but we need to be able to get out a little more – it’s in our nature.

The fact is that we’re stuck in for a while and things need to do what we can to save the lives of so many different people around the world. If that means isolating for a while, then so be it. The greater good outweighs most immediate wants and needs. It’s just a case of making sure we stay healthy while isolated. If we can exit this pandemic era healthier and stronger than when we entered it, then that’s going to a big achievement on its own.

The thought of becoming a more powerful and stronger human being as we leave the lockdown measures for good and enter a new post-COVID era sounds a little too good to be true. Sure, you may be a little awkward in some areas, but you can absolutely improve yourself and your life in general. It’s just a case of taking care of a few things and adopting certain mindsets. Here are some ideas for you to follow!

Stay Positive Throughout Everything

This is a lot easier to say than it is to do, but it’s certainly something that should be tried. People in life who are positive and optimistic will typically end up happier. When you’re positive all the time, you can take bad instances and come out content. Those with a negative viewpoint will never really enjoy things because they’ll always look for bad points. Even at their happiest, they’ll still have an overwhelming sense of dread or be uninterested.

So, if you’re going to be locked in your home for a while, then you may as well adopt a happier mindset. Look to pick out the good in most things you do or see. This is a habit and one that can be formed quite quickly, so do what you can to be a little more optimistic regarding most things. If you moan and everything that happens during this time, then you’re going to be more miserable than you think – avoid this poisonous way of thinking. If you live with others that are negative and will bring you down, then it’s wise to have a little chat with them and let them know about the effect they’re having on those around them.

Use Lockdown Times To Learn All Kinds Of Things

A lot of people have the idea that this lockdown time is keeping us from really doing what we want. While there are certain places we cannot go to and particular instances that cannot happen, this doesn’t mean that we’re completely useless and stuck in a rut. We can learn so many different things and become adept at so many different skills. If you have the internet, then you have an encyclopedia to learn from. Just pick a topic and get going. During free time over the past few years, you can probably spend the majority of it with friends and relaxing/having fun. You’re stuck in your home on your own now, so you may as well use the time you have to become a more improved version of yourself ready for when everything opens up once again!

Focus On Yourself And Take Good Care

Take care of your body and your mind. Actively look to become a happier version of yourself. We’ve just mentioned that you should look to learn and improve as a person, and this applies to the way in which you treat yourself, too. Eat the right stuff and drink lots of water. Take care of your skin with the likes of Natural Skin Care Made With Organic Ingredients, too. Don’t forget to take care of your home, too. Just because fewer people will be in and around it, that doesn’t mean you should let it turn into a pigsty!

Keep In Touch With Your Loved Ones Regularly

Social life is very important in general. We’re not going to be around our loved ones as much, of course, so we need to make sure that we’re with them virtually or from a safe distance! Don’t let yourself turn into a hermit because we’re going to get out of this someday and you’re going to need to keep your social skills! Speak to people online or through dating apps if you must – if that’s what it takes to keep some of that confidence and competence.

Stay Active And On The Move

If you have a lot going on in terms of workouts, then you’re going to be a lot happier in your mind as well as physically. Sitting around or too long can make you feel so useless – even though you’re not and have a lot going for you. Being stuck in a cramped area with little going on can make you think that there’s little need to be active or to work out. The endorphin release from a good bit of exercise will make your day go from lethargic to energized very quickly.

Make Plans For When Restrictions Are Lifted

As we’ve mentioned a few times already, restrictions will be lifted and this lifestyle won’t be around forever! If you have things to look forward to, then it motivated you to get more done in preparation. So, create plans with friends and family so that you won’t be completely bored when things go back to normal. Be reasonable, though, of course. If your plans might still endanger others in terms of the virus, then pick something a little more sensible.

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