Wellness, Health Access by NKC Wellness, Health Access by NKC

What Does 'Good Health' Actually Mean?

The concept of good health may have the same benchmarks, but the route we all take to become healthy will be unique to every one of us. Take a look at what good health means and explore what you can do to achieve it.

What is one man’s pleasure is another man’s poison, or so the saying goes. This is true when it comes to being healthy. Being in good health can mean a variety of different things to different people. For some people, being healthy means having a waist of less than thirty four inches. For others, it’s having the ability to run five kilometers in less than thirty minutes. In a medical sense it might be having a blood pressure reading of 120 over 80 and having a cholesterol score of below five. While these facts and figures can be a minefield for the layperson, we need to remember that we are all individuals. The concept of good health may have the same benchmarks, but the route we all take to become healthy will be unique to every one of us. Take a look at what good health means and explore what you can do to achieve it.



We all need a different amount of calories to get us through the day. If you have a high metabolism, work an active job, have a muscley physique and are constantly on your feet, the chances are that you will need more calories than the individual with a desk job and very little stress in their life. This is why it can be challenging to subscribe to a one size fits all sort of fad diet. These diets may work for some people, but they won’t work for the majority. Instead, you need to investigate the benefits of integrative nutrition when considering your diet.

These specialist nutritionists will look at you as a unique human being and take into account all facets of your life to construct a diet plan that isn’t daddy, but that morphs with your lifestyle to create the ultimate nutritionally balanced way of eating for you. This will help you to maintain a healthy relationship with food, stay full for longer, and to feel happy and more confident.



While some people are content in the gym three times a week, others couldn’t think of anything worse in an effort to get healthy. To maintain good health, you need to be active - this doesn’t have to be a set exercise regime or routine gym attendance. If you adore the gym, lifting weights, heading to a HIIT class and embarking on half an hour on the cross trainer, then stick to this way of getting a sweat on. However, some people need to think outside the box when it comes to getting their cardio.

If you are an outdoorsy type of person, you need to think about cycling as a new pastime, go for long walks and hikes if you live in a rural area, and enjoy venturing to new places to explore. If you have a job that means that you are sedentary for eight hours a day, you must consider how you can get active in your free time. While you might not fancy training for a marathon, think about yoga as your active pastime of choice. Here, you will strengthen your core through a range of postures that will increase your flexibility and leave you with a sense of wellness. Coupled with breathing exercises, you can destress and become less anxious as you embark on an exercise that benefits both your physical and mental well being.

Good health can be achieved by all, but everyone needs to recognize their uniqueness when making the journey to get there.

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