Lifestyle Access by NKC Lifestyle Access by NKC

How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Impacting Access to Healthcare

The healthcare system is under mass pressure right now. The finite medical resources available are being stretched to their limits as healthcare staff battle against the full-force of a global pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused mass disruption. Each aspect of everyday life has been impacted by the Coronavirus situation, from interpersonal relationships to work-life and job security. 

The healthcare system is under mass pressure right now. The finite medical resources available are being stretched to their limits as healthcare staff battle against the full-force of a global pandemic. However, this unprecedented situation has consequences that extend beyond the symptoms of the virus, and global citizens face even more significant challenges than the Coronavirus itself. The impact of the pandemic and the resulting stay at home orders have taken a substantial toll on the mental health of people across the world. This is mainly due to the loneliness and isolation caused by quarantine. The mental health implications of life during the pandemic should not be underestimated. But, diminished mental wellbeing is not the only additional health issue that has resulted from the pandemic. One growing problem that has arisen during the Coronavirus crisis is that access to healthcare has also been negatively impacted. 

Reduction in patients accessing healthcare

Even during the beginning of the pandemic, there was a significant drop in the number of adults accessing healthcare. The CDC states that in the week 24 - 30 June 2020, four in ten adults in the US avoided seeking medical care as they were concerned about COVID-19. While worries about contracting the virus may be understandable, they could contribute to a far more severe issue. The majority of the adults that avoided seeking medical care were those with disabilities and those with two or more underlying conditions. While the chance of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms (should they contract it) may be higher in some people within these groups, there is also an increased risk of their existing conditions deteriorating further due to a lack of necessary medical care. Failing to monitor existing health conditions is a significant concern and could have a severe impact not only on the patient’s current health but also on their long-term prognosis.

According to the American Journal for Managed Care (AJMC), hospital admission rates for acute conditions dropped during 2020 compared to the previous year’s admission rates. This demonstrates that patients may be avoiding medical attention even for acute conditions.

Ensuring that non-COVID-19 patients seek medical attention

The Coronavirus remains a real threat to public health. But, it is also essential to mitigate the long-term damage. No one knows the future costs if patients continue to avoid accessing healthcare when it is needed. 

Continuation of care throughout the pandemic is vital to prevent long-term effects on public health. Making it easier for patients to access the care they need is crucial as reducing availability will create another barrier for patients to overcome. Treatment centers such as Enterhealth Outpatient services continue to be contactable day and night and providing telehealth appointments. Offering convenient access to care, such as virtual consultations, is an excellent way to help patients continue accessing the treatment they need both now and in the future. 

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Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

Tips To Look After Your Loved Ones During A Pandemic

It’s unprecedented and unique times that we live in, it’s important to take care of yourself and your loved ones. With that said, here are some tips to look after your loved ones during a pandemic.

This pandemic has gone on for longer than any of us could have ever imagined, and the pandemic itself is something that has never happened to the generations currently existing on this earth! With that being said, as it’s unprecedented and unique times that we live in, it’s important to take care of yourself and your loved ones. With that said, here are some tips to look after your loved ones during a pandemic.


Keep Up Communications

Firstly, keep up with communications at all times. Despite us being in this pandemic, there are still many ways to talk with your loved ones even if you can be with them physically. One way is to set up some weekly facetime or zoom sessions to help catch up with the people you love. Of course, there might not be a lot going on in anyone’s lives right now but it can be nice to simply talk through that mutual situation that we’re all in. If talking on the phone is something you’d rather do, then give a loved one a call every so often, even if it’s just a five minute phone call to ask them about their day. It’s something that they will certainly come to appreciate and it’s likely something that you would appreciate too.

As we go through the emotional rollercoaster of a pandemic, you’re likely going to have days where you don’t feel great and so getting that random call can feel like it came at the right moment.

Manage What You’re Able To 

We’re only able to manage what we’re able to manage. Some people are good at managing more and some can’t deal with as much as you’re able to. If you’re having to help out loved ones when it comes to doing the shopping or offering caregiving services of any kind, it’s important to know your limits. If you have your own life and family to look after too, then it’s important to balance these out. There’s only so much you can do and if there are other people around that can help out too, then that should also be considered. 

Consider what you can deal with and manage before taking on everything for your loved ones. You can only do so much.

Consider Getting Assistance

There are going to be loved ones who need extra care and that might not be possible for you to cope with alone. With that said, it’s worth considering getting extra assistance in the form of professional care or support services. Seniors helping seniors is a great place to start and there’s plenty of other places out there that can help depending on what situation your loved one is in.

Like it’s been mentioned above, you can only take on so much yourself and if you have family and your work life to juggle too, it might not be possible. Not everyone can do that full-time caring for others and so it’s good to work with those services that are out there and can help you.

Take Care Of Yourself

It’s important to always take care of yourself because there are going to be times where you are feeling the struggle yourself and need a break. Looking after yourself is a priority and should always be your number one focus. How can you expect to be there for others when it’s not something that you can provide for yourself?

Look at how you can take more care of yourself and of your mental wellbeing too. This pandemic is hard enough to deal with physically as well as emotionally.

Find Ways To Boost Everyone’s Mood

Finding those mood boosters is important when you’re not having a good week or day. Usually, if that was the case, then there are so many lovely experiences that you can have socially whether it’s meeting a friend for dinner or popping out for a drink or two. That’s not something that everyone can do and so it’s a good idea to find a way of boosting everyone moods by organizing some zoom evenings where you might do a party over zoom or maybe a movie night with some friends. Just because you cant meet up physically, you can still do a lot virtually that wouldn’t have been possible before the internet’s creation.

Look after yourself and your loved ones throughout this pandemic and beyond it, we’re all going to need to heal after this. It’s tough but we’ll all get through it and out of the other side if we continue to support one another.

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Culture Access by NKC Culture Access by NKC

Honoring The Memory Of A Loved One

A lot of us are dealing with loss in isolation. The ongoing pandemic has changed how we interact in every facet of life, including how we experience the death of those close to us.

A lot of us are dealing with loss in isolation. The ongoing pandemic has changed how we interact in every facet of life, including how we experience the death of those close to us. As such, it’s important that we’re able to properly honor the memory of those that we lose. Here are some ways you can make sure you do so in a way that allows you to keep the memories of their best times fresh in your mind while helping you process the loss that has happened.


Honoring their wishes

If you want to make sure that a loved one is honored in the way that they would have wanted, then you should ensure that you know what they wanted. If you have any part in planning their funeral or any memories services after the fact, talking to their family members and friends about if they talked about having any plans in mind if they haven’t left a will.

Ensuring a fitting farewell

Whether or not you have their specific wishes in hand, one of the best ways to honor a loved one is to make sure that their goodbyes are said respectfully and with care. From arranging the service with a funeral director to choosing funeral caskets for them to be laid to rest in, taking care of the planning process can ensure that you are giving them the kind of goodbye that anyone should want and expect when they die. It can also help other grieving loved ones to know that these matters are being taken care of.

Celebrate their memories

The feeling of loss and grief is going to be heavy at the service of any loved one. There’s no way to get around it, nor should there be. However, a lot of people nowadays agree that remembering and celebrating the lives of our loved ones is just as important as saying a respectful farewell. Tribute videos and slideshows can do more than help us look back, they can help us shine a light on the fond memories and give some positivity to the event. Even if we have lost our loved one, we haven’t lost the happy shared experiences we had with them.

Give them a dedication

Not every aspect of the memorial to a loved one has to be within the area of the funeral service, either. You can just as easily give them a dedication outside where they are laid to rest, something that you can look on and contemplate, keeping their memory fresh and alive in your mind. One of the most popular choices is to plant a memorial tree that has a plaque attached in their honor. Others may choose to instead have a bench built for them and placed in a location they were fond of.

There is no correct answer when it comes to the best way to honor the loss of a loved one, of course. However, hopefully, the tips above help you find which way works best for you.

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